Nicki woke up with out Safaree next to her in the bed. She got out of the bed to take her shower and get ready for the day. She was excited to spend the day with her Barbs, the girls gave her so much life yesterday. They wanted to know everything about everything. She waddled down the stairs to the girls rooms and peeked in both rooms. Tara was sprawled out all over the bed with her hand on Lesleys face. Muny was sleeping peacefully through Tonis soft snoring. Nicki giggled and went to go find Safaree, he had to be in the house because he wouldn't leave her side for more than 20 minutes since the incident. She looked in the kitchen but no SB. She heard voices coming from the backyard, so she made her way there.
When she looked she seen Safaree and Martin in jumpers both holding a side to a piece of paper arguing. She couldn't make out what it was about. She looked at the area where they were working on the garden yesterday, the ground was turned. She slid the door open which caught the attention of Safaree.
"See nigga you woke her up with all your nonsense." Safaree scolded Martin.
"If you would just listen instead of running them soup coolers you call lips she wouldn't have heard shit." Martin said back.
"Neither one of you woke me so hush. And what is all this you guys?" She walked further outside.
"It's your garden Boss." Martin said. "Well the beginning stages anyway." he looked back at the land and all the dirt.
"Um Martin can you go can you go snap some pictures of the girls sleeping for please?" Nicki asked.
"Uh sure." He walked to the door and took off his boots as to not trail the dirt in the house.
"So are you happy?" Safaree asked looking at her face take in the scenery.
"Yes, I'm very happy." She went to hug him. "How long have you two been out here?"
"Me since six and Martin since seven. This shit got a coons arms aching." he moved his arms back and forth.
"I'll give you a rub down later on to show my thanks." Nicki said leaning her body into him and looking up at his face. Safaree raised an eyebrow.
"A rub down eh?" Nicki shook her head yes. "I'm looking forward to that." he pecked her lips and she grinned.
"Can we start the flowers now Faree?"
"You don't want to wait on your Barbs?" he asked.
"Well I don't think they are really into it, I don't want to force them to do this."
"You should leave some for them to do just in case they do babe."
"Okay but can we do some together before the wake up. Just me and you." Safaree drew his bottom lip in his mouth then let it go.
"Yeah come on." He lead her over to the front row and helped her onto her knees. He went back towards the door and grabbed her a pair of gloves. "Which flowers do you want in the front on that side?"
"I want the chrysanthemum's to go over here." Nicki stated. She dug her nails into the dirt picking some up then letting it fall from her hands.
"Whatttt you getting your precious little hands dirty." Safaree walked back towards her while she glared at him with a smirk on her face.
"Don't make fun." She said in her little girl voice as he sat next to her and handed her the gloves.
"So this is what your gonna do baby, your gonna take the seeds since Me and martin already stitched the grass."
"What does that mean?" she asked.
"We used that thing over there--" he pointed. "and we ran it over the soil to make wholes for the seeds."
"Ohhh okay." she nodded.
"So all you have to do is spread the seeds over the soil like this." He showed her how but when she did it she just let them go and they fell into one spot. "No baby like this."
He took off his gloves getting behind her and pouring more seeds into her hand. He ran his hands down her smooth skin to meet her hands, he kissed her cheek. He grabbed a hold of her hand and shook it gently making the seeds scatter. She looked at the side of his face smiling and listening to all he was telling her.
"How do you know all this SB?" she asked.
"I called the lady at Home Depot and asked her a million questions so my baby could have the best garden ever. Nobodies is going to be fucking with yours. Beleedat." He said moving his left hand from hers to her belly and began rubbing it.
"I like when you take interest in the things I like Faree." He moved his head to look at her.
"You listen to all the things I want to do no matter how much you think there dumb." She smiled. "Do you have the hang of it now Nic?"
"Yessir." He backed away from her but she grabbed the hand that was on her belly and stopped him. "That doesn't mean I want you to move." Nicki said never breaking her concentration from what she was doing.
"Baby I smell."
"Not that bad. You just smell like a man." she smiled and held out her hand for more seeds. He pored them for her them wrapped himself around her waist.
"Babe you have to put some down there too."
"Well scooch down there then." They moved their right leg together then their left leg.
"Yo we corny." SB said.
"So! What's wrong with corny? We cute." Nicki said spreading her seeds around again. Safaree leaned into her and took in her scent. She smelled like her kloe perfume and her Carols Daughter Black Vanilla Herbal Shampoo mixed with the hair butter. He loved her so much and it scared him at times. "Why you get quiet on me?" Nicki asked. He came out of his thoughts.
