Melanie (Day 3)
She sat with her back against the door pointing the gun at Nicki while she ate the chicken Melanie had given her to eat. Melanies phone began to vibrate, she looked down she noticed it was once again her mother calling her. She ignored the phone call once again.
"You know whoever that is is just going to call back in 15 minutes." Nicki said. She was irritated and was starting to have pains in her lower abdomen. She didn't want to say any thing because she didn't think Melanie would care which would only piss Nicki off more.
"Why do you care? Just sit there and eat." Melanie said rolling her eyes, Nicki did the same and stared at the wall. Exactly 15 minutes later Melanies phone vibrated her and Nickis eyes met. Nicki smirked in "I told you so bitch." way. Melanie put the gun to her mouth as to tell Nicki to not say anything then pointed it back at her. She answered.
"Hello mom." She stood up.
"Why haven't you been answering my phone calls for the last couple of days Melanie."
"I've been busy."
"You know when you don't answer I worry about you. What have you been doing?"
"I've been entertaining a guest." she ran the gun down Nickis arm. Nicki pushed the gun away from her and pointed at her, as to tell her stop playing with her.
"Melanie that makes no sense. Just because you have a guest doesn't mean you can't answer the phone."
"Mom why do you keep treating me like a child?"
"If you wouldn't insist on behaving child like I would treat you like an adult. Is your guest that Safaree fella you were telling me about?"
"No mom he decided to go back to that Bitch that left him." Nicki looked up at her sticking another piece of chicken in her mouth.
"Melanie have you been taking your meds?"
"Why do you ALWAYS want to talk about my meds when we are on the phone Karen." Melanie called her by her first name.
"Oh you must be off calling me Karen. When was the last time you took them Melanie?" Karen raised her voice.
"Five days ago."
"That's the reason your ass bananas." Nicki said.
"Bitch shut the fuck up." Melanie yelled.
"Melanie who are you with?"
"That girl Safaree picked over me."
"Melanie why would you be with..." her mom stop and closed her eyes. "Melanie where are you?"
"I can't tell you that mom."
"Tell me you didn't take that girl like the rest?"
"Both of them have to learn mom. They need to know they can't play me."
"Melanie i'm not cleaning up your mess this time."
"NO MELANIE! I can't do this again."
"Fine mom. You don't ever stand by me and my decisions, why should now be different!"
"Melanie you can't be serious. I don't even wanna talk about the things I've done to get you out of trouble the last two times."
"Mom I can't help it if people try and play me! I had to take her so he could see that he can live without her. Don't you see mom, I'm the girl for him?"
"Melanie you told me that girl was pregnant with triplets. Melanie if she comes up dead i can't help you with this, that's four lives not just one."
"If he gives me what i ask for we won't have problems."
"And if he doesn't?" Karen asked.
"Then the bitch and the kids have to go." Nickis eye got big. She didn't know what she wanted but she knew Safaree had better do everything in his power to get it for her.
Nickis House
They had Calmed Mrs. Maraj down for the third time today. She would have random outburst of tears. Melanie hadn't said when she was calling Safaree had his ringer on high and with him at all times.
"Safaree stop staring at that phone and come relax boy." Mr. Maraj said. Mr. Maraj knew Safaree was on edge and wanted him to calm himself. "So how is the Babies suite coming along?"
"It's coming along fine. We still have it as one big room, we were suppose to go see what the other one was yesterday." Safaree looked at his phone again. "If it's a boy we will cut the room in half and build a wall and if it's another girl then we will just leave it ass a giant room of all pink. Nicki wanted to get this carriage crib for them but thought it might be to corny. I can tell she really wants it so i'm having it custom made for the girls."
"Oh she will like that, she is all about cotton candy and unicorn type of stuff." they both laughed.
"What are you two laughing about?" Mama Carol asked. They both looked at each other. They didn't want to say Nickis name for the fear of her starting her water works.
"Nothin." They said in unison.
"Oh, well lunch is done so come get it boys." They got up and followed her. Safaree didn't have much of an appetite but didn't want to offend Mrs. Maraj so he took the plate. As he began to eat Candi walked in with Lauren and the rest of the crew with bags of groceries. With a house full the food went quickly, this was the second time this week they had to go to the store.
"Smells good Mama Carol." Lauren said sitting the bags down.
"Taste good too." Safaree said putting another fork full in his mouth. He didn't notice how hungry he actually was until he looked at his plate and seen that it was half way gone.
"Is this New Orleans pasta, for lunch?" Rex asked. Mama Carol gave him a look. "I mean yay New Orleans pasta for lunch Mmmmmm." He tried to cover it up. He finished putting the groceries in their proper places then got a plate. Safaree was went back up for seconds.
"Glad to see you eating baby." Mama carol said putting more on his plate. "I was starting to worry about you."
"You keep cooking like this I might have to keep you here." Safaree said.
"Nicki doesn't cook for you?"
