"Nicki you have to pull yourself together babe." Safaree said pulling her into his arms. "You and the babies will be fine. If they have to come out early then so be it. That doesn't mean they won't be healthy." She was still sobbing.
"It's just that they are coming into this world with complications and I don't want that for them. I want their lives to be normal."
"And they will be normal. Just think of it like this, we are meeting them and giving them love two months earlier than we would have. Aren't you ready to see what beautiful little humans we made?" Safaree said trying to keep his composure. "You have got to calm down though we don't need your blood pressure through the roof again. Remember the hospital visit last month? You didn't like that so calm your nerves Nicki."
"I'm the reason they have to come out early Safaree. It's all my fault what if something happens to them once their out?" Nicki said looking at Safaree through blurred vision.
"Everything will be fine."
"You don't know that Safaree." she raised her voice and moved away from him.
"Nicki you have to have faith okay?"
"I know that Safaree." she got up and walked away.
"Where are you going?" Nicki stopped
"To my room is that okay with you." Nicki asked annoyed. He walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her and put his head on her shoulder.
"Well do you need anything babe?" Nicki tried to get her crying under control.
"No i'm fine. I just want to be by myself." Nicki moved his hands and walked up to her room and closed her door.
"Mama Carol I don't know what to do. She won't get out of bed, she barely eats her food. She won't talk to anybody about anything let alone the babies. I feel so helpless." Safaree said to Nickis mother. He didn't want to bother her with this but he didn't know who else to call. She was the only one he thought Nicki would listen to. Nicki didn't know that he flew her out to L.A.
"I'm here now Safaree so calm down. I'll see what I can do sweetie go relax." Mrs. Carol walked up the stairs.
"I'll be in the study if you need me." Safaree turned and walked the other way. Mrs. Carol knocked on Nickis door and got no reply. She opened it and walked into the room, it was dark. She could see Nickis shape in the bed. Mrs. Carol walked over to the drapes and opened them and let light in the room.
"What the fuck Safaree, why would--" When Nicki actually opened her eyes and seen her mother standing next to the window she changed her tune. "Mama what are you doing here?" she asked.
"I came to check on my daughter."
"Well I'm fine mama you can leave." Nicki put the covers over her head.
"Now we both know I'm not that easy to get rid of Onika." Her mom pulled the covers off of her. "Get out the bed Nicki."
"No mom just let me lay here. I can't fuck up anything if I just lay in bed."
"Onika you can't just lay in bed for the next four months." she sat on the side of the bed behind Nicki. "Look at me." Nicki didn't move. "Onika Tanya Maraj you heard me, look at me." Mrs. Carol said sternly. Nicki rooled her eyes and turned over.
"Mom I don't want to have my babies at seven months. They deserve to have a full pregnancy, and because of me they won't."
"Oh baby they will be fine." she rubbed Nickis face.
"I get the feeling it won't and I can't handle it if something goes wrong." Nicki said sitting up in the bed.
"You have to remember that God never puts more on us than we can bare. You just have to believe in HIM and know God has a plan. He wouldn't give you these blessings if you didn't deserve them." she rubbed Nickis stomach.
"Mom I'm so scared." Nicki wrapped her arms around her mothers neck. Mrs. Carol rubbed her back.
"Everything is going to be fine. But Nicki if the doctor thinks it's best you need to listen to her. And from what you have told me about her she has nothing but your best interest at heart. Also you need to go talk to Safaree. That man doesn't know what to do right now. He is so worried about you Onika. You can't keep pushing him away when things are going bad in your life. These are his kids as well. Did you ever stop to think how this is affecting him? I spoke with his mother and he has called her crying because he is worried about the babies and you. He doesn't know what to do. You and the babies are his family Nicki he wants to protect you all but he can't do that if you push him away. "
"I know mom. I have to call Dr. Reynolds and apologize. I yelled at her and told her she didn't know what she was talking about. She probably hates me. As for Safaree I don't know why I keep doing this to him. I just don't want him to see me when i'm not at my best. I know he wants to protect us but i needed to clear my head and have me time."
"Well is me time over because he needs you?"
"Yes. Thanks for coming mommy I needed this. I love you so much."
"I love you too baby girl. Now get yourself together and go reassure him of your love."
"Yes ma'am. Can you tel him that I'll be down in a minute. I want to go shower and get dressed before i see him."
"Okay I let him know go shower. I'll clean up this room before I go tell him."
"No mama you don't have to do that."
