*So How fuckin cute was Nicki on the Dick Clark show? Her hair was poppington, fuck what ya heard. Hope you like this, *side eyes my Brainstorm partner* they know who they are! Any fuckin WHORE, Enjoy my beautiful darlings*
"What?" she said trying to play it off.
"Don't play dumb with me. I'm no tin the mood. Are you taking caffeine pills?" she looked at the floor. "ANSWER ME!"
"Yes." she said in a small voice. He clenched the paper in his hands.
"What the fuck Nicki?" he yelled.
"Don't yell at me Safaree." she held herself.
"What am I supposed to do Nicki, act like I'm okay with this shit?" he stood up. "You are around here popping these fucking pills like they are fucking tic tacs. Yesterday I watched you take eight of those damn pills."
"They help keep my energy up. I'm around here trying to get everything together for the CD, the tour, the babies, I couldn't do it all on my own." she defended herself.
"How bout taking your black ass to sleep and resting." he was fuming mad. She had never seen him this way. He was literally shaking he was so mad. "I can't believe you Onika."
"I'm sorry." she whined.
"'I'm sorry.' doesn't cut it this time Nicki. You have been lying to me for months about this, MONTHS Nicki. I have been asking you and asking you Nicki if you needed a break, and you have constantly been lying. What kind of relationship is this?"
"What was I supposed to do? I needed to get shit done Safaree."
"Slow the fuck down, that's what. Nobody was demanding you jump back into work, YOU decided that. Nobody asked for you to do a tour, YOU decided that. YOU agreed to do all the promo you're doing. You try to be superwoman and your not. You have a breaking point."
"I know I decided to to it all but I did it for my fans."
"The same fans that were telling you they didn't need album this quick. They could have lived without for awhile, while you got yourself together. But know you decide to take drugs instead."
Safaree was a mixture of a lot of things. He was mad, pissed, he felt betrayed, and scared. Scared that the thought of what if. What if he hadn't paid the pill any mind? Would she have over dosed on them? What if the babies had gotten ahold of it some how? The babies.
"Your still breast feeding Nicki. Did you think about what that could do to them? That shit makes your heart race. Just imagine what theirs are doing, they already have a fast heartbeat." he had reached the point of livid. "You could have harmed one of my kids Nicki."
"Our kids."
"Don't give me that shit. You are not acting like a parent these days. I can't look at you right now." Safaree went to the closet and threw on some sweats, a t-shirt, his Nikes, and a fitted.
"Where are you going Safaree?" she walked into the closet. He said nothing, just brushed passed her. NIcki grabbed his arm.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME NICKI!" he yanked his arm away.
"ARE YOU AN ADDICT?" he turned towards her.
"What?" she asked looking at him.
"Are you addicted to the pills?"
"No Safaree."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not."
"Are you sure? You know being a druggy does run in your family. I pray none of my kids turn out like you two." he said coldly. She looked at him with hurt in her eyes, for a second he felt a twinge of guilt but quickly dismissed it.
"Fuck you Safaree. What kind of boyfriend are you to say some shit like that?"
"What kind of girlfriend are you to hide some shit like this? Give me the pills."
"I'm not giving you a muthafucking thing."
He went back into her closet and went to her purse rack. He picked up the first one and dumped its contents on the floor, he didn't find the small case she held them in. He picked up another and did the same as with the first.
"What the fuck are you doing?" she pushed him and punched him in the back.
"I said don't fucking touch me."
"Get out of my house."
"Give me the damn pills you fucking addict."
"I'm not addicted. Get out!" she shouted.
"WHERE ARE THEY?" He pulled the complete rack down. She turned and walked out of the closet. He thought. "He black purse." he searched the floor for it but it wasn't there. "Downstairs." He made his way back into the room but Nicki wasn't in there. "Shit." He rushed towards the stairs and saw Nicki heading down them. She turned and seen him coming her way, she picked up speed. He skipped four steps at a time and met her at the bottom. They raced to get to the black Chanel bag on the table next to the door.
Nicki reached it first grabbing it holding the bag close to her body. Safaree reached around her and gripped the bottom of it trying to rip it from her hands.
Safaree managed to get the purse fro her but the contents spilled all over the floor. Both of there eyes searched for the small container. Safaree spotted it. It had slid next to the flower pot, he took after it. Nicki being small, once she saw it, crawled threw his legs and retrieved it before he did. Safaree grabbed her hand and pulled it in the air.
"I'm not going to let you hurt your body." he strained to pry it from her hands.
"I'm a druggy remember, let me do what druggy's do." That comment had really hurt her when he said it.. He snatched it away from her and walked over to the sink. "SAFAREE NO!" He dumped them down the drain and turned the hot water on. Walking back out to where she was he threw the small container at her.
"WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU?" she seen the hatred in his eyes and began crying. "I can't stay here." he went upstairs leaving her there. He packed a couple of duffle bags. He came down stairs and she was still crying.
"Safaree don't leave." She was on her knees.
"You did this to us." he said disgust in his voice. "The person I'm looking at is not my best friend I met years back. She is no the girl I fell in love with."
"I can fix us Safaree please don't go. Our relationship is salvageable." she said through her tears.
"Nicki we haven't truly been happy for a good two months now. The petty ass arguments, arguing about the kids. Now this takes the cake."
Safaree had never understood how people got addicted to things, especially drugs. He would have thought Nicki was the last person to ever get that way, but now he didn't put it past anyone. He didn't condone abusing drugs, and he wouldn't tolerate her doing it.
"I'm going to see my kids, I suggest you don't come by why I'm at your mothers." he walked past her and out the door slamming it behind him.
Nickis sobs were no longer controllable but she needed someone. She managed to get to the cordless phone and dial Laurens number.
"Hello my gorgeous best friend."
"LAUREN HE LEFT ME." she managed to get out.
"Nicki what's wrong, who left?"
"SAFAREE!" she broke down.
"I'll be there in 20 minutes with Candi. Try to calm yourself." she hung up the phone. Nicki sat on the floor of the kitchen.
Mrs. Carols House
Safaree pulled up to Nickis mothers house and hurriedly got out the car. He ran up the steps and knocked on the door. He could hear Ethan crying at the top of his lungs, mama Maraj opened the door trying to calm Ethan.
"Hey Safaree."
"Hey Mama." he took Ethan from her. "Come here man, what's the matter?"
"I've changed him, bathed him, tried to feed him, but he has been crying hysterically for the pass 20 minutes. I can't seem to calm him."
