*Okay so pretend like I never said the afternoon line in the last chapter. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I didn't wanna do that to you guys just yet. My bad. But I hope you like this chapter tho.
Thursday (Early Thanksgiving Morning)
"You sleep." Nicki smiled.
"No I'm awake."
Safaree snuggled closer to Nicki and reached around her now full waist rubbing her belly. It was five in the morning and neither could sleep. Both thinking of their future with the other.
"Are we okay baby?" Safaree asked near Nickis ear, she turned over. She wasn't sure how to answer the question.
"Why do you ask that?"
"You know why, all we do is argue lately. One minute we are all hugged up and happy, then we are at each others throat over something small. I don't want us to be that way when the babies are here. They deserve better and if we can't give them that as a couple then we need to go back to just being best friends Nicki."
"Safaree." She sat up in the bed and intertwined their fingers. "We are going to be fine. We...we are just going through a ruff patch, as all couples do. We are both stressed about making sure everything is right for when our children are born." Nicki placed her hand on the side of his face. "I love you Safaree and I never want to live in a world where I can't call you mine. No other man has ever and I don't believe will ever love me the way you do. Please just don't give up on us." Nicki dropped a tear that Safaree wiped away.
"I'm not giving up I just want to be clear on where we stand. I love you as well and I want to always be here by your side. At times it just feels like we are drifting apart and I don't won't to look like a fool fighting for something you don't want. But if you are sure about us then I won't question it." He kissed away her tears and held her until she drifted off to sleep.
Safaree rose out of the bed an hour, later to take a shower and to get ready for his sisters arrival. He walked around the bed.
"Where are you going?" Nicki asked staring at him through the slit of her eyes.
"How do you always know when I get up? I would think you wouldn't feel a thing with all that snoring you were doing." He laughed.
"I don't snore. When you get out of the bed i'm not as warm as i was when you were there." Nicki rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"Come shower with me." he stuck his hand out. Nicki scooted to the edge then stood grabbing his hand.
"I have to pee first." Safaree went and turned on the shower making sure the water was a comfortable temperature for both of them. Nicki took scorching hot showers and Safaree couldn't get with it, so he made it as hot as he could stand. He heard the stole flush and the sink turn on. "Babe I want to get a different shower."
"What's wrong with this one?"
"Nothing but I seen this really cool shower in better homes and garden." She took off her clothes and stared at her body in the mirror.
"What's so cool about it?" he stared as well.
"It's a sauna and a shower." she leaned over the sink to get a closer look at her skin, while leaning over milk squirted from her full breast. Safaree bucked his eyes.
"That's weird." she looked at him through the mirror.
"Yeah it happens a lot lately."
"How long is that going to happen?"
"I don't know Safaree, you are the one who reads all the books so you tell me."
"I'll look it up later, now come on and hop in the shower funky." She lifted her arm and sniffed walking passed him.
"I don't stink." Safaree stepped in after her. He pulled her scrunchy off her ponytail. "No Safaree." she turned reaching for it.
"Stop I like when you're hair is down." He pulled her small frame as close as possible to him, her swollen belly bumping his. "It's getting longer and shinier. But that is what the books said it might do."
"Oh really is that what it said?" Nicki gave him a sarcastic look.
"Yes smart ass." he tickled her sides.
"Okay stop before I fall." Nicki wrapped her arms around his torso, kissing his left pectoral. "I still can't believe you got this tattoo." She traced the name that was on his chest with her index finger.
"I was in love with her." He said as they just stood under the water.
"But what a bout now Safaree?" she looked at him in the eyes. He loved her eyes. It was like they bore a hole through him to his soul.
"I'm even more madly in love with her." smiling she looked back at the tattoo that read 'Nicki' with an heart over the i.
"Why can't you be like this all the time?"
"Like what?"
"All sweet and mushy. You always act like a buffoon in front of others, they never see this side of you."
"You trying to ruin a coons image. They like seeing me talk about all the ignorant shit and flashing my jewels."
"Boy you have no image, so hush." she looked down noticing her hair. "My hair is all wet babe."
"You're a beautiful sight, did you know that?" She blushed and put her face to his chest.
"Okay I'ma stop. Let's hurry up and get out of here, I'm starting to prune."
Safaree was sitting in the bed with Nicki in between his legs, as she added the
newly developed pictures to the baby book she purchased. Right now there were
only pictures of her doing things while she was pregnant. In some she was
smiling and happy, others she was pissed because Safaree had the camera in her
face, some she was in really deep thought. Safaree had snapped pictures of her
sleep during different trimesters, showing her change in physical appearance. She didn't appreciate those but kept them for the babies to see.
"Safaree why did you take this picture?" It was her smashing a couple plates of
seafood. He leaned over to look at it and laughed.
"Yo you were not playing with those plates that day. I thought I was going to
lose a finger when I reached for one of your crab legs." he put his hands on
both side of her belly. "I like it when you eat like that, I don't want no bony
woman. I like my women like I like my steak, thick and juicy." he kissed her
"Mhmm." she picked up her phone and read her time line. The Barbs were getting
restless and wanted new music. They were whining in her mentions and DM's.
You will get your music calm yourselves. So spoiled, geesh. *walks into booth*
Safarees phone dinged. He read her tweet.
"Why did you tell them that? You don't have no studio time booked."
"I have my own or did you forget?" she said trying to pull her sock up on her
foot but was loosing the battle. Safaree lifted up and pulled it for her.
"Thank you."
"Welcome, you don't have an engineer."
"That's why I have you." he rolled his eyes.
She continued to lurk on her time line. Someone was talking about the BC
ustream and she began to laugh.
"What happen?" she pointed to the tweet while he read.
"I haven't bumped that song in awhile."
"Yeah let's keep it that way." he gave her the dead face but she wasn't paying
him any attention. "They talking about how I was a little drunk."
I wasn't drunk, just a little tipsy. I see you. :P
OH...HO HO HO!!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! *kisses & hugs all u wonderful people* May God Bless u with Gratitude & Humility this day.
"That was a fun night. And it got even better if I remember correctly after
everyone left." she looked at him then looked away. "Don't act like you didn't
have fun that night playing Doctor and Patient." She kept scrolling trying not
to smile.
Someone's not letting me be great.
Sorry guy!
Ask her how she feels about Doctors. 0__o
They could do their job a little better.
@NICKIMINAJ @SCAFFBEEZY Y'all Nasty...Get off My TL!
Yeah I agree with @HairsOnly1Me
Is that how you personally feel?
@Hairsonly1me @Candi_2 Nobody is being nasty so get yall minds out the gutter! lmaoooooooooo
I plead the fifth. I'm out Barbs. Muah <3
"You trying to front in front of ya little friends, but that's okay." He got
out the bed and stretched. "See the next time I role play with you're kinky ass."
"Aw baby don't be like that." she yelled as walked out the room. "Bring me some
apple juice."
"Get ya own damn Apple juice." He slammed his door for dramatic effect. She
giggled and scooted out the bed. Nicki walked by his door and hit it.
"JERK! I hate you." she made her way to the kitchen when she heard Safarees
voice come through they intercom.
"Oh you Love me." she shook her head and grabbed a glass from the counter.
Safaree had put them there because he was tired of her breaking them because
she couldn't reach the second shelf in the cabinet.
"Whatever Nigga." she said to herself.
"What you say?" she looked up buck eyed at him, then smiled because she got
caught talking shit.
"Nothing." she poured her juice and turned to put it back in the fridge.
"That's what I thought." Nicki turned around to see him putting her glass to
his lips.
"No Safaree." He had already began drinking it. When he pulled it back down
half of it was gone. "You get on my nerves you long throat mutha--"
"Watch your mouth." he said.
The door bell rung saving him from a string of curse words Nicki was about to
lay on him. When Safaree opened the door he saw a slender woman standing with
her back towards him. She stood 5ft3 with light brown hair. The woman
turned around and took off her sunglasses.
"Big brother." A smile spread across her face as she leaped into his arms.
"Nina." He wrapped his arms around his sister. "You're not supposed to be here
for another couple of hours." he put her down.
"My last class got canceled so I left right after my eight o' clock class so I
could spend more time with you."
"I'm happy you're here. Nicki come see who's here." Nicki sat her glass down
and rounded the corner.
"NINA BUG!" She yelled with a big smile on her face.
"NIKA, look at you all pregnant and glowy. Give me my hug sis." They embraced
each other. Nicki and Nina have had this incredible bond since they were both
younger. Nina was the little sister Nicki never had. When Safaree and Nicki
would get into it with each other most times it would take a talk from Nina to
calm her down and hear him out. Nina loved Nicki and would do anything for her,
so when she called and asked her to paint the decorative part of the nursery
she didn't hesitate.
"How have you been?" Nicki asked.
"I've been wonderful."
"School?" Nicki put on a serious face. She didn't play when it came to school.
"Well my anatomy class is kicking my butt for the second time around."
"Why didn't you tell me you were having trouble the first time Nina, I could
have gotten you a tutor?" Nicki said linking arms with her leading Nina up the
"Well I had a tutor but it didn't help much."
"Oh I'm not standing here!" Safaree said picking up Ninas bags carrying them to
her room.
"Well I could have gotten you a tutor that was worth a damn."
"I didn't want to ask Safaree for any money." Nicki stopped her in her tracks.
"I said why didn't you ask ME Nina. You know I don't ever mind helping you
especially if it has to do with school and neither does Safaree. When you get
back you find a good tutor that knows what they are talking about then call me
and tell me how much. Do you hear me?"
"Yes Nicki." Nina said feeling silly for even thinking either would mind
"Okay." They proceeded into Nickis room. Safaree knew nothing was going to get
done until they got done catching up, so he went into the entertainment room
and watched the sports highlights from last night.
"So any boys in face?" Nicki sat on her bed while Nina sat on the chase.
"No boys but I do have a man."
"Oop well excuse me. What's this mans name?" she put emphasis on Man.
"Quentin, he is a chocolate god Nika. He is so muscular and sweet. He treats me
so good." Nina was in a dreamy daze.
"Well I can tell you like him a lot. Why am I just now hearing about this
Quentin?" Nina looked at her.
"Because you date Safaree, you're obligated to tell him things now." Nicki
gave her a blank look.
"I am not married to him, so I'm not obligated to tell him a damn thing. And
even if I was married to him, if you didn't want me to tell him I wouldn't just
like I haven't for all these years."
"I'm sorry Nika, don't be mad at me." She gave her a pouty face.
"Oh tuck ya big lip in nobody is mad at you." Nina smiled.
"So what has been up with you sis?" Nina walked into Nickis closet.
"Nothing much just knocked up."
"Well are you excited? I'm ready to spoil my nieces and Nephew." she yelled.
"How do you know it's a boy?"
"I know these things, that last one is a little boy."
"If you say so." Nina came out the closet with a couple of pairs of Nickis
jeans. "There you go stealing my clothes."
"It's not stealing if you know ahead of me leaving the premises." Nina stuck
her tongue out at Nicki and unfastened her pants.
"That sounds like something a thief would say. Look in the back of the closet
and grab those three garment bags." Nina stopped pulling up the new jeans and
grinned at Nicki.
"You saved me some dresses didn't you?"
"I don't know, go get the bags and see for yourself." She fastened the pants
and quickly walked back into the closet and came back out.
"They are so heavy." he opened the Versace bag first. "OMG Nika these are from
the new line." Nicki gave her a funky look.
"Of course you think I would give you last seasons shit."
"Shut up I'm just in shock." Just then Safaree walked in the room.
"Really Nicki, why couldn't she do this after she finished the room?" Nina
looked at him while rubbing the dress against her face.
"Why can't she do it now?" He just walked back out knowing he wasn't going to
win this argument. "Open the rest."
By the time Nina got done raiding Nickis closet she had two extra suitcases
worth of Nickis clothes plus two of her suitcases.
"Thanks big sis." She kissed her on the cheek.
"It's never a problem. And don't think I didn't see you sneak those McQueen
shoes in your bag after I told you no."
"Huh? I have no clue what you are talking about."
"Mhhmm. Let's get you to this nursery before your brother has a brain anurisim."
"Has he been giving you an hard time?"
"Not more than usual. We have been arguing a lot more than we ever have
though." Nicki walked her to the room.
"I'm sure it will get better, just give it sometime. It's probably just stress
on both sides."
"That's what I told him." Nicki sighed. "Well this is your canvas, go nuts."
Nicki sat in the glider.
"Well I need to go change, I don't want to get paint on these clothes. What are
you about to do?" she asked Nicki.
"I'm going to watch you paint."