"I don't have anything else to do so let me be helpful." Nicki sighed and wen into the bathroom. When she looked in the mirror she noticed her puffy eyes. She went out into her room and got a couple of ice cubes from her little fridge and sat on the chase for ten minutes with the ice under her eyes. When she went to look in the mirror the puffiness was gone. She hopped in the shower.
Mama Carol walked around the big house searching for the study. "Safaree?" she yelled out.
"Yes Mrs. Carol in here." She heard. She walked towards the voice. When she rounded the corner she walked into the study. Safaree was sitting behind the desk ready one of the parenting books.
"Nicki said she is ready to talk to you but give her a minute she is getting herself ready."
"When she comes down let her talk but make sure you get your feelings out as well."
"Yes ma'am I will." She turned to leave. "You could stay in here with me if you want."
"I don't want to bother you."
"No ma'am you won't. Here's the remote to the T.V." she took the remote and sat on the couch. Safaree went back to reading.
Nicki was drying off with her big fluffy pink towel. She felt refreshed and energized, she hadn't felt this way in days. She sat on her chase and put on her coco butter. She put her Tummy Butter for stretch marks on her belly. She hadn't gotten any yet and she wanted to keep it that way. She walked over to her underwear drawer and searched for a set. Nicki pulled out a blue set, she wasn't in love with it but it would do. She slipped her underwear on and went into the closet to pick out an outfit. She pulled out a couple of things and put them together. She was going with yellow & blue today. She laid everything on her bed and sat at her vanity and did her hair. She didn't want anything to fancy so she just parted her hair starting from her left ear and went over to her right one and let the hair hang after she flat ironed it. Then the hair at the top she put into a ponytail and curled it. After that she did her make-up then put on her clothes. She wanted to wear her heels but she knew she would get a lecture from both Safaree and her Mother so she decided not to try them and slid on her blue flats. She looked at herself in her full length mirror and gave herself a once over then headed to find Safaree. She went straight for the study because that's was basically his room now since he found out about the babies. Nicki walked in the room.
"Safaree." she said in a soft voice. He looked up.
"Nicki." he said standing up.
"Oh you look lovely Nicki." Mrs. Carols said. Nicki didn't see her at first
"Thank you mama."
"I'll give you to some privacy." She turned off the television and walked out the room. Safaree walked around and stood in front of Nicki.
"You look great babe." Safaree said running his hand through her hair in the back. He pulled his hand away but she grabbed it and kissed it.
"Thank you. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting Faree. I don't mean to do it I just do sometimes."
"I hate it when you do that. I feel like I've done something wrong."
"No, you haven't done anything but try and be there for me and I'm grateful for that. I just needed to get my thoughts together."
"Nicki but I needed you for these past couple of days and you weren't there for me. You shut me out."
"I'm sorry Safaree."
"You're always Sorry Nicki. You never think about me and how I feel or what I go through. All you think about is Onika and how she feels." Safaree said. He didn't want to get angry with her but as he started to let his feelings out that was what happened. "The doctor said she wanted you to come in for another appointment and you said no Nicki. Those are not just your children in there Nicki, and I can't make you go but you need to go see Dr. Reynolds." he said pacing the floor now.
"Okay I will." Nicki said. She didn't like it when he yelled at her she felt like crying.
"You have to eat too. You around here eating like a little ass bird and shit. You have to eat if not for yourself then for them." he pointed to her belly. She couldn't help the tear that escaped her eye. "You can't think about just yourself anymore Nicki." Nicki looked at his face it looked like he hadn't had a good night sleep in awhile. His face was scruffy.
"Hold me." she said.
"What?" He said looking at her.
"Hold me Safaree." he stared at her then remembered what it meant. He walked to her and held her. When they where younger and Safaree would get mad at Nicki she would tell him to hold her so she would know he wasn't going to stop being her friend. It was only one time that he didn't hold her when she asked. "Stop being mad at me, I don't like it."
"Well Nicki if I don't tell you how I feel then you'll just keep doing what you do and pissing me off in the process."
"I know and I'll try to do better. Do you forgive me?"
"I can never stay mad at you butterball. Just make sure you take care of you and my kids. I don't know what I would do with out you, and i want my kids to be healthy."
"Okay." Nicki stood on her toes and kissed Safaree with everything she had in her. She didn't know what she would do if she lost him. She pulled away. "Babe what's with all the hair?"
"Oh I haven't shaved in days sorry guy."
"No I like it. You should leave it like this."
"Um no." Mrs. Carol knocked on the door. They looked over at her still holding each other.
"So is everything okay now?"
"Yes mommy. Thanks again for coming and checking on me."
"Yeah thanks Mrs. Carol." Safaree said.