"Yeas ma'am she does, it's just not often. But when she does its great, you taught her well." Safaree put more food in his mouth.
"What about that time she left the BBQ chicken in the oven to go to the store and almost burned down the crib because she took so long?"
"Or the time she was cooking them chocolate chip pancakes and we ended up ordering IHop takeout because she burned them to a crisp." Lauren said. They all broke out into laughter and began telling stories of Nicki.
"Hey yall better stop talking about my baby. That was years ago my baby can get around in the kitchen. I'm telling her when she gets back how yall tried to play her. All of you make a madd dash for this house when she say she cooked." Safaree said laughing. They were all having a good time telling stories when they heard Safarees ringer go off. The room fell silent as they looked at him. He grabbed it and pushed the talk button.
An Hour Before
Nicki was trying her best to stay sane while sitting in that room staring at those same four walls. She had tuned Melanie out thirty minutes ago during her rant. Nicki had taken to reminiscing about happy times to keep from crying.
"Safaree I think I liked that boat ride a little better than the first one." Nicki said hopping off the boat onto the dock. "Whew it's hot out here." She said fanning herself. Safaree was getting their stuff off the boat. She wrapped the rope around peg on the dock so the boat wouldn't drift. "I love how you made me drive the boat out and back loser face." Nicki said as Safaree exited the boat. Safaree put the things on the backseat of the cart they had. Nicki sat in the passenger seat and waited for him to take his seat on the drivers side.
"Alright Andrew thanks again for the boat." Nicki heard Safaree say.
"No problem I'm about to take the other one out with the wife. Enjoy the rest of your trip." Andrew got on the boat with his wife and headed out into the ocean. Nicki felt a hand grab her arm and pull her off the cart.
"What the hell?" She looked up to see Safaree. "Safaree where are you taking me." he opened the boat house door.
"Go." He told her. Nicki looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm not going in there." Safaree nudged her into the boat house and closed the door. "Safaree what are we doing in here?" Nicki said turning around and was met with Safarees lips. She kissed him back as he backed her up to the wall then he broke the kiss.
"Now what was all that shit you was talking in my ear on the boat?" Safaree asked her. She smiled and looked away. "Don't get all shy now."
"Safaree not here babe. What if someone hears us in here?" Nicki said looking up at him.
"Then they will just hear us I guess." Safaree said kissing Nicki on her spot then licking it.
"Mmmmm you don't play fair Faree." she said grabbing the back of his head. SB reached down and lifted the short summer dress she was wearing untieing both sides of her bikini and grabbing her ass. Nicki could feel his 91/2 inches against her stomach. "SB...No." she moaned. he slipped his fingers into her wet center and circled her clit. Nickis grip on his neck tightened.
"Fine i'll stop." He pulled his hand away but she grabbed it and placed it back where it was.
"Stop playing." She said staring in his eyes.
"Oh now when it's you being teased it's not a game but when we was on the boat and stroking a nigga it was all fun and games? You a trip girl, turn around. Nicki did what she was told. He pressed her body to the wall with his and kissed on her neck & shoulder. He dropped his trunks pressed his manhood against the small of her back. She giggled and reached back and stroked him.
"Where's the condom?" Nicki asked. Safaree bent down and felt for his wallet. He found it and opened it only to find no condom. He mouthed the word "fuck!"
"Um...Nicki?" She turned around and looked from the wallet to him.
"I didn't put another one in here after last night."
"Are you serious?" Nicki rolled her eyes and pulled down her dress.
"Wait wait wait...What are you doing?"
"I'm going back to my room, we don't have a condom boy!" She tried walking around him but he moved her back in front of him.
"Come on babe you know I don't have anything." He leaned down and kissed her lips. "Look at him, hes craving you right now." Nicki looked at "him" and bit the corner of her bottom lip then looked back up at Safaree.
"Safaree I know you don't have anything but I don't want to get pregnant."
"I'll pull out." He said pulling her dress back up over her hips. Nicki rolled her eyes. She looked back at him and punched him in the chest and pointed at him.
"You better." Safaree smiled and picked Nicki up off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"I will." he entered her slowly and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He filled her to the hilt and stayed there watching her facial expression.
"Sssssss....mmmmm...It feels so good." Nicki said in his ear. He began moving at a slow pace.
"Tel me like it." Safaree said.
" Je l'aime." she whispered with her eyes closed and head back. Safaree shook his head.
"I need to here it in English, but that was sexy tho." SB gave her a crooked smile when she looked at him. He put her down and turned her so she was facing the wall. She spread her legs and put her hands on the wall. He grabbed her by the hips and slipped into her once again. "Say it." She shook her head no. He inserted himself hard into her making her gasp while throwing her head back to met his chest. "I said say it Tanya."
"It feels good." She said lowly.
"What was that." He said working her center.
"It feels good baby...Mmmmmm faster Safaree." she braced herself on the wall when he quickened his speed. "Like that don't stop."
"Damn you feel good girl." Nicki smiled it was now her turn to talk shit.