"Daddies little man needs to calm his nerves." Safaree had so many things going through his mind. "Was it because he had gotten hooked on all the caffeine in Nickis milk?" was the number one question in his mind. Every time he thought about her he felt like kicking something.
Mrs. Maraj stood staring at Safarees face. He was scowling really hard, she knew it had to do something with Nicki. He only got this mad when it had to do with her.
"What happen between you and Nicki?" she said sitting down in her husbands lazy boy.
"What makes you think we got into it?"
"Son i've known you for years, Nicki is the only thing that puts that expression on your face. So are you gonna tell me?"
"Honestly this is something Nicki needs to tell you herself. I don't want to speak on her personal matters." he kissed Ethan on his cheek. He had calmed down, hearing his fathers voice was soothing to him. "Where are the girls?"
"Robert and Caiah are upstairs with them. That Zaria is something else, she is a girl of a million faces, just like her mama." Safaree stood.
"I'm going to go up and see them."
"You want me to take him?"
"No, i'll take him with me." he climbed the stairs, he heard one of the girls laughter come from Caiahs room. "Hey you two."
"Hey Safaree." Mr. Robert said.
"What up coon?"
"Hey Safaree." Micaiah was to busy playing with Daria to turn around, they were playing peek-a-boo. Zaria was grabbing her granddaddies hair.
"How are my two favorite girls doing? Have they been giving you a hard time?"
"Nope. I don't think they like quietness though." Micaiah said.
"Why you say that?"
"Well every time it gets...what's the word, still in the house, all of them begin to cry. But when it's chaotic, like when Ethan was crying these to were perfectly calm. When mommy and daddy had a disagreement earlier they all just sat there watching."
Mr. Maraj shifted in his seat at the last comment, Micaiah saw his discomfort.
"Sorry daddy."
Safaree was impressed with Micaiahs observation, Nicki and him noticed this a week ago. There was a really bad thunderstorm and they had prepared for a restless night but all three had slept peacefully through the night.
"Well all they went through before they got here, they probably think chaos is normal." Safaree said. "Have they been acting hyper or jittery?"
"Safaree they are babies, all of them are jittery. And let's not forget they are Onikas kids, they are always trying to see what your doing. That one you have has been trying to hold his head up and he is only month and some days. Nicki was doing things most babies weren't doing until they were older."
"Okay well I was just checking."
"Is there a reason?" After what she had done he should lay all her shit on the table but he still felt the need to protect her.
"Naw, just been reading books. You know doctors have you looking for everything these days."
Micaiah was looking at Daria strange but she was also looking at him strange. Micaiah finally figured out why.
"She needs to be changed." he handed her to Safaree and took Ethan.
"Oh you can love on her why she clean but as soon as she poops you can't be bothered. Come on boo boo daddy will change you." he went downstairs to get the diaper bag. While changing her she made little spit bubbles.
Being around his kids seemed to calm him because lord knows he was on the verge of snapping earlier. They needed sometime apart, well at least he did. If he stayed it wouldn't be good for any of them. He hated to leave to leave his kids but it was in their best interest he did. He was coming back, he would never allow anything to come between him and them. He snapped Darias onsie back together. He tossed the diaper in the waste bucket in the corner, he wiped his hands with a wipe then rubbed some hand sanitizer on them before picking her back up. Went back to Micaiahs room.
"Hey Ciaiah can I borrow your room for a minute."
"Sure you want me to take one of them?"
"Naw I got them."
"Okay." he paused his game and left the room. Safaree laid all three next to each other on Micaiahs bed.
"Alright you guys listen to daddy. I'm going to go back to L.A. for awhile, not for too long. Two weeks maximum. I just need to get my head together. Me and mommy love you, but we are going through something." Safaree knew they didn't understand but it mad him feel better. "I will call you everyday and every night, okay?" he put his finger in Zarias hand. He felt a tear slid down his face. It was hard for him to even think about being away from his children, but to actually do it was even tougher. Zaria smiled at him kicking her feet. "I love you guys so much." He kissed each one on the cheek and stood to leave. His plane left in a hour. "Mama." he shouted.
Mrs. Maraj walked into the room a few minutes later.
"I'm getting ready to go."
"Are you coming bye tomorrow?"
"No ma'ma. I'm going back to L.A. for awhile."
"No personal."
"Whatever it is Safaree don't let it keep you from what matters most."
"Yes ma'ma." he kissed her cheek then left out the room. When he left Zaria started crying.
"It's okay, daddy won't be gone for to long." Mrs. Maraj said.
It took everything in him not to turn around and go back but he knew he had to get himself right. In a matter of hours he had so much anger built towards Nicki.
Nickis House
When Lauren and Candi walked into Nickis house they heard the sound of something crashing against the wall. They carefully walked around the corner. Nicki had a picture of her and Safaree in her hand she hurled it toward the wall, the glass in the picture frame shattered everywhere.
"Nicki what are you doing?" Candi shouted
Candi looked around the living room at the damage she had done. Nicki had successfully broken every picture of her and Safaree, broken anything glass she owned, except for the table her mother had bought her. She had kicked over Safarees lazy boy and it looked like stabbed it with a butcher knife repeatedly.
"Nicki what happened?"
"He left, and blamed everything on me."
"He left why, and blamed what on you?" Lauren asked.
"He said I was a bad mother." Lauren noticed Nickis words kind of slurred. She looked towards the mantle and seen a Grey Goose bottle half empty. She didn't know if Nicki emptied it but then again it doesn't take much to get Nicki faded. "He said we haven't been happy and some otha shit."
"Nicki well what triggered the argument?" Lauren asked. Nicki walked over to the mantel and grabbed the bottle and took a long swig from it. She twisted her face as the cool liquid rushed down her throat and burned her chest.
"He found out I was taking caffeine pills." she took another drink.
"Taking them for what? Wait those pills you been calling vitamins? Nicki you were taking them like six times a day. I knew it wasn't no vitamin you had to take that many times in a day." Candi said.
"What in the hell were you thinking Nicki?" Lauren walked over and snatched the bottle away from her lips and out her hand.
"According to him I wasn't thinking."
"What if you would have over dosed Nicki? Did you think about how the babies would be affected if they lost you? How your fans would feel and go through?"
"I gotta pee. Be back." She took off up the stairs.
"DAMN IT LAUREN I ASKED YOU HERE TO COMFORT ME NOT LECTURE ME!" Nicki yelled throwing her body onto the couch. She buried her face in her hands.