"No thanks needed it's my job. Well this didn't take as long as I thought it would so I guess I will book my flight to go home."
"Wait No mom, you don't have to leave. Stay please?" Mama Carol rolled her eyes at Nicki.
"Okay Nicki i'll stay for a couple of days. Well I'm going to my room and relax for awhile."
"Well we are about to go out for lunch."
"Since when?" Safaree looked down at Nicki.
"Since I got hungry and you yelled at me for not eating. I want to take you out babe."
"Okay i'll go change clothes and shave first."
"Alright I'll be waiting."
"Don't worry about it just sit there and look pretty please." Safaree said to Nicki. She kept bugging him about where they where going.
"Whatever Safaree. Let me take this blindfold off."
"No. Stop touching it girl." he swatted her hand away. They pulled up to the building in Nickis car. He went around and helped her out the car. "I got you Nic, you trust me?"
"Step up." she lifted her foot and felt for the ground. Safaree opened the door to the building and guided Nicki in the building. They walked down a hall way into a big room. "Okay you ready?"
"Yes Safaree."
"Okay take off the blindfold." She took it off.
"SURPRISE." Everyone yelled. Nicki eyes grew big along with her smile.
"Oh My Gawd what is this Safaree?" she turned to look at him.
"It's a surprise baby shower. Your mom, Candi, Lauren, and Tyesha put it together." Nicki looked around the room at all the people who were there. All her close friends from childhood where there. Of course her Young Money family was there. Safarees family was there as well. She looked over at the table at all the gifts that where on it.
"I'm so happy all of you came to celebrate our new additions to the family." Nicki said addressing everyone. "Well go do whatever you do at one of these things. I'm about to hit up the food table." everyone burst out into laughter. "What's funny?"
"Girl let's go get you some food." Safaree said pulling her towards the table. She grabbed everything on the table. Safaree had to carry one of her plates. "Nicki you can always go back and get more."
"No I don't wanna look fat Safaree."
"And you think having three plates at once--"
"What did you say?" Nicki turned around looking at him. He looked at Lauren.
"Nothing babe let's go sit down."
"That's what I thought." he shook his head at her. They sat down at the table with her mom, Lauren, Candi, Tyesha, her brothers and father. "Thank you guys for putting this together for me."
"Our pleasure Nicki." Tyesha said. "We just hope you like it Nic."
"Like it I Love it you guys. I can't wait to get at that cake over there."
"Eat what you have Nicki then worry about the cake." Micaiah said looking at all of Nickis plates.
"Leave me alone Lambchop." Nicki said biting into her chicken wing.
"Wait." Safaree knocked it out of her hand. "That's not spicy is it?" he asked. Nicki punched him in his arm.
"You got one more time to knock something from my hand before I hurt you."
"No Safaree anything that is spicy is marked as so." Candi said laughing.
"Oh okay then, you can eat it then." Safaree said.
"Oh thank you Masta." Nicki said imitating a slave. Safaree picked up his spoon to east his beans. Nicki knocked it out his hand. "What the heck?"
"You don't like it do you?" Nicki said rolling her eyes at him.
"You two need help." Mrs. Carol said getting up from the table.
"That's him mommy."
"Snitches get stitches." Safaree told Nicki.
"And who gonna give em to her because it won't be you." Micaiah said looking at Safaree.
"Ooooooo." the whole table erupted into laughter.
"Yeah who gonna give em to me Faree? Got my bodyguard right there." Nicki said with a mouth full of food.
"Calm down slugger I was just playing." Safaree said to Micaiah. They all sat around and laughed. They told old stories about Nicki. Safarees family told stories about him.
"First off Jelani that wasn't funny. Go sit in the corner. And now it's time for Presents." Nicki said walking towards the present table. "Come on Safaree hurry up."
"I'm coming butterball."
"Do I have to read the cards you guys? You know I appreciate everything, and the card is probably all sentimental and you know i'm just a big cry baby so i'll just ball my eyes out at every card and--"
"Okay you don't have to read the cards just stop rambling." her father said.
"Fine daddy dang, you don't have to be rude." Nicki said. Nicki opened the big presents first. There was a big jungle gym for the back yard. It wasn't your average jungle gym it was like a playground type.
"Wayne why is it so big, pauz?"
"Hey my little nieces and whatever the other one is need the best." he said.
"Thank you. You and the rest of the men can enjoy putting it together when the time comes." his smile left quickly and everyone laughed. Next was a really long big box with a string on the side that said "pull here." so she pulled there. The front of the box fell down and there sat three miniature Ferrari's.