"I'm sorry baby." he kissed her head.
"I like you calling me baby."
"I call you it all the time." Safaree said.
"No you call me babe, it's different." She sat on her butt because her knees were beginning to hurt. She leaned to the side still in his arms.
"Oh, well I'll call you that if it keeps that smile on your face." he swiped his index finger over her nose knocking a couple of specks of dirt off. He went in for a kiss but was interrupted someone clearing their throat. They both looked up to see Martin with the girls by on both sides of him with big smiles on their faces.
"We hungry HB." Lesley said.
"So Safaree stop trying to tongue down my HB and let's go inside." April said. Nicki laughed.
"Barbs come help me up." she extended her hands. Toni and Tara walked over and helped her up. "What do you ladies want for breakfast?" All four girls rambled off their orders with Nicki trying to catch it all.
The girls were in Nickis room on the floor sitting in front of the chase lounge Nicki was on. The girls wanted to ask her about the incident but didn't want her to get mad or feel bad. Nicki could feel they had something on their minds.
"Talk to me Barbs."
"We are talking silly." Tara said.
"You all seem like you have something on you want to talk about." the girls looked around at each other. Muny spoke up.
"Well we want to know about...about the whole kidnapping." the room fell silent with Nicki looking back and forth at their faces.
"Why do you want to know about that?" Nicki laid her arm across her belly.
"See I told you we shouldn't have asked." Lesley whispered. Nicki looked at her.
"I never said I wasn't going to spill." she sighed and went on to explain to them leaving out a few details once she saw the tears streaming down their faces. She made sure to leave the part about the gun being put to her head out and Melanie slapping her, also Drake being involved. The media hadn't found out about him being involved. They already looked ready to commit murder from the minor details she had given. "But I'm fine now so dry your tears. No sense in crying over spilled milk right ladies?" they nodded wiping their faces. "Come to mama Barbs." She raised her for them to enter them. "Everything will be fine. Let's go harass Safaree, that will be fun."
"HB you are the only one that finds enjoyment in irritating him." Toni said.
"What's your point?" Nicki gave her a blank ditsy stare. Toni just walked out the room.
"I can't with her right now." She said giggling. "Safaree wherever you are HB is coming to harass you so I suggest you hide." She yelled out.
"Who's side are you on?" Nicki waddled her way out of the room. "That's why you can't come play with us in the game room you big headed little girl." Nicki said following behind her down the stairs. Toni turned to say something but Nicki pointed at her and cut her off. "Say something slick I dare you." The others snickered at her. They walked into the kitchen and found Safaree pulling out cake pans.
"Coon you bake?" Lesley asked.
"A coon has some skills." Safaree said. "This is what you wanted right?" he held up the pan.
"Yes." She nodded her head. "Okay Barbs we are going to make Bake Pops."
"You would be the one to buy that Nicki." Tara said sitting on the stool.
"What is that?" April asked.
"You haven't seen that commercial? The pan has little circle compartments you put the cake batter in, then you put the other pan on top, then put tit in the oven. When they are done they are little circles of cake and you put a stick into it like a lollipop." Nicki explained. "Safaree where is all the stuff we put on them?" she looked around.
"I must have left it in the car, I'll be back." he ran to the car.
"So what kind of cake do you want chocolate or vanilla?"
"Chocolate." They all said.
"So Vanilla it is." She smiled showing her dimples. Safaree entered the kitchen with two bags. They were filled with sprinkles, Oreo's, chocolate and white chocolate drizzle, candy coating, and powdered sugar. "Let's get to baking."
Nicki let the girls mix the batter and pour it into the cake pans. They put them in the oven for 30 minutes that was 25 minutes ago.
"Tara can you get three of those deep small bowls out of the cabinet over there?"
"Sure." She went and did as she was asked.
"Muny hand me those bags." Just then they heard a loud crash. Nicki turned around to see Tara with her hands over her mouth looking at the broken glass.
"I'm so sorry Nicki. It was to far back and I accidentally tipped it over but couldn't catch it before it the ground." She rambled off quickly. Safaree went to the closet and grabbed the broom and dust pan.
"It's okay hunnie but back away from the glass I don't want you to get cut." Safaree picked up the big pieces with his hands then swept up the scattered smaller ones.
Tara went and sat in the living room because she felt bad. Toni went to go check on her.
"Where are they going?" Nicki looked towards the front room.