"You couldn't have possibly thought that. When you fuck up I tell you, and you have royally fucked up this time. Lauren sat next to her. "I don't blame him for leaving." Nickis head popped up.
"Just because I fucked up doesn't give him the right to say the fucked up shit he said. I am NOTHING like my father."
"He said that?" Laurens face softened, she knew that was a sore spot for Nicki.
"He called me a druggy. And said he prayed our kids didn't turn out like me."
"Nicki you didn't deserve that. I'm sure he just said it out of anger, he doesn't think that of you.
"Let's face it i have just destroyed the one great relationship I have ever had." Nicki sat and thought. "I fucked up Lauren." Nicki collapsed in her arms.
"It's okay Nicki." she healed her friend close and let her release.
*Are things going to get better? How do you feel about Safaree leaving? do you think it was a wise decision to go to LA? *Martha Voice* Oh dear, their in a bit of a pickle. Okay my darlings comment below.* HAPPY NEW YEARS BARBS!!!! MUAH
This is a FICTIONAL Story, that means do NOT take this story to heart. I am a STAN of Nicki Minaj, I love her to death! If you do not like her then WhoRU & why are you here? I hope you enjoy my story. Comment please!!! =)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Late Night/Early Morning...
*Don't judge me! Enjoy!*
"Nicki, over here."
"No Nicki this way."
"HB, HB." she turned to see a couple of familiar faces.
"Hi Barbs."
"Nicki we have to move inside now." she gave him her death glare. "It's getting to hectic out here, i need to be able to protect you." Big John her new bodyguard explained.
"Fine. Barbs I will see you inside. Its Barbie Bitchhhhhh." she made a crazy face then went inside the establishment.
The Barbs
Do you think she will remember us.. I mean I know she noticed us but will she KNOW us?" Jessie asked
"I hope so. She said she only had memory loss from a month or two before the incident." Shonda leaned on Jessie. They had been in line for hours waiting and of course Nicki was late.
Safaree came out out of the venue 30 minutes later because he was bored.
"Where my coons at?" That's all team Minaj needed to hear, they went crazy. It was not only Team Minaj NY but ATL, Michigan, Chicago, New Orleans, and D.C. They were 40 something deep. "Damn y'all wasn't playin this time around."
"You thought this was fuh play play my nig?" he looked over at Candiqueen.
"You forever got something to say." he laughed. "I need to take a picture and show her, she is not going to believe this." he took out his iPhone and snapped a picture. "I'll see y'all inside."
Safaree went back inside showing his laminate to security. He went to the back of Best Buy to show Nicki.
"Yo Nicki I got something to show you." Safaree said still looking at the picture.
"Just go, I don't want you here." Nicki turned to leave.
"Nicki just listen please." he grabbed her arm.
Safarees head snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice. Drake.
"Let go of me Drake." she twisted her arm.
"If you don't get you bitch ass hands off of her." Safaree ran up and was now chest to chest with Drake.
"I just wanted to talk to her."
"I don't give a fuck, what you wanted to do. If you ever touch her again i will put your ass six feet under."
"Is that a threat?"
"No bitch it's a promise. Now leave here and don't ever let me catch you anywhere near her again."
"Nicki we'll talk later." Drake walked away with his security behind him.
"I would like to see you try." Safaree yelled. He turned around to Nicki. "Did he hurt you?"
"No." she was holding her wrist where Drake had grabbed her.
"Let me see." she released her wrist for him to check it out. It was red but no bruising. "It's okay. What happen? How did he get to you?"
"I don't know. I had to use the bathroom but Big John was being prepped for later on so I told him I would go by myself. When I came out of the bathroom and started walking back he popped out of nowhere on some stalker, Micheal Myers type shit." she went from scared to mad. "Like who does he think he is, his ass should be locked up somewhere." she looked in the direction he went but he was no longer there anymore.
"You should have put him away when you had the chance." he clenched his jaw.
"What? When did anyone come to take my statement? They were supposed to come after I had the babies." he calmed down a bit and rubbed his face.
"They did Nicki, you don't remember. When they came you said he didn't have any involvement." she looked lost. "It's okay, we'll just get you more security. I shouldn't have left you." They began walking back towards the table she would be sitting at. "Big John let me holla at you real quick." Nicki saw the anger in his eyes.
"Safaree calm down please." she placed her hand on his chest.
"I'm just gone talk to him." he said kissing her forehead. He walked to a corner to talk. Her eyes stayer glued to them. She saw Safaree pointing her direction and got real close to his face. They both walked back to Nickis side.
"Sorry for not being there." he said then put on his shades and stepped back.
"It's okay." She sat down at the table her heels where killing her feet. "What did you have to show me?"
"Huh? Oh yeah look." he pulled his phone back out and showed her the picture. "They came from everywhere Nicki." she looked over the picture.
"Is that RBD? Oh lawd let me get ready for this child." She pointed to another girl. "She's from ATL I know but I can't remember her name. Can't wait to see them all again. You know what you should do, have them all pushed to a corner somewhere until the last person comes through so I can have more time with them."
"I'll see what I can do."
"Alright Nicki they are about to open the doors. Here is your basket full of Sharpies in different colors. They are going to put all the disabled people in front so they don't have to wait." Nicki shook her head in agreement to what Martin was saying. Nicki fumbled around in her purse looking for her pill box, once she found it she took a pill and sipped her water. Safaree wanted to know what the hell those pills where, so he had taken one out of her box and sent it to a friend that worked in a pharmacy. She should have it back to him by tomorrow.
"Okay I'm ready." she pulled out her silver sharpie out of the basket.
That Night
"And you wanted to take the babies." he laughed kicking off his shoes in the entrance to the house.
"I could have handled it." she laughed.
"A couple hours into it you looked drained." he watched her take her shoes off. "Come here." she walked over to him and he picked her up, carrying her up the stairs and into the bedroom. Safaree sat her on the bed.
"Thanks my feet are killing me. I'm glad mama kept the babies over night." She had something special planned for him. "I'm going to take a shower and all that jazz okay."
"I guess that's my hint to you want the room to yourself. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll go to my old room, I don;t have to take this." He got up and walked to the door. Nicki ran behind him and jumped on his back.
"I love you, shut up." She kissed his neck and jumped down. "Now go." she pushed him out the room. Nicki ran to the bathroom to start getting ready. After her shower she had to curl her real hair which was a process, but she knew he loved her hair curled so that's what she would do. She pulled out the new red bra and panty set she had just bought.