"Safree why would you get these?"
"How you assume that I got them?"
"You are the only one ignorant to bye them."
"Well I thought they should ride in style when they get four or five. When all the other kids are riding around in they barbie jeeps and escalades. My kids will pull up and let them know they will NEVA be on they level." Nicki blankly stared at him. Martin took a picture.
"You will not have my children acting ignorant at that age." Nicki said moving on to the next present. She got a lot of clothes for the babies. Formula, diapers, and bibs. Mama Carol & Mama Samules got the babies a ton of books to read. Nicki and Safaree didn't have to worry about a lot of things for a long time.
"Well that was fun. Thank you to everyone for getting the babies gifts. Now it's time for cake." Nicki and Safaree cut the cake and passed it out to everyone. Safaree walked off and talked to his sisters.
"Hey Nicki." She turned around.
"Oh Hi Drake." She gave him a hug. She hadn't seen or spoken to him in a long time. "How have you have you been?"
"I've been doing alright better now that I get to see your beautiful face." He ran the back of his hand down her cheek. She blushed.
"Thank you Drake. I'm glad you came to the baby shower. I've really missed you." She looked around and spotted Safaree in the corner talking.
"I've missed you to Nicki. Listen can we go somewhere and talk?" he asked.
"I don't think Safaree would like that Drake." Safaree was still salty about Drake grabbing on Nicki and didn't trust Drake around her alone.
"Come on Nicki please I just want to talk to you."
"It's not a good idea Drake. You can just tell me right here." Drake was heated.
"I never thought the day would come to where you couldn't be with me alone in a room Nicki." Nicki looked at him weirdly.
" Drake i'm sorry don't get angry." She put her hand on his arm and he snatched away.
"I tried being nice. I'll see you around Nicki." he went and grabbed his jacket and left. Safaree walked up to her.
"Is everything alright Nicki." She was still staring at the door wondering what just happened. "Nicki?"
"Uh yeah everything is fine babe." She smiled showing her dimples.
"You sure he looked pissed."
"Positive babe." She kissed him. "Let's go get more cake." She pulled him toward the table. He looked at her suspiciously but didn't say anything. He knew something happen but he would wait till they got home to question her.
@ Home
Safaree washed Nickis back in the shower taking her body in. Even at five and a half months pregnant she was still sexy to him. She was talking to him but he zoned out a while back into the conversation. He moved closer to Nicki to put the her body wash back on the rack.
"You okay back there?" Nicki said turning her head to look at him.
"Yeah I'm good why?" she looked downward at his manhood he did the same. He didn't even realize he was hard before that moment.
"You know if you want me to take care of that I will." Nicki took his manhood in her hand and stroked it for him.
"Fuck." he mumbled with his eyes closed.
"Just let me take care of it babe." she kissed him on his chest in various places.
"No babe I won't feel right."
"I can make you feel great Faree, you know I can so just let it happen." she circled his tip with her thumb and licked her lips.
"I can't Nicki as bad as I want to get down with you, I just can't." Nicki sighed.
"If that's how you want it Safaree." She let go of him and turned around. "Now where was I oh yeah baby names." Safaree had a mini fit when she turned back around then calmed down.
"Listen babe i'm bout to get out okay." she looked at him.
"Oh okay." she continued to wash her body. He got out and wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out the bathroom only to go into the bathroom down the hall to take a cold shower. He thought it was a quick shower but when he got out and walked back into Nickis room she was sitting on her bed looking back at him. "Was it Icy cold or Luke warm this time?" Nicki asked.
"Don't start." he said grabbing his underwear.
"Bien si vous m'avez donné juste le pénis vous ne gaspilleriez pas autant d'eau. (Well if you just gave me the dick you wouldn't have to waste so much water.)"
"Don't start that french shit either."
"Why Safaree does it make you horny?" Nicki asked.
"Nicki." he stared at her.
"Que? (What)"
"Stop it."
"Votre si mignon quand votre frustré. (Your so cute when your frustrated.)
"Okay, okay. Calm down." she laughed. He sat down on the bed. She scooted towards him. "Thank you for my party today."
"Anything for you Nicki." He kissed her and she kissed him back. It started to get heated real quick Nicki moved her hand down his body and untied his pants. Safaree grabbed her hand. "You ain't slick."
"Ugh." she broke the kiss and got out the bed. She stomped out the room. "Baise stupide!"(Stupid fucker!)
"Come back." he said smiling.
"Come on don't be a little pussy. Are you going to do it or not?"
"I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"No one is going to get hurt. We are just going to talk to her.