"Toni is seeing if she is okay because she started crying. She thinks your going to be mad at her." Muny said nonchalantly.
"Oh my Gawd, my Barbs are so dramatic. I break those things like every week, that's like our third set."
"Look who's calling someone dramatic." Safaree said. Nicki punched him in the arm.
"No one asked you." Just then the two girls walked back into the room. Nicki held out her arms for Tara and she went. "I'm not mad so calm down. Come help me with the candy coating." the timer went off for the bake pops so Safaree turned off the oven then pulled them out sitting them on the cooling racks.
"Let's play never have i ever later on you guys." Nicki said. Tara looked up from the melted candy coating.
"What is that?"
"Well it's a drinking game but since none of you are 21 and I'm prego will figure something out. But you say Never Have I Ever then you say something you haven't done or you have done before and whoever has done it has to drink or what ever we decide."
"I'm down. Can we ask anything?" Muny asked.
"Mmhmm. Come on yall start dipping your balls into the coating before it get's hard again." Everyone looked at her.
"Pauz." they all yelled out.
"Yall so nasty."
"That's not to sweet is it Nicki?" Safaree walked up behind her placing his hands on her hips. She swiped some off her cake and stuck her finger in his face. Safaree inserted her finger into his mouth, then slowly licked it off. Nicki looked at him while mouthing "Don't play with me." He smiled and let her finger go.
"No Yall so nasty." Toni said. "So when are we playing this game?" Nicki looked over at her.
"We can play in a few." Nicki said looking over at Safaree was leaning on the counter staring at her. "What the hell are you looking at?"
"My baby mama." Nickis jaw dropped.
"Don't call me that Safaree."
"Okay I'm sorry. I'm looking at my baby." he tried kissing her but she moved her face.
"I don't want ya funky kisses."
"Don't do me like that. I'm sorry." He kissed her on her shoulder and up her neck. The Barbs had big goofy smiles on their faces.
"Okay now stop." She looked up at the Barbs and smiled back at them.
"This is why you asked us to bring this?" Lesley asked taking the bag.
"Yeah I don't want to eat this." Muny threw the bag out in front of her.
"If you wanna play this game you will. Now gather round the table so we can play." Nicki had sent them questionnaires asking them different random questions one being 'What is your least favorite candy?'
"I can't believe you asked them to bring candy to give to another knowing they don't like it." Safaree said. "And then have the nerve to have a mixed bag of candy for yourself." He walked over to the fridge.
"Well believe it and come sit down." Safaree came back with a bowl, then took Nickis bag of candy and sat the bowl in front of her.
"What is this? No I don't want this." Nicki reached for her bag. "This was why I was mad at you the other day."
"What happen?" Toni asked.
"She got caught sneaking junk food at three in the morning in her closet. I took it all and she got mad." The girls broke out into laughter.
"It's not funny."
"Now your apart of the game just like them." Nicki stared at the bowl of carrots in front of her. "Now I'll start the game. Never have i ever smoked weed." SB started.
"Don't judge me barbs." Nicki took a bite of her carrot and the Barbs laughed.
"Never have i ever skipped school." Tara said. Everyone took a bite of their candy.
"Never have I ever passed out from drinking." Safaree said. Nicki glared at him them ate a carrot.
"Never have i ever crashed a car." Muny said. Nicki was the only one to take a bite.
"Never have i ever kissed someone on the first date." Lesley said. Safaree and Nicki took a bite.
"And no it wasn't with each other Barbs, so stop thinking it." she rolled her eyes at them.
"Nobody was thinking it guilty." Muny said.
"Never have i ever been in handcuffs." Toni said. Safaree and Nicki both took a bite. The girls gasped.
"Well we know SBs had to do something with his job, so what did you get in trouble for?" Toni asked. Nicki looked up.
"Who said I was in trouble Barb?"
"Ewww." they all said then laughed. Nicki felt Safaree looking at her.
"What?" she asked.
"I wanna know who had you in handcuffs because I know I haven't." Nicki looked at him wide eyed.
"Oop. Um Never have I ever kissed in the rain." Muny said trying to get Nicki out of the hot seat. Tara and Lesley both ate a piece of candy. Safaree let it go for now.
"What are you two doing kissing period?" Nicki looked at them.
"She never said who you kissed. I've given my mother a kiss on the cheek while it was raining before." Lesley said.
"Mmhmm quick save."
"Never have i ever experienced love at first sight." Nicki said. Safaree popped a Milky Way in his mouth.