Two hours later she was slipping on her heels. She gave herself a once over in front of the mirror. She fixed the straps on her bra, then made sure the ruffles on the back of her underwear sat high enough as to not block her butt from his view. She slipped on her robe that stopped mid thigh and went to get to Safaree.
He heard her coming before she knocked on his door, he wondered why she didn't just open it like she always does. he got up and opened it.
"Oh shit." his dick immediately got hard. Her legs in those heels, which he had never seen before, looked amazing.
"Come with me." she took his hand and lead him down to her bedroom. He watched her butt jiggle with every stride. When he walked in it was like he got hit with a Chloe cloud, he loved the sent. "Sit." she pushed him onto the bed. Walking just out of his reach she turned with her back facing him and undid her robe. Letting it drop off her shoulders, she looked at his face and was satisfied at his reaction. He was smiling licking his lips. "You act like you haven't seen my ass before." she giggled.
"Not in those I haven't." he pointed. "It looks different in each pair of underwear you put on, always amazing but different." she shook her head and turning on her iPod on the surround sound speakers. She made sure her new favorite song Late Night/Early Mornings by Marsha Ambrosious was on repeat. "You gonna dance for me?"
"Shh you know I'm not good at this so let me concentrate." she smiled. She caught the beat and swayed her hips from side to side at first. Safaree watched the small of her back, he found that region of her body one of the sexiest. She bent over rolling her hips in a circle and looking back at Safaree. He was stroking himself through his pants, she could see the imprint of it on his leg which made her want to skip to the main event.
"Turn around babe." Safaree said. Shit, she thought. Nicki wasn't comfortable with showing her stomach. She figured she would turn out the lights before he could see her. She crossed her arms over her stomach and turned still dancing but blocking out the little bit of access skin, it was not really noticeable. "Move your arms babe." Nicki stopped moving and looked away from him.
Safaree hated when she go insecure. He needed her to know no matter what her body looked like he would love her just the same. He went to move her arms himself.
"No Safaree." she backed away. He stood up a bit and grabbed her waist pulling her to him. They wrestled but he eventually moved her arms. "Don't look." he stared at her face then kissed right above her belly button, and let it linger before moving to another spot and kissing her again.
"Don't ever try and hide your body from me." he kissed her again. "Your beautiful Nicki." She took a deep breath, pulling his head back she kissed him on the lips. Safaree slipped his tongue into her mouth and she happily excepted. She straddled his lap feeling his manhood under her thigh. He began kissing her breast she continued to hold his head. "I love you so much." she rocked her hips against him. He unclasped her bra in the front hurriedly pushing it from her shoulders. He licked and sucked on both her breast, biting a spot close to her right nipple. The sensation was amazing for her.
"Let me take care of you." she said breathlessly.
Nicki pushed him onto his back. She kissed all over his chest then down his stomach. Running her tongue over his abs she made eye contact with him, he was watching her every move.
"Lift your hips." she instructed. he complied and she stripped him of his pants and boxers. Her eyes lit up at his erect manhood. Grabbing it she stroked up and down making him moan. "Can I taste it?" she asked.
"Yeah go ahead." he licked his lips. Nicki moved his manhood to left and kissed the right side of his penis then added a suction sensation. "Fuck." he dropped his head onto the bed and enjoyed. Moving up to the head he slipped it inside her mouth then pulled it out, she licked down his shaft. Slipping it all the way in she went to work. Safaree lifted and moved the curls from around her face to watch her. "The things she does with her tongue." he thought. She came up for air. She stared at him while running her tongue along the side of his penis. "Do it." he said. She knew what it meant. Nicki deep throated him, he loved feeling the back of her throat. She did that a couple more times and he had to stop her before he came. "My turn." she moved and laid on her back catching her breath.
"Now I get to taste you." Safaree said removing her underwear. She grabbed a pillow and put it under her butt and another to put under her head. Safaree loved how her hair fell around her face. "I love your hair like that."
"I know." she bit her lip. "Now eat."
Safaree kissed and licked her inner thighs, he made sure he left a few marks. Taking his tongue he licked her whole center then closed his lips kissing it, he loved that she had a Brazilian.
"Sloppy?" he asked putting his index finger inside her, watching her expression. She gave a deep sigh from the sensation.
"You know I love it sloppy daddy." she arched her back at him adding another finger. He flicked his tongue across her pearl. Nicki gripped his head tighter, it had been close to a year since they had done the deed so she was extra sensitive.
"Mmmm you taste amazing." he leaned his head to the side so she could see his tongue in action. "The things he can do with his tongue, damn." she thought. Nicki moved herself against his tongue causing more friction. Her legs tightened slightly around his head as her body jerked a bit, she loosened her grip but he wasn't done. Hooking his arms under her thighs he rolled over on his back keeping her mound against his mouth. She looked down at his face.
"Damn you look sexy in this position." she braced herself on the headboard and began riding his face. Two orgasms later she was ready for the main event. "Safaree let me ride a different part of you." she said in between breaths.
"Okay." she lifted from his face and looked from his nose to his chin, it was a glazed like a Krispy Kream Donut. She bent down kissing him and cleaning his face as she did it.
"I taste good." she grinned.
"I told you."
"We need a condom." they both said together then laughed. Neither was trying to birth anymore young for awhile.
"I have some she said." reaching to her side of the bed in her drawer. She pulled out a big box of magnums.
"Damn babe."
"I don't want to ever run out. I don't think we can blow through all these." she laughed opening the box and taking three out, just in case.
"We can sure try." he kissed her thigh. She ripped the gold package open and threw it to the floor. She placed the condom over him. She stroked him with the condom on the hovered her womanhood over it.
"Go easy, it's been awhile."
"Don't I always." he winked. she gave him a look then eased down on to him completely. "Hey they didn't mess up my fit."
"I've missed being with you." she leaned back using his thighs for support and rolled her hips slowly. "have you missed me?" he shook his head yes. "Say it."
"I've missed you. You feel so good."
Nicki laid on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist watching he pop her lower region up and down on him. Nicki sucked on his ear and whispered things to him in Spanish. None of it had to do with sex but he didn't know that.