"Fine then set it up."
"Alright it goes down on Halloween."
"I can't believe you want to go trick or treating Safaree."
"I want some free candy too. All these little crumb snatchers running around on a sugar high shouldn't be the only ones getting free shit." Safaree said. "I can't believe that's you outfit."
"Hey I think it's cute."
"It is cute Nicki." Lauren said snapping a pic of Nicki.
"Hey them kids said that house over there is giving out hundreds." Candi said running up to them dressed as a leprechaun.
"Where at?" Safaree asked. She pointed across the street. "Yo that's some ignorant ass shit. And I love it let's go."
"No Safaree leave that to the ACTUAL kids. Stick to candy babe."
"Man you don't ever let me have no fun."
"I'v been trying to let you have fun for the past couple weeks but you want give me my di--" Safaree stuck his hand over her mouth
"Hey Hey, watch your mouth around all these kids woman." Safaree said.
"Well Im horny as hell." she whispered to him.
"Sounds like a you problem and not a me problem." he said walking away.
"Where did everyone go?"
"Up there to that house. You coming?"
"No it's a hill i'll wait right here."
"Okay be back in a second." Safaree ran up and met everyone. Nicki really couldn't believe that Safaree had talked all of them into doing some ignorant stuff like this. A group of grown ass people dressed up and trick or treating. Nicki heard a loud screech and a car come to a halt. She turned around and saw three big guys coming her way. They reached out and grabbed her.
"SAFAREE. SAFAREE HELP ME." Safaree looked back at Nicki then took off down the hill.
"Oh shit somebody grabbed Nic." All the Vaks followed Safarees lead. One of the guys stuck a cloth over Nickis mouth and she slowly started to lose consciousness.
"Safaree pleas--" her eyes closed and the last thing she saw was Safaree running towards her before the door close to the van and it took off.
"NICKI." Safaree kept running after the van but it was to fast. "Oh my god what just happened?" he mumbled to himself.
Hours Later
Nicki woke up sitting in a chair. She was in a big room with one light in it that was flickering.
"Whe...Where am I?" she said trying to open her eyes. Nicki heard a voice.
"Your a few miles out of the city." Nicki looked up to see who it was.
"Melanie? What's going on?"
* LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO On a scale of one to Ten how mad are yall at me??? HAHHHAHAHA *Sigh* I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it's little twist. Don't cuss me out to bad!!! Remember to COMMENT. DON'T FORGET DO NOT TALK ABOUT THIS ON THE TL. SOME OF YOU KEEP FORGETTING. DMS ONLY!!!! Love you guys and thanks again for reading and supporting Beautiful Mistake. Until next time
Nickis outfit to go to Lunch.

Her cake at the Baby shower.

Her Costume.

How big she is right now.

WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK MARTHA, KIDNAPPED BY THAT PSYCHO BITCH MELANIE AND I KNOW DRAKE WOOLLEY MAMMOTH ASS HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT TOO. I JUST KNOW WHEN THEY FIND BOTH THEY ASSES SB AND THE VAKS GON KICK HIS ASS, THE SAME GOES FOR THIS GROUPIE PEST THAT DOESN'T KNOW HER FUCKING ROLE. I'M PASSED YOUR SCALE OF ONE TO TEN. I'M ON THE SLICE A BITCH UP LEVEL OF PISSED. As for the beginning of the chapter everything was peachy I just had to jump to the dramatics first hence the caps. I'm back to my normal tone now. Great chap post soon :) oh yeah p.s. Safaree gon be ready to give up the Dick when they get her back. If he's not in jail that is.
ReplyDeleteIf you could just see my face right now Martha... Like... My fucking ears are literally smoking. WHAT THEE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! That shit just changed my whole mood. I am at thee highest of pisstivity -__- Melanie bitch ass Oooohhh!!!! & I know, lord I just know Drake Koala bear looking ass is behind this to! Him & Melanie crazy asses deserve each other. I hope SB & the Vaks beat his ass & Candi & Lauren drag Melanie dirty ass Then when Nicki drop this load I hope she go find Melanie kick ass too!If they don't I will write the scene for you and you can just insert it where it fits. Then u gone ask on the scale of 1 to 10 how pissed am I? Nigga 13 -__- & Safaree need to stop playing and give Nicki da dick both of they ass walking around horny as fuck. Nicki speaking french and shit, He know he can't wait to get in that Lol he might as well give in. His dick standing at attention and he don't even know, He better stop playing. I love mama Maraj, she always know what to say. When Nicki told Safaree to hold her and he remembered what it meant :') Aaaaawwww!!!!This chapter was beyond great!!! Even tho I'm pissed that was everything! Remember, I want Drake & Melanie to get they ass beat okay ;) I'm not playing -__- these two psychotic muthafuckas gots to go.. Post soon kay? ^__^
ReplyDeleteAwwww the "Hold me" part made me tear up! That's so sweet.