"Who's dick is this?" she said tightening her walls around him.
"Oh's yours! It's all yours."
"Yeah that's what I thought." She said in her cocky voice.
"Oh shit i'm about to come."
"No not yet i'm not ready." Nicki said throwing her ass back to met his lower abdomen.
"Damn you taking it all Nic." Safaree watched in amazement.
"You didn't know, this is what I do. When I do it, it gets Done!" She said. He gripped the shelf next to him. Nicki was working him like he had never seen.
"Nicki I can't hold much longer...damn."
"I'm almost there." Nicki ran her hand over her clit. "I'm about to c..."
"I've been entertaining a guest." she ran the gun down Nickis arm. Nicki pushed the gun away from her and pointed at her, as to tell her stop playing with her.
"Melanie that makes no sense. Just because you have a guest doesn't mean you can't answer the phone."
"Mom why do you keep treating me like a child?"
"If you wouldn't insist on behaving child like I would treat you like an adult. Is your guest that Safaree fella you were telling me about?"
"No mom he decided to go back to that Bitch that left him." Nicki looked up at her sticking another piece of chicken in her mouth.
"Melanie have you been taking your meds?"
"Why do you ALWAYS want to talk about my meds when we are on the phone Karen." Melanie called her by her first name.
"Oh you must be off calling me Karen. When was the last time you took them Melanie?" Karen raised her voice.
"Five days ago."
"That's the reason your ass bananas." Nicki said.
"Bitch shut the fuck up." Melanie yelled.
"Melanie who are you with?"
"That girl Safaree picked over me."
"Melanie why would you be with..." her mom stop and closed her eyes. "Melanie where are you?"
"I can't tell you that mom."
"Tell me you didn't take that girl like the rest?"
"Both of them have to learn mom. They need to know they can't play me."
"Melanie i'm not cleaning up your mess this time."
"NO MELANIE! I can't do this again."
"Fine mom. You don't ever stand by me and my decisions, why should now be different!"
"Melanie you can't be serious. I don't even wanna talk about the things I've done to get you out of trouble the last two times."
"Mom I can't help it if people try and play me! I had to take her so he could see that he can live without her. Don't you see mom, I'm the girl for him?"
"Melanie you told me that girl was pregnant with triplets. Melanie if she comes up dead i can't help you with this, that's four lives not just one."
"If he gives me what i ask for we won't have problems."
"And if he doesn't?" Karen asked.
"Then the bitch and the kids have to go." Nickis eye got big. She didn't know what she wanted but she knew Safaree had better do everything in his power to get it for her.
Nickis House
They had Calmed Mrs. Maraj down for the third time today. She would have random outburst of tears. Melanie hadn't said when she was calling Safaree had his ringer on high and with him at all times.
"Safaree stop staring at that phone and come relax boy." Mr. Maraj said. Mr. Maraj knew Safaree was on edge and wanted him to calm himself. "So how is the Babies suite coming along?"
"It's coming along fine. We still have it as one big room, we were suppose to go see what the other one was yesterday." Safaree looked at his phone again. "If it's a boy we will cut the room in half and build a wall and if it's another girl then we will just leave it ass a giant room of all pink. Nicki wanted to get this carriage crib for them but thought it might be to corny. I can tell she really wants it so i'm having it custom made for the girls."
"Oh she will like that, she is all about cotton candy and unicorn type of stuff." they both laughed.
"What are you two laughing about?" Mama Carol asked. They both looked at each other. They didn't want to say Nickis name for the fear of her starting her water works.
"Nothin." They said in unison.
"Oh, well lunch is done so come get it boys." They got up and followed her. Safaree didn't have much of an appetite but didn't want to offend Mrs. Maraj so he took the plate. As he began to eat Candi walked in with Lauren and the rest of the crew with bags of groceries. With a house full the food went quickly, this was the second time this week they had to go to the store.
"Smells good Mama Carol." Lauren said sitting the bags down.
"Taste good too." Safaree said putting another fork full in his mouth. He didn't notice how hungry he actually was until he looked at his plate and seen that it was half way gone.
"Is this New Orleans pasta, for lunch?" Rex asked. Mama Carol gave him a look. "I mean yay New Orleans pasta for lunch Mmmmmm." He tried to cover it up. He finished putting the groceries in their proper places then got a plate. Safaree was went back up for seconds.
"Glad to see you eating baby." Mama carol said putting more on his plate. "I was starting to worry about you."
"You keep cooking like this I might have to keep you here." Safaree said.
"Nicki doesn't cook for you?"
"Yeas ma'am she does, it's just not often. But when she does its great, you taught her well." Safaree put more food in his mouth.
"What about that time she left the BBQ chicken in the oven to go to the store and almost burned down the crib because she took so long?"
"Or the time she was cooking them chocolate chip pancakes and we ended up ordering IHop takeout because she burned them to a crisp." Lauren said. They all broke out into laughter and began telling stories of Nicki.