"Whoa!" Nicki said. Safaree had bucked hitting a spot that made her left leg quiver. "Do it again." she waited for it again. "I like that." She turned to where she was in the reverse cowgirl position, Safarees favorite. She threw her head back in pure Ecstasy. Her body was winding, and curls flowed down her back, the perfect view for Safaree. And on top of all that he had a great view of her ass. She bent forward popping her ass again, this time he slapped it numerous times and gripped it. "Damn Safaree." he sat up pulling her body to him. He kissed her back while massaging her breasts.
"On your knees." he said in her ear forcefully. It turned her on, she did what she was told.
Safaree put her body like he wanted it, face down, ass up, and he pushed down and arched her back just right and slid inside of her. Nicki flipped her hair to one side trying to view what was going on back there.
"Why you being nosy?" he slapped her ass. She clenched her walls around him biting her lower lip.
"I'm going to come Faree."
"Go ahead baby."
"Harder...faster." she managed to get out. "I need to..." she didn't get to finish her sentence because her orgasm hit hard and Safaree came right behind her.
Both dripping with sweat collapse onto the bed not saying anything for awhile all you heard was heavy breathing.
"I love you." Safaree said pulling Nickis body closer to him and kissing her cheek.
"I love you to babe." they laid in silence. Safaree played in her hair. "Tell me a poem."
"Tell me a poem."
"Rose are red pickles are green I like your legs and what's in between." they both laughed.
"How romantic." she said. "We need to shower. And I need to tell you something."
"Yep." he kissed her breast then her lips. "After round two okay." he sucked on her neck.
"Okay Faree." she said as if she were defeated, his tongue was like kryptonite.
Next Day
"No Martin I said the Lilies go to my mother and the Cherry Blossoms go to Safarees mom." Nicki was in her silk pajama pants and matching tank. She had been up for about an hour on the phone taking care of business. Safaree stirred in the bed. "NO! Martin."
"NICKI!" Safaree yelled. She quickly walked out the room so she wouldn't disturb him.
"Martin I said the lockets where to be gold not silver." she went in and Ethans room and sat in his lazy boy. "Yeah that should be it for today. I'm taking a day off so do what I asked then you can do whatever, don;t call this phone unless it's an emergency." she hung up. She sat thinking, last night she had been so ready to tell Safaree but he wouldn't let her body rest, and who was she to tell her man no. By the time they were done sexing each other, showering and eating she was too tired to say anything. But she knew she needed to tell him, now was just as good as time as any.
Nicki walked back into the room and seen that Safaree had put on his PJ bottoms and was reading a letter. She looked at the dresser and noticed the the mail had been scattered out.
"Oh you found your letter. What's it say babe?"
He gave her the death glare. "You been taking fucking Caffeine pills Nicki?"
*Awwwwwww shit now! lol So I feel like I tapped into my Zane Flow, what you think? So what do you think of this chapter? Don't judge me, they needed to get freaky it has been a nearly a year! Y'all freaky fuh reading it! *mushes your face* Go comment!*
I Love this song! Take a listen.
"Nicki, over here."
"No Nicki this way."
"HB, HB." she turned to see a couple of familiar faces.
"Hi Barbs."
"Nicki we have to move inside now." she gave him her death glare. "It's getting to hectic out here, i need to be able to protect you." Big John her new bodyguard explained.
"Fine. Barbs I will see you inside. Its Barbie Bitchhhhhh." she made a crazy face then went inside the establishment.
The Barbs
Do you think she will remember us.. I mean I know she noticed us but will she KNOW us?" Jessie asked
"I hope so. She said she only had memory loss from a month or two before the incident." Shonda leaned on Jessie. They had been in line for hours waiting and of course Nicki was late.
Safaree came out out of the venue 30 minutes later because he was bored.
"Where my coons at?" That's all team Minaj needed to hear, they went crazy. It was not only Team Minaj NY but ATL, Michigan, Chicago, New Orleans, and D.C. They were 40 something deep. "Damn y'all wasn't playin this time around."
"You thought this was fuh play play my nig?" he looked over at Candiqueen.
"You forever got something to say." he laughed. "I need to take a picture and show her, she is not going to believe this." he took out his iPhone and snapped a picture. "I'll see y'all inside."
Safaree went back inside showing his laminate to security. He went to the back of Best Buy to show Nicki.
"Yo Nicki I got something to show you." Safaree said still looking at the picture.
"Just go, I don't want you here." Nicki turned to leave.
"Nicki just listen please." he grabbed her arm.
Safarees head snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice. Drake.
"Let go of me Drake." she twisted her arm.
"If you don't get you bitch ass hands off of her." Safaree ran up and was now chest to chest with Drake.
"I just wanted to talk to her."
"I don't give a fuck, what you wanted to do. If you ever touch her again i will put your ass six feet under."
"Is that a threat?"
"No bitch it's a promise. Now leave here and don't ever let me catch you anywhere near her again."
"Nicki we'll talk later." Drake walked away with his security behind him.
"I would like to see you try." Safaree yelled. He turned around to Nicki. "Did he hurt you?"
"No." she was holding her wrist where Drake had grabbed her.
"Let me see." she released her wrist for him to check it out. It was red but no bruising. "It's okay. What happen? How did he get to you?"
"I don't know. I had to use the bathroom but Big John was being prepped for later on so I told him I would go by myself. When I came out of the bathroom and started walking back he popped out of nowhere on some stalker, Micheal Myers type shit." she went from scared to mad. "Like who does he think he is, his ass should be locked up somewhere." she looked in the direction he went but he was no longer there anymore.
"You should have put him away when you had the chance." he clenched his jaw.
"What? When did anyone come to take my statement? They were supposed to come after I had the babies." he calmed down a bit and rubbed his face.
"They did Nicki, you don't remember. When they came you said he didn't have any involvement." she looked lost. "It's okay, we'll just get you more security. I shouldn't have left you." They began walking back towards the table she would be sitting at. "Big John let me holla at you real quick." Nicki saw the anger in his eyes.
"Safaree calm down please." she placed her hand on his chest.
"I'm just gone talk to him." he said kissing her forehead. He walked to a corner to talk. Her eyes stayer glued to them. She saw Safaree pointing her direction and got real close to his face. They both walked back to Nickis side.
"Sorry for not being there." he said then put on his shades and stepped back.
"It's okay." She sat down at the table her heels where killing her feet. "What did you have to show me?"
"Huh? Oh yeah look." he pulled his phone back out and showed her the picture. "They came from everywhere Nicki." she looked over the picture.