"Nicki you can't stay in here with all these paint fumes. Are you trying to
kill my babies?"
"Oh, I guess you're right. But I don't have nothing else to do. I don't want to
hang out with your stupid brother." Safaree entered the room.
"Well damn, Nina gets here and you just have no love towards the kid."
"I was just kidding, give me lips." she puckered hers.
"No keep your crusty lips to yourself." He turned and walked away.
"Why you hurtin my bro bros felling like that. You know he's sensitive." they
"I need to stop before my ass is sleeping alone tonight. Well have fun with
this, how long do you think it is going to take?"
"Three days tops."
"That's not bad well I'll leave you to it. Safaree where are you?"
"Somewhere where you're not." she heard coming from the game room.
"Oh you're so sensitive." She looked over at Nina and winked. "Come here baby, I love you!" She waddled towards the room.
"Dr. Reynolds said meet her at the doctors office on 119th and Metcalf."
"There is no Doctors office over there and what happened to her coming here?" Nicki said.
"It's a private practice. Unless you are a patient you wouldn't know. Her friend owns this place and agreed to let her use a room there so you would have all the proper equipment."
"Oh okay, what time?"
"She said she was already there so I told her we would come right away."
"Okay just let me put on my shoes." Safaree went to go warm the car up. "Nina do you want to go with us to the doctors appointment?" Nicki said walking in the nursery.
"No its fine, you guys go ahead besides i'm not presentable." Nicki looked her over. Nina had on a pair of two size too big sweat pants and a big UCLA sweat shirt. She had paint spots on her face and clothes.
"Yeah you're right."
"I'm just sayin."
"I need you to drop those kids quick because Pregnantnika is mean."
"Nicki are you ready?" SB yelled.
"Yes." she screamed hurrying off to her room to find her Uggs.
"Liar." Nina said turning back to the wall.
@ the Doctors office
They entered the doors of the small doctors office. It was cozy and warm in the waiting area. It had brown leather chairs for the patients to sit in. There were two 32' inch flat screens on both sides of the room. One turned to Ellen the other on ESPN. Nicki figured the ESPN one was for then men. A variety of magazines were spread over two tables, none out of place. The waiting room was empty. They were greeted by a small older white lady named Abigail.
"Welcome to Dr. Crawfords office. You must be Ms. Maraj." She said standing and walking around to the door. Nicki and Safaree took off their coats and hung them on the coat hanger by the door.
"Yes I am and this is my boyfriend Safaree."
"How do you do sir?"
"I'm fine ma'am."
"That's good. If you would follow me I will show you to Dr. Reynolds."
Abigail lead them through the short hallway to a closed door and knocked. They heard shuffling around then a baritone voice say come in. Abigail opened the door.
"Ms. Maraj is here."
"Thank you Abigail." She nodded and smiled at Nicki before heading back to the front.
Nicki looked around the office and noticed files sprawled on the floor behind Dr. Reynolds. She looked up at Dr. Crawford. He was about 6ft4 and about two-hundred and twenty pounds of solid muscle. He had a shaved head, light brown eyes, with milk chocolate skin. He looked to be around, if not a year or two older, than Dr. Reynolds. Nicki looked at Dr. Reynolds and noticed her lip stick was a bit smeared.
"Hello Dr. Reynolds."
"Hello Nicki this is Dr. Crawford." He extended his hand and she accepted it.
"Hello Nicki, we were just talking about you. Sheryl has told me good things." Nicki side eyed him.
"You two were talking about me? Just a minute ago I was the topic of discussion?" Dr. Reynolds could see Nickis brain working and had to move her along before she embarrassed her with her questions.
"Yes you were child now come on so we can get you all checked out." She grabbed a smiling Nicki by the arm and led her out the room. Nicki turned around and got another glimpse of Dr. Crawford, he was checking out Dr. Reynolds figure as she walked away. "Luther you said I could use room 3 right?" He continued staring until SB nudged him.
"Yes, room three." Safaree shook his head and laughed.
"I don't blame you, Dr. Reynolds is pretty stacked for older woman."
"Ain't that the truth." he admitted licking his lips. Dr. Reynolds opened the door for Nicki to enter. Both Her and Nicki looked back at the men, then Nicki giggled making Dr. Reynolds nudge her into the room and close the door.
"Oooo you have a boyfriend." Nick taunted.
"Hush." she said with her southern twang.
"That's why he didn't mind letting you use his office, hes trying to win brownie points so he can get that good southern lovin." Dr. Reynolds ignored her. "Is he a good kisser?" Silence. "Come on you can tell me. I know you kissed him because your lipstick is smudged."
"ONIKA stop. I was not kissing him." She looked in the mirror on the wall. "I must have gotten smudged when I was eating earlier and Luther is too much of a gentlemen to tell me." She looked down smirking.
"Oooo Luther, that's a sexy name." Nicki made a cute face at her and Sheryl rolled her eyes. "Well you do like him I can tell, so don't try to deny it ma'am. Spill the tea." Nicki stuck her arm out for the cuff.
"You are so nosy child."
"Sure am now spill, I want to know everything." Nicki giggled while kicking her legs.
"Well his name is Luther Crawford and we met my freshman year in medical school, it was his sophomore. I could tell he was a charmer from the minute I laid eyes on him. All the girls would go crazy over him." She smiled at the memories. "He took an interest in me but I told myself I wouldn't get involved with him. Said Luther Crawford would never be able to say he had me." She flipped her hair for dramatic effect. Nicki snapped her fingers. Sheryl kept working while telling the story.
"Well I can see that didn't happen." Nicki said.
"Who is telling the story, you or I?"
"Sorry. Continue."
"Now where was I, oh that's right. Well when he got wind of my proclamation he made it a duty to get me to like him. He began waiting for me outside of my class, and bringing me flowers ever so often. Luther would stand under my dorm window and play Al Green. He asked me to give him a chance to show me that he wasn't what I thought he was."
"Did you let him?"
"Yeah I did. It's one of my biggest regrets." Her face saddened.
"Why? What happened?"
"Back then black and white couples still weren't accepted in the south. One night me and Luther went out on a ride. Well the company got so good we weren't paying attention on where it was we were driving. Before we noticed we had head lights beaming on us from the rear. A pick up full of young, drunk and stupid white boys ran us off the road. That night they beat him and made me watch. Told me that I didn't need to be keeping the company of some..." She looked up at Nicki. "Well you can figure out what they said. "Once they left I helped him into the car and drove him to the nearest hospital that would take him. They called my parents and let's just say they didn't like it to much to find out that their daughter was dating a colored man. I have never forgiven myself for that night. I should have been more careful." Nicki had tears in her eyes. "My parents forbid me to ever speak to him again and his parents transferred him to a different college out of state. Every time I look at the scar under his eye it reminds me of that night. When we are together he tries to make me forget about it but the guilt is still there."
"I'm so sorry. How did you two meet again?" Sheryl chuckled.
"The power of social networks. He found me on Facebook a couple years back and asked me out to dinner for old time sake. He flew me out here and we have sparked up our friendship ever since then."
"It wasn't your fault, you can't keep blaming you're self for what happened. The way he was looking at you when we came in let's me know he wants to be with you. Why won't you let him?" Dr. Reynolds looked up at Nicki, and smiled.
"What do you know?" She stood up and tapped her on the nose, then wiped her tear stricken face.
"I know that look, just give him a chance. You always call me stubborn but look at you. If it doesn't work then It doesn't work but at least you tried. And besides..."
"Okay Okay, stop pleading his case. If it will get you to hush then I'll give him a chance. Are you happy?" A smile spread across Nickis face.
"Yes I am."
"Good." She grinned. "The babies heartbeat seem normal. Are you sure you don't want to know the other babies sex?"
"No. we agreed we have went this long what's another week." Nicki got off the table and Dr. Reynolds looked at her belly.
"What?" Nicki looked at her.
"You are not carrying as low as I predicted. Be honest with me Nicki have you had any back pain at all lately?"
"No ma'am I haven't."
"Stop all the Hmm's and tell me what you're thinking."
"Well if there are no back pains and no discomfort of any kind...wait do you have any discomforts?"
"Well I'm thinking you can keep the babies until they are ready to come out." Nickis jaw dropped at the sound of the news.
"Yes, I don't predict you going all nine months but it won't be a problem for you physically or the babies, if you still want to keep them longer."
"YES YES I want them to stay longer. Oh my gawd thank you Ms. Sheryl." Nicki hugged her.
"No thanks needed. Go tell Safaree the good news."
"Okay." She left the room searching for Safaree. "Safaree?" he popped his head out of Dr. Crawfords office. They had been in there chatting it up with each other over various topics.
"Yeah?" Nicki walked into his arms and hugged him. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, she said I could keep the babies until they are ready to come out." he looked at Nickis face in disbelief. Safaree looked over at Dr. Reynolds for confirmation and when she nodded her head he let out a sigh of relief.
"That's wonderful baby." He hugged her tightly. "So everything is fine?"
"Yes. No get out of here and go tell your families." She said.
"Alright. Thank you once again Dr. Reynolds. Hey you?" She called to Luther. "You treat her right, you have a gem in your hands." she pointed to him. He grabbed Sheryls hand and kissed it softly.
"Don't I know it." He smiled back at Nicki.
"I'll call you to check on you. Happy early Thanksgiving."
"Same to you." Safaree said opening the door to the waiting room. They walked out putting on their coats.
"Happy Holidays to you two."
"Thank you Abigail, same to you." Nicki said with a big grin on her face. They left out and headed home. Nicki tweeted.
Be thankful...
...for the little things.
"Don't tweet while you driving." Nicki scolded. "But that was cute." she smiled.
"You are forever yelling at me."
"You know I wonder sometime which one of us is pregnant because your hormones." She side eyed him.
"Don't even try to compare my hormones to yours. You win by a landslide." they both broke out laughing.
"Forget you SB." Nicki received a text message.
Back @ the house
"Nina guess what?" Nicki shouted. Nina walked barefoot out to the steps.
"What happen sis?"
"The doctor said I could keep the babies."
"Really? That is amazing you guys, i'm happy for you."
"I have to call my mom." Nicki walked into the kitchen.
"Safaree some company came by with a whole bunch of food."
"Oh yeah I ordered us a thanksgiving meal because Nicki couldn't cook and I wasn't about to try and cook a whole Thanksgiving meal by myself."
"It's sad that we couldn't get both the families together this year."
"Yeah with Nickis family in Trinidad, Mom hosting the dinner at her house this year, and Nicki not being able to travel, it just wasn't going to happen. But next year for sure." They heard a squeal come from the kitchen and figured Nicki was on the phone telling everyone she could. "Candi, Lauren, Terrence and the Vaks will be over a little later."
"Um Safaree I invited someone to dinner." Nina said biting her lip nervously.
"How are you just going to invite someone over to our house and not ask? You know Nicki doesn't like for people to know where she lives."
"I texted her when you guys were gone and she said it was okay." He looked at her.
"Fine if she said it was fine then i'm cool. Which one of your little bird friends you invite this time? Teisha? You know Rex always did like her."
"No you have never met this friend."
"Well what's her name and what is she like? She's not a ratchet chick is she, you know Nicki hates those type."
"Well Quentin has manners and is very nice Safaree." She just stood there waiting for his reaction.
"Who the hell is Quentin?" He scrunched up his face.
"He is a friend I told you."
"Yeah Ma hold on." she began walking towards Safaree with the phone still to her ear.
"You knew she invited a boy to dinner and didn't tell me." Nicki did a quick about face and walked back in the direction she came. She was not about to get in the middle of that argument.
"Safaree just be nice please." Nina pleaded.
"He better be just a friend."
"Don't worry he is." she lied.
"Mhhmm I'll figure it out don't worry."
"Safaree he will be here any minute so be nice. I'm going to shower, if he get's here before I'm out yo better--"
"Be nice. I heard, go shower."
The doorbell rang ten minutes later. Nicki was tyring to stall from getting grilled by Safaree, so she kept her mother on the phone longer. Safaree had his baseball bat in his hand and went to go answer the door.
"Who the fuck is it?"
"It's us nigga, open the damn door it's cold." Safaree unlocked the door and everybody rushed in. "The fuck you doing giving us the third degree for?" Vincent asked.
"Nina invited some knuckle head boy to dinner."
"Aw she has a little man boy." Lauren said.
"The hell you say aw for? It ain't cute." he furrowed his brow.
"Aww look at the cute big brother trying to run off the man child after his sister." Candi made a cutesy face at Safaree grabbing and shaking his chin.
"Get off me." He pushed her into Martin.
"So we doing him like we used to do the rest of em back in the day?"
