"No I don't want to leave him please." Nicki screamed trying to get off the gurney.
"Nicki you have to go. Safaree would tell you to get checked out if he wasn't unconscious right now." Nickis eyes grew big. Wayne felt stupid. "Shit."
"What do you mean unconscious?" she was hysterical at this point. They were trying to get her into the ambulance.
"Nicki he will be fine. You have to worry about you and the babies right now. Safaree will be right behind you okay." Nicki looked at him and tried to calm her self.
"Okay. But before they put him in the ambulance make sure you tell him I love him." Wayne looked at her.
"Nic...You know I..."
"Just do it for me please Wayne?"
"Sir!" The paramedic said.
"Alright Nic, I got you. Now go." They put her in the back but before they closed the doors she got a glimpse of Safaree on a gurney passed out. She covered her face and cried. They pulled off. Wayne ran over to Safaree and looked at him. He didn't look to good. "SB man If you can hear me Nicki told me to tell you she loves you." Safaree didn't make any indication that he heard him. He backed away and let them put him in the back of the truck.
Sametime (Melanie)
"Get your foot off my back you pathetic excuse for a man." Melanie spat at Gudda.
"Bitch shut up." The police entered the room. "How did yall know to come here?" Gudda asked the officer taking his foot off her and letting the police have her.
"That would be me." Everyone looked up to see an older black woman with salt and pepper hair walk into the room.
"And who are you?" Streetz asked.
"Mother!" Melanie said. Gudda and Streetz looked at each other and busted out laughing.
"Yo moms turned you in to the police? CLASSIC." Gudda said.
"How could you?" Melanie asked her.
"Melanie you need help. I couldn't let you do anything to hurt that girl."
"YOU BITCH. How did you even find me?" Melanie asked.
"You didn't turn off your location on your phone. You never have been the brightest when it came to common sense Melanie." Melanie was now uncontrollable trying to get out of the grasp the officer had on her.
"YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THIS KAREN. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING." Melanie screamed and kicked as they escorted her out the door and outside to the Blue & White.
"Come on yall we gotta get to the hospital." Wayne yelled from downstairs. They hustled out of the building and back down the block to the car. They called Lauren and told her to get the Marajes to the hospital ASAP, and he would explain then.
It was chaos in Nickis room. Doctors and nurses were in and out sticking and poking her. She was trying to stay calm but she didn't like hospitals as it was but usually Safaree was there with her. She was internally panicking. A nurse came in and took her blood pressure. Nicki stuck her arm out then the nurse put the cuff on it. Nicki sat back wondering how Safaree was doing and tears began running down her face. The nurse took the cuff off but Nicki didn't notice until she sat down on the bed next to Nicki. Nicki looked at the nurse.
"HB you have to calm down. Your blood pressure is way to high." The girl said. Nicki stared at her and sighed.
"I know but Safaree..." Nicki didn't know if she wanted to tell her everything.
"He just got here and they are working on him. You can't focus on him at this time. Your babies need you focused on them and keeping them out of harm. I'll try to keep you updated." The girl grabbed Nickis hand The doctor walked in to the room.
"Christina they need you in the or with the man that just came in with the bullet wound." Nickis grip tightened on Christinas hand. She patted Nickis hand and let it go. She walked over to the doctor and whispered to him.
"How's he doing?" Christina asked.
"It's not looking good. Hes lost a lot of blood." Nicki looked from one to the other. Christina looked back at her.
"Nicki I will come back and check on you okay?"
"Wait what's happening with Safaree?" Christina looked at the Doctor then back to Nicki.
"Ma'am I can't tell you anything that had to do with another patient." Christina said. Nicki was confused by the Christinas change.
"But you..."
"I have to go now." Christina left swiftly.
"So..." he looked down at his chart. "Onika I see you are 24 weeks and you had a little bleeding."
"Yes." she was worn out and just wanted to sleep.
"Well it has stopped since then. We are going to keep you because you are having triplets and want to monitor you. Hopefully the bleeding will not start again but if it does we will figure it out. We will get you moved into a private room here in a bit okay?" Nicki shook her head but was zoning out.
In the O.R.
"Okay I'm here." Christina stated.
"Hand me that ribbon retractor." Christina reached over and grabbed it passing the retractor over Safaree.
"Is it a deep wound?"
"Yeah hes a lucky bastard a couple centimeters to the right the bullet would have punctured his heart. He's lost a lot of blood he's going to need a blood transfusion."
"I'll go prepare the IV." She checked his chart to see what blood type he was but it didn't say. She walked out of the O.R. she needed to go over to the blood bank but would stop by to see Nicki to see if she knew. When she got there Nicki had her back to the door laying down. Christina walked to the bed. "How you feeling HB?" Nicki turned her head and looked at her then turned back around.
"I'm fine."