"Is that RBD? Oh lawd let me get ready for this child." She pointed to another girl. "She's from ATL I know but I can't remember her name. Can't wait to see them all again. You know what you should do, have them all pushed to a corner somewhere until the last person comes through so I can have more time with them."
"I'll see what I can do."
"Alright Nicki they are about to open the doors. Here is your basket full of Sharpies in different colors. They are going to put all the disabled people in front so they don't have to wait." Nicki shook her head in agreement to what Martin was saying. Nicki fumbled around in her purse looking for her pill box, once she found it she took a pill and sipped her water. Safaree wanted to know what the hell those pills where, so he had taken one out of her box and sent it to a friend that worked in a pharmacy. She should have it back to him by tomorrow.
"Okay I'm ready." she pulled out her silver sharpie out of the basket.
That Night
"And you wanted to take the babies." he laughed kicking off his shoes in the entrance to the house.
"I could have handled it." she laughed.
"A couple hours into it you looked drained." he watched her take her shoes off. "Come here." she walked over to him and he picked her up, carrying her up the stairs and into the bedroom. Safaree sat her on the bed.
"Thanks my feet are killing me. I'm glad mama kept the babies over night." She had something special planned for him. "I'm going to take a shower and all that jazz okay."
"I guess that's my hint to you want the room to yourself. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll go to my old room, I don;t have to take this." He got up and walked to the door. Nicki ran behind him and jumped on his back.
"I love you, shut up." She kissed his neck and jumped down. "Now go." she pushed him out the room. Nicki ran to the bathroom to start getting ready. After her shower she had to curl her real hair which was a process, but she knew he loved her hair curled so that's what she would do. She pulled out the new red bra and panty set she had just bought.
Two hours later she was slipping on her heels. She gave herself a once over in front of the mirror. She fixed the straps on her bra, then made sure the ruffles on the back of her underwear sat high enough as to not block her butt from his view. She slipped on her robe that stopped mid thigh and went to get to Safaree.
He heard her coming before she knocked on his door, he wondered why she didn't just open it like she always does. he got up and opened it.
"Oh shit." his dick immediately got hard. Her legs in those heels, which he had never seen before, looked amazing.
"Come with me." she took his hand and lead him down to her bedroom. He watched her butt jiggle with every stride. When he walked in it was like he got hit with a Chloe cloud, he loved the sent. "Sit." she pushed him onto the bed. Walking just out of his reach she turned with her back facing him and undid her robe. Letting it drop off her shoulders, she looked at his face and was satisfied at his reaction. He was smiling licking his lips. "You act like you haven't seen my ass before." she giggled.
"Not in those I haven't." he pointed. "It looks different in each pair of underwear you put on, always amazing but different." she shook her head and turning on her iPod on the surround sound speakers. She made sure her new favorite song Late Night/Early Mornings by Marsha Ambrosious was on repeat. "You gonna dance for me?"
"Shh you know I'm not good at this so let me concentrate." she smiled. She caught the beat and swayed her hips from side to side at first. Safaree watched the small of her back, he found that region of her body one of the sexiest. She bent over rolling her hips in a circle and looking back at Safaree. He was stroking himself through his pants, she could see the imprint of it on his leg which made her want to skip to the main event.
"Turn around babe." Safaree said. Shit, she thought. Nicki wasn't comfortable with showing her stomach. She figured she would turn out the lights before he could see her. She crossed her arms over her stomach and turned still dancing but blocking out the little bit of access skin, it was not really noticeable. "Move your arms babe." Nicki stopped moving and looked away from him.
Safaree hated when she go insecure. He needed her to know no matter what her body looked like he would love her just the same. He went to move her arms himself.
"No Safaree." she backed away. He stood up a bit and grabbed her waist pulling her to him. They wrestled but he eventually moved her arms. "Don't look." he stared at her face then kissed right above her belly button, and let it linger before moving to another spot and kissing her again.
"Don't ever try and hide your body from me." he kissed her again. "Your beautiful Nicki." She took a deep breath, pulling his head back she kissed him on the lips. Safaree slipped his tongue into her mouth and she happily excepted. She straddled his lap feeling his manhood under her thigh. He began kissing her breast she continued to hold his head. "I love you so much." she rocked her hips against him. He unclasped her bra in the front hurriedly pushing it from her shoulders. He licked and sucked on both her breast, biting a spot close to her right nipple. The sensation was amazing for her.
"Let me take care of you." she said breathlessly.
Nicki pushed him onto his back. She kissed all over his chest then down his stomach. Running her tongue over his abs she made eye contact with him, he was watching her every move.
"Lift your hips." she instructed. he complied and she stripped him of his pants and boxers. Her eyes lit up at his erect manhood. Grabbing it she stroked up and down making him moan. "Can I taste it?" she asked.
"Yeah go ahead." he licked his lips. Nicki moved his manhood to left and kissed the right side of his penis then added a suction sensation. "Fuck." he dropped his head onto the bed and enjoyed. Moving up to the head he slipped it inside her mouth then pulled it out, she licked down his shaft. Slipping it all the way in she went to work. Safaree lifted and moved the curls from around her face to watch her. "The things she does with her tongue." he thought. She came up for air. She stared at him while running her tongue along the side of his penis. "Do it." he said. She knew what it meant. Nicki deep throated him, he loved feeling the back of her throat. She did that a couple more times and he had to stop her before he came. "My turn." she moved and laid on her back catching her breath.
"Now I get to taste you." Safaree said removing her underwear. She grabbed a pillow and put it under her butt and another to put under her head. Safaree loved how her hair fell around her face. "I love your hair like that."
"I know." she bit her lip. "Now eat."
Safaree kissed and licked her inner thighs, he made sure he left a few marks. Taking his tongue he licked her whole center then closed his lips kissing it, he loved that she had a Brazilian.
"Sloppy?" he asked putting his index finger inside her, watching her expression. She gave a deep sigh from the sensation.
"You know I love it sloppy daddy." she arched her back at him adding another finger. He flicked his tongue across her pearl. Nicki gripped his head tighter, it had been close to a year since they had done the deed so she was extra sensitive.
"Mmmm you taste amazing." he leaned his head to the side so she could see his tongue in action. "The things he can do with his tongue, damn." she thought. Nicki moved herself against his tongue causing more friction. Her legs tightened slightly around his head as her body jerked a bit, she loosened her grip but he wasn't done. Hooking his arms under her thighs he rolled over on his back keeping her mound against his mouth. She looked down at his face.