"Aww who was it?" Tara asked. He nodded towards Nicki. "Yall cute."
"I know right he alright when he wants to be." Nicki said. They played the game for another hour until Taras last Never have i ever. Safaree had to leave to go get something from the store.
"Never have i ever gotten freaky while others where in the house." Tara and Nicki made eye contact.
"I gotta pee." Nicki got up.
"No either say you haven't or you take a bite." Tara said smiling. "Your not supposed to lie to us HB. About anything." Nicki kept waddling away.
"Did you guys see that hickey on HBs neck?" Tara asked smiling.
"Who could miss it, its about the size of Texas. She is not doing a very good job of hiding it. Safaree must have got some last night." Muny said swirling her hips in a circular motion laughing. "Ain't that why you asked the question?" She shook her head.
"She wouldn't do that why we are here." Toni said frowning.
"You only saying that because you are one of the still delusional Dricki fans." Lesley said.
"Whatever no I am not heffa." She said back.
"Don't get mad at me because it is Onikafaree. And you still writing that blog on Dricki as if it is ever gonna happen." Muny laughed at both of them.
"What are you laughing for yours started out as Dricki." Toni said. She felt like they were ganging up on her.
"Key word 'Started' but was never going to finish as that because I knew what it was."
"Well what about the all Dricki one you wrote." she raised her voice which caught Aprils attention.
"Who the hell you yelling at first of awl? And secondly I wanted to please my fans." She flipped her hair and walked over to the fridge and got a soda.
"What is all this yelling? You know I don't like when my Barbs fight." Nicki entered the room with a worried look on her face.
"Yall two chicks need to keep it cute. Got my Nicki all worked up." Lesley said. "Nobody cares about yalls story this weekend."
"What stories Barb?" Nicki asked them. April and Toni looked at the other two daring them to say something. Nicki saw this. "What STORIES?" she asked again. "Oh so all of a sudden you are fucking mute, that's okay I'll figure it out I always do. Come on and start getting ready for the party. You can open your pink and yellow bags now." Nicki told them. They ran to their room and dug through the bags. Nicki had bought them all a pair of Loubitons and and outfit to go with them. "So shower and everything and then come to the front in about an hour so Terrence and Day can get you together." The girls Squealed.
"Bro Bro is coming here? To this house?" asked April.
"Yes and he is especially excited to see you, so I suggest you hurry up." Nicki rushed her into the bathroom. "Okay ladies I'll see you when I'm done getting ready."
4 Hours Later
The party was in full swing with all of Young Money there excluding Drake. Which made Toni sad because she was looking forward to seeing him. Also just friends of everyone were there. The Barbs were having a great time mingling with the celebs and common folks. Nicki made sure to keep an eye on them because she knew how the guys got. She didn't want them making the girls feel uncomfortable nor wanted them to try anything with them. The Barbs were instructed not to leave the main room. Tara was in the corner talking to twist but she was his age so Nicki didn't worry to much. April was on the dance floor dancing with Mack Maine. Lesley was smashing a plate of food, while Toni conversed with a boy.
"Hey Mack you make sure you keep your hands above the waist." Nicki pointed at him.
"I got you sis." he laughed.
"Come here." Safaree said sneaking up behind Nicki and hugging her from behind. "have you feed my kids yet?"
"Our kids and no not yet. I wasn't sure what was up there that you would let me eat." she laughed.
"Very funny. Well come on before Lesley pulls up a chair to the buffet table." Nicki looked at her.
"She not playing bout that barbecue." he led her to the spread of food. Nicki looked it over. "Faree I don't want any of this."
"You sure? Weren't you craving potato salad earlier in the week and barbecue baked beans?" Nicki turned her nose up at the sound.
"Yeah but it doesn't sound appeasing right now." she scanned the table again. "Well they have fruit, I think I want that." She went to the end of the table and loaded her plate with pineapples and strawberries, then they headed to a table. Safaree sat close to her and draped his arm around the back of her chair while watching the people dance and have a good time.
"If you want to go dance you can Safaree I won;t be mad." Nicki said placing another pineapple in her mouth.
"No I'm fine right here with all four of my babies." he ran his hand over her stomach. "How are the pineapples?" She put one up to his mouth and it disappeared quickly into his mouth. "Yo them are sweet." He looked at her plate and seen they were almost gone. "I'm going to go get you some more." Nicki nodded her head and watched him walk away.
"Why are you not up enjoying yourself HB?" Muny said walking up to her with the rest of the girls.