"Hell yeah." Safaree said giving Vincent the BC handshake. Nicki heard this and walked up to SB.
"Give me the bat." She held out her hand.
"What?" He shouted. "Naw."
"I said give me the bat Safaree."
"Nope!" He he twisted his lips and put the bat against his shoulder.
"Safaree give it here." She said slowly in a cold voice. he looked down at her face.
"Ugh here take the stupid thing." He walked away mumbling. The guys laughed and clowned him. Nicki smiled and hugged Candi and Lauren.
"Let's go see what Nina is doing." They walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. They entered the room without knocking, Nina was used to it because when she was younger they did the same thing andd she heard them walking down the hall so she covered up.
"Nina Bew." Candi said walking in first.
"Hey Candi. Hey Lauren."
"Hey." Lauren said sitting on the bed. "We heard you got man folk coming over."
"Yes, is he here yet?"
"No. I had to take this from your brother." Nicki said tossing the bat onto the bed.
"Really he still trying to pull that move. I told him we were just friends."
"Oh so if he is cute I can holla then right?" Lauren asked raising an eyebrow.
"Girl you don't even bat for his team."
"Oh but I can talk to him though?" Candi asked.
"You go near him and I'll kill you." Nina said.
"Why do y'all always mess with my Nina Bug? Y'all know she sensitive like her brother."
"Well she shouldn't be lying. If that's your boo don't deny him."
"I just don't want Safaree over reacting as usual."
"Girl that's your brother, he will always act that way." Just then the doorbell rang and they all looked at each other.
Safaree and the boys went to the door.
"You Quentin?" Safaree said with his best thug face on, looking him up and down like he was short but in reality was taller than him.
"Yeah." said the muscular, deep voiced guy. Vincent walked up to Safaree .
"Damn nigga why you ain't tell us he was this big? Might want to let this one slide man." He whispered.
"Come in." he said rudely. Quentin walked pass Safaree then stopped and smirked at him, then kept walking.
"Who the fuck he smirking at." The guys held Safaree back.
"Quentin." Nina said running towards him and jumping in his arms.
"Hey baby."
"BABY?" He fought harder to get to him.
"Safaree calm down." Nicki said walking up beside him. "Just get through this dinner for your sister please?"
"Fine." Safaree shrugged the guys off and walked into the living room. Nicki felt it best not to tell him that the boy was staying for a couple of days.
*I hope you enjoyed reading the latest installment in Beautiful Mistake. I also hoped you liked finding out a little more about Dr. Reynolds. How do you think their relationship will turn out? Did you guys like Nina or no? Are you happy about the baby situation or were you ready for them to come? You guys know the drill, COMMENT, 30 or more! If you are anonymous leave your @name on twitter so I know who you are or if your not on twitter leave a name. Also Beautiful Mistake will be ending around mid December. Just thought I should let you know, didn't want to just surprise you guys with the final chapter. Can you guess what is going to happen in the last chapter? lmao! Okay until next time
This is a FICTIONAL Story, that means do NOT take this story to heart. I am a STAN of Nicki Minaj, I love her to death! If you do not like her then WhoRU & why are you here? I hope you enjoy my story. Comment please!!! =)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
*Felt like this was needed*
He wheeled her into the room with everyone else to sit. She had said much in awhile, only when her mother called would she speak.
"Ms. Trotter do you want to be by the window again today?" Peter asked but again received no response. He wheeled her over and locked her wheelchair into place.
"Trotter you gone say something today?" Mr. Dolton asked. He was a old white man that suffered from paranoia. She mad no attempt to look his way, just stared out at the greenery on the other side of the window. Fifteen minutes passed and Ms. Trotter was awaiting the arrival of Blake.
Blake was this cute white boy that worked at the facility. He took her every other day at 12:15 to take her medication.
"Ms. Trotter are you ready for your medication?"
Blake new he wasn't going to get a response but like talking to her anyway. He wheeled her down the hall into a secluded room. When he first did this she didn't think anything of it now she looked forward to this time. He helped her to the bed and laid her down. Blake went back and made sure the door was locked then turned around and walked back to the bed.
Kicking off his shoes he climbed onto the foot of the bed and unbuckled his pants. This had been going on since she had entered this place. He found Ms. Trotter irresistible for some reason, and usually she would be okay with it and just dream about her boyfriend back home but today she had other plans. He pulled her cotton panties down and threw them in the chair before pushing his pants and underwear down to his knees. Blake stroked himself staring at her womanhood until he was fully erect. Another reason Ms. Trotter didn't mind this was because for a white boy he was working with a lot below his waist.
He spread her legs wide and slipped his member passed her center folds into her warmness. He closed his eyes getting lost in the feeling between her legs. She laid there watching the faces he was making wondering what her next move should be. She tried relaxing and thinking about her boyfriend and how she would him to the point of orgasm.
"I wanna be on top." Ms. Trotter said. Blakes eyes popped open at the sound of her voice. He was in shock that she had spoken let alone wanted to participate in the act.
"You wanna do what?"
"I want to be on top. Why should you be the only one having fun?"
"If that's what you want." They switched positions and Ms. Trotter rode him like a champ. "Fuck, this feels good." he closed his eyes again.
"Glad you like." She leaned back towards his feet and worked him until he came and she faked hers.
"Wow, that was way better than the other times you just laid there. What made you change up today, i would think you would have tried telling somebody by now." Blake got up and pulled his pants up.
"They wouldn't believe me anyway." she put on her panties and sat back in the wheelchair. "This will just be our little secret. I like what your working with down there." She smirked, stroking his ego.
Blake wheeled her back to her room so she could wash herself and gave her her medication. Not until hours later would he realize that his access card was missing but then it would be to late Melanie Trotter would be long gone from the Sunny Rise Psych facility.
*And I'm out this bitch. And NO this is not what I was talking about at the end of the last chapter. *runs away wildly like a Loony Toon character*
He wheeled her into the room with everyone else to sit. She had said much in awhile, only when her mother called would she speak.
"Ms. Trotter do you want to be by the window again today?" Peter asked but again received no response. He wheeled her over and locked her wheelchair into place.
"Trotter you gone say something today?" Mr. Dolton asked. He was a old white man that suffered from paranoia. She mad no attempt to look his way, just stared out at the greenery on the other side of the window. Fifteen minutes passed and Ms. Trotter was awaiting the arrival of Blake.
Blake was this cute white boy that worked at the facility. He took her every other day at 12:15 to take her medication.
"Ms. Trotter are you ready for your medication?"
Blake new he wasn't going to get a response but like talking to her anyway. He wheeled her down the hall into a secluded room. When he first did this she didn't think anything of it now she looked forward to this time. He helped her to the bed and laid her down. Blake went back and made sure the door was locked then turned around and walked back to the bed.
Kicking off his shoes he climbed onto the foot of the bed and unbuckled his pants. This had been going on since she had entered this place. He found Ms. Trotter irresistible for some reason, and usually she would be okay with it and just dream about her boyfriend back home but today she had other plans. He pulled her cotton panties down and threw them in the chair before pushing his pants and underwear down to his knees. Blake stroked himself staring at her womanhood until he was fully erect. Another reason Ms. Trotter didn't mind this was because for a white boy he was working with a lot below his waist.
He spread her legs wide and slipped his member passed her center folds into her warmness. He closed his eyes getting lost in the feeling between her legs. She laid there watching the faces he was making wondering what her next move should be. She tried relaxing and thinking about her boyfriend and how she would him to the point of orgasm.
"I wanna be on top." Ms. Trotter said. Blakes eyes popped open at the sound of her voice. He was in shock that she had spoken let alone wanted to participate in the act.
"You wanna do what?"
"I want to be on top. Why should you be the only one having fun?"
"If that's what you want." They switched positions and Ms. Trotter rode him like a champ. "Fuck, this feels good." he closed his eyes again.
"Glad you like." She leaned back towards his feet and worked him until he came and she faked hers.
"Wow, that was way better than the other times you just laid there. What made you change up today, i would think you would have tried telling somebody by now." Blake got up and pulled his pants up.
"They wouldn't believe me anyway." she put on her panties and sat back in the wheelchair. "This will just be our little secret. I like what your working with down there." She smirked, stroking his ego.
Blake wheeled her back to her room so she could wash herself and gave her her medication. Not until hours later would he realize that his access card was missing but then it would be to late Melanie Trotter would be long gone from the Sunny Rise Psych facility.
*And I'm out this bitch. And NO this is not what I was talking about at the end of the last chapter. *runs away wildly like a Loony Toon character*
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I Get Crazy...
*I know it's been along time, I shouldn't hav left you with out a dope chapter tew....tew...okay i don't know what rhymes with Chapter, but I tried! *Nicki shrug* I was gonna post last week but i couldn't get it together THEN I got this stupid butt cold and it went downhill from there. I hope you like!*
A small shadowy figure appeared against the wall of the hospital wall. She kept following it wondering where it would lead her. She heard soft giggling coming from somewhere.
You are such a GH! :P RT @ProudNika OOP...That means they are in the same room, which room I wonder? *Ponders*
*Rolls Eyes* Yes I have been eating right! *Puts cheetos down* RT ShadeNika: @NICKIMINAJ Are you eating healthy?
Nicki checked her TL and began cracking up.
Yall don't play with that CMM. HAHAHA Yall vicious!
Well mama's Babies I have to go now. Muah!
She continued to read her mentions.
But Papa has something special planned. Don't cry Barb. *wipes tear* RT @Jessie_Barbie No HB! You just got on, Don't leave! *Tears up*
Shhh Barb! ;) RT Barb_theBad Yall should watch Set It Off again. * Reminisces*
Y'all are really making her feel bad. You know she is hormonal. Tell her it's okay!
Nicki started to see a bunch of "Enjoy you're night." "HB don't let us keep you." She felt better even though she knew that's not how they really felt.
Okay but I won't be gone for long this time. Love you Barbs! * Blows virtual kisses to all of you*
"Come on sexy."
He offered her his hand and she gladly accepted. He pulled her off the bed and watched her waddle out of the room.
"Yo throw that shirt away."
"NO! I love it." she snapped back never turning around. "DEAL!"
"Sorry guy."
"So what's our movie for tonight sir?"
"Dream girls or Home Alone 1 & 2?"
"Hmmmmmm. I know you don't like Dream Girls so Home Alone it is babe." They passed Nickis segway in the hall. She thought back to when the Barbs were there and remembered April falling off of it backwards. "Did you get my flavor shaker thingies?"
"Yes, they are next to the popcorn machine as usual."
"Well the barbs used them all last time, hungry heffas. I miss them."
"I restocked them and got you some new flavors."
Nicki picked up her popcorn and looked over the seasonings trying to see which one appeased her the most.
"Barbecue it is." she picked it up and headed to her seat.
Safaree grabbed her Snapple and his Pepsi and settled in for the movie. Neither of them knew what they were in for the next afternoon.
*DOOM DOOM DOOM! OH MY GAWD GWORL, WHAT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN? OH SNAPPPPPPPP! RatchNIKA has influenced me!! lmao If you haven;t noticed the title had nothing to do with the chapter, just needed a title! lol Welp You know what to do NO LESS THEN 30 COMMENTS! Cuss me out for taking so long, tell me what you think is about to happen, tell me what you think should happen, ya NEVA know what I have up my sleeve. *Crip walks out this bitch in my red hoodie* Till next time,
A small shadowy figure appeared against the wall of the hospital wall. She kept following it wondering where it would lead her. She heard soft giggling coming from somewhere.
"Hello?" she called out but was just left with silence.
'"This way." A a small voice said before she saw the figure disappear down the hallway. She quickly walked trying not to lose the figure. She walked up to the doors and read the word over them: MORGUE. She reluctantly pushed the doors open and walked in. There was a table with a white sheet over it.
"Mommy." she heard in the air. She turned her head to see where and who it came from but saw no one. "Mommy." a soft voice said again. This time it came from the direction of the table.
She walked up to the table and grabbed the edge of the sheet. Taking a deep breath she pulled the sheet back to reveal a boy about eleven years old laying motionless. She stared at the lifeless body wondering who he was. His eyes popped open showing eyes looking just like hers. Her hand flew over her mouth trying to keep the scream from coming out but she couldn't help the tears from falling.
"Mommy?" he said again. She realized it was the son she had given up eleven years ago, her tears began to flood her face.
"Yes." She answered to the best of her ability. She backed away slowly not out of fear but out of shame. She didn't think she deserved to be in his presence.
"Why did you give me up mommy?" he turned his head to look at her.
"I had to Aiden." she choked back tears.
