*Enjoy Barbs and Ken Barbs! Muah*
Nicki woke up to the sound of her phone going off. She looked at the clock it read four-forty in the morning. She rolled over and picked up.
"Hello." she said into the receiver yawning afterwards. "Hello?" she asked again when no one said anything. "It's to early in the morning to be playing these games. Stop calling my phone who ever you are." she hung up. Thunder roared outside and lighting cracked. Nicki sat up in her bed and stretched. Nicki had been receiving phone calls from different numbers at weird times of the night but they never said anything, she just heard breathing. She had a felling it was Melanie, seeing as how when she was in a coma she told her she would never let her get a moments rest if she stayed with Safaree. Melanie told her she would hurt their kids if it came down to it, she wanted Safaree and it was nothing she wouldn't do to get and keep him. She wanted to tell Safaree but she didn't want him going after her himself. When she finally got up enough courage to tell him she couldn't because he found out about her taking the pills.
Nicki heard a something break downstairs. She got up slipping on her PJ bottoms and went to go see what had happened. She got to the bottom of the stairs she was startled by a certain burst of thunder. She calmed herself and entered the kitchen. She seen the glass vase that was sitting on the table had been knocked over. She looked up and seen a window was open, she figured the wind must have blew and knocked it over. She shut the window still not remembering when she opened it but she had been drinking so much still that she didn't put it past herself to have opened it.
She turned around to go upstairs when someone grabbed her by her neck and began squeezing. Her first instinct was to grab the hand around her neck.
"Let..go...of...me." she managed to get out. Nicki reached out to try and defend herself but the person tightened their grip so her hands shot back to her neck. The pair struggled and went to the ground. The person fell on top of Nicki still having a hold of her neck. "Please just let me go." Nicki said. She was starting to lose consciousness.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance months ago." Nicki felt the assailants finger nails and noticed they were manicured.
"Melanie?" Was the last thing Nicki said before she passed out.
"I can't do it."
"Yes you can Nicki, I'm right here with you."
"I can't Safaree." She cried.
"I'm right here. Look at me." She turned her head and looked him in the eyes. "I'm right here, we are almost there."
"Okay." she said.
"Alright give me a big push baby girl." Nicki pushed as hard as she could. "I see a head full of hair, give me another one." She pushed gritting her teeth.
"GET IT OUT!" She yelled.
"Calm down Nicki, you are almost there." Safaree said.
"One more honey." She pushed again she heard her baby crying. "We have our other baby girl." She handed her over to April.
"Baby you're doing so well, one more to go and we have our three blessings. Are you ready?"
"No it hurts so bad, I can't do that again."
"You got this babe, you have come so far."
"I don't want to hear that Safaree, you're not the one in PAIN!" she shouted.
"If I could do this for you I would but I can't so bare through it and get the last baby here."
"Hold on don't push." Dr. Reynolds said. Both looked at her with concern.
"Why what's wrong?" Safaree asked.
"It hasn't dropped down from its position, this might be one of the rare moments in pregnancy."
"What does that mean?" Nicki asked.
"I think it might of fell asleep."
"It can do that while in active labor?" Safaree questioned.
"Well wake it up." Nicki said through her gritted teeth. Dr. Reynolds took off her gloves and placed her hands on both sides of Nickis stomach and shook it really quickly. Nicki felt a weird movement in her stomach then felt something pressing against her bladder. "I think it's down." the doctor put on more gloves and went back down.
"Nicki....Nicki can you hear me?" She heard Lauren saying. Nicki opened her eyes and waited for her vision to focus.
"Whe..where am I?"
"The hospital."
"Again? What happen?" She sat up in the bed. Her neck hurt, she touched it and had a flashback of early this morning. "Oh my God Lauren." Her hand flew to her mouth.
"Don't cry Nicki, everything will be alright."
"Why is everyone so against me? What have I ever done to any, to deserve the things that have happened to me?"
"Nicki think about all the good that has happened to you, far out weighs the bad."
"When the bad stuff is surrounding you everyday it's hard to see the good things." Nicki took the tissue Lauren handed her. "Who found me?" Lauren looked away. "Lauren...who found me"
Waiting Room
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife it was so thick. One side of the room you had Nickis family, Candi, the Vaks, Wayne, Baby, Slim, and Safaree. On the other you had Drake and bunch of empty seats. No one knew what to say, on one hand he was the one who had brought so much chaos to their lives but he did find Nicki and practically saved her life.