"Okay. Do you by any chance know Safarees blood type?"
"AB negative." she mumbled. "What happened earlier? One minute you were telling me you would keep me updated then you tell me something opposite."
"Nicki I can't just say "Oh yeah I'll tell you all about that patient and their business in front of my boss Onika." Christina said giggling.
"Yeah I kinda need this job." She said
"I understand now."
"I'll be back" She rushed off before Nicki could ask her questions. She wanted to tell her Safaree was in the clear not that he was about to under go a blood transfusion.
Christina made her way down the corridor to their internal blood bank to request A negative blood pouch. While she waited she said a silent prayer for Nicki and Safaree to come hospital unharmed. She signed her name in the log and grabbed the bag with the blood in it then headed back to the O.R. She opened the doors and found a white man on the table suffering from a knife wound to the stomach.
"Where is the patient that was here before him." She asked in the midst of all the commotion in the room. A nurse spoke.
"They removed the bullet and moved him to a private room." Christina made her way to the nurses station and found out what room he was in now. Once she found out she went to go tell Nicki he was out of the danger zone but when she walked in the bed was being stripped by a nurse.
"Where did the girl go that was here?'
"They had to move her. I guess she is some famous singer or something and she got recognized. People started storming her room so they moved her to a private one." Christina looked at her then mumbled "Damn CF!". She turned and left and wondered why no one told her both of her patients were being moved? She figured out where Nicki was then went to Safarees room. When she walked in she got started on the transfusion. She found a vain in his arm and placed the IV in it.
Nickis Hospital Room
She laid on her side staring out at all the buildings in the city. She was so tired but couldn't bring herself to close her eyes until she knew Safaree was okay. It was all her fault he was in this mess she thought. She kept thinking she should have gotten herself out. It had been an hour since she seen Christina and she still had no clue on how Safaree was doing. The door opened and it was a nurse to come check all her vitals once again. She was tired of them poking and touching her. When the nurse finished up and walked out Nicki seen her mother and Fatheer walking in the room.
"MOMMY!" Nicki yelled as tears began to fall again. Mama Carol rushed to her side and pulled Nicki into her arms. Nicki sobbed into her mothers chest. Mr. Maraj reached out for Nickis hand and to his suprise she actually took his hand.
"It's okay Nicki calm down you are safe now baby girl." She rocked her back and forth.
"Mom Safaree he...he.." She couldn't get it out.
"I already know Nicki. His friends went to go see how he is doing. Now you lay back and try and get some rest. You getting all worked up is not going to help him. And don't you be blaming yourself either." Nicki will never understand how her mother read her mind. Nicki laid back still sniffling. Her Mom got up and closed the curtains to make it a little more dark in the room. She sat on the bed with Nicki stroking her hair and humming. Her father sat on the other side of the bed in a chair still holding on to his little girls hand. Within minutes exhaustion took over and she fell into a much needed sleep.
Safarees Hospital Room
It had been two hours into the transfusion and Safaree was still unconscious. Christina was assigned to only him, and Nicki upon request. She couldn't leave him during this process so she sat in the chair monitoring him carefully. 30 minutes passed and she heard commotion outside the room. She peeped her head outside the door to see the Vaks and Wayne yelling at Jenna. Serves that stuck up trick right. Christina stepped out off the room.
"Excuse me." They didn't turn around. "Hey over here." Still the yelling continued. "I said EXCUSE ME." Everyone got quiet and turned to her. "That's better." She smiled. "Now if you gentlemen follow me I think I know who you are looking for." She opened the door to Safaree and held it for them to walk in the room. When the men witnessed Safarees state of being, shock set in. Rex couldn't even look at him.
"Damn got my nigga wit tubes and shit running through him. Is he going to be alright?" Wayne turned and asked Christina.
"Yes, he should be. He lost a lot of blood before he got here so i'm giving him a blood transfusion right now."
"What's that?"
"It's when we replace the blood that was lost. The blood goes through a tube from this bag here." She pointed to the bag. "And into an intravenous (IV) catheter and into your vein." She pointed to the tube that connected the blood to Safaree's vein. Wayne nodded so she knew he understood. "This should be over in another 30 minutes or so."
"Can you give us a minute?"
"I wish I could but I'm not supposed to really leave the room. I came to get you guys so Jenna didn't end up being a patient here." She laughed.
"Yeah I feel you."
"Yo I swear if I ever catch that bitch alone she it's on sight." Rex said. He was feeling some type away about his homeboy being laid up in a hospital over a bunch of nonsense.
"Can he hear us?" She shook her head yes. "Well we are going to go see Nicki now."
"Tell her I'll be down in a few to talk with her."
"Alright, thanks..." she never told them her name.
"Thanks, Christina." they all walked out. Christina sat by the window thinking. She must have lost track of time because the timer went off to tell her it was only 15 more minutes left of the transfusion.