ReplyDeleteSafaree forever slappin chicken wings out her hand. I was crackin up when she said: Oh thank you Masta lmaooooooooooo Then she slapped his spoon when he was eating beans! They are hilarious!
"Snitches get stitches" lmaooo Macaiah took up for his sis! That's what I'm talking about!
Damn Safaree just give her the dick already DAMN! It's not gonna hurt the babies or her! Geesh!
Grown asses dressed up to go trick or treating and shit lmaooooo
Oh hellllll NO! Who the fuck snatched her up??? ..I bet it was Drake's ass..Ugh Safaree should have never left her alone in the first place. MELANIE? REALLY MARTHA? REALLY? -___________-
This fuckin psycho ass bitch is back again! And she done kidnapped Nicki...I will fuck that bitch up! Oh hell nah! I am too through with yo ass martha. U knew I ain't like this bitch, you knew I didn't like her ass, but you just had to bring her back. This shit is not even funny.. How u gonna just let some shit like this happen??!! This just pissed me the fuck off! NO! Fix this shit asap. I will not stand for this! She better not hurt Nicki...I will hunt that bitch down! I love Safaree, but he was a dumbass for leaving his pregnant girlfriend alone outside at night. UGH! Martha please fix this. Great chapter. Post REALLY REALLY SOON! You can't leavE me hanging like this, not while Nic is being held hostage by a psycho, bitchHOE!
Sincerely, You wrong for this and you know it.smh -_________________________-
Tip for Safaree: Pregnant pussy is the best pussy.. or so I've heard. Give her the dick nigga!
ReplyDeleteAwww Nicki said Hold Me that was really cute with Safaree. Also that Mama Maraj told her to come out of bed.But why SHE GOT KIDNAPPED. >___< oh lord all I can says is she comes back safe.... Write soon barb
ReplyDelete>;o >;o WTF CLIFF HANGER MUCH ? On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm an 100 >;o
ReplyDelete[rolls eyes]
The "hold me" part was tooooo cute & Ciah being protective of his sister ^.^ awww
Lmaooo @them trick or treating ch-- let them know on my door >.>
&. @ this Melanie bitch nothing better happen to them babies >:o ol' hoe ass
God damet martha i woke up today in a good ass mood. Then u posted and i was in an even better mood. Then Nicki and Safaree were being all cute and i was in an even better mood!!! Tgen u had to let that stupid ratchet nitch kidnap Nicki!!!!! Damn u Martha* extends the sentence and waves fist in tge air*
ReplyDeleteAnyway even though u basically set up my purpose for living(Onika) up for death i still adore tgis chater anyway!!!!!!:)
Whaaaaaat that's crazy firstly safaree should just give her the dick! He knows he wants it to he needs to stop frontin and then who kidnaps a pregnant woman melanie is a crazy ass bitch she better not doing nothing to crazy and nicki loses her babies ! She can't lose them everything better work out good and sb come and kick some asses !
ReplyDeleteLMAOOO @ her costume
ReplyDeleteNicki kidnapped :OOOO
THAT WAS A DUMB MOVE Safaree how you gon leave her and ur seeds alone n a halloween night?!!!!
And Why is this Bitch back in the story?????
That chicken head betta get away from Nicki and everything that has to do with her!!! -___-
And no Im not mad @ u Martha..I kinda knew it was coming..Unlike everyone else I love me sum drama..guess I'm just weird *shrugs* ^^
Just fix this...
This was GREAT and twisted Chapter POST SOON :))
that was cute up until melanie's psycho ass. Nicki's outfit was adorable! She would of made a cute pumpkin too though. Lmaaaao.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm glad there's a twist.. can't wait for the next chapter. ^_^
So all was well but then YOU KILLED MY MOOD MARTY!!! -_______-
ReplyDeleteZike, I knew th bitch was coming back I said it i said it now zook SHE FUCKIN KIDNAPPED NIC!!
Zook Martha u got me wanting to hop into that shit and kill a bitch!! nd i will!! I will i tell u. Tuh, I wont even address da zittle white boi smdh *knocks his zittle zight bright ass out*
Zmaooooo!! No fo real tho FIX IT quick PLEASE!!!