"Hey yall better stop talking about my baby. That was years ago my baby can get around in the kitchen. I'm telling her when she gets back how yall tried to play her. All of you make a madd dash for this house when she say she cooked." Safaree said laughing. They were all having a good time telling stories when they heard Safarees ringer go off. The room fell silent as they looked at him. He grabbed it and pushed the talk button.
An Hour Before
Nicki was trying her best to stay sane while sitting in that room staring at those same four walls. She had tuned Melanie out thirty minutes ago during her rant. Nicki had taken to reminiscing about happy times to keep from crying.
"Safaree I think I liked that boat ride a little better than the first one." Nicki said hopping off the boat onto the dock. "Whew it's hot out here." She said fanning herself. Safaree was getting their stuff off the boat. She wrapped the rope around peg on the dock so the boat wouldn't drift. "I love how you made me drive the boat out and back loser face." Nicki said as Safaree exited the boat. Safaree put the things on the backseat of the cart they had. Nicki sat in the passenger seat and waited for him to take his seat on the drivers side.
"Alright Andrew thanks again for the boat." Nicki heard Safaree say.
"No problem I'm about to take the other one out with the wife. Enjoy the rest of your trip." Andrew got on the boat with his wife and headed out into the ocean. Nicki felt a hand grab her arm and pull her off the cart.
"What the hell?" She looked up to see Safaree. "Safaree where are you taking me." he opened the boat house door.
"Go." He told her. Nicki looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm not going in there." Safaree nudged her into the boat house and closed the door. "Safaree what are we doing in here?" Nicki said turning around and was met with Safarees lips. She kissed him back as he backed her up to the wall then he broke the kiss.
"Now what was all that shit you was talking in my ear on the boat?" Safaree asked her. She smiled and looked away. "Don't get all shy now."
"Safaree not here babe. What if someone hears us in here?" Nicki said looking up at him.
"Then they will just hear us I guess." Safaree said kissing Nicki on her spot then licking it.
"Mmmmm you don't play fair Faree." she said grabbing the back of his head. SB reached down and lifted the short summer dress she was wearing untieing both sides of her bikini and grabbing her ass. Nicki could feel his 91/2 inches against her stomach. "SB...No." she moaned. he slipped his fingers into her wet center and circled her clit. Nickis grip on his neck tightened.
"Fine i'll stop." He pulled his hand away but she grabbed it and placed it back where it was.
"Stop playing." She said staring in his eyes.
"Oh now when it's you being teased it's not a game but when we was on the boat and stroking a nigga it was all fun and games? You a trip girl, turn around. Nicki did what she was told. He pressed her body to the wall with his and kissed on her neck & shoulder. He dropped his trunks pressed his manhood against the small of her back. She giggled and reached back and stroked him.
"Where's the condom?" Nicki asked. Safaree bent down and felt for his wallet. He found it and opened it only to find no condom. He mouthed the word "fuck!"
"Um...Nicki?" She turned around and looked from the wallet to him.
"I didn't put another one in here after last night."
"Are you serious?" Nicki rolled her eyes and pulled down her dress.
"Wait wait wait...What are you doing?"
"I'm going back to my room, we don't have a condom boy!" She tried walking around him but he moved her back in front of him.
"Come on babe you know I don't have anything." He leaned down and kissed her lips. "Look at him, hes craving you right now." Nicki looked at "him" and bit the corner of her bottom lip then looked back up at Safaree.
"Safaree I know you don't have anything but I don't want to get pregnant."
"I'll pull out." He said pulling her dress back up over her hips. Nicki rolled her eyes. She looked back at him and punched him in the chest and pointed at him.
"You better." Safaree smiled and picked Nicki up off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"I will." he entered her slowly and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He filled her to the hilt and stayed there watching her facial expression.
"Sssssss....mmmmm...It feels so good." Nicki said in his ear. He began moving at a slow pace.
"Tel me like it." Safaree said.
" Je l'aime." she whispered with her eyes closed and head back. Safaree shook his head.
"I need to here it in English, but that was sexy tho." SB gave her a crooked smile when she looked at him. He put her down and turned her so she was facing the wall. She spread her legs and put her hands on the wall. He grabbed her by the hips and slipped into her once again. "Say it." She shook her head no. He inserted himself hard into her making her gasp while throwing her head back to met his chest. "I said say it Tanya."
"It feels good." She said lowly.
"What was that." He said working her center.
"It feels good baby...Mmmmmm faster Safaree." she braced herself on the wall when he quickened his speed. "Like that don't stop."
"Damn you feel good girl." Nicki smiled it was now her turn to talk shit.
"Who's dick is this?" she said tightening her walls around him.
"Oh's yours! It's all yours."
"Yeah that's what I thought." She said in her cocky voice.
"Oh shit i'm about to come."
"No not yet i'm not ready." Nicki said throwing her ass back to met his lower abdomen.
"Damn you taking it all Nic." Safaree watched in amazement.