"Listen everyone I know you don't want me here but I love Nicki just like you." Safaree stood clenching his fist. Robert got up and said something inn a low voice to Safaree. Safaree looked at Drake and walked down the hall.
"Son I suggest if you gone stay here then you don't need to say anything else." Robert walked down the hall following Safaree. Everyone else just stared at Drake, he was bright red. A doctor came out and the family stood.
"Mrs. Maraj." he said looking at the crowd in front of him.
"That's me."
"Hi ma'ma. I wanted t let you know that your daughter is fine. She has bruising around her neck but it should fade in a week or so." the waiting room was filled with Thank Yous.
"Can I go back and see her?" Safaree and Robert walked back up.
"She said she would like to see the young man that found her."
"WHAT?" everyone turned to Safaree who was the source of the outburst.
"Calm down SB." Robert said.
"This is BS and you know it sir. He shouldn't be allowed within 500 miles of her."
"She wants to see him, there is nothing we can do about it." Drake got up and walked back with the doctor.
The doctor walked Drake back to Nickis room then left back down the hall. Drake pushed through the doors and seen Lauren sitting next to Nicki on the bed. Lauren mean mugged him then looked back at Nicki.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"It's the least I can do, he saved me."
"No, it was the least HE could do. Let's not forget his dumb ass emotions is the reason your here."
"Lauren just give us a minute."
"I'm not leaving this room. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him." Lauren sat on the other bed in the room.
"Fine Lauren." Nicki said. "Come sit down." Drake came around to the side of the bed and sat in the chair. "Okay you said you wanted me to listen to you, you have the floor say everything you need to say." Drake looked over at Lauren who just stared back at him. "She's not going to leave so you might as well speak."
"Listen Nicki I've come to terms with the fact that you don't see me in a romantic way. But I will still like to be friends. Me and you have had a bond since the first day we met years ago, I just want to get back to that. We used to have so much fun together. The mini parties we threw in the back of the tour bus." He smiled when she smiled. "I just need you to know that I know it was a dumb and idiotic stunt I pulled last year, and if you give me the chance i will try my best to make it up to you. You didn't have to defend me and protect me when it came to me going to jail and you did, when everyone was telling you you were a fool for it. I still don't know why you did it but know I'm grateful. I don't want us to have a strained relationship Nic. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, I never wanted to hurt you. You mean so much to me and if I would have known that girl was off her rocker I wouldn't have fucked with her, she said she just wanted to help me. I put you and your children in danger. Please find it in your heart to just move passed this and let us make more great memories together." Drake took her hand.
"Are you finished?" Nicki asked. It was a rude way nor was it nonchalant, just a question.
"Yeah I guess."
"Listen Drake you are right, me and you had a bond since day one of us meeting. Both being new to the game you often understood what was going through my head when everyone else couldn't. You were more than a friend I looked at you as if you were family Drake. The bond that we shared was broken the day you decided it was okay to not only kidnap me but while i was pregnant as well. I'm sure that I will always have a place in my heart for you but I don't trust you anymore Drake. And If I can't trust you we can't be friends. I have forgiven you and moved on from the whole situation. I wish you well in your life but please like i said at my signing if it is not about business do not contact me. I greatly appreciate that you found me and got the ambulance quickly but really, there is nothing else for us to speak about." Nicki took her hand from his and placed back in her lap.
"I have to respect that. You let me say my peace, so I'll leave you to your family." Drake stood and leaned over kissing Nicki on her cheek. "I still and will always love you." he whispered in her ear then left.
Walking out to the waiting room everyones eyes were on him, he made contact with Safarees.
"You don't have to worry about me anymore. I won't interfere ever again." he walked out of the hospital.
"Safaree go on back and see how she is doing?" Mrs. Maraj said. He thought about it.
"Naw I'm going to go back to the house and see about the kids. Tell I was here and that I'm happy she is okay." he put on his shades and left the hospital.
Everyone went back to go check on Nicki, when they entered the room Nicki looked for Safaree and when she didn't see him she got sad. Her mom saw the disappointment in her eyes.
"He said he was glad to hear you were okay. He went back home with the babies."
"Okay." she said in a small voice.