Zove u! Post soon
ReplyDeleteFirst Off , not Nicki In Thes Lima Bean Outfit...(that is a lima bean right)... Second ...im Happy Mama Carol Came , And Made Nicki Talk TO Faree. Lmao ..i was laughin so hard when he was talkin bout the baby cars , and Nicki Gave His Ass A Blank Stare...I Cant Believe They Went Trick or treating Though , And WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Thought It Was Gonna Be Drake , Not Melanie. I Bet He Got Somethin To DO With This Tooo , !!! Omg GREAT CHAPTER
ReplyDeleteI'm over here thinking everything is all fine and dandy. To get hit with this. They got Nic and the babies. Melanie better not live after this. Great cliff hanger though can't wait for the new post. Like nowwww!! Lol.
ReplyDeleteNicki needs to stop shutting out SB but SB needs to give her the dick Lmao
ReplyDeleteThe Baby shower was cute. i like Nicki in her cute costume. Drake and Melanie getting on my nerves and OMG I need the next chapter NOW i do not like that ending Grrrr lol
LMAO why is Nicki peas in a pod? but then again she do have 3 peas in her pod so the costume goes hand in hand.
ReplyDeleteI'm NOT here for MelHOEnie kidnapping Onika liiiiike fuck is REALLY good in the hood?!
I bet Drake's earthworm looking self is in cahoots with that psycho bitch!
Awl EYE know is Nicki better not get hurt or anything happen to dem babies or I'ma write a chapter myself killing off Mel & Drizzy.
Safaree WHY would you leave her alone? you cock box! ugh he made me mad *rolls eyes*
hope Nika stays safe but we'll never know cuz you like to play with ppl's brains!
Awww :( Stop starving mi- I mean YOUR babies Nic! They needa eat too!
ReplyDelete*gasp* O.O Oh… she cursed… Mama Carol… Smh, she cursed at Mama Carol… What’s with the potty mouth Onikaaa? That’s yo mama! Don’t make me come in this fic nd whip yo tail! Have respect.
Awwwww :( Faree cried????? :(
*tries this* Hahahahaha! That tickles! Wut’chu put ice cubes unda yo eyes fo? It’s really cold Marty *shivers* Cn’t let these go to waste… *drops them in soda* ^_^
Whoa, whoa, whoa… Wth is goin on here? Safaree is getting a little ify… Don’t yell at ha…
Awwwwwwww @ Hold me! I like the back story behind that! It’s cute! ^_^ Awwwwwww!!! *Awwww’s for ages*
Hold the fork… No Nic did not jus say, “…I don’t wanna look fat…” when she got EVERYTHING on the table AND Safaree carrying one of her plates! *DIIIIIEEEESSSSS!!!!* Dn’t tell’a I said that, her preggo hormones mite kick in, lol
I’ma grave digger Marty! Lmmmmaaaaooooo!! She got’m back! I’m dying over here! I bet he won’t knock her food outta her hand again! Tuh!
Hahahahahahahaa! “…and whatever the other one is…” I can’t!! *exits life* Wayne is hilarious!! How he gon buy a gift he don’t wanna help fix?! LMAO!!
Lord ha’mercy! Wtf is he doin there?! -___- Get out… *reads on* *sux teeth* I don’t even wanna read no more! Lmao! I can’t get past, “Oh Hi Drake.” I jus… I jus cain’t…. O.O
*3 minutes later; continues reading*
ReplyDelete--------->“Drake was heated.” —______— Calm ya cock you damn psycho.
Hold up…. Wtf he mean “I tried bein nice’ ?!?!?!?!?!? I’m scared, Shook, PANICKIN!!!!!!!! D:
Awww! :) He’s washin her back! Thas cute!
LMFAOO! Card hock, suh Hafaree?
O,O Oh… Nic did that tho….. :x
hshgHoishghieshgioehoghodsehgohdeshboihsdhogheihiegedgfs MY FINGERTIPS ARE EXPLODING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!!?!?! Fuck yoooouuu Safaree -_-
How he gon catch a bitch fit when he the stupid fuck that told her NO?!?! I should beat you!! *bops him in his head* Dumb ass!
Ayyyye! Thas that French shit! Oui oui, s’il voui plait! Ctfu! Idk wtf I jus said IF I jus said anything, lmaooo!!
*flips in the air* YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jus fuckin said that!!! Sfg;sahgjakgbshhbsdjgksegeghdsgsdgjsa LMOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Well half of that anyway. Faree be readin mi mind, loool!!