"You didn't know, this is what I do. When I do it, it gets Done!" She said. He gripped the shelf next to him. Nicki was working him like he had never seen.
"Nicki I can't hold much longer...damn."
"I'm almost there." Nicki ran her hand over her clit. "I'm about to c..."
"Snap out of it girl. What the hell you thinking about?" Melanie pulled Nicki from her thoughts. Nicki looked at her pissed.
"Cumming until your ass interrupted. DAMN." Nicki was pissed.
"With Safaree?"
"Yes girl. I mean that is my babies daddy if you forgot." Nicki said folding her arms.
"Yeah that won't be for long. Once your gone he will turn to me for comfort." she said smiling. Melanie pulled out her cellphone and the voice disguising device and called Safarees phone. Safaree picked up and put the call on speaker.
"Hello Safaree."
"What is it you want so I can get my woman back.
"I don't know WHAT you see in her."
"That's not for you to know. Just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you."
"Bring me 14 million by 8 o'clock tonight.
"Fine I'll get you that. Tell me where to bring it to."
"1814 S. Vine street. be here at eight and don't be late." With that Safaree hung up the phone. Then looked down at the number that called him. He looked up to see everyone staring at him.
"Coons let me talk to yall in the study." The guys and Candi & Lauren got up from the table. "Naw Coonetts just them." The girls sat back down wondering why they were being excluded. The guys walked down the hall to SB's study and shut the door. "It's Melanie."
"What's Melanie.?" Rex asked.
"That's who has Nicki." He said.
"How did you come to that conclusion?"
"The number. This time she didn't call blocked." Safaree had deleted her out of his contacts list but he still knew her number. When she called he didn't pay attention to it and just answered.
"Oh shit! I see why you didn't let the girls come, they would be livid. Especially Candi shes a little firecracker. So what's the plan?"
"I was thinking when Wayne and them get here I would talk to them and see what we could do." Ding Dong! The door bell went off. "Guess that's now." Mrs. Maraj went and answered the door. When SB got out there she was taking them into the kitchen.
"Are you guys hungry?"
"Yes ma'am." Wayne said. He looked over and saw Safaree. "What up SB?"
"Hey can I speak to yall for a second?"
"Can I eat first?"
"It's important." Wayne put his plate down and walked SB way with Mack Maine, T Streetz, Gudda, and Drake. Safaree didn't really want Drake there but didn't want to cause a scene in front of Nickis parents. He walked them back to the Study and proceeded to inform them about what the person wanted for Nicki.
"You say they want how much?"
"14 million."
"Damn they crazy."
"Shit Melanies the craziest." Drake mumbled to himself.
"How do you know it's Melanie?" Safaree looked at him from across the room. Drake looked up like a deer caught in head lights.
" said it."
"NO! I never said the persons name." Safaree was getting heated by the second.
"Of course you did man or how why would I have said it?" Drakes hands were starting to get moist.
"SB is that who has Nicki?" Wayne asked. SB shook his head yes. "When you find this out?" Without breaking eye contact with Drake Safaree explained.
"I realized it when she called from her cell phone unblocked. And I wanna know how this muthafucka knows she has her with out me saying it." Safaree rushed Drake and hit him with a right hook. Drake fell backwards onto the couch. Safaree proceeded to drill him in the face. "Tell me nigga." he shouted. It took Wayne, Gudda, Rex and Streetz to pull him off of Drake.
"Nigga you better explain yourself." Wayne said still holding SB back.
"Man It wasn't suppose to go down like this. I just wanted to talk to Nicki but she acted all scary because that nigga always around." Drake said all pumped up from SB beating his ass. "She act like she scared of me now. So I wanted to get her alone for just a couple of hours. I ran into Melanie downtown and we got to talking and i told her what I just told yall and she said she could help me talk to Nicki. Then she go weird talking about she gonna kidnap Nicki. I refused then I went to the baby shower and she was still on tha funny acting bullshit. So I got mad and told Melanie to go ahead with the her plane. Then she got to acting different. It wasn't suppose to go on this long. She didn't let me see her for a couple of days. Then she did and I saw Nicki all tied up and shit, we never discussed that shit. When I went to get Nicki out of there after she made it clear she had no romantic interest in me at all Melanie pulled out a gun and told me to leave and that I better keep my mouth shut." Everyone was looking at him except SB he was pacing the floor still hype. "Safaree man I never thought she would do this shit."
"DON'T TALK TO ME." Safaree yelled. Out of nowhere Gudda swung on Drake and made contact with his left jaw. He was pissed that was like his sister.
"Nigga you stupid as fuck. Nicki been saying for years she never wanted you." Streetz pulled Gudda off him.
"Thanks Streetz."
"Nigga don't thank me. We should all be whooping yo ass for this. How you gonna have yo own FAM snatched up? That's some foul ass shit, she is FIVE months pregnant." he said.
"Man I know I fucked up." Drake said putting his head in his hands.