"I am, see." She showed them her plate. "And besides you girls got here and forgot I existed. You three were all up in boys faces and this one was making love to her food." They all laughed.
"We could never forget about you. I'm sure Twist is happy I'm out his face because all I did was talk about you." Tara said.
"And Mack Maine is to dam...I mean he is just to old for me." Muny said correcting herself.
"Ooo you almost cussed in front of HB." Toni teased.
"Yall four are something else i tell ya." Nicki looked around. "Where is Safaree with those pineapples?" she spotted him by the food table with some girl all in his face. "Now who is this bird?" The girls looked in his direction.
"We got this Nicki." Toni said.
"Don't get ratchet over there." She wanted to see what they would do so she let them go. The girls surrounded both the girl and Safaree. SB looked as if he was explaining himself to the girl which made Nicki smile. Then they turned their attention towards the girl. Lesleys neck and hands were working overtime to let the girl know something. They all put they arm in the air and pointed to the left and the girl hauled ass getting away. They all came back to the table escorting Safaree like they were his bodyguards. "Did you lose your way?" She asked Safaree.
"Man baby I was on my way back and the girl--"
"Ion wanna hear all that just hand me my Pineapples man." she reached for the plate cutting Safaree off. The song changed and the dj played Too Much Booty In the Pants by 2 Live Crew. Nicki grew excited. "Come dance with me barbs. They went to the dance floor and watch Nicki spazz out to the song. Martin came through with his camera and caught it on film. This was a rare moment and he knew Safaree and everyone else would want to relive. Nicki wasn't doing to bad for carrying triplets. Safaree came and got behind her while she was dancing.
"This is probably how you got knocked up in the first place." Wayne yelled out causing the circle to erupt in laughter. The girls and Nicki danced a couple more songs until Nicki grew tired and had to sit down. She watched the girls dance to their hearts content.
"I'm going to miss them Faree." she laid her head on his shoulder.
"I know but you will see them again I'm sure."
"It's going to be hard putting them on the airplane in the morning." She sighed and tried to push the thoughts out of her mind. She would enjoy the rest of the night and worry about tomorrow then.
*Hope you liked this one. I need 25-30 comments before i even think about posting again. You can do it so stop looking at ya screen funny! lol And if your not commenting I'm not going to keep notifying you!*
Bake Pops

Too Much Booty in the Pants!
Lmao!!! Soup coolers! Nd thas sweet of him nd Martin to do for her. They get 10s across the board ^_^
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwww!!! He's showin her how to pkant seeeess!!! :D *snaps photo* Too cute
Lmgaooo!!! 1st thing Lesly say, "We hungry HB." She cn't say good mornin? Good afternoon??? Lmaooooooo!!!!!! I find that hilarious!
Woo! I touched Nika!! XD *screams then calns dwn & reads on*
Here we go :( I cn't take this story bein brought up again. It makes me sad :(
LoLL!! Oh, so I'm big headed nw Nic? #DEAD That lil back nd forth we had goin gave me Life wita capital ife!!! I love u Marty!!! Hahaha! HB's too cute! I will forever have that image in mi head nw... *imitates Nic* "*points* Say sum'n slick, I dare you." BAMBI!! Hahaha, I'm dun...
Oh mi Gid... *dies 3 times* That. Sounds. SO. Good. I want summa dat! :+ I'm craving the sweet stuff rite nw
Aww! That is so me! Lol, I dn't like it when ppl feel bad. Making them feel better is mi specialty ^_^
Whoa... Never have I ever is that game that gets u in trouble if u play wit the rite ppl. Lol. I won the 1st time I ever played nd lost HORRIBLY the 2nd time, smh. But I love it tho
Ew Nic, lok. That pauz wuz very NessaCry.
Noooo!!!! But Marty, tell me y I was thinkin ew in mi head then u have me call them nasty, lol. Perftect.
Not him tryna get freaky wita in front of us tho! Have some damn respect Safaree! Lmao
Ayyye!! I see you HB. Siiiggghhh, Rastafariiiii!!! ;)
DEAD DEAD DDSHBBTHYR OH MI GOD DEEEEAAADDDD!!!!!!! Murdered!!! Smitten!!! She said, "Who said I was in trouble barb?" FREAK!!! Hahahahaha! I love her! Lmao
Aw ssmhit. I akready kno Safarew ain't lettin'at go. He gon be wonderin whobhad her in cuffs even after we leave. Unless she tells him sooner *shrugs* idk
Lmfaooo!!! I cain't wit these girls!!!! *sour face* -,- Oh. You jus had to go there huh? Well... this is your fic, I'll take that shot... for now >:) *throws apple at you*
Damn it.... stop bein nosey Nicki. Eat ya carrots plz and thank u. *hands her bowl*
Lmfaoooooo!!!! To the left, to the left!! How bitch jus gon come to HB house, to HER party, and tryta get wit HER man?!?! DIS. RE. SPECT. FUL!! Thas a hoe for ya...