"Nicki go ahead and tell them what you told me." Lauren said. Nicki took a deep breath.
"Melanie is the one who attacked me. Back when I was in a coma she came to the hospital and told me that she would hurt me if I didn't leave Safaree and she would hurt the children as well." Safaree had been standing in the door way when she made the confession.
"Why didn't you tell someone? When did you remember this?" Her father asked.
"A couple weeks before the CD signing." She looked over towards the door and they locked eyes. Safaree walked out the door pissed. She sighed. "Did the doctor say when I could go?" Just then the doctor walked in and announced that she could be released as soon as she signed the forms that were in his hand.
Nickis House
"I'm fine you guys stop fussing over me." she had been home for an hour and hadn't been allowed to do a thing. She wanted her house to herself. Her mom fluffed the pillows behind her for the fifth time. "Mom go home, I'm fine."
"I just want you to be comfortable. Keep your curtains closed, the paps are still out there." When Nicki was released from the hospital the paps had been all over her. She put her moms scarf around her neck so they wouldn't see it.
"I will mom, I want to get some rest. If I need you then I will call you."
"Carol let me talk to her really fast." Nickis father said.
"Sure. Goodbye baby." she walked out.
"Hows my baby girl?" he sat next to her on the bed.
"I'm fine daddy."
"I know you have been going through a rough time these last couple of weeks. Nobody wanted to tell me what was wrong but I eventually figured it out. I just want to let you know that addiction is a serious thing and If not treated quickly get get real bad real fast." Nicki tensed. "Now I'm not calling you and addict baby, I'm just letting you know something I have been through. I want you to get your rest, and begin letting your body and mind heal. I know you are wanting Safaree to be here for you but you have to give him time. He was there for you when I was out doing my thing and has seen what drugs can do to a person. I can tell you right now it scared him to see you in that condition. He couldn't stand to watch you like that." Nicki looked at her hands. "Alright, give me my hug and I will get out of your hair." She leaned over and hugged him tight.
"Thank you daddy."
"It is never a problem baby girl. Anytime you need to talk know I'm only a phone call or a drive away." He let her go and left.
Three Hours Later
Nicki woke up to someone nudging her. She buried herself deeper into her bed. They nudged her again.
"Whattttt?" she asked.
"Get up and eat." her eyes popped open at the voice. She pulled the covers from over head. Safaree was standing with a plate of baked salmon. She sat up taking the plate, he sat her water next to her on the nightstand.
"What are you doing here?"
"Taking care of my friend because obviously she can't take care of herself." She looked down not saying anything. "Look I don't mean to be an asshole but I'm not completely over what happened." he walked towards the door.
"Are you leaving?"
"No I'm staying here with you for awhile. Your mom thinks it's best and she has done so much for me I felt it only right to do the one thing she asked of me." again she was silent.
"When you are done let me know so I can come get the plate. I'll try and keep the babies as quiet as I can."
"They're here." She smiled.
"Yeah. Your parents have done enough babysitting. I can take care of them."
"I can too you know?" she looked down.
"When you aren't drunk maybe." she looked towards the window. "I'm sorry." he left before he said something else hurtful. He didn't try to say the things but he had never been one to hold his tongue about how he felt. He would try and control it for her, he knew she was in a fragile state of being in her life.
Later that Night
Safaree had been sleep in his room for a couple of hours. He woke up because he had a feeling, he didn't know of what he just had a feeling. He rolled over looking at the door, it was still closed. He rolled back over and that's when he seen what the feeling was, he was being watched.
Nicki sat in the chair in the corner of his room and was staring at him.
"Are you okay? Does your neck hurt or something, I can rub some more of the cream on it if you want me too. He sat up in the bed.
"No my neck is fine, i couldn't sleep. Can I sleep with you?" he just stared at her for awhile. "Never mind I'll go back to my room." she got up, walking out.
"No, you can sleep with me, it's fine." she stopped.
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
He pulled back the covers for her to get in. "Come on." she climbed in and got under the covers. "You comfortable?" she shook her head yes. Both laid there staring at the ceiling, wanting to say so much but not wanting to make the other angry.
"Can you hold me?" she felt his strong arms circle around her waist. "Safaree?"
"Where did you go when you left the hospital?"
"I went to go meet up with some people to put the word out about Melanie. If they find her they know what to do."
"I don't want you caught up in no drama SB."