"Why mommy? You didn't want me?"
"No I did want you Aiden."
"Did I do something wrong?" she shook her head no.
"No baby, you did nothing wrong?"
"Then why did you send me away?"
"I didn't know how to fight for you." She sunk to her knees. "They...They..." she couldn't control her sobs.
"Don't cry mommy."
"Aiden I'm so sorry...Mommy loved you....I loved you so much." Nicki said with tears on her cheeks. Safaree sat up in the bed.
"Nicki baby wake up." he shook her. She came out of her dream and just pressed herself into Safaree. "You had the dream again?" he pulled her close and ran his hand over his face. He noticed that she was having this dream more and more often. Every time she fell asleep now she would have the dream. It was to a point where she didn't want to sleep from the fear of the dream
"It's going to be okay. I'm here just try and go back to sleep."
"I don't want to sleep anymore."
"You have to you have radio promo today." Safaree rubbed her back in circles.
"I'll be fine." She yawned. He knew she would be back to sleep within minutes. He wished he could stop the dreams for her because she was miserable. He looked over at the clock and it read five twenty-seven. He looked down and seen that her eyes were now closed so he began drifting back to sleep.
"What the..." he jumped.
"I'm sorry, I din't mean to wake you." Nicki said looking up at him. She had been playing with his bellybutton. Safaree looked at the clock it was now six thirty. He let out a sigh and stretched.
"It's okay babe. Did you sleep well?"
"I never went back."
"But I seen your eyes closed."
"I just did that so you could get some sleep. I knew you wouldn't go back if you knew I was still awake."
"I would have stayed up with you Nic." He lifted her face by her chin to look at her. "You've been crying again."
"I'll be fine." He sighed and pulled her to him.
"Nicki listen I know you think you have it all together but I really think you should go talk to someone." She pushed away from him.
"Safaree I'm not some crazy person. I don't need to go to a therapist, I'm fine. It's just my hormones damn." She got off the bed and entered the bathroom. He followed behind her silently cursing himself out for even suggesting it now.
"I'm not saying you are crazy baby. Therapist are not just for crazy people it is someone you can go to and tell you're feeling without them judging you." Nicki looked up from her toothbrush at him through mirror.
"I thought that was why I was with you Safaree. What do I need you for if I can just go get a damn therapist." Nicki began brushing her teeth. "Hell maybe I should just get a therapist at least they would be less stressful than you're black ass. Why can't you just leave me alone?" he looked up nodding his head.
"I was just trying to help but you know what it's okay if you wanna cry yourself to sleep every night it's you're life, but don't expect me to be here to watch." He turned and left the bathroom.
"Don't leave Safaree." she was agitated.
Nicki spit and rinsed her mouth out. She went into the bed room but he wasn't there. She quickly walked passed the nursery and went to his room. She found him stuffing clothes in his Louis Vuitton duffle bag. "Safaree stop." she watched him move around the room at a rapid speed, Nicki realized he was serious. "Safaree stop." he was fuming mad at her. "SAFAREE...stop." She screamed his name but could barely get the 'stop' out because she was chocking back tears.
"WHY?" He turned to her. "I'M STRESSING YOU OUT. SO LET ME LEAVE ONIKA." she shook her head.
"I didn't mean it Safaree. Don't leave me, I'm sorry." she was now fully crying. "I'm always fucking up." she thought to herself.
"No you don't get to cry. You always say something fucked up to me, turn on the water works and I forgive you only for you to say something fucked up an hour or so later. Well not today." Slipping on his shoes he then zipped his bag and brushed passed her.
"I won't do it again." She walked to the top of the stairs and watched him grab his coat. "I thought you loved me?" he stopped and looked up the stairs.
"Are you seriously questioning my love for you right now?" She looked down at her feet. Nicki didn't understand why she kept snapping on him. "ANSWER ME!" she came out of her thoughts and jumped at the sound of his voice.
"I can not watch you like this Nicki. You are damn near depressed because of that dream and the fact that you have not came to terms with what you did."
"If you really wan to me to go I'll go."
"Don't do it for me. Go for you're health and our children's health." he paused. "Nicki I can't keep arguing with you. All it does is raise both are blood pressure for no reason."
"I know." she wiped her tears walking down the stairs. "You can't leave me, I need you Safaree." she stood in front of him.
"I need you too, that's why I need you healthy. Lately when we are together you're a miles away. You drift away during conversations and have no clue what was said. You haven't gotten any sleep these past couple of weeks. When something is taking over your mind like that you need to try and deal with it instead of leaving it pent up inside. That will continue to eat at you Nic." he dropped his bag in frustration.
"I didn't mean to come at you like that Safaree, It's just that you kept pressing the issue." Nicki sighed rubbing her tummy. "I hear you, but I really don't think I need counselling."
Safaree looked away from her getting angrier, he couldn't grasp why she was being so stubborn. He wanted to leave to show her that he wasn't bullshitting with her about Nicki disrespecting and talking down to him but he knew in his heart he would never just up and leave her. This pissed him off know she had this tight of as hold on his heart.
Nicki walked over to Safarees side and picked up his bag then grabbed his hand and led him back upstairs.
Six Hours Later
"We're glad to have you join us today on Kiss 45 this morning. How are you doing Nicki?"
"I'm doing fine thank you. How are you?"
"I'm fine. So you have been M.I.A. for months now. The twitter world wasn't the same." Nicki laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"You're Barbs were going banana's because you wouldn't tweet. You couldn't say you're name on twitter in any type of way without getting attacked." DJ Sanyo said.
"Well my Barbs are spoiled. They know they shouldn't have been acting like that but when Mama's gone the kids will act up. They have settled and back to normal, their normal that is." Nicki said. She really didn't want to be on the radio but she had too, luckily this was the last one of the day.
"Yes they are. Now down to the question everybody wants to know the answer too. Now I was told you saved this question for us. We have the exclusive, why is that?"
"I only wanted to talk about it once today. I knew that more people would be tuned in at this hour than in the wee hours of the morning. I want people to hear the story from me and not get any facts twisted."
"Alright well here it comes. So Nicki Minaj what happen with the kidnapping?"
"I don't ever want to explain that again."
Nicki hung up the phone and went to relieve herself in the bathroom. Meanwhile Safaree was in the nursery putting blue tape around the room, so when him and the boys started to paint they wouldn't mess up the ceiling or carpet. The designers had came in the week before to install the ABC blocks around the room Nicki wanted. The blocks around the window seat can open into storage places for the babies things. They open individually or as a group. Nicki made sure the letters were removable for when the babies become toddlers, they can be replaced with mirrors, colors, or other images.
The carpet Nicki thought of was being placed in a couple of days after the paint had dried. She had a beautifully upholstered floor to play on. The door to the room is what Nicki loved the most. It was a beautiful Dutch door with a mini-entrance just for the babies to enter once they were able to walk. The focal piece of the room would be a fantasy carriage crib placed under a large oak tree with woodland animals watching over the babies. Safaree was having the final touches put on the crib before letting Nicki see it, he had the makers make the crib bigger than it originally was because of their situation.
Nicki came into the nursery and sat in the glider that arrived yesterday, she was ready to rock her babies late at night in the chair. She watched Safaree work around the room in silence; not knowing if he was over what happened earlier. Like he was reading her mind he walked over and kissed her forehead, then kept working to get the room ready.
"Is you're sister still going to paint the tree and the animals?" Nicki asked adjusting in her seat.
"Yep, she will be here tomorrow afternoon. Which reminds me that I need to go pick up all the paint."
"You can't go get the paint until you pick which one of the colors of pink you like."
"Well show them to me so I can pick baby."
Nicki pushed herself out of the chair to go retrieve her baby planner from bedroom and returned to the glider. She went to the nursery section of the binder and pulled the paint swatches out and handed them to Safaree. He wiped the perspiration from his brow with the bottom of his shirt then looked at the samples.
"Nicki they look the same."
"They are not the same."
"Well this one then." Nicki looked at him like he was stupid.
"What the..." he jumped.
"I'm sorry, I din't mean to wake you." Nicki said looking up at him. She had been playing with his bellybutton. Safaree looked at the clock it was now six thirty. He let out a sigh and stretched.
"It's okay babe. Did you sleep well?"
"I never went back."
"But I seen your eyes closed."
"I just did that so you could get some sleep. I knew you wouldn't go back if you knew I was still awake."
"I would have stayed up with you Nic." He lifted her face by her chin to look at her. "You've been crying again."
"I'll be fine." He sighed and pulled her to him.
"Nicki listen I know you think you have it all together but I really think you should go talk to someone." She pushed away from him.
"Safaree I'm not some crazy person. I don't need to go to a therapist, I'm fine. It's just my hormones damn." She got off the bed and entered the bathroom. He followed behind her silently cursing himself out for even suggesting it now.
"I'm not saying you are crazy baby. Therapist are not just for crazy people it is someone you can go to and tell you're feeling without them judging you." Nicki looked up from her toothbrush at him through mirror.
"I thought that was why I was with you Safaree. What do I need you for if I can just go get a damn therapist." Nicki began brushing her teeth. "Hell maybe I should just get a therapist at least they would be less stressful than you're black ass. Why can't you just leave me alone?" he looked up nodding his head.
"I was just trying to help but you know what it's okay if you wanna cry yourself to sleep every night it's you're life, but don't expect me to be here to watch." He turned and left the bathroom.
"Don't leave Safaree." she was agitated.
Nicki spit and rinsed her mouth out. She went into the bed room but he wasn't there. She quickly walked passed the nursery and went to his room. She found him stuffing clothes in his Louis Vuitton duffle bag. "Safaree stop." she watched him move around the room at a rapid speed, Nicki realized he was serious. "Safaree stop." he was fuming mad at her. "SAFAREE...stop." She screamed his name but could barely get the 'stop' out because she was chocking back tears.
"WHY?" He turned to her. "I'M STRESSING YOU OUT. SO LET ME LEAVE ONIKA." she shook her head.
"I didn't mean it Safaree. Don't leave me, I'm sorry." she was now fully crying. "I'm always fucking up." she thought to herself.
"No you don't get to cry. You always say something fucked up to me, turn on the water works and I forgive you only for you to say something fucked up an hour or so later. Well not today." Slipping on his shoes he then zipped his bag and brushed passed her.
"I won't do it again." She walked to the top of the stairs and watched him grab his coat. "I thought you loved me?" he stopped and looked up the stairs.
"Are you seriously questioning my love for you right now?" She looked down at her feet. Nicki didn't understand why she kept snapping on him. "ANSWER ME!" she came out of her thoughts and jumped at the sound of his voice.
"I can not watch you like this Nicki. You are damn near depressed because of that dream and the fact that you have not came to terms with what you did."
"If you really wan to me to go I'll go."
"Don't do it for me. Go for you're health and our children's health." he paused. "Nicki I can't keep arguing with you. All it does is raise both are blood pressure for no reason."
"I know." she wiped her tears walking down the stairs. "You can't leave me, I need you Safaree." she stood in front of him.
"I need you too, that's why I need you healthy. Lately when we are together you're a miles away. You drift away during conversations and have no clue what was said. You haven't gotten any sleep these past couple of weeks. When something is taking over your mind like that you need to try and deal with it instead of leaving it pent up inside. That will continue to eat at you Nic." he dropped his bag in frustration.
"I didn't mean to come at you like that Safaree, It's just that you kept pressing the issue." Nicki sighed rubbing her tummy. "I hear you, but I really don't think I need counselling."
Safaree looked away from her getting angrier, he couldn't grasp why she was being so stubborn. He wanted to leave to show her that he wasn't bullshitting with her about Nicki disrespecting and talking down to him but he knew in his heart he would never just up and leave her. This pissed him off know she had this tight of as hold on his heart.
Nicki walked over to Safarees side and picked up his bag then grabbed his hand and led him back upstairs.
Six Hours Later
"We're glad to have you join us today on Kiss 45 this morning. How are you doing Nicki?"
"I'm doing fine thank you. How are you?"
"I'm fine. So you have been M.I.A. for months now. The twitter world wasn't the same." Nicki laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"You're Barbs were going banana's because you wouldn't tweet. You couldn't say you're name on twitter in any type of way without getting attacked." DJ Sanyo said.
"Well my Barbs are spoiled. They know they shouldn't have been acting like that but when Mama's gone the kids will act up. They have settled and back to normal, their normal that is." Nicki said. She really didn't want to be on the radio but she had too, luckily this was the last one of the day.
"Yes they are. Now down to the question everybody wants to know the answer too. Now I was told you saved this question for us. We have the exclusive, why is that?"