Lol @ Wayne. Clown, smh
Awwwww :((( We're gonna miss you too Nika!!! Nd u wuz cool too SB... *daps him up* Bye triplets!! Love you guyz already! Muuuaaahhh!!! ^_^
Uh uuh Martisha... NOT this song tho, lmfao! Wtf??? I cn't stop laffin imaginin her dancin to this! Like no! Lol, funniest song ever. Post sooner or later. I enjoyed this chapter even tho I had enough shade for Africa, lol. Nw EYE am off to finish writing mi Dricki! :p Dueces!!
Fuck them typo's. Damn touch screen. -__-
ReplyDeleteLmao @ "Who said I was in trouble Barb?" *happy sigh* I like this chapter :)
ReplyDeletesorry im anonymous but dont have any of twitter or blogger or anything but just wanted 2 say love the story ! ONIKAFAREE GIVES ME LIFE !
ReplyDeleteawwww! They were adorable in he garden!! I can imagine Nicki getting down to that song 2 with Safaree acting wild behind her!
ReplyDeleteThat was Cuteeee ^__^ That song is cray!! Lmaoo with that I Never game how Lesley said she kissed her mom in the rain, I was dying. Lmao and Nicki and Faree in hand cuffs. Lmaooo I loved this chapter, hopefully post soon barb :)
ReplyDeleteidk y it wont let me comment regular this thing is sooo stupid but. afhsaofjlasvnbijd fodklafmkashvsajlgfdjklhagldsa you let me be all sorts of great and bbbbrrrrooooooo brrrrrroooooooo!!! lol :)) this was mad cute and not hb stalking our sleep taking pics and shit.. lol.. sb and hb some and not people trying to get on me bout my dricki fic i am onikafaree to the fullest ok!! -_- like dricki is some type of nasty std.. anystankhoe mack maine is cute for the record and id talk to him thats my boo daddy!!! lolol.. and sb better watch it with that girl should have told that hoe keep it moovin -_-....
ReplyDeleteLmfaoooooooooooooooobhghvftb YOOOO Nic is a freak. Ahahahhah I'm mad you got me ova der looking like a fatty. My ass would of been turnt tf up if I was really at the party :p and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i dont wanna leave her :'(
ReplyDeleteLmfaoooooooooooo and I'm crying over the fact that kissed my mom in the rain lmfaaaaaaooooooooooooo.
And dead at NIcki being put in hand cuffs but not gettin in trouble FREAK TO DA MAX!!!!
I was laughing so hard when Toni was getting ganged up on because she ewas the only Dricki there (she really need to get with Onikafaree doe *side eyes her*).
It was so cute when they hade that scene making the bake pops "That's not to sweet is it Nicki?" Safaree walked up behind her placing his hands on her hips. She swiped some off her cake and stuck her finger in his face. Safaree inserted her finger into his mouth, then slowly licked it off. Nicki looked at him while mouthing "Don't play with me." He smiled and let her finger go. I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS PART!!! And then DEAD at Toni's comment"No Yall so nasty." Hahaha I swear u made her the most ignant out of all the barbz hahaha S/O to her though and you for doing a great job on this chapter!! LOV YA BARB POST SOON!
Aww this is a great chapter the barbs are funny and nic and sb are some major freaks..... I thought the girl was going to be that hoe Melanie... Dead at nicki having a hickey and not answerin the question overall great chapter as always
ReplyDeleteSo yeah youvalmost diedblast night when you sent me that tweet! I told myself i wasnt gonna comment either! But then I changed my mind just to say yall nosy as hell lmfaoo
ReplyDeleteLmfaooo here is your realvcomment I loved this chapter! I was lmfao the whole time! And HB and SB calm ya tits wait.til the barbs leave don't no bady wanna see all that! Post soon.
ReplyDeletethis chapter was awl kinds of great!!!... im dien at tara breakin the dishes. like when she told her to get the dishes i knew itt!!!