"I won't be, now go to sleep Nicki." she closed her eyes. She felt safe with him.
2 Months Later
The babies had been running them like crazy. Most babies don't learn to stand up till about seven months and begin walking at 9 months. No not these here babies. They all three decided they wanted to stand and walk about a week ago. They were teetering still but walking, SB and Nicki couldn't believe it. The doctor said it was very uncommon but not impossible for them to do it at three months. Once they got the hang of it it was no stopping them. They hurried and put up the safety gates around the house.
Safaree and Nicki had argued for the first month of him coming back to stay with her. Both starting arguments for no reason just to get the other one riled up. It came to a point where they wouldn't even speak. Just moved around each other in their daily routine. Nicki took some advice from her father and went to therapy. She went to her therapist she had used while she was pregnant. She was still afraid Melanie would come back and hurt her and the babies but since the night she attacked her she hadn't surfaced again. When she began her sessions that's when things got better for them. Their friendship got back to where it used to be and strengthened as well. Their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend was a different story.
"Can I speak with you downstairs?" Safaree asked Nicki. She was in Ethans room putting him down for a nap.
"Sure I'll be down in a minute." she had a feeling of what was too come, but was hoping he wouldn't.
Nicki descended the stairs and went into the living room and seen Safaree on the couch. She went to go sit in the chair.
"No come sit by me." he said reaching out his hand for her. She sat on the opposite end of the couch. "So I--"
"Safaree please don't try and take my kids from me. I promise I'll do better, I really am trying. I'll do whatever it is you want but those kids are my everything, if you take them I don't know what I'm going to do. I went through a rough time but I'm back and I'm not ever going back to that place again. If it's the pills you are worried about, then I'll take a drug test every week if you want. I haven't taken one since the day you put them down the sink. I realize i messed up, I messed up bad but please don't crucify me for it." A single tear ran down her cheek.
"Are you done?" she shook her head yes. He scooted closer to her taking her hand in his. "Nicki I would never take them from you." he gave a sigh of relief. "I know the type of person you are, you are loving, kind and caring. You couldn't hurt a child if you tried, you love kids." she squeezed his hand, she needed to hear those words from him, she thought he had lost faith in her. "I just need for you to get yourself together and I see you have." he moved her hair out of her face. "The things I said to you the day we had the fight about the pills, i didn't mean any of it. I said it out of anger, I thought you had hurt my...our kids by taking them so I wanted to make you hurt. That comment about you being like your father was a low blow and for that I am sorry, I hope you will forgive me. You are a wonderful mother, and I have never thought otherwise, again I said to make you hurt. I hope you will forgive me." she threw her arms around his neck.
"I forgive you Safaree." he hugged her back. Both loved the other being in their arms. Safaree pushed her away from him slightly.
"There is more."
She sat back putting her hands in her lap. She didn't know what he could possibly have to tell her.
"I'm going to move out Nicki. I can't be with you like this anymore. I will be here everyday for my kids and anything they or you need I will provide." Nicki stared at him.
"I knew this was coming, we haven't been good for a while now like you said." he moved closer to her.
"I just don't think it's good for us anymore."
"You'll still be my hype man right? I can't do this without you."
"If you'll still have me I would love too. You are still my best friend no matter what. I told you that before we got into this relationship."
Nicki nodded her head letting her tears fall. She didn't want it to end like this but it was obvious she didn't know how to be about her children, craft, him, and her fans. So she would let him go if that's what he wished. He reached over and wiped her cheek with his finger.
"Don't cry it's not like I'm going anywhere, I just won't be in your house or bed anymore."
"I'll have to get use to that. I've never not had you live with me in my adult life, and as for you in my bed, well let's just say you will be missed at night." He smiled at her.
"I'm sure you can find someone to fill my void."
"I'm sure i could too but you were the best for me."
"And you for me in more ways than one. It's just not our time and we have to come to terms with that."
"I guess you are right. Friends?" she stuck out her hand. He just looked at it.
"Best." He pulled her in for a hug. Nicki took in his scent knowing she wouldn't be able to be this close to him for awhile. One of the baby monitors made noise and they broke from each other.
"That would be Ethan, that boy has a pair of lungs on him." Safaree said. "I'll go check on him." He kissed Nicki on the cheek and went upstairs.