"I only wanted to talk about it once today. I knew that more people would be tuned in at this hour than in the wee hours of the morning. I want people to hear the story from me and not get any facts twisted."
"Alright well here it comes. So Nicki Minaj what happen with the kidnapping?"
"I don't ever want to explain that again."
Nicki hung up the phone and went to relieve herself in the bathroom. Meanwhile Safaree was in the nursery putting blue tape around the room, so when him and the boys started to paint they wouldn't mess up the ceiling or carpet. The designers had came in the week before to install the ABC blocks around the room Nicki wanted. The blocks around the window seat can open into storage places for the babies things. They open individually or as a group. Nicki made sure the letters were removable for when the babies become toddlers, they can be replaced with mirrors, colors, or other images.
The carpet Nicki thought of was being placed in a couple of days after the paint had dried. She had a beautifully upholstered floor to play on. The door to the room is what Nicki loved the most. It was a beautiful Dutch door with a mini-entrance just for the babies to enter once they were able to walk. The focal piece of the room would be a fantasy carriage crib placed under a large oak tree with woodland animals watching over the babies. Safaree was having the final touches put on the crib before letting Nicki see it, he had the makers make the crib bigger than it originally was because of their situation.
Nicki came into the nursery and sat in the glider that arrived yesterday, she was ready to rock her babies late at night in the chair. She watched Safaree work around the room in silence; not knowing if he was over what happened earlier. Like he was reading her mind he walked over and kissed her forehead, then kept working to get the room ready.
"Is you're sister still going to paint the tree and the animals?" Nicki asked adjusting in her seat.
"Yep, she will be here tomorrow afternoon. Which reminds me that I need to go pick up all the paint."
"You can't go get the paint until you pick which one of the colors of pink you like."
"Well show them to me so I can pick baby."
Nicki pushed herself out of the chair to go retrieve her baby planner from bedroom and returned to the glider. She went to the nursery section of the binder and pulled the paint swatches out and handed them to Safaree. He wiped the perspiration from his brow with the bottom of his shirt then looked at the samples.
"Nicki they look the same."
"They are not the same."
"Well this one then." Nicki looked at him like he was stupid.
"Safaree take this serious please, actually think about the color. Tell me later on I need to go call my mom." She left the room leaving Safaree standing there. He sat in the gliding chair staring at the two swatches trying to figure out the difference she saw in the two. Ten minutes Nicki walked by on the phone and glanced in the nursery to see him still sitting there staring at the swatches. She giggled and continued down the stairs to go check on her garden.
Later That Night
"Well Dr. Reynolds says I shouldn't be traveling, so she is coming out to checkup on me. I told her to leave the portable ultra sound machine because we have went this long without knowing, so what's another week. Is that alright with you I can call her back?"
Nicki was walking around the kitchen getting things ready for dinner. Safaree was still staring at the two swatches Nicki had given him earlier.
"Yeah that's fine. When is she getting here?" Safaree looked up rubbing his eyes.
"Taste this." he walked over to her and she put a spoon full of spaghetti in his mouth, then he licked his lips. She waited for his response.
"It's..." he looked like he was in really deep thought trying to search for his words. "It's...perfect." Safaree smiled before giving her a wet smooch.
"She will be here Thursday. Have you decided on which color you wanted for the nursery?" she looked at his back as he walked back to sit on the stool.
"Baby they look like the came color. I'm not good at this." Nicki walked over and stood in between his legs.
"Babe yes you can, look." She turned her back to him. Safaree rested his chin on her shoulder looking at the colors with her. "This one is Carnation pink it's a bit pinker than this one." She put the swatch for the color Pink Begonia one in front.
"Well when you put it that way." Safaree kissed her cheek. "They are both still pink." he smiled and she huffed walking away.
"Fine don't take this seriously." she checked on the last batch of Bosa she was frying.
"I am, Fine let me look at them again." Safaree scratched his face and felt the beard that was coming in. "Pink begonia is pretty."
"How does it make you feel?"
"Are you serious?"
"Very." he huffed.
"I feel that if I saw you in this color it would be a beautiful sight. It makes me feel calm." Safaree looked up at Nicki. "Is that a good explanation?"
"Perfect." Nicki hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Can I go do something manly now?"
"No the food is almost done. So just stay here with me."
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Yeah, use the one down here."
"Yes'um Ms. Maraj. Thank ya fuh lettin me use the inside washroom." Safaree said in his slave voice and did a jig before exiting the kitchen.
"You're welcome." she smiled stirring the spaghetti.
"SAFAREE! SAFAREE! COME LOOK." Nicki yelled into the bedroom intercom. Safaree rushed in the room.
"What's the matter?" he was out of breath from running from the movie theater, setting up their movie night.
"Watch. Gimme foot babies." Both watched as three little feet appeared on the side of her tummy. She danced around the room with excitement. Safaree leaned against the door frame watching her in her natural state of being. No make up, a raggedy t-shirt that he wished she would throw away, and a pair of his basket ball shorts. "I have to tell the barbs." Nicki skipped to the side of the bed to retrieve her phone.
OMG Barbs! The babies finally kicked for me. And unlike for papa coon ALL THREE showed me a foot! HA!
Nicki watched her mentions and TL go nuts. She seen some of her haters in her mentions saying hate full things so she tweeted "CMM". Then talked to her Barbs.
I know right. *Side eyes him* RT @Monay_TM: lol All that bragin he was doing and they did the most for you. ^__^
Later That Night
"Well Dr. Reynolds says I shouldn't be traveling, so she is coming out to checkup on me. I told her to leave the portable ultra sound machine because we have went this long without knowing, so what's another week. Is that alright with you I can call her back?"
Nicki was walking around the kitchen getting things ready for dinner. Safaree was still staring at the two swatches Nicki had given him earlier.
"Yeah that's fine. When is she getting here?" Safaree looked up rubbing his eyes.
"Taste this." he walked over to her and she put a spoon full of spaghetti in his mouth, then he licked his lips. She waited for his response.
"It's..." he looked like he was in really deep thought trying to search for his words. "It's...perfect." Safaree smiled before giving her a wet smooch.
"She will be here Thursday. Have you decided on which color you wanted for the nursery?" she looked at his back as he walked back to sit on the stool.
"Baby they look like the came color. I'm not good at this." Nicki walked over and stood in between his legs.
"Babe yes you can, look." She turned her back to him. Safaree rested his chin on her shoulder looking at the colors with her. "This one is Carnation pink it's a bit pinker than this one." She put the swatch for the color Pink Begonia one in front.
"Well when you put it that way." Safaree kissed her cheek. "They are both still pink." he smiled and she huffed walking away.
"Fine don't take this seriously." she checked on the last batch of Bosa she was frying.
"I am, Fine let me look at them again." Safaree scratched his face and felt the beard that was coming in. "Pink begonia is pretty."
"How does it make you feel?"
"Are you serious?"
"Very." he huffed.
"I feel that if I saw you in this color it would be a beautiful sight. It makes me feel calm." Safaree looked up at Nicki. "Is that a good explanation?"
"Perfect." Nicki hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Can I go do something manly now?"
"No the food is almost done. So just stay here with me."
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"Yeah, use the one down here."
"Yes'um Ms. Maraj. Thank ya fuh lettin me use the inside washroom." Safaree said in his slave voice and did a jig before exiting the kitchen.
"You're welcome." she smiled stirring the spaghetti.
"SAFAREE! SAFAREE! COME LOOK." Nicki yelled into the bedroom intercom. Safaree rushed in the room.
"What's the matter?" he was out of breath from running from the movie theater, setting up their movie night.
"Watch. Gimme foot babies." Both watched as three little feet appeared on the side of her tummy. She danced around the room with excitement. Safaree leaned against the door frame watching her in her natural state of being. No make up, a raggedy t-shirt that he wished she would throw away, and a pair of his basket ball shorts. "I have to tell the barbs." Nicki skipped to the side of the bed to retrieve her phone.
OMG Barbs! The babies finally kicked for me. And unlike for papa coon ALL THREE showed me a foot! HA!
Nicki watched her mentions and TL go nuts. She seen some of her haters in her mentions saying hate full things so she tweeted "CMM". Then talked to her Barbs.
I know right. *Side eyes him* RT @Monay_TM: lol All that bragin he was doing and they did the most for you. ^__^
You are such a GH! :P RT @ProudNika OOP...That means they are in the same room, which room I wonder? *Ponders*
*Rolls Eyes* Yes I have been eating right! *Puts cheetos down* RT ShadeNika: @NICKIMINAJ Are you eating healthy?
Nicki checked her TL and began cracking up.
Yall don't play with that CMM. HAHAHA Yall vicious!
Well mama's Babies I have to go now. Muah!
She continued to read her mentions.
But Papa has something special planned. Don't cry Barb. *wipes tear* RT @Jessie_Barbie No HB! You just got on, Don't leave! *Tears up*
Shhh Barb! ;) RT Barb_theBad Yall should watch Set It Off again. * Reminisces*
Y'all are really making her feel bad. You know she is hormonal. Tell her it's okay!
Nicki started to see a bunch of "Enjoy you're night." "HB don't let us keep you." She felt better even though she knew that's not how they really felt.
Okay but I won't be gone for long this time. Love you Barbs! * Blows virtual kisses to all of you*
"Come on sexy."
He offered her his hand and she gladly accepted. He pulled her off the bed and watched her waddle out of the room.
"Yo throw that shirt away."
"NO! I love it." she snapped back never turning around. "DEAL!"
"Sorry guy."
"So what's our movie for tonight sir?"
"Dream girls or Home Alone 1 & 2?"
"Hmmmmmm. I know you don't like Dream Girls so Home Alone it is babe." They passed Nickis segway in the hall. She thought back to when the Barbs were there and remembered April falling off of it backwards. "Did you get my flavor shaker thingies?"
"Yes, they are next to the popcorn machine as usual."
"Well the barbs used them all last time, hungry heffas. I miss them."
"I restocked them and got you some new flavors."
Nicki picked up her popcorn and looked over the seasonings trying to see which one appeased her the most.
"Barbecue it is." she picked it up and headed to her seat.
Safaree grabbed her Snapple and his Pepsi and settled in for the movie. Neither of them knew what they were in for the next afternoon.
*DOOM DOOM DOOM! OH MY GAWD GWORL, WHAT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN? OH SNAPPPPPPPP! RatchNIKA has influenced me!! lmao If you haven;t noticed the title had nothing to do with the chapter, just needed a title! lol Welp You know what to do NO LESS THEN 30 COMMENTS! Cuss me out for taking so long, tell me what you think is about to happen, tell me what you think should happen, ya NEVA know what I have up my sleeve. *Crip walks out this bitch in my red hoodie* Till next time,
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A Day With the Barbs...
*Enjoy you guys*
Nicki woke up with out Safaree next to her in the bed. She got out of the bed to take her shower and get ready for the day. She was excited to spend the day with her Barbs, the girls gave her so much life yesterday. They wanted to know everything about everything. She waddled down the stairs to the girls rooms and peeked in both rooms. Tara was sprawled out all over the bed with her hand on Lesleys face. Muny was sleeping peacefully through Tonis soft snoring. Nicki giggled and went to go find Safaree, he had to be in the house because he wouldn't leave her side for more than 20 minutes since the incident. She looked in the kitchen but no SB. She heard voices coming from the backyard, so she made her way there.
When she looked she seen Safaree and Martin in jumpers both holding a side to a piece of paper arguing. She couldn't make out what it was about. She looked at the area where they were working on the garden yesterday, the ground was turned. She slid the door open which caught the attention of Safaree.
"See nigga you woke her up with all your nonsense." Safaree scolded Martin.
"If you would just listen instead of running them soup coolers you call lips she wouldn't have heard shit." Martin said back.
"Neither one of you woke me so hush. And what is all this you guys?" She walked further outside.
"It's your garden Boss." Martin said. "Well the beginning stages anyway." he looked back at the land and all the dirt.
"Um Martin can you go can you go snap some pictures of the girls sleeping for please?" Nicki asked.
"Uh sure." He walked to the door and took off his boots as to not trail the dirt in the house.
"So are you happy?" Safaree asked looking at her face take in the scenery.
"Yes, I'm very happy." She went to hug him. "How long have you two been out here?"
"Me since six and Martin since seven. This shit got a coons arms aching." he moved his arms back and forth.
"I'll give you a rub down later on to show my thanks." Nicki said leaning her body into him and looking up at his face. Safaree raised an eyebrow.
"A rub down eh?" Nicki shook her head yes. "I'm looking forward to that." he pecked her lips and she grinned.