Nic’s such a tease! I love it! Lol
LMAO! Jus fuck her already! Damn! *sux teeth* How he gon say come back after she dun damn it left? What was that she said, Bass stupade?! *chex* BAISE STUPIDE!!!!
O.O I smell a Drake……………. He betta not do SHIT! I declare I’ll squeeze his balls together so tight.. ooo!! I know men don’t too much like that (learned it from a Nicki interview… LipService I believe, lol)
LMAOOOO! Nicki tweekin!! She jus say anything! Hahahahaha!! Love it!!
Nooooooooooooo! Don’t wait there! I smell a disaster D: Is she gonna get kidnapped?!D: *reads on*
Robbed?! *keeps readin*
Somebody gon egg her?! :/ Or maybe Drake— I mean dumb dummy gon do some evil ‘ol bitch shit -____- psycho ass……
FUCK!! *gets up and walks away*
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I had to take a breather Marty…… I seriously jus got up and walked in circles, went in mi room and paced the damn floor! Wtf?! Errrrrrr!!! >,<
Noooooo D: thas like chloroform or sum shit wit dat got dee gone napkin!!! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *kicks and screams* Marty whyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!?!?!?! I can’t even read any more! I’m over here shakin my leg like I gotta pee or sum’n!! :(((((
O.o Melanie?! Mutt faced bitch!!! I bet she know Drake dumb dummy ass!!! Oooo!!!! I’ma kick her got damn face in!!! Bitch won’t have no teeth when I’m through wita! She can suck all the dick she want to then cuz she’ll jus be guuumzzzzz!!!!!!!! I’ma feel bad tho…… FOR MY SHOES!!!! They gon have nasty mutt face bitch all over’m!!! I’ma hafta bleach them bitches clean!!!!
O.O WTFFFFF!!!! I ain’t eeeeven know that was the end!! U cliffhung us!!! I scroll down then I see yellow words! *dies a horrible death* You’re an ass Marty!!!! A loveable ass tho. Pauz? :/ Idk, lol. U just mean.
*DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * That is NOT her costume!!!!!!!!!! She was peas?!??! In a pod?!?!?! I can see it on her!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DIIIIIIIIIIIESSSSSSSSS* Resuscitate me Marty!!!! I’m dying!!!!!! LMAOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a cramp!!!!! Oh my!!!!!! HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was peas….. BWahahahahaah!!!! Peas!!! Ok, ok, I’m dun. Ima laff everytime I see that tho….Haha. peas, lmao!!! Ard I’m gon, post soon Marty!!! I loved it, but hated the end, lemme kick her face in :) And plz let Nicki and the babies be safe!! *tho’s up deuces!!* PEAS out!!! *dies laughing while exiting*
ok soo i tried to post lke two days ago but my computer was effin up.... on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say 75! and i know drakes ass had to something to do with it too! and *removes earrings* im really bout to fuck melanie up sooo dont trip! and i know that wen Safaree finds them he is gonna whoooop some asss like real talk!.... but man that as soooo cute wen she looked up at him and was like hold me faree... and i was lmmfaoooooooo wen she told him u aint gon have ma kids actin ignorant that young wen she opened that present and it was them bomb.com cars. but dake and melanie rlly? BITCH IM COMING FOR YOU SOOO BELEEEE DAT WOE! huh.. im rlly bout to fuck this bitch up like real fucking talk..
ReplyDeleteyoooooooooooooooooo WHO THE FCK WANT WARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?!?!?!?!?!? Melanie kidnapped Nicki that crazy bitch ... whoa wait .... is Drake on on this? two salty mutha fckas!!!!!! oh hell to the nawwwwwwwwwwww i'm ready to kick ass nuffin bet not happen to Nick of them damn babies of i'm kickin sumbdy ass!
ReplyDeleteOh My Godddddd that was the shit hands down!! Laws plzz let the babies and Nicki be ok!!!! & Safaree plz let him be ok too!! But that was just *takes deep breath & exhales A M A Z I N G !!!!! :DDDDDD plzzzz post again soon... I'm sorry I couldn't comment sooner.. But laawwwwwdddddd it was just to wonderful!! Man plz let them be alright..
ReplyDeleteHow mad am i at you on a scale from 1-10 21 nigga!!!!
HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! I -I-....needa go find something to do that wont make me project the lap top through the window.
Ill be back...but im mad at u as of right now.
I was just waitin for Drake psycho ass to pop awf. Gwooorrrl! I hate you so much right now for havin Nicki kidnapped. This feel like some "Oh my gawd they got Brandon" type shit. OMFG Melanie just sit your ass DOWN!!! \_