"Safaree man calm down." Wayne said seeing the rage in his eyes. "I know you wanna kill him so do I but that's not going to help Nicki right now. Listen we are getting her back. We are going to get the money and get her back. Drake is going to front the bill." Drake looked up at Wayne and Wayne looked at him. "Don't look at me like that it's your fault she is in the situation so I suggest you sit there quietly. We all going to go get her, you not alone in this man." Wayne walked over to Drake. "Get yo bitch ass up so we can go get this money." Drake got up off the floor walking towards the door but stopped in front of Safaree to speak. Safaree looked at him.
"You still here nigga?" Safaree said. Drake shut his mouth and kept it moving.
"We'll be back." Wayne told SB. Candi and Lauren walked in the room.
"Oh my Gawd what happen to his face?"
"Nothing. He just fell." Rex said to Candi.
"That don't look like he fell."
"Well he did so leave it alone." She rolled her eyes at him.
7:45 (down the block from where Nicki is)
"So all the money is in these four duffle bags." Wayne gave him the bags. "Now you remember the plan right?"
"Yeah I wait for Rex to hit me with a text and then I pull around in the car. And when I get to the door and they open it I drop the bag as a signal for yall to rush the door. Then I make my way up the staircase to the second door on the right."
"And remember your strap." Safaree tapped his waist. "Let's do this."
7:57 inside the building
"I don't think "Yo man" is gonna make it." Melanie said circling Nicki while she say in the chair. Nicki knew Safaree would be there so she tried to remain cool but for the past hour or so Melanie had been telling her different ways she would kill her if he didn't show up on time. She was stressing if this girl would snap before the time she had given Safaree and kill her. She was having stomach pains like she had never felt before.
"He'll be here." Nicki said.
"Oh your so sure huh?"
"You damn right. 14 mill is nothing bitch." Nicki said. "Do you know who I am?" she was trying to sound confident but the pains seemed to be getting worse.
"It's :59 he ain't coming." Just then they heard a knock. Nicki sighed in relief. They heard a bang like the sound of a door slamming into a wall. There was a lot of commotion then they heard footsteps coming quickly up the stairs. "Get up bitch." Melanie snatched Nicki out of the chair and put her arm around her neck, pointing the gun at her temple. Next thing you know SB busted through the door with a torn shirt at the sleeve and seen Nicki.
"Let her go Melanie." he said. Nicki looked like she had been through these past couple of days.
"Where's the money?" he backed out the room moving cautiously and picked up the bags. "Open them."
"No, give me Nicki first."
"NO! I'm running this, Open the bags." She now had tears in her eyes. In her head she had it that Safaree would not be able to get the money. Safaree opened the bags and showed her the money. "Give me the money Safaree."
"Give me Nicki."
"Give me the money." she cocked the gun back and pressed it hard on Nickis temple. Nicki cried harder. Safaree knew that if gave her the money he would lose whatever leverage he had.
"Melanie why are you doing this?"
"If she is out of the way then you could love me Safaree." Melanie said letting the tears fall down her face. "Why won't just give us a chance?" Safaree was inching closer to them.
"Melanie we would have never worked. Your too clingy for me and I'm too loud and ignorant for you. I thought we were better than this, if you needed money you could have just asked."
"I could have lived with that Faree. This was never about the money, I don't need it." Nicki frowned her face up at her using that name. Safaree kept inching their way. Melanie saw this and pointed the gun his way. "Don't come any closer....I loved you." He saw Nickis eyes get bigger and her look down, he did also. He seen the blood trickling down her legs and a red stain appear on her costume.
Safaree saw her going to point the gun back to Nickis head and rushed her she pointed the gun back at Safaree and pulled the trigger. Bang! Safaree proceeded to go for the gun. He knocked both Nicki and Melanie to the floor. The gun went flying into the corner. Just then all the guys rushed into the room. They seen Melanie scrambling to get to the gun so Gudda Knocked her back down to the floor and put his foot on her back. Wayne went to Nickis side to check on her. There were sirens in the background getting closer.
"Nic are you okay?" he asked.
"No I need to get to a hospital, I'm bleeding." She showed him her hand. Rex seen a trail of blood but it didn't lead to Nicki.
"Who's blood is that?"
"It's mine." Safaree said rolling over showing the wound to his chest. "Oh shit. Someone call 911 now." Gudda said.
"Looks like they are already here." Rex looked out and over the balcony to see police officers running into the building. "Up here her need paramedics." He yelled. Safaree looked over to see Nicki crying and reaching for him but the paramedics grabbed her and put her on a stretcher. Everything sounded so far away. He saw them wheel her out then everything went dark.