"Can we start the flowers now Faree?"
"You don't want to wait on your Barbs?" he asked.
"Well I don't think they are really into it, I don't want to force them to do this."
"You should leave some for them to do just in case they do babe."
"Okay but can we do some together before the wake up. Just me and you." Safaree drew his bottom lip in his mouth then let it go.
"Yeah come on." He lead her over to the front row and helped her onto her knees. He went back towards the door and grabbed her a pair of gloves. "Which flowers do you want in the front on that side?"
"I want the chrysanthemum's to go over here." Nicki stated. She dug her nails into the dirt picking some up then letting it fall from her hands.
"Whatttt you getting your precious little hands dirty." Safaree walked back towards her while she glared at him with a smirk on her face.
"Don't make fun." She said in her little girl voice as he sat next to her and handed her the gloves.
"So this is what your gonna do baby, your gonna take the seeds since Me and martin already stitched the grass."
"What does that mean?" she asked.
"We used that thing over there--" he pointed. "and we ran it over the soil to make wholes for the seeds."
"Ohhh okay." she nodded.
"So all you have to do is spread the seeds over the soil like this." He showed her how but when she did it she just let them go and they fell into one spot. "No baby like this."
He took off his gloves getting behind her and pouring more seeds into her hand. He ran his hands down her smooth skin to meet her hands, he kissed her cheek. He grabbed a hold of her hand and shook it gently making the seeds scatter. She looked at the side of his face smiling and listening to all he was telling her.
"How do you know all this SB?" she asked.
"I called the lady at Home Depot and asked her a million questions so my baby could have the best garden ever. Nobodies is going to be fucking with yours. Beleedat." He said moving his left hand from hers to her belly and began rubbing it.
"I like when you take interest in the things I like Faree." He moved his head to look at her.
"You listen to all the things I want to do no matter how much you think there dumb." She smiled. "Do you have the hang of it now Nic?"
"Yessir." He backed away from her but she grabbed the hand that was on her belly and stopped him. "That doesn't mean I want you to move." Nicki said never breaking her concentration from what she was doing.
"Baby I smell."
"Not that bad. You just smell like a man." she smiled and held out her hand for more seeds. He pored them for her them wrapped himself around her waist.
"Babe you have to put some down there too."
"Well scooch down there then." They moved their right leg together then their left leg.
"Yo we corny." SB said.
"So! What's wrong with corny? We cute." Nicki said spreading her seeds around again. Safaree leaned into her and took in her scent. She smelled like her kloe perfume and her Carols Daughter Black Vanilla Herbal Shampoo mixed with the hair butter. He loved her so much and it scared him at times. "Why you get quiet on me?" Nicki asked. He came out of his thoughts.
"I'm sorry baby." he kissed her head.
"I like you calling me baby."
"I call you it all the time." Safaree said.
"No you call me babe, it's different." She sat on her butt because her knees were beginning to hurt. She leaned to the side still in his arms.
"Oh, well I'll call you that if it keeps that smile on your face." he swiped his index finger over her nose knocking a couple of specks of dirt off. He went in for a kiss but was interrupted someone clearing their throat. They both looked up to see Martin with the girls by on both sides of him with big smiles on their faces.
"We hungry HB." Lesley said.
"So Safaree stop trying to tongue down my HB and let's go inside." April said. Nicki laughed.
"Barbs come help me up." she extended her hands. Toni and Tara walked over and helped her up. "What do you ladies want for breakfast?" All four girls rambled off their orders with Nicki trying to catch it all.
The girls were in Nickis room on the floor sitting in front of the chase lounge Nicki was on. The girls wanted to ask her about the incident but didn't want her to get mad or feel bad. Nicki could feel they had something on their minds.
"Talk to me Barbs."
"We are talking silly." Tara said.
"You all seem like you have something on you want to talk about." the girls looked around at each other. Muny spoke up.
"Well we want to know about...about the whole kidnapping." the room fell silent with Nicki looking back and forth at their faces.
"Why do you want to know about that?" Nicki laid her arm across her belly.
"See I told you we shouldn't have asked." Lesley whispered. Nicki looked at her.
"I never said I wasn't going to spill." she sighed and went on to explain to them leaving out a few details once she saw the tears streaming down their faces. She made sure to leave the part about the gun being put to her head out and Melanie slapping her, also Drake being involved. The media hadn't found out about him being involved. They already looked ready to commit murder from the minor details she had given. "But I'm fine now so dry your tears. No sense in crying over spilled milk right ladies?" they nodded wiping their faces. "Come to mama Barbs." She raised her for them to enter them. "Everything will be fine. Let's go harass Safaree, that will be fun."
"HB you are the only one that finds enjoyment in irritating him." Toni said.
"What's your point?" Nicki gave her a blank ditsy stare. Toni just walked out the room.
"I can't with her right now." She said giggling. "Safaree wherever you are HB is coming to harass you so I suggest you hide." She yelled out.
"Who's side are you on?" Nicki waddled her way out of the room. "That's why you can't come play with us in the game room you big headed little girl." Nicki said following behind her down the stairs. Toni turned to say something but Nicki pointed at her and cut her off. "Say something slick I dare you." The others snickered at her. They walked into the kitchen and found Safaree pulling out cake pans.
"Coon you bake?" Lesley asked.
"A coon has some skills." Safaree said. "This is what you wanted right?" he held up the pan.
"Yes." She nodded her head. "Okay Barbs we are going to make Bake Pops."
"You would be the one to buy that Nicki." Tara said sitting on the stool.
"What is that?" April asked.
"You haven't seen that commercial? The pan has little circle compartments you put the cake batter in, then you put the other pan on top, then put tit in the oven. When they are done they are little circles of cake and you put a stick into it like a lollipop." Nicki explained. "Safaree where is all the stuff we put on them?" she looked around.
"I must have left it in the car, I'll be back." he ran to the car.
"So what kind of cake do you want chocolate or vanilla?"
"Chocolate." They all said.
"So Vanilla it is." She smiled showing her dimples. Safaree entered the kitchen with two bags. They were filled with sprinkles, Oreo's, chocolate and white chocolate drizzle, candy coating, and powdered sugar. "Let's get to baking."
Nicki let the girls mix the batter and pour it into the cake pans. They put them in the oven for 30 minutes that was 25 minutes ago.
"Tara can you get three of those deep small bowls out of the cabinet over there?"
"Sure." She went and did as she was asked.
"Muny hand me those bags." Just then they heard a loud crash. Nicki turned around to see Tara with her hands over her mouth looking at the broken glass.
"I'm so sorry Nicki. It was to far back and I accidentally tipped it over but couldn't catch it before it the ground." She rambled off quickly. Safaree went to the closet and grabbed the broom and dust pan.
"It's okay hunnie but back away from the glass I don't want you to get cut." Safaree picked up the big pieces with his hands then swept up the scattered smaller ones.
Tara went and sat in the living room because she felt bad. Toni went to go check on her.
"Where are they going?" Nicki looked towards the front room.
"Toni is seeing if she is okay because she started crying. She thinks your going to be mad at her." Muny said nonchalantly.
"Oh my Gawd, my Barbs are so dramatic. I break those things like every week, that's like our third set."
"Look who's calling someone dramatic." Safaree said. Nicki punched him in the arm.
"No one asked you." Just then the two girls walked back into the room. Nicki held out her arms for Tara and she went. "I'm not mad so calm down. Come help me with the candy coating." the timer went off for the bake pops so Safaree turned off the oven then pulled them out sitting them on the cooling racks.
"Let's play never have i ever later on you guys." Nicki said. Tara looked up from the melted candy coating.
"What is that?"
"Well it's a drinking game but since none of you are 21 and I'm prego will figure something out. But you say Never Have I Ever then you say something you haven't done or you have done before and whoever has done it has to drink or what ever we decide."
"I'm down. Can we ask anything?" Muny asked.
"Mmhmm. Come on yall start dipping your balls into the coating before it get's hard again." Everyone looked at her.
"Pauz." they all yelled out.
"Yall so nasty."
"That's not to sweet is it Nicki?" Safaree walked up behind her placing his hands on her hips. She swiped some off her cake and stuck her finger in his face. Safaree inserted her finger into his mouth, then slowly licked it off. Nicki looked at him while mouthing "Don't play with me." He smiled and let her finger go.
"No Yall so nasty." Toni said. "So when are we playing this game?" Nicki looked over at her.
"We can play in a few." Nicki said looking over at Safaree was leaning on the counter staring at her. "What the hell are you looking at?"
"My baby mama." Nickis jaw dropped.
"Don't call me that Safaree."
"Okay I'm sorry. I'm looking at my baby." he tried kissing her but she moved her face.
"I don't want ya funky kisses."
"Don't do me like that. I'm sorry." He kissed her on her shoulder and up her neck. The Barbs had big goofy smiles on their faces.
"Okay now stop." She looked up at the Barbs and smiled back at them.
"This is why you asked us to bring this?" Lesley asked taking the bag.
"Yeah I don't want to eat this." Muny threw the bag out in front of her.
"If you wanna play this game you will. Now gather round the table so we can play." Nicki had sent them questionnaires asking them different random questions one being 'What is your least favorite candy?'
"I can't believe you asked them to bring candy to give to another knowing they don't like it." Safaree said. "And then have the nerve to have a mixed bag of candy for yourself." He walked over to the fridge.
"Well believe it and come sit down." Safaree came back with a bowl, then took Nickis bag of candy and sat the bowl in front of her.
"What is this? No I don't want this." Nicki reached for her bag. "This was why I was mad at you the other day."
"What happen?" Toni asked.
"She got caught sneaking junk food at three in the morning in her closet. I took it all and she got mad." The girls broke out into laughter.
"It's not funny."
"Now your apart of the game just like them." Nicki stared at the bowl of carrots in front of her. "Now I'll start the game. Never have i ever smoked weed." SB started.
"Don't judge me barbs." Nicki took a bite of her carrot and the Barbs laughed.
"Never have i ever skipped school." Tara said. Everyone took a bite of their candy.
"Never have I ever passed out from drinking." Safaree said. Nicki glared at him them ate a carrot.
"Never have i ever crashed a car." Muny said. Nicki was the only one to take a bite.
"Never have i ever kissed someone on the first date." Lesley said. Safaree and Nicki took a bite.
"And no it wasn't with each other Barbs, so stop thinking it." she rolled her eyes at them.
"Nobody was thinking it guilty." Muny said.
"Never have i ever been in handcuffs." Toni said. Safaree and Nicki both took a bite. The girls gasped.
"Well we know SBs had to do something with his job, so what did you get in trouble for?" Toni asked. Nicki looked up.
"Who said I was in trouble Barb?"
"Ewww." they all said then laughed. Nicki felt Safaree looking at her.
"What?" she asked.
"I wanna know who had you in handcuffs because I know I haven't." Nicki looked at him wide eyed.
"Oop. Um Never have I ever kissed in the rain." Muny said trying to get Nicki out of the hot seat. Tara and Lesley both ate a piece of candy. Safaree let it go for now.
"What are you two doing kissing period?" Nicki looked at them.
"She never said who you kissed. I've given my mother a kiss on the cheek while it was raining before." Lesley said.
"Mmhmm quick save."
"Never have i ever experienced love at first sight." Nicki said. Safaree popped a Milky Way in his mouth.
"Aww who was it?" Tara asked. He nodded towards Nicki. "Yall cute."
"I know right he alright when he wants to be." Nicki said. They played the game for another hour until Taras last Never have i ever. Safaree had to leave to go get something from the store.
"Never have i ever gotten freaky while others where in the house." Tara and Nicki made eye contact.
"I gotta pee." Nicki got up.
"No either say you haven't or you take a bite." Tara said smiling. "Your not supposed to lie to us HB. About anything." Nicki kept waddling away.
"Did you guys see that hickey on HBs neck?" Tara asked smiling.
"Who could miss it, its about the size of Texas. She is not doing a very good job of hiding it. Safaree must have got some last night." Muny said swirling her hips in a circular motion laughing. "Ain't that why you asked the question?" She shook her head.
"She wouldn't do that why we are here." Toni said frowning.
"You only saying that because you are one of the still delusional Dricki fans." Lesley said.
"Whatever no I am not heffa." She said back.
"Don't get mad at me because it is Onikafaree. And you still writing that blog on Dricki as if it is ever gonna happen." Muny laughed at both of them.
"What are you laughing for yours started out as Dricki." Toni said. She felt like they were ganging up on her.
"Key word 'Started' but was never going to finish as that because I knew what it was."
"Well what about the all Dricki one you wrote." she raised her voice which caught Aprils attention.