Nicki pulled her legs to her chest and silently cried to herself. She knew she could never find another and that's what hurt her the most. She had strained the longest relationship she has had with a man, all by herself. She would neglect him at times for others that weren't as nearly as important has him.
"Nicki the girls are up now too, I need help." Safaree said into the baby monitor. She pulled herself together before going up the stairs.
"Just give him time." She said to herself. "That's all he needs." She wanted it to be true but wasn't so sure but when she had nothing else she had hope. So she would hold onto that and the great memories they had together. For her it would always be OnikaFaree.
*Wow I can't believe this is the last chapter. Leave a comment, even if you have never left one before please leave one, then meet me in the thank yous.*
Drake and Nicki w/ others on the tour bus way back when!
I'm LITERALLY CRYING. Im sad it ended this way and soooo soon! I have been reading yo story since day one. You have really transitioned and evolved a lot! Im proud of u! I know i didnt comment like i should have, i just didnt wanna be redundant! i appreciate u for being a great story writer, need more like u *wipes tears* i cant believe its over *cries hysterically* i hope you write another story because to let your talent go to waste would be a sin!this last chapter embodied sooo much emotion, it was WONDERFUL. Thank you again
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! This can't be true. Too much drama. SB leaving and Melanie's back you're evil. Great chapter though but *In a whiny voice* whyyyyyyy?
ReplyDeleteSoo, I Cry! This Is The Last Chapter ! :'( This was cute! i Cant Even Finish This Comment! This Was Cute! Im Gonna Miss This Story! Muah!
ReplyDeleteaaayyyeee!!!!! stepdaddy drizzy! *does peanut butter jelly time dance*
ReplyDeleteWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW THE LAST CHAPTER AND U ENDED IT LIKE THAT... *SIGHS* IT HAS BEEN a great journey readin these chapters and houndin u about postin new ones, i can't believe its finally over tho...like will u come back to do a sequel? or no....anyways *sighs again* i'll deal!!!!! AMAZING STORY OVERALL LOVED IT A LOT
ReplyDeleteOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I wanna cry!!!! Likeeee AHHHH.That was a great ending. It was different from the usual "happily ever after". Very realistic, and that's what I liked about it! GREAT CHAPTER. It covered everything and more. I'mma miss this story!! All the twists and turns kept me on the edge of my chair! I hope you keep writing in the future. You're a great writer!
Your Twife @CandaceMinaj
Omg I cant belive ur gnna leave it like that....like OMG....*dramatic tears* umm but on the other hand this was one of the best blogs I have read....*sighs* but its over now *sighs* u will b missed...*more dramatic sobs*
Damn damn damn *pams voice from martin* I did not expect it to end like that. I'm literally in utter shock. I soooooooooooo feel like crying right now till it ain't even funny. Anyway, how bout a round of applause. Standing ovation. This was the freaking greatest story evvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeerrrrrr. Im fucking sad that it's over. Well done Martha. Quick question, is there going to be a sequel or something?
ReplyDeletewell, the story overall was AMAZING. you are such a good writer. as for them breaking up...im sad :'( lmfaooo i guess i'll get over it. and its still ONIKAFAREE bitch! hahaha :P
ReplyDeleteWTF thats wat she had to tell SB, i thought it was about the pills (u got me on that one) now this crazy bitch got her, choking her out Nshit! Ugh this hoe cant neva stay away UGH!! Omg the flashback of her giving birth >>>>>>>>>> WTF how Drake know?! Is this nigga still helping that bitch??? Im glad he leaving her alone. Awe SB there for her =') now they cuddling awe! Whoa the babies walkin at 3months 0_o wth they super babies lol. Omg *cries* YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY like i cant take it! Onikafaree til the death of me!!
ReplyDeleteWow it's finally over..... My last time telling u GREAT CHAPTER!!! I really didn't want it to end like this now Nicki is just SB's Best Friend/ Baby Momma grrrrrr.. Great Story I'm feelin to read the whole story all ova again!! MUUUAAhh!!!! Lov YA!!