* OMG I hope you guys liked this chapter!! I'm glad the drama is over, well at least THIS particular drama! Lolz Um don't forget to COMMENT. I haven't been getting many and If you want this story to continue i need to here your feed back. REMEMBER DO NOT TALK ABOUT THIS STORY DIRECTLY ON THE TL, ON HERE OR DM's ONLY!! Some of yall act like yall don't comprehend ENGLISH! If you want notifications about the New Chapters hit me on twitter at @ItsMarthaBitch and tell me. Anywho until next time
The New Orleans Pasta

Yooooooooooooo this bitch really want my fist in her mouth i have found hate for another name *adds name to hate list* In a way i hope she die but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr no i dont just make her suffer dying is too easy. Make her cripple and send her to jail for the rest of her life! You know i could cut you to Martha you betta be happy about our love hate relationship at this point. I pray to God that Nicki the babies and Safaree are okay. Finish beating the hell outta Drake to he should not be done. And now i want some pasta. Mama Carol and Mr.Maraj go beat the hell outta drake with the rest of everybody in that house. He almost had HB and SB killed fuckin dummy. See i dont need to read stories like this cause it makes me dislike Drake even more. Oh and Melanie i still am not donw with your bum ass and what kind of show is you and yo mama living?! Yall both some crazy muthafuckas and yes i said her mama crazy because of the simple fact that they was talking about 'again' wtheck is really good man. You know what im done lol imma stop with my extra long as comment but just so you know you have not heard the end of this.
ReplyDeletei wanna cry :'(
ReplyDeleteHot damn this was a very intense fucking chapter. I was actually reading nervously cuz I was anxious to see what was going to go down. Martha you are a freaking genius. This psycho ass, looney ass bitch been off ha meds for five fucking days, shit no wonder she on a fucking psychotic break. Bwahahahahahaha ole drake got his ass whooped, wopped, beat the breaks off of, stomped, molly wopped, murked, and handed to him which would pretty much sum it all up. Lmaoooooooooooooo they talking bout he fell, haha thats good for his ass. Dead at nic over there day dreaming about them sexing it up on a boathouse. Then she talking bout she focusing on cumming rotfl. Damn my nigga got hit and nic bleeding too, damn I hope everyone is alright. Fuck martha this suspense is gonna kill me, I think you doing this on purpose. As always phenomenal chapter and post soon :)
ReplyDeleteOMG! how could she shoot Safaree if she loves him so much?! Glad Drake got his ass beat and Melanies off to jail! YM bonded to get Nic back! Yayyyyy. Get well soon Safaree.
ReplyDeleteWHO THE FCKA WANT WARRR?!? if Nick, Safaree & the baby's aint alright I swear for gawd!!! *cries sumore* like NO FIX THIS SHIT!! *clutches chest* oh my stars & stripes i'm mad as fuck Fix.this.shit.quick my nigg! *points shot gun @ yu* >=^\
ReplyDeleteThat was intense im glad drake got his monkey ass beat, and that flashbackkk :)) , how the fuck she gonna shoot him iwanna cry hope nic , safaree , and the babies are good
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOO MY FREAKIN HEAD HURTSS!!! SAFAREE GOT SHOT :(((((( STUPID BXTCH..If she goes to jail...LET THE HOE BE EXECUTED...Naw let Nic go in that station and do it HERSELF!! Ratchet A$$ Bxtch needs to be taught a lesson.
ReplyDeleteDrake is one stupid, senseless mofo!! I'm glad he got his yellow A$$ beat!! This betta not be over, he is NOT in the safety zone. Tuh!
Ooooh that Flashback>>>>>> Yes Ma'am :p Well why Melanie had to interrupt it..Slut!! I strongly dislike her!!!
Back to Drake though..-__- HE ALMOST HAD THE QUEEN KILLED!!! IDIOT!! OK.
I can't even think straight right I will comment more once I cure my heart and headache!
Great chapter..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE POST SOON PLEASE..My soul can't take it!!!
Can I cry??? K! I'm gonna cry ;(((((((((((
ReplyDeleteI CANNOT cope with what you just did there like I really can't. I was snapping at everyone trying to talk to me mind you i was reading this in class like what the hell is gonna happen next? What...=\
ReplyDeleteOMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please let the babies be okay. She shot Safaree? NO NO NO! This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm seriously crying! That bitch is fucking crazy! I blame Drake's bitch ass for putting her in the situation. All because his dumbass wanted to get her alone to talk. Now look what happened you stupid fuck. I hope Drake get thrown in jail for being an accessory. Bitch ass Monkey ass nigga! UGH. Please Please let Nicki and the babies be good. My heart can't take her losing them. And please let Sb be okay.. I hope the bullet missed his vital organs. THis was really good Martha, but I can't deal. POST SOON!
ReplyDeleteDat bitch on meds!!!!! I fuckin kne dat bitch was missing screws!!! Drake betta be lucky they aint beat his ass worse -____-... No Martha No No Plz No.... I pray nothing happens to the babies plz let my Nika be ok & Melanie YO ASS IS DEAD BITCH!!!! U shot SB :'( I hope he be ok... I'm deadin dis bitch OMG!!! :'( Martha u're amazing this chapter was... was... :'(
ReplyDeleteFinally Nicki is free and Melanie is gone. OMG I Hope safaree and Nicki and the babies are ok you cant let anything happen to them!!! The ending made me sad :( smh. Cant wait for the next chapter.