"Who the hell you yelling at first of awl? And secondly I wanted to please my fans." She flipped her hair and walked over to the fridge and got a soda.
"What is all this yelling? You know I don't like when my Barbs fight." Nicki entered the room with a worried look on her face.
"Yall two chicks need to keep it cute. Got my Nicki all worked up." Lesley said. "Nobody cares about yalls story this weekend."
"What stories Barb?" Nicki asked them. April and Toni looked at the other two daring them to say something. Nicki saw this. "What STORIES?" she asked again. "Oh so all of a sudden you are fucking mute, that's okay I'll figure it out I always do. Come on and start getting ready for the party. You can open your pink and yellow bags now." Nicki told them. They ran to their room and dug through the bags. Nicki had bought them all a pair of Loubitons and and outfit to go with them. "So shower and everything and then come to the front in about an hour so Terrence and Day can get you together." The girls Squealed.
"Bro Bro is coming here? To this house?" asked April.
"Yes and he is especially excited to see you, so I suggest you hurry up." Nicki rushed her into the bathroom. "Okay ladies I'll see you when I'm done getting ready."
4 Hours Later
The party was in full swing with all of Young Money there excluding Drake. Which made Toni sad because she was looking forward to seeing him. Also just friends of everyone were there. The Barbs were having a great time mingling with the celebs and common folks. Nicki made sure to keep an eye on them because she knew how the guys got. She didn't want them making the girls feel uncomfortable nor wanted them to try anything with them. The Barbs were instructed not to leave the main room. Tara was in the corner talking to twist but she was his age so Nicki didn't worry to much. April was on the dance floor dancing with Mack Maine. Lesley was smashing a plate of food, while Toni conversed with a boy.
"Hey Mack you make sure you keep your hands above the waist." Nicki pointed at him.
"I got you sis." he laughed.
"Come here." Safaree said sneaking up behind Nicki and hugging her from behind. "have you feed my kids yet?"
"Our kids and no not yet. I wasn't sure what was up there that you would let me eat." she laughed.
"Very funny. Well come on before Lesley pulls up a chair to the buffet table." Nicki looked at her.
"She not playing bout that barbecue." he led her to the spread of food. Nicki looked it over. "Faree I don't want any of this."
"You sure? Weren't you craving potato salad earlier in the week and barbecue baked beans?" Nicki turned her nose up at the sound.
"Yeah but it doesn't sound appeasing right now." she scanned the table again. "Well they have fruit, I think I want that." She went to the end of the table and loaded her plate with pineapples and strawberries, then they headed to a table. Safaree sat close to her and draped his arm around the back of her chair while watching the people dance and have a good time.
"If you want to go dance you can Safaree I won;t be mad." Nicki said placing another pineapple in her mouth.
"No I'm fine right here with all four of my babies." he ran his hand over her stomach. "How are the pineapples?" She put one up to his mouth and it disappeared quickly into his mouth. "Yo them are sweet." He looked at her plate and seen they were almost gone. "I'm going to go get you some more." Nicki nodded her head and watched him walk away.
"Why are you not up enjoying yourself HB?" Muny said walking up to her with the rest of the girls.
"I am, see." She showed them her plate. "And besides you girls got here and forgot I existed. You three were all up in boys faces and this one was making love to her food." They all laughed.
"We could never forget about you. I'm sure Twist is happy I'm out his face because all I did was talk about you." Tara said.
"And Mack Maine is to dam...I mean he is just to old for me." Muny said correcting herself.
"Ooo you almost cussed in front of HB." Toni teased.
"Yall four are something else i tell ya." Nicki looked around. "Where is Safaree with those pineapples?" she spotted him by the food table with some girl all in his face. "Now who is this bird?" The girls looked in his direction.
"We got this Nicki." Toni said.
"Don't get ratchet over there." She wanted to see what they would do so she let them go. The girls surrounded both the girl and Safaree. SB looked as if he was explaining himself to the girl which made Nicki smile. Then they turned their attention towards the girl. Lesleys neck and hands were working overtime to let the girl know something. They all put they arm in the air and pointed to the left and the girl hauled ass getting away. They all came back to the table escorting Safaree like they were his bodyguards. "Did you lose your way?" She asked Safaree.
"Man baby I was on my way back and the girl--"
"Ion wanna hear all that just hand me my Pineapples man." she reached for the plate cutting Safaree off. The song changed and the dj played Too Much Booty In the Pants by 2 Live Crew. Nicki grew excited. "Come dance with me barbs. They went to the dance floor and watch Nicki spazz out to the song. Martin came through with his camera and caught it on film. This was a rare moment and he knew Safaree and everyone else would want to relive. Nicki wasn't doing to bad for carrying triplets. Safaree came and got behind her while she was dancing.
"This is probably how you got knocked up in the first place." Wayne yelled out causing the circle to erupt in laughter. The girls and Nicki danced a couple more songs until Nicki grew tired and had to sit down. She watched the girls dance to their hearts content.
"I'm going to miss them Faree." she laid her head on his shoulder.
"I know but you will see them again I'm sure."
"It's going to be hard putting them on the airplane in the morning." She sighed and tried to push the thoughts out of her mind. She would enjoy the rest of the night and worry about tomorrow then.
*Hope you liked this one. I need 25-30 comments before i even think about posting again. You can do it so stop looking at ya screen funny! lol And if your not commenting I'm not going to keep notifying you!*
Bake Pops

Too Much Booty in the Pants!
Nicki woke up with out Safaree next to her in the bed. She got out of the bed to take her shower and get ready for the day. She was excited to spend the day with her Barbs, the girls gave her so much life yesterday. They wanted to know everything about everything. She waddled down the stairs to the girls rooms and peeked in both rooms. Tara was sprawled out all over the bed with her hand on Lesleys face. Muny was sleeping peacefully through Tonis soft snoring. Nicki giggled and went to go find Safaree, he had to be in the house because he wouldn't leave her side for more than 20 minutes since the incident. She looked in the kitchen but no SB. She heard voices coming from the backyard, so she made her way there.
When she looked she seen Safaree and Martin in jumpers both holding a side to a piece of paper arguing. She couldn't make out what it was about. She looked at the area where they were working on the garden yesterday, the ground was turned. She slid the door open which caught the attention of Safaree.
"See nigga you woke her up with all your nonsense." Safaree scolded Martin.
"If you would just listen instead of running them soup coolers you call lips she wouldn't have heard shit." Martin said back.
"Neither one of you woke me so hush. And what is all this you guys?" She walked further outside.
"It's your garden Boss." Martin said. "Well the beginning stages anyway." he looked back at the land and all the dirt.
"Um Martin can you go can you go snap some pictures of the girls sleeping for please?" Nicki asked.
"Uh sure." He walked to the door and took off his boots as to not trail the dirt in the house.
"So are you happy?" Safaree asked looking at her face take in the scenery.
"Yes, I'm very happy." She went to hug him. "How long have you two been out here?"
"Me since six and Martin since seven. This shit got a coons arms aching." he moved his arms back and forth.
"I'll give you a rub down later on to show my thanks." Nicki said leaning her body into him and looking up at his face. Safaree raised an eyebrow.
"A rub down eh?" Nicki shook her head yes. "I'm looking forward to that." he pecked her lips and she grinned.
"Can we start the flowers now Faree?"
"You don't want to wait on your Barbs?" he asked.
"Well I don't think they are really into it, I don't want to force them to do this."
"You should leave some for them to do just in case they do babe."
"Okay but can we do some together before the wake up. Just me and you." Safaree drew his bottom lip in his mouth then let it go.
"Yeah come on." He lead her over to the front row and helped her onto her knees. He went back towards the door and grabbed her a pair of gloves. "Which flowers do you want in the front on that side?"
"I want the chrysanthemum's to go over here." Nicki stated. She dug her nails into the dirt picking some up then letting it fall from her hands.
"Whatttt you getting your precious little hands dirty." Safaree walked back towards her while she glared at him with a smirk on her face.
"Don't make fun." She said in her little girl voice as he sat next to her and handed her the gloves.
"So this is what your gonna do baby, your gonna take the seeds since Me and martin already stitched the grass."
"What does that mean?" she asked.
"We used that thing over there--" he pointed. "and we ran it over the soil to make wholes for the seeds."
"Ohhh okay." she nodded.
"So all you have to do is spread the seeds over the soil like this." He showed her how but when she did it she just let them go and they fell into one spot. "No baby like this."
He took off his gloves getting behind her and pouring more seeds into her hand. He ran his hands down her smooth skin to meet her hands, he kissed her cheek. He grabbed a hold of her hand and shook it gently making the seeds scatter. She looked at the side of his face smiling and listening to all he was telling her.
"How do you know all this SB?" she asked.
"I called the lady at Home Depot and asked her a million questions so my baby could have the best garden ever. Nobodies is going to be fucking with yours. Beleedat." He said moving his left hand from hers to her belly and began rubbing it.
"I like when you take interest in the things I like Faree." He moved his head to look at her.
"You listen to all the things I want to do no matter how much you think there dumb." She smiled. "Do you have the hang of it now Nic?"
"Yessir." He backed away from her but she grabbed the hand that was on her belly and stopped him. "That doesn't mean I want you to move." Nicki said never breaking her concentration from what she was doing.
"Baby I smell."
"Not that bad. You just smell like a man." she smiled and held out her hand for more seeds. He pored them for her them wrapped himself around her waist.
"Babe you have to put some down there too."
"Well scooch down there then." They moved their right leg together then their left leg.
"Yo we corny." SB said.
"So! What's wrong with corny? We cute." Nicki said spreading her seeds around again. Safaree leaned into her and took in her scent. She smelled like her kloe perfume and her Carols Daughter Black Vanilla Herbal Shampoo mixed with the hair butter. He loved her so much and it scared him at times. "Why you get quiet on me?" Nicki asked. He came out of his thoughts.
"I'm sorry baby." he kissed her head.
"I like you calling me baby."
"I call you it all the time." Safaree said.
"No you call me babe, it's different." She sat on her butt because her knees were beginning to hurt. She leaned to the side still in his arms.
"Oh, well I'll call you that if it keeps that smile on your face." he swiped his index finger over her nose knocking a couple of specks of dirt off. He went in for a kiss but was interrupted someone clearing their throat. They both looked up to see Martin with the girls by on both sides of him with big smiles on their faces.
"We hungry HB." Lesley said.
"So Safaree stop trying to tongue down my HB and let's go inside." April said. Nicki laughed.
"Barbs come help me up." she extended her hands. Toni and Tara walked over and helped her up. "What do you ladies want for breakfast?" All four girls rambled off their orders with Nicki trying to catch it all.
The girls were in Nickis room on the floor sitting in front of the chase lounge Nicki was on. The girls wanted to ask her about the incident but didn't want her to get mad or feel bad. Nicki could feel they had something on their minds.
"Talk to me Barbs."
"We are talking silly." Tara said.
"You all seem like you have something on you want to talk about." the girls looked around at each other. Muny spoke up.
"Well we want to know about...about the whole kidnapping." the room fell silent with Nicki looking back and forth at their faces.
"Why do you want to know about that?" Nicki laid her arm across her belly.
"See I told you we shouldn't have asked." Lesley whispered. Nicki looked at her.
"I never said I wasn't going to spill." she sighed and went on to explain to them leaving out a few details once she saw the tears streaming down their faces. She made sure to leave the part about the gun being put to her head out and Melanie slapping her, also Drake being involved. The media hadn't found out about him being involved. They already looked ready to commit murder from the minor details she had given. "But I'm fine now so dry your tears. No sense in crying over spilled milk right ladies?" they nodded wiping their faces. "Come to mama Barbs." She raised her for them to enter them. "Everything will be fine. Let's go harass Safaree, that will be fun."
"HB you are the only one that finds enjoyment in irritating him." Toni said.
"What's your point?" Nicki gave her a blank ditsy stare. Toni just walked out the room.
"I can't with her right now." She said giggling. "Safaree wherever you are HB is coming to harass you so I suggest you hide." She yelled out.
"Who's side are you on?" Nicki waddled her way out of the room. "That's why you can't come play with us in the game room you big headed little girl." Nicki said following behind her down the stairs. Toni turned to say something but Nicki pointed at her and cut her off. "Say something slick I dare you." The others snickered at her. They walked into the kitchen and found Safaree pulling out cake pans.
"Coon you bake?" Lesley asked.
"A coon has some skills." Safaree said. "This is what you wanted right?" he held up the pan.
"Yes." She nodded her head. "Okay Barbs we are going to make Bake Pops."