ReplyDeleteImma CRRRYYYY!!! This story is like... EVERYTHING!! Now it's ending(not including the sequel)! =') All good things must come to an end huh? Well... my input on this chapter is YO WHAT. THE. FUCK?!?!?!?! LIKE THAT'S IT FOR THE WHOLE CHAPTER!! I'm lost for words. Like Melanie hoe ass coming and tryna kill her AGAIN! -_- Then SB being stubborn TOO! GEE! One stubborn person is enough! Two is TOO MUCH! LAAAWWWDD!! Then the babies walking at 3 months all at the same time!! O_O God is dealing with her in with the number 3 cuz.... CLEARLY!! 3 babies all walking at 3 months just..... okay. THAT WAS CUTE HOW THEY WAS ALL CUDDLED UP!! then -___- boom. Safaree goes being stubborn as fuck again! Like... DUDE!! I LOVE the way NikaBear still has faith in the relationship they built! ^_^ She's being a good girl! Now I have to slap Safaree in the face a good..... 10 times. My poor NikaBear! *hugs her forever* Oh wait..... this is a story. =p anywaydoe MAAARRRTTTHHAA!!! *hugs YOU forever* This story was SOOO GREAT!! I can't wait for the sequel! Let's geddit! *cheesy grins*
ReplyDeleteLOOOOVVVVEEEE, @ItsMe_NotYu
*criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies* NO MORE NIkaFareee :'^( i can't believe that ...... they'll be back *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies somemore* it's overrrrr can't believe itttttt this story ISSS *weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps* hold me (p.s yur a great writter *continues to harass yu via DM* DEAL ^_^
ReplyDelete*Flavof Flav voice* WOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW I was not ready for that. =*{ that was really sad I wish it didn't have to end like that but imma pretend in my mind that he only needed time and they got back together. Yeah that's what imma do yep. But this was a great story and hopefully you make another one. It was truly a Beautiful Mistake
ReplyDeleteI'm crying reeeal tears right now. Like....its over?? Its really over?? I cant believe it. This has been a wonderful wonderful journey and a story I will always remember. You know, im still going to read this right, well yea I am!! OMG a sequel would be everything..you know maybe later on down the line...EVERYTHING. Wow I stilll can't believe its over. *deep sigh* Still crying btw.....
ReplyDeleteI knew it was Melanie grrrrrr. I'm just glad nothing too serious happened to Nicki and the kids weren't harmed.
Soooo Drake found her hmmm....how???? Anyway I'm glad she told him what she did so, moving on....
I knew that was Melanie in the room while Nicki was in a coma..i never did like that lil girl..-__-
I'm glad Nicki and Safaree went to therapy and made their bond even stronger than before. When he told her they needed to talk...I knew then, but I didn't want to believe it.
I thought it would end with him proposing...not in these conditons of course, but eventually but it does live up to It's name, 'Beautiful Mistake'.
So if there is a sequel *cough cough* maybe he'll realize that not being on the romantic level w/ Nicki was a mistake..maybe more therapy would help..idk..
I'm sod, but all good things must come to an end right?? I guess...
Well this is usually where I say great chapter blah blah post soon, but *wipes tears* I won't be saying that for A WHILE..*hint hint*
No jk jk...but seriously..the BEST story everrrrr to be written..girl this should be published or somethin..I absolutely lovvvved the entire story..I have since day one!!!
So i guess I'll leave here now :/ Maybe there's more in store for the future...Until next time...
Love Always,
Shan :)
Step daddy my ass go sit codepink! Anywaydoe anystankhoe omg tears down my face like booMama errrrr. This was great lol awww no more... But thats ok I guess...
ReplyDeleteOMG!! I CRIED. this was a beautiful journey! I just can't believe it ended up like that . Aww :'((( I knew Melanie psychotic ass had to pop up some time..she had done more than enough damage in their lives...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Nicki got herself together..She was miserable
But really let me try to find the good side of this ending hmmm..no more arguing right? *sigh* but I lived for that..cuz I knew they would go back together and make their relationship stronger..I'll just keep my hopes up this is really a Beautiful Mistake..Lool..maybe a sequel? ;)
Thank You Marthat!!! I hope you know you are a GREAT writer, thank you for finishing the story..and at least it was an open ending..you REALLY put everything in you to entertain us, Thank you again. WELL DONE xoxox
Omg its over :"( sooo im just gonna assume melanie died. Lol this whole story was just amazing! And Nic is right, its STILL onikafaree!