ReplyDeleteP.S Your good at writing suspense stories.
Yes Nicki is SAVED!!! :) but Safaree is hurt...... :((( . I'm glad Safaree and gudda gudda suckerpunched Drake. I would killed the Nigga. Melanie.... I have nothing to say about her.... Great story Barb :) post soon
ReplyDeleteOk first thing first..i hope Safaree Nicki and the babies (ALL THREE OF THEM) be ok :(((((((
This chapter had EVERYTHING commotion, suspense and a bit funny LMAOOO @ Nicki daydreaming about was GREAT you must have seen my reactions while reading Lool.
Im clearly sure Melanies mom didn't whip her ass or didnt whip it good cuz da Bitch dont learn..And when she goes to jail I want her cuttin grass under the sun everyday and sleeping hanged every night Oh! And let her have a disease that eats her from the inside and when she die she must be buried upside down..k?
Btw, I read the previous chapter and it was GREAT too but I didnt comment cuz it was late :/
POST SOON xox :)
OMFG im in tears... poor Nicki and SB got shot :'( i need the next chapter ASAP!
ReplyDeleteThis story is the shit I don't normally leave comments but its like a soap opera.I can't wait to see what happens next!
ReplyDeleteMelanie Melanie this chic is crazy. Once I read Nic was in pain my reaction was the triplets. Everyone talking bout Nic cooking I enjoyed that moment. Til SB phone rang glad she forgot to call blocked. You the whole YM fam showing up helping to bring Nic back. Drake opening he's mouth got his ass beat glad he did. My heart started to race when they got to Nic location I'm praying everyone come out unharmed. No gun goes off thought Melanie got shot then when Nic said she's bleeding I screamed Noooo!!!! And that then SB says it's him :(. I pray Nic and the triplets along with SB recover. I want to shoot Melanie's mother for letting a crazed woman like that socializing with others. It was an intense chapter can't wait for the next.
ReplyDelete"...started to have pains in her lower abdomen..." ← U wouldn't dare.... -_-
ReplyDeleteHaaa!!!!! Her crazy ass needa take medicine! Nd wtf her mama mean "the rest?" Tf....
What the actual fuck? Karen ass crazy too! Like mother like daughter. Dumb ass bitches. Melanie bet not lay a paw on Nicki. I swear foe God I'll kill'm dead!!
Lmao @ Rex! He kno dat pasta good! He betta share! *sits nex to him* Hi Rex :) *waves*
This bitch!!!! This muthafuckin got damn bitch!!!!!!!!! BIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wuz almost there too damn it -_- Nd she gon snap Nic outta her wet dream! How dare you hoe?!?! I wuz rite there on that journey wita nd u fuck it up! Fuck you mutt face Melanie!!!!! Bitch ass bitch....
I woulda looked at that mongrel pissed too!!!! I'm pressed Melanie ain't let us cum -___- Bitch....
Drake? Y? Ugh.... Safaree gon whip ya ass when he find out u had part of it. U jus wait traitor....
DAYYYUUUMMM!!!!!! Wut I say?!?! Wut the FUCK did I say?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Shdhdhrhrjrkdiisjdjsjahhbbxjwiwjsbdbxbxbdbd d dbsjsj Safaree on dat A$$!!!!!!! Pauz!
Aww :( Here I go again.... *sad sigh* I'ont like how they all gangin up on mi Drizzly Bear like this!!! His ass deserve tuh be beat, but stil.... :/ Drake psycho character is so stupid. I'm mad >:/
Damn... Y u gotta punk mi husband Marty? Lmao! SB ain't hafta say shit, true, nd he had EVERY rite to b pissed tf off, but he got Drake ackin like a lor BITCH! That ain't cool.
*rocks in chair... drops phone.....* No the fuck u didn't! :((( NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! No the fuck u didn't! I'm scared to read the rest :(((( she's bleeding :(((((((((((( I can't Marty :(((((
:(((((( The ending is extremely sad! I REALLY HOPE Nicki jus like came on her period or sum'n nd she not losin one of her babies. Thas rare, but it's still possible. Nd Safaree got shot :( As soon as he said call 911 I thot of that song wit Wyclef Jean nd Mary J. Blige. It's sad as fuck to me. :(( oh mi God I really hope they're gonna b ok Marty!
This chapter wuz really good. When they found Nic it reminded me of an action movie where they do drug busts nd shit. Idk. But to end on a good, happy note... that boat scene? Oooweee chile! *fans self* I felt that. Not even kiddin u, lol. I kept getrin interrupted so I had to read that part over like 5 times, but I didn't mind not one bit! Loved it. I want Nic to speak French to me damn it! She good wit dat Spanish too..... ard I'm dun.
Post soon Martisha! I need tuh kno how mi Nicki Pooh turns out :( Nd plz save SB! Thank u for being great.