ReplyDeletethey was cute when they were at the garden together. like woo. i still wanna know bout dem handcuffs *side eyes nic*
that game was funny
lmao at sb finding her stash of candy , and her makin them eat the candy that they dont like lol
but the party was to funny , that heffa betta had backed up -_____-
cute story barb
this was the cutest thing ever! hahaha sooooo funny!
ReplyDeleteim ready for her to have the babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
- good job Martha!
lmaoooooooooooo I loved this chapter from beginning to end!!! Not me sleeping wild lol Wait..the garden scene was so cute!!!!!!! Awww But I wanna see the pics of us sleeping! I wonder what Nic's gonna do with all the pics Martin capture! Ahhh great memories. Baking with my fave. But why did I have to be the klutz to break the damn glass? Po me..crying and ish! lmao Awww she hugged me. playing a game!!! Well we found out some new thing about HB & Faree lol Awwww he said it was love at first sight for him!!! And why did she ignore me? Talkin bout she gotta go pee.. mhmm I know her and Safaree got it on while we were there. She could've at least tried to hide the passion mark better! lmao Not Muny & Toni arguing lmaoooooo That was funny tho. But Toni, how you still sticking to ya Dricki when Onikafaree was being great right before your eyes? lol
ReplyDeleteAwww @ her telling us about the sad.....I know I'd be bawling in real life..god forbid that to ever happen. I love her too much.
They so cute!!! Then she got us outfits and let us go to a YM party!!!!! YOOOOO!She is the freaking best!! Not me in the corner with Twist -_- Muny dancing with Mack Maine!!! lmao and lawd Lesley's at the damn buffet table lol But fucking DEAD at us having that chick haul ass. Don't ever try and push up on my HB's man, okay hoe?
Yesssss for us dancing to the 2 Live Crew with HB!!!! djsklhjfkhi
Time with her is soooo amazing! I don't wanna leave! :( I'm gonna cry when we have to say goodbye. But S/O to us Barbz!!!!! This was a great chapter hun!!!!!
Excuse any typos!!!!
This chapter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteFirst off how freaking ADORABLE was Nic & Faree in the garden?! liiiiiiiike! lmaooooooo @ SB saying they corny tho. lol.
*crying & weeping* at the "dip your balls in the coating b4 it gets hard" lmfaoooooooooooooooooo I screamed PAUZ mad loud... Son I'm weak.
SB tryna be freaky in front the barbz. Nigga step ya dick DOWN licking fingers and kissing necks nshit while they got company. lol.
OMG she said she's been in handcuffs but not for being in trouble. Safaree was pressed like a button down on a Friday nite cuz he wasn't the one who put her in em. LMAO. Hope they don't argue ova that tho :/
That party was EVERYTHING but I'ma need that hoes who was in SB's face to let cute be the fuck kept cuz that's NICKI'S. BYE GURL, FLY GURL! I thought it was Melanie for a minute I was finna SPAZZ!
Awwww the barbz are leaving :/ I know Nicki is gonna be all dramatic and emotional when she takes them to the airport.
But wait Never have I ever been in handcuffs...she said "Who said I was in trouble barbz?" lmaooooooooo What a FREAK! Sb kissing all on her shoulders and neck while we're in the room. lmaoooo S/O to Terrence & Day hooking us up tho! That's what's up!!!! Ohhh They didn't wanna tell HB about the stories..mmhhmmm I wanted them to tell her so we could know what she thinks!!!! Nicki is fucking hilarious... "Now who is this bird?" ahahahaha & Wayne putting her on blast while she was dancing on SB!!! ehflsjkdfs This was so much fun to read!!!!!!
ReplyDeletethey are sooooooooooooooo fucking cute!!!! Like I'm happy how good their relationship is going but ima need tp see ParentingNika real soon! -@StillriseTM
ReplyDeletegreat chapter
ReplyDeleteThis story is makin me forget about real life, like wtf Martha this ain't cooo
ReplyDeleteLmaooooo @ Soup coolers you call lips!!!!
ReplyDeleteOnikafaree is sooo freakin adorable like..I love them!
Dead @ Nicki's comment, "Come on yall start dipping your balls in the coating before it gets hard again."
The never have I ever game>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Nicki wanted to know about the stories....I was like oh snap!!!!
The Barbz checkin that girl real quick for HB>>>>>They weren't havin that!!
Nicki dancin was everthing and on Safaree, too!! HOT!!
Wayne's comment was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!