Lmfao not da trips learning how to walk at 3 months doe ha...I must say I wish SB n Nic would have worked out but I guess it is wut it is :'( mayb n da future lol smh nah but tha fact HB got it together so proud of her I knew she would have its N.I.C.K.I. we talkin about ya digg but I'm sad its over ugh I started out slow but after dat lil slow start I fell in love wit Beautiful Mistake Great Job Martha I'm so Proud of you Boo so Amazing you are #love ...@preezybaybe
ReplyDeleteWell Martha I must say you sure do know how to write one heck of a fan fiction. This chapter almost made me cry, you had my attention throughout the whole series and I've watched your writing skills grow with each chapter. Thanks for this wonderful story and I am ready for the sequel *muah*
ReplyDeleteFirst things first I'd like to thank you for creating such a great fiction. Sure was a hell of a ride your chapters were surely a rollercoaster all the ups and downs. I surely enjoyed. Sad to see it end. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteNO. I'm mad they broke up. . . that made me CRY real fuckin TEARS -_- ://////////////////////
ReplyDeleteI LOVED THIS FICTION THOUGH. AMAZING. Sad that it's over though. . .
Noooooooo! I really didnt want this story to end!! I wasnt reading this from wen u 1st started but one day I jus happened to come upon this story(I cant remember how tho)! I have really grown to love it. This was a rollercoaster ride full of emotions like Omg!!! So sad they broke up, but aww for Safaree bein there for his kids....Nic was cute for that 'as for you in my bed, lets jus say you'll be missed at nite' tho...& I wasnt gonna comment but bcuz of the comment u left I finally got up enuff courage to bcuz Im shy...so if this comment is not good enough thats y!
ReplyDeleteSo I cried everytime.. I read it like 3 times. SMH how emotional am i lol.
AAH well let's just say this was the perfect way to end the story... as horrible as it is that they're not together you wrote so that it ends like.. so good :D Im glad you're gonna keep writing :) but you got start updating girl!!! :)
THEY MUST END UP TOGETHER :( But I think that it would be perfect to add a whooolee lot of drama in between you know.. like safaree finds a girl or whatever (A NORMAL NO PSYCHO GIRL) :) so yeah.. and then they end up having passionate sex one night and they make up.. YES YES YES :) lmfao lemme not get ahead of myself :x so yes. thanks for making this story so good and erythaanng. so even if i don't have a blogspot account, and ion wanna get nothing cuz im too lazy :P, i officially sign up here for the OTHER STORY :D PAM PAM
luvv, mashi <3
MARTHA I AM IN PURE THUG TEARS. You ready for a story book to unfold?
This is one of my favorite fan fics. I loved this thing with all my heart. Almost as much as i love food. O_O This was AMAZING, i'm so glad i decided to read. I started at the last minute & literally read until i fell asleep. It was very entertaining. It was amazing tbh. I loved it. Like you don't know how much i loved this story. Every part of it was a amazing there is nothing i would change. I just kgjas;gkdsjagdjg i candfgjdkgldat believe that its over? [it is over right]? WOW. But i think i should talk about this chapter since i'm done talking about the overall story.
wowowowowoowowow. Melanie i knew she would pop up, i'm confused a tad though.. If she said she should have killed her why didn't she? Cause Nicki is very much alive. & HOW IN THE HILL did Drake find her? That's still a mystery in my head. & Why are even YM treating Drake like that :/ .. Wait dumb question. Anyways.
WOWOOWOW. I'm glad Safaree came back & that part when he was holding her. DAWWWL. Then the part the next day [i think it was the next day] When he had the talk :( I don't want them to be over. I don't want this story to be over. CAN THERE BE A SEQUEL? LIKE THEM HARRY POTTER BOOKS or.. O_O no? kay :/... I mean i guess they weren't meant to be.... YO why every story i've read thats finished Nic ends up alone (O_O) :( Anyways. I'm glad he'll still be there for her.
But on some real, your a villy villy villy good writer. & i enjoyed reading your story & i look forward to more from you.
- xoxox , Saki <3 [@OnikaTaughtMe__]
ReplyDeleteCheck out the thank you post and you will find the link to the sequel.
Deletegawd .. i feel stupid now .. crying n shyt .. loved this story veryyyyy much ..
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed it. The link to the sequel is in the Thank You post.
DeleteI'm a total weirdo for re-reading this again for the billionth time and then cry at the ending. Smhhh I'm a mess :(((((
ReplyDeleteVery much a weirdo. lol Why you crying? lol
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