The timer sparked something in Safaree. He started having images in his head of Nicki with the gun to her
head. Along with the blood running down her legs. He jolted his eyes open at the image of Nicki screaming and reaching out for him while being wheeled out of the room away from him. He looked around at where he was and started to freak out. He pulled the oxygen mask off his face.
"Safaree you have to stay still." "Who are you?" he thought to himself.
"I have to go find Nicki she needs me." In his mind Melanie still had Nicki.
"No you have to calm down Safaree." she said trying to push him back down on the bed.
"Get off me. I have to go get her. She stole her from me and I have to get her back." he ripped the heart monitors off his chest. She hopped on the bed making sure she kept his arm straight and called out for Jenna.
"JENNA GET IN HERE NOW. JENNA!" Jenna burst through the door wide eyed at Christina being on top of Safaree. "GO DOWN.." Safaree moved again to get up.
"GET OFF ME LADY." he tried pushing her but she knew he couldn't get out of the bed so her adrenaline kicked in.
"NO! JENNA GO TO ROOM 343 ON THE THIRD FLOOR TELL THE MEN YOU WERE TALKING TO..." Safaree bucked. "WHOA, TO GET BACK UP HERE NOW. TAKE THE STAIRS." Christina new that he wouldn't calm down until he saw someone he knew. Jenna ran off and did as she was told. She burst through Nickis door once she got to the floor and rambled off what was happening and the guys took off out the door. Nicki was sleeping still. When they got back to the room Safaree had just managed to buck Christina off of him and she went flying in the air only to be caught by Gudda.
"Whoa Ms. lady." Wayne and Rex ran around him to get to Safaree.
"Safaree man you gotta calm down man." Wayne said.
"Where is Nicki? She has Nicki."
"No she is fine man."
"I need to see her." He said. Wayne looked back at Christina.
"I suggest you go get her and bring her to him, that is the only way he is going to stay still." She looked at the bag of blood it wasn't done yet but she left to get Nicki anyway. She hauled ass down the stairs to the third floor. When she hit the hallway she grabbed a wheelchair and entered Nickis room. She saw her mother by the window. She walked over to Nickis side and gently shook her.
"Nicki hunnie?" She stirred but didn't wake up. "Nicki I need you to wake up for me babe." Nicki looked over her shoulder at her and tried to remember where she was. "I need for you to come upstairs and calm Safree down for me okay."
"Why? What's wrong?" Christina helped Nicki out of the bed and into the wheel chair.
"Well nothing really. Let's just say he is VERRY eager to see you. I'll bring her back." She said to Nickis parents while she wheeled Nicki out of the room and to the elevator. Luckily for them it was already there so they hopped on and rode to the fifth floor. When they got off the elevator they heard a loud crash come from one of the rooms. They entered Safarees room and saw a metal tray and medical objects scattered on the ground. Wayne was holding Safarees arm straight with the needle in it and Gudda was holding his upper torso down on the bed.
"What took yall so long man?" Gudda asked. Safarees eyes went to the door and locked with Nickis.
"Nicki how did you get out? Get off of me." He was still struggling to get up.
"Babe you have to calm down for me okay. You have a needle in your arm." Nicki looked back at Christina. "Is it done now?" Christina looked at the bag and went over to his arm. She pulled the needle out carefully while placing a cotton ball and a piece of tape over the puncture. The men let him go and he jumped up and pulled Nicki to him tightly.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Nicki wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. "I'll never leave you alone again. I'm sorry." Christina took this as her cue to exit the room.
"We will be down in your room Nic." Wayne said leaving out the room with the rest of the guys. Neither Safaree or Nicki acknowledged them.
"It's not your fault Safaree, that is crazy if she wanted me she would have found away."
"I should have never gotten involved with her. I did this, I put you in danger."
"NO!" Nicki said staring up at a now teary eyed Safaree. "I'm not going to let you blame yourself for this. It's nobodies fault but those two psychos." Nicki hated the fact that Drake had been in on that plan. She really did love him dearly but now she would never fully trust him again.
"I'll kill them both for putting you through this."
"Safaree please just let the police deal with them."
"They put my family in harms way Nicki. I can't let that go."
"For ME, you can. I need you with me Safaree not locked up like some common criminal. Now promise me you won't go after them." He was silent. "SAFAREE!"
"Alright, I promise." Nicki looked at his chest.
"How are you feeling?" He looked at what she was staring at.
"Oh shit that bitch did shoot me didn't she."
"It doesn't hurt? Come on let's get you back into bed." he sat down and pulled her into his arms on the bed.
"No it doesn't hurt but I really can't feel the region of my chest. I think they might have numbed it or something." He looked down at her belly. "How are my kids?" he asked placing his hand on her stomach.