"You would be the one to buy that Nicki." Tara said sitting on the stool.
"What is that?" April asked.
"You haven't seen that commercial? The pan has little circle compartments you put the cake batter in, then you put the other pan on top, then put tit in the oven. When they are done they are little circles of cake and you put a stick into it like a lollipop." Nicki explained. "Safaree where is all the stuff we put on them?" she looked around.
"I must have left it in the car, I'll be back." he ran to the car.
"So what kind of cake do you want chocolate or vanilla?"
"Chocolate." They all said.
"So Vanilla it is." She smiled showing her dimples. Safaree entered the kitchen with two bags. They were filled with sprinkles, Oreo's, chocolate and white chocolate drizzle, candy coating, and powdered sugar. "Let's get to baking."
Nicki let the girls mix the batter and pour it into the cake pans. They put them in the oven for 30 minutes that was 25 minutes ago.
"Tara can you get three of those deep small bowls out of the cabinet over there?"
"Sure." She went and did as she was asked.
"Muny hand me those bags." Just then they heard a loud crash. Nicki turned around to see Tara with her hands over her mouth looking at the broken glass.
"I'm so sorry Nicki. It was to far back and I accidentally tipped it over but couldn't catch it before it the ground." She rambled off quickly. Safaree went to the closet and grabbed the broom and dust pan.
"It's okay hunnie but back away from the glass I don't want you to get cut." Safaree picked up the big pieces with his hands then swept up the scattered smaller ones.
Tara went and sat in the living room because she felt bad. Toni went to go check on her.
"Where are they going?" Nicki looked towards the front room.
"Toni is seeing if she is okay because she started crying. She thinks your going to be mad at her." Muny said nonchalantly.
"Oh my Gawd, my Barbs are so dramatic. I break those things like every week, that's like our third set."
"Look who's calling someone dramatic." Safaree said. Nicki punched him in the arm.
"No one asked you." Just then the two girls walked back into the room. Nicki held out her arms for Tara and she went. "I'm not mad so calm down. Come help me with the candy coating." the timer went off for the bake pops so Safaree turned off the oven then pulled them out sitting them on the cooling racks.
"Let's play never have i ever later on you guys." Nicki said. Tara looked up from the melted candy coating.
"What is that?"
"Well it's a drinking game but since none of you are 21 and I'm prego will figure something out. But you say Never Have I Ever then you say something you haven't done or you have done before and whoever has done it has to drink or what ever we decide."
"I'm down. Can we ask anything?" Muny asked.
"Mmhmm. Come on yall start dipping your balls into the coating before it get's hard again." Everyone looked at her.
"Pauz." they all yelled out.
"Yall so nasty."
"That's not to sweet is it Nicki?" Safaree walked up behind her placing his hands on her hips. She swiped some off her cake and stuck her finger in his face. Safaree inserted her finger into his mouth, then slowly licked it off. Nicki looked at him while mouthing "Don't play with me." He smiled and let her finger go.
"No Yall so nasty." Toni said. "So when are we playing this game?" Nicki looked over at her.
"We can play in a few." Nicki said looking over at Safaree was leaning on the counter staring at her. "What the hell are you looking at?"
"My baby mama." Nickis jaw dropped.
"Don't call me that Safaree."
"Okay I'm sorry. I'm looking at my baby." he tried kissing her but she moved her face.
"I don't want ya funky kisses."
"Don't do me like that. I'm sorry." He kissed her on her shoulder and up her neck. The Barbs had big goofy smiles on their faces.
"Okay now stop." She looked up at the Barbs and smiled back at them.
"This is why you asked us to bring this?" Lesley asked taking the bag.
"Yeah I don't want to eat this." Muny threw the bag out in front of her.
"If you wanna play this game you will. Now gather round the table so we can play." Nicki had sent them questionnaires asking them different random questions one being 'What is your least favorite candy?'
"I can't believe you asked them to bring candy to give to another knowing they don't like it." Safaree said. "And then have the nerve to have a mixed bag of candy for yourself." He walked over to the fridge.
"Well believe it and come sit down." Safaree came back with a bowl, then took Nickis bag of candy and sat the bowl in front of her.
"What is this? No I don't want this." Nicki reached for her bag. "This was why I was mad at you the other day."
"What happen?" Toni asked.
"She got caught sneaking junk food at three in the morning in her closet. I took it all and she got mad." The girls broke out into laughter.
"It's not funny."
"Now your apart of the game just like them." Nicki stared at the bowl of carrots in front of her. "Now I'll start the game. Never have i ever smoked weed." SB started.
"Don't judge me barbs." Nicki took a bite of her carrot and the Barbs laughed.
"Never have i ever skipped school." Tara said. Everyone took a bite of their candy.
"Never have I ever passed out from drinking." Safaree said. Nicki glared at him them ate a carrot.
"Never have i ever crashed a car." Muny said. Nicki was the only one to take a bite.
"Never have i ever kissed someone on the first date." Lesley said. Safaree and Nicki took a bite.
"And no it wasn't with each other Barbs, so stop thinking it." she rolled her eyes at them.
"Nobody was thinking it guilty." Muny said.
"Never have i ever been in handcuffs." Toni said. Safaree and Nicki both took a bite. The girls gasped.
"Well we know SBs had to do something with his job, so what did you get in trouble for?" Toni asked. Nicki looked up.
"Who said I was in trouble Barb?"
"Ewww." they all said then laughed. Nicki felt Safaree looking at her.
"What?" she asked.
"I wanna know who had you in handcuffs because I know I haven't." Nicki looked at him wide eyed.
"Oop. Um Never have I ever kissed in the rain." Muny said trying to get Nicki out of the hot seat. Tara and Lesley both ate a piece of candy. Safaree let it go for now.
"What are you two doing kissing period?" Nicki looked at them.
"She never said who you kissed. I've given my mother a kiss on the cheek while it was raining before." Lesley said.
"Mmhmm quick save."
"Never have i ever experienced love at first sight." Nicki said. Safaree popped a Milky Way in his mouth.
"Aww who was it?" Tara asked. He nodded towards Nicki. "Yall cute."
"I know right he alright when he wants to be." Nicki said. They played the game for another hour until Taras last Never have i ever. Safaree had to leave to go get something from the store.
"Never have i ever gotten freaky while others where in the house." Tara and Nicki made eye contact.
"I gotta pee." Nicki got up.
"No either say you haven't or you take a bite." Tara said smiling. "Your not supposed to lie to us HB. About anything." Nicki kept waddling away.
"Did you guys see that hickey on HBs neck?" Tara asked smiling.
"Who could miss it, its about the size of Texas. She is not doing a very good job of hiding it. Safaree must have got some last night." Muny said swirling her hips in a circular motion laughing. "Ain't that why you asked the question?" She shook her head.
"She wouldn't do that why we are here." Toni said frowning.
"You only saying that because you are one of the still delusional Dricki fans." Lesley said.
"Whatever no I am not heffa." She said back.
"Don't get mad at me because it is Onikafaree. And you still writing that blog on Dricki as if it is ever gonna happen." Muny laughed at both of them.
"What are you laughing for yours started out as Dricki." Toni said. She felt like they were ganging up on her.
"Key word 'Started' but was never going to finish as that because I knew what it was."
"Well what about the all Dricki one you wrote." she raised her voice which caught Aprils attention.
"Who the hell you yelling at first of awl? And secondly I wanted to please my fans." She flipped her hair and walked over to the fridge and got a soda.
"What is all this yelling? You know I don't like when my Barbs fight." Nicki entered the room with a worried look on her face.
"Yall two chicks need to keep it cute. Got my Nicki all worked up." Lesley said. "Nobody cares about yalls story this weekend."
"What stories Barb?" Nicki asked them. April and Toni looked at the other two daring them to say something. Nicki saw this. "What STORIES?" she asked again. "Oh so all of a sudden you are fucking mute, that's okay I'll figure it out I always do. Come on and start getting ready for the party. You can open your pink and yellow bags now." Nicki told them. They ran to their room and dug through the bags. Nicki had bought them all a pair of Loubitons and and outfit to go with them. "So shower and everything and then come to the front in about an hour so Terrence and Day can get you together." The girls Squealed.
"Bro Bro is coming here? To this house?" asked April.
"Yes and he is especially excited to see you, so I suggest you hurry up." Nicki rushed her into the bathroom. "Okay ladies I'll see you when I'm done getting ready."
4 Hours Later
The party was in full swing with all of Young Money there excluding Drake. Which made Toni sad because she was looking forward to seeing him. Also just friends of everyone were there. The Barbs were having a great time mingling with the celebs and common folks. Nicki made sure to keep an eye on them because she knew how the guys got. She didn't want them making the girls feel uncomfortable nor wanted them to try anything with them. The Barbs were instructed not to leave the main room. Tara was in the corner talking to twist but she was his age so Nicki didn't worry to much. April was on the dance floor dancing with Mack Maine. Lesley was smashing a plate of food, while Toni conversed with a boy.
"Hey Mack you make sure you keep your hands above the waist." Nicki pointed at him.
"I got you sis." he laughed.
"Come here." Safaree said sneaking up behind Nicki and hugging her from behind. "have you feed my kids yet?"
"Our kids and no not yet. I wasn't sure what was up there that you would let me eat." she laughed.
"Very funny. Well come on before Lesley pulls up a chair to the buffet table." Nicki looked at her.
"She not playing bout that barbecue." he led her to the spread of food. Nicki looked it over. "Faree I don't want any of this."
"You sure? Weren't you craving potato salad earlier in the week and barbecue baked beans?" Nicki turned her nose up at the sound.
"Yeah but it doesn't sound appeasing right now." she scanned the table again. "Well they have fruit, I think I want that." She went to the end of the table and loaded her plate with pineapples and strawberries, then they headed to a table. Safaree sat close to her and draped his arm around the back of her chair while watching the people dance and have a good time.
"If you want to go dance you can Safaree I won;t be mad." Nicki said placing another pineapple in her mouth.
"No I'm fine right here with all four of my babies." he ran his hand over her stomach. "How are the pineapples?" She put one up to his mouth and it disappeared quickly into his mouth. "Yo them are sweet." He looked at her plate and seen they were almost gone. "I'm going to go get you some more." Nicki nodded her head and watched him walk away.
"Why are you not up enjoying yourself HB?" Muny said walking up to her with the rest of the girls.
"I am, see." She showed them her plate. "And besides you girls got here and forgot I existed. You three were all up in boys faces and this one was making love to her food." They all laughed.
"We could never forget about you. I'm sure Twist is happy I'm out his face because all I did was talk about you." Tara said.
"And Mack Maine is to dam...I mean he is just to old for me." Muny said correcting herself.
"Ooo you almost cussed in front of HB." Toni teased.
"Yall four are something else i tell ya." Nicki looked around. "Where is Safaree with those pineapples?" she spotted him by the food table with some girl all in his face. "Now who is this bird?" The girls looked in his direction.
"We got this Nicki." Toni said.
"Don't get ratchet over there." She wanted to see what they would do so she let them go. The girls surrounded both the girl and Safaree. SB looked as if he was explaining himself to the girl which made Nicki smile. Then they turned their attention towards the girl. Lesleys neck and hands were working overtime to let the girl know something. They all put they arm in the air and pointed to the left and the girl hauled ass getting away. They all came back to the table escorting Safaree like they were his bodyguards. "Did you lose your way?" She asked Safaree.
"Man baby I was on my way back and the girl--"
"Ion wanna hear all that just hand me my Pineapples man." she reached for the plate cutting Safaree off. The song changed and the dj played Too Much Booty In the Pants by 2 Live Crew. Nicki grew excited. "Come dance with me barbs. They went to the dance floor and watch Nicki spazz out to the song. Martin came through with his camera and caught it on film. This was a rare moment and he knew Safaree and everyone else would want to relive. Nicki wasn't doing to bad for carrying triplets. Safaree came and got behind her while she was dancing.
"This is probably how you got knocked up in the first place." Wayne yelled out causing the circle to erupt in laughter. The girls and Nicki danced a couple more songs until Nicki grew tired and had to sit down. She watched the girls dance to their hearts content.
"I'm going to miss them Faree." she laid her head on his shoulder.
"I know but you will see them again I'm sure."
"It's going to be hard putting them on the airplane in the morning." She sighed and tried to push the thoughts out of her mind. She would enjoy the rest of the night and worry about tomorrow then.
*Hope you liked this one. I need 25-30 comments before i even think about posting again. You can do it so stop looking at ya screen funny! lol And if your not commenting I'm not going to keep notifying you!*
Bake Pops

Too Much Booty in the Pants!
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