"Damn you look sexy in this position." she braced herself on the headboard and began riding his face. Two orgasms later she was ready for the main event. "Safaree let me ride a different part of you." she said in between breaths.
"Okay." she lifted from his face and looked from his nose to his chin, it was a glazed like a Krispy Kream Donut. She bent down kissing him and cleaning his face as she did it.
"I taste good." she grinned.
"I told you."
"We need a condom." they both said together then laughed. Neither was trying to birth anymore young for awhile.
"I have some she said." reaching to her side of the bed in her drawer. She pulled out a big box of magnums.
"Damn babe."
"I don't want to ever run out. I don't think we can blow through all these." she laughed opening the box and taking three out, just in case.
"We can sure try." he kissed her thigh. She ripped the gold package open and threw it to the floor. She placed the condom over him. She stroked him with the condom on the hovered her womanhood over it.
"Go easy, it's been awhile."
"Don't I always." he winked. she gave him a look then eased down on to him completely. "Hey they didn't mess up my fit."
"I've missed being with you." she leaned back using his thighs for support and rolled her hips slowly. "have you missed me?" he shook his head yes. "Say it."
"I've missed you. You feel so good."
Nicki laid on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her waist watching he pop her lower region up and down on him. Nicki sucked on his ear and whispered things to him in Spanish. None of it had to do with sex but he didn't know that.
"Whoa!" Nicki said. Safaree had bucked hitting a spot that made her left leg quiver. "Do it again." she waited for it again. "I like that." She turned to where she was in the reverse cowgirl position, Safarees favorite. She threw her head back in pure Ecstasy. Her body was winding, and curls flowed down her back, the perfect view for Safaree. And on top of all that he had a great view of her ass. She bent forward popping her ass again, this time he slapped it numerous times and gripped it. "Damn Safaree." he sat up pulling her body to him. He kissed her back while massaging her breasts.
"On your knees." he said in her ear forcefully. It turned her on, she did what she was told.
Safaree put her body like he wanted it, face down, ass up, and he pushed down and arched her back just right and slid inside of her. Nicki flipped her hair to one side trying to view what was going on back there.
"Why you being nosy?" he slapped her ass. She clenched her walls around him biting her lower lip.
"I'm going to come Faree."
"Go ahead baby."
"Harder...faster." she managed to get out. "I need to..." she didn't get to finish her sentence because her orgasm hit hard and Safaree came right behind her.
Both dripping with sweat collapse onto the bed not saying anything for awhile all you heard was heavy breathing.
"I love you." Safaree said pulling Nickis body closer to him and kissing her cheek.
"I love you to babe." they laid in silence. Safaree played in her hair. "Tell me a poem."
"Tell me a poem."
"Rose are red pickles are green I like your legs and what's in between." they both laughed.
"How romantic." she said. "We need to shower. And I need to tell you something."
"Yep." he kissed her breast then her lips. "After round two okay." he sucked on her neck.
"Okay Faree." she said as if she were defeated, his tongue was like kryptonite.
Next Day
"No Martin I said the Lilies go to my mother and the Cherry Blossoms go to Safarees mom." Nicki was in her silk pajama pants and matching tank. She had been up for about an hour on the phone taking care of business. Safaree stirred in the bed. "NO! Martin."
"NICKI!" Safaree yelled. She quickly walked out the room so she wouldn't disturb him.
"Martin I said the lockets where to be gold not silver." she went in and Ethans room and sat in his lazy boy. "Yeah that should be it for today. I'm taking a day off so do what I asked then you can do whatever, don;t call this phone unless it's an emergency." she hung up. She sat thinking, last night she had been so ready to tell Safaree but he wouldn't let her body rest, and who was she to tell her man no. By the time they were done sexing each other, showering and eating she was too tired to say anything. But she knew she needed to tell him, now was just as good as time as any.
Nicki walked back into the room and seen that Safaree had put on his PJ bottoms and was reading a letter. She looked at the dresser and noticed the the mail had been scattered out.
"Oh you found your letter. What's it say babe?"
He gave her the death glare. "You been taking fucking Caffeine pills Nicki?"
*Awwwwwww shit now! lol So I feel like I tapped into my Zane Flow, what you think? So what do you think of this chapter? Don't judge me, they needed to get freaky it has been a nearly a year! Y'all freaky fuh reading it! *mushes your face* Go comment!*
I Love this song! Take a listen.
Friday, December 23, 2011
*You Love me. lol Enjoy!*
As weeks went by Nickis memory was coming back and she was slowly remembering things. Safaree was still uneasy about leaving her alone with the babies. He never felt she would hurt them but to the girls she just wasn't as attentive as she was with Ethan.
Nicki had been in the studio and shooting videos for a couple of songs nonstop since she got the clearance. She was getting her rest but it's still not enough. She had been taking caffeine pills to stay awake, she was sick of everyone asking her if she needed a break. She had something important to tell Safaree but didn't want him to freak out, and go over the top. She had so many things going through her head but the thing that was at the front of her mind was food at the moment.
"Terrence what's on the catering table?"
"They have everything. Your fav is over there, popeyes."
"Oooo is it the spicy kind?"
"It's mixed." Nicki slipped on her uggs and hopped up rushing to the table. She grabbed a plate and grabbed a leg and a thigh. She glanced to the left and caught a glimpse of the carrot cake. She grabbed a big slice of that and went back to the couch where Terrence and Day were sitting.
"Are you supposed to be eating that?" Day asked. Nicki remained silent.
"Silence means she know she not." she yawned then put another piece of chicken in her mouth.
"Do you need a break?" Terrence asked.
"No Terrence, I don't." she picked up her phone.
What ya doin Barbs? Terrence is making me eat Chicken and Carrot Cake. He knows I'm not supposed to eat this stuff.
"Why do you lie?" Terrence asked staring at his phone. Nicki laughed.
"Hey sexy." Nicki heard in her ear and smiled.
"I don't think my man would appreciate you being so close to me."
"Mmm then I guess we better not get caught then." Safaree kissed her neck.
"Y'all so nasty."
"Yeah get a room." Day said getting up and leaving to go clean her brushes. Terrence followed behind her.
Safaree sat next to Nicki pulling her into his lap, her feet were dangling.
"Gimme some." Nicki took a piece and put it in his mouth.
"What are the babies doing?"
"Sleeping. Your mother said Daria was a little fussy today."
"She probably wasn't holding her right. She is such a little picky ladybug."