"OUR babies are doing okay. I started bleeding back at that building but it stopped and they said the babies are fin but want me to stay a couple of days to monitor me." She intertwined her hand with his and kissed it. "I missed you."
"I missed you to Nicki." They laid there in silence and after awhile Nicki dozed off. Safaree just stared at her face, like he was trying to commit it to memory. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." he said out loud but in a low voice. Nicki shifted in the bed and made a face.
"Tell your kids to be still." she said with her eyes still closed.
"Oh so they my kids when they don't behave." He said close to her ear.
"Mhhm." she said barely audible.
"Get your sleep babe. I'll be here when you wake up." he sat in silence with his thoughts.
*Sooo, what did you think? If you liked it or didn't like it I want to know. Melanies mom came through in the end, while yall was bashing her lat chapter! lmao COMMENT! And I have NO clue why those couple of paragraphs are highlighted but i cant get it off so yeah! My bad that it looks all ugly! DM'S for comments.
Until next time
Melanies Mother. And this is the ONLY decent pic of a older black woman. GOOGLE is racist! lmao j/k


I loved it! Safaree wild as hell im glad they're okay. Because u know if Safaree had died this would have been an onikalone story. But im glad Melanie mommy came through even though she still a fucking psycho for helping her with the first one or two but yeah! I was gonna kick your ass if this chapter ended without us knowing if Safaree was okay or not! Hahaha
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhhhhhhhhh the natural balance has been restored. I'm just one happy camper right about now. I'm glad everyone is okay. Post soon :)
ReplyDeleteOMG!! Thank God they are both okay and the babies too! I was kinda nervous, but I knew you wouldn't let anything horrible happen to them. The bitch's mama called the damn police on her psycho ass! This was really good! For you not to be a doctor, you did a really good job explaining the medical stuff!!!*Dead* @ Google is racist lmaooo U cray! Great chapter!!!
ReplyDelete*happy sigh* Thank God they're all Okay! And Melanies mom finna did her job! Aw the way Safaree reacted when he didnt see Nicki was Cute..wild but cute..The vaks are so loud poor Jenna getting yelled at the running the get them back..I LOVED this. It was one of those chapters where you smile thru the whole reading. :D Btw, dont thibk I forgot..When are we going to find out the sex of the other baby?
ReplyDeletePOST SOON :))
omggggggggggggggg i loved it!!! like real talk and im so happy Nicki and the babies r fine an d safaree is all irhgt! *wipes forehead while exhaling* man melanie bitch u need serious help! and man their (Nicki & Safarees family will be just fine, meaning them and the babies) #truly addicted. plzzzz post again soon love of my life swear this story is!
ReplyDeleteI... I... I-I Loved it! I'm so glad they're all ok. Safaree was going crazy thinking that psychotic bitch still had Nic, I was scared he was gone try to pull the needle out his arm... Her mama snitched. Oh! Thats what the bitch get crazy ass sick in the head mentally ill phychotic bitch, I hope they tear her ass to pieces while she on lock down. I was finna cry when she was reunited (& it feels so good... Lmao that just fit O.O)but no, I was finna cry when Nic was reunited with her mommy & daddy. It was a touching moment. You did good with the medical stuff, sound a lil professional there when you was explaining the blood transfusion, ya dig? Ooooohhhh yea thanks VerTical_Barbie, the sex of the other baby Martha ^__^ Can't wait to find out. & I was sholl lyk wtf Martha? why u start highlighting stuff, I thought the chapter was finna end & Google racist huh Lmaooooo Great Chapter!
ReplyDeleteOh mi Gee!!! I cn't comment how I want to cuz i haven't read like I wanted to :/ I've been reading bits and pieces throughout the day. I wuz kinda busy. ANYWAY! I wanna say I almost damn it cried!!! Like omg!!! When Safaree woke up askin for Nic, that made me tear up knowin she was the ONLY thing to settle him dwn! It wuz so sweeeet!!!! And then he held her?! I believe you owe me a box of Kleenex Marty!! Im so happy everybody is ok! The beginnin of this chapter got me too. How he was unconscious nd she wuz all hysterical? I couldn't deal. It wuz sad :( Um... I'm tryna remember everything I read.... oh! Im glad Karen isn't as crazy as I thot! Btw, isn't that a picture of that Star Trek lady? O.o Lol.
ReplyDeleteS/O 2 Tina 4 bein an AMAZING nurse! She should get promoted! Dead ass. Um... Melanie mutt face, dog ass better nt NEVER get outta jail!!! Cuz me nd Candi Nic nd Lauren is whippin A$$!!! And they better not arrest us for animal cruelty!! >:/
Im glad u fixed everything Marty!!!!!! God bless ur soul!! ^_^
Awwwwww Safaree was about harm himself again for his boo! Love how Nicki makes him calm down.
ReplyDeleteOh thank God.<3