I really loved this chapter! Post SOON!!! ^__^
Im lovin this chapter. Lol at her watchin them sleep.Dies @ Martin callin Safaree lips soup coolers. Awwww they were so cute plantin the seeds together. Dang freaky much, they in front of the barbz gettin freaky. Save that for the bedroom. Nic is a freak. Handcuffs?? Lmaooo @ Nic dancin while she pregnant.
ReplyDeleteGreat Chapter Post Soon!!!! @FuckYeaItsMinaj
This Was SOOO Cute! OnikaFaree Is Cute, The Dancing Lol!! "Who Said I Was In Trouble" Nic Behind !! Aww This Was Cute, Post Soon !! - @PROUDnika
ReplyDeleteawwwwwww! they are too cute in the garden! :'( @ her telling the story. making the cakes and stuff was cute but imma need safaree to tame the freak in front of company -_- lol. who said I was in trouble tho lmaooo ew nic, and that hoe at the party gotta GO! keep it cute boo! but u should make the barbz stay a
ReplyDeletelittle longer! :(. anywho LOVED this post!
Aaaawww they cute! workin on da garden 2getha ^_^ Oh so Nic ignored da never have I have had sex while someone else is in the house. um. I this chapter was so freakin cute:)Lmaooooo at da barbz tellin dat bird off Ha! post soon k. :)
ReplyDeleteThis chapter >
Naaaa ima need you to post ASAP! cus I was all into it then next thing i see is bright ass yellow writing lmaooo. :|
But i loved the prt when they were playing never have i ever! & the party scene! :D & Nic dancing lmfaoo.
ReplyDeleteYesssss Nicki dancin gives me life & lmao @ wayne he is a fool =D
ReplyDeletegreat chapter!!
Nicki being slick with SB reading this made me crave for junk food!! Loves the fact that the barbs got to spend time with Nic!!
ReplyDeleteAnother great chapter. Can't wait for the new post.
ReplyDeleteThey Cute ^.^
ReplyDelete--> "And besides you girls got here and forgot I existed. You three were all up in boys faces and this one was making love to her food." <-- Like Lmaooo
Awww @ Nic dont wanna put them on the plane
Im ready for the babies to her *chingy voice* HURRR
*falls to the floor* Martin called SB lipssoup coolers!! bwahahah!!
ReplyDeleteNIc & SB are too cute! =)
='( Them asking about that kidnapping makes me wanna kill a bitch all over again *balls fists*
*deep breath*
Dead! Thy all said chocolate and Nic was like "So vanilla it is" Haha!! I can see them all giving her the dead face lol
Ha! @Nicki saying her barbz dramatic! WE LEARN FROM THE BEST HB!!!!!
Handcuffs Nic? This i wanna hear. Make sure its in the next chapter martha!!! SB betta not let up till she tell him
Never have I Ever ummm _____ *takes a drink* lol
Dont run now HB! Dont Run! We seen that hickey on yo neck!! *miss Ella voice*
YES go let that trick know he is TAKEN!!!! all up in his face like makeup!! tuh!
HaHA!! Faree got escorted back! looool
I LOVED THIS chapter MArtha! It was funny and cute! Post soon =)
like i just love it so much it left me speechless...except safaree and nicki r to freaking cute! but other than that im speechless... lol #inlove&addicted
ReplyDeleteLol at the Barbs bum rushing that poor HOE...AWWW...sorry hoe but to the left too the left...n SB get back to the table SS SS STUDERING much...loved it post soon....BC 1000003038373820 out BELEEEEDAT @Jade4Maraj
ReplyDeletegreat chap. can't wait for the babies to come.
ReplyDeleteLMAOOO!!!! soup coolers
ReplyDeleteNicki and SB are corny ^__^ I love me sum "cornity"
Damn! I bet Nic ate most of the carrots..she has done a lot lol
"Who had you in handcuffs?" Lmao OOop!
Eeep! They heard Nic getting freaky and all...well it doesnt surprise me..since she's a freak in public too Lool.
OmG da hickey..guess them soup coolers sucked everything out. Lool I cant get over it
They are hilarious.!!! Nicki sure gonna miss them..Aww :')
AYE!!!! i love this blog....I just started reading it but im caught up lol. I love the barbs in this chapter!!
ReplyDeleteMan your a great writer! some of these stories dont really capture nickis personality but yo do, i love it!
great job martha!
Post Soon!!!
Ok...I changed my @ name AGAIN -__- This is the last time for a lonnng while..(formerly_MinajObsessed_) Posted already!!