"Like her mommy."
"I'm not picky sir." she sat her plate down. "So what do you wanna do when we get out of here?" she put her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest.
"It's going to be close to four, there is nothing we can do."
"I can think of a couple of things." Nicki sucked on his earlobe. They were towards the back of the establishment so they couldn't be seen. She kissed on his neck, trying to leave a passion mark.
"Nicki why are you doing this here." he put his hands on her waist. They hadn't had sex in nearly a year. Yeah they didn't it one time during the pregnancy but it wasn't how they usually get down, so neither counted that night.
"You haven't touched me since I've been home babe, is it because of my weight?"
"Nicki you are not big. You have been working out like crazy since you have been home, so stop. We both have been busy but as soon as we start our break, you betta believe this ass is mine." he bit the top of her breast.
"Ow Faree." she giggled. "That's going to leave a mark. Now Day is going to know what we were doing back here when I ask her to cover this up with make up."
"I'm sure the one on my neck is way worse than yours. Let me kiss it and make it feel better."
"NO! Get away from it." She tried getting up but he had a tight grip on her waist. She now had her back to his chest.
"Don't go. Stay until this goes down." She felt what 'This' was under her butt. She looked back at him with her eyes wide. "Don't give me that look, you did this on purpose."
"I'm sorry." she shifted.
"Don't move Nic, damn." his Manhood was now right in between her butt cheeks. She thought she would have a little fun with him.
"Don't do what? This?" she slid down a little in his lap. Safaree was doing his best not to rip her clothes from her and take her right where they sat. "Or this?" she glided her butt back towards him.
"Nicki go." he released her hips. he figured 'This' would go away quicker without her on top of it.
"No I'm comfy now." she giggled.
"No you think what you're doing is okay and it's not. Go talk to Day or something."
"Don't quote my shit against me Nigga." she got up and looked down at his erection. "Damn shame that's going to go to waist."
"Nicki we have to get your wig on, so come on and stop flirting with Safaree."
"Gotta go babe." she turned and left him. He sat with a pillow over his lower region for a good 15 minutes before he got up and went to watch Nicki on set.
40 minutes later they were waiting on the next set up, Nicki was laying with her head in Safarees lap napping. He was on twitter messing with the Barbs. Safaree looked up to see the Director signalling that they were ready for her.
"Nicki wake up." she stirred but didn't move. "Come on Nic wake up."
"What for Safaree, I'm tired." she mumbled.
"You have one more shot then i will take you home and put you to bed." she popped up quickly.
"Shit, how long was I sleep?"
"Only 20 minutes." she stretched.
"Can you hand me my purse and water." He grabbed both placing them beside her.
Nicki opened her pill case and grabbed a Caffeine pill and swallowed it with her water. Safaree had never seen that pill before today.
"Nicki what kind of pill is that?"
"It's just a vitamin babe." she kissed his lips. "Does my breath stink?"
"I love how you wait till after you kiss me to ask if you have dragon breath."
"Oh you love me shut up." she slipped her heels on her feet.
"That don't mean I want to smell your hot ass breath."
"My breath is not hot."
"Not right now." She flipped her hair and walked away with her hose turned up in the air. "Such a drama queen."
2.14.12 [4 a.m.]
Rise and shine Barbs. *Jumps on all your beds* Guess what today is? Guess, guess, GUESSSS?
She is literally standing in the bed tweeting y'all. It's to early for this Ish. *Pulls her back down under the covers*
Well I'm tucked back in Barbs, I'll tweet again when I get back up. MUAHHH!
"Can we wake up now?" Nicki whispered in Safarees ear.
"You can, what time is it?"
"Wake me up in a hour." He rolled over and threw the covers over his head.
Nicki got out of the bed and took her shower. She threw on some of Safarees sweats and his t-shirt then checked on the kids. She excepted that she had children and tried to make the best of the situation. Her full memory of the birth hadn't come back yet. She had always loved children so it wasn't hard for her to become attached to the children. They were getting bigger. She leaned over the girls Crib and seen that Zaria was up.
"Hey mama. How long have you been up?" she picked her up from out of the crib. "Why didn't you let someone know you were up, you could have kept mommy company?" Nicki kissed her cheek and Zaria cooed. "Baby girl you stink." Nicki laid her on the changing station and cleaned her up.
"There you go, all clean." Nicki sat in the glider. "Do you know what today is?" she stared at Zaria and Zaria stared back. "Well since you want to be a DIVA and not speak I'll tell you. Today is the release of mommies second album." Zaria smiled showing her gums. "I know, I'm excited too." Zaria reached for Nickis breast. "That's all you do is eat." she gave her access to her breast and she latched on. "Well back to my story. I'm going to try and talk daddy into bring you guys with us so the barbs can meet you. Who are the Barbs you ask? Hmmm.... They are a group of people who love mommy and daddy very much. They are kinda like my babies as well, they are very spoiled. Kinda how you are going to be." Zaria scrunched up her nose. "Don't wrinkle your nose at me missy, you are going to be spoiled. I can already tell your going to be a daddies girl. And he is a sucker for a pretty girl with long eyelashes. I should know don't you think?" they looked at each other again. "That's what I thought." Nicki saw movement in the crib. "Looks like sissy is up. Are done so she can eat too?" To Nicki it looked like Zaria rolled her eyes then shut them and continued eating. "You are so rude." She stood up and looked in the crib, Daria had her fist in her mouth. She just laid there quietly.
A couple of minutes later Zaria had been burped and put in her rocker. She picked up Daria and resumed her previous conversation.
"So what do you think mommy should wear today? Should It be something simple?" she looked and Daria kind of squinted her eye. "Yeah I know, nothing about mommy is simple. But what to wear D-Baby? Let's go raid my closet." she looked over at Zaria who was passed out. "You think She will be okay for a few minutes?...You don't care as long as your eating. Let's go check on your brudda, then we can have girl time." They checked in on a sleeping Ethan then went back into the bedroom. "Shh we can't wake up daddy. He still has 15 more minutes to sleep. You'll learn he likes to get every minute he can." In the closet the pair went through a couple dozen outfits, finally settling on two. They would get Safarees opinion when he woke up. Nicki looked back down at Daria. "Well when did you fall asleep on me? You can't hang just like your sister. Time to put you back down." she fixed herself then walked back out the closet, she looked over at the clock it read 7:11.
"Safaree babe." she said startling Daria. "Mommies sorry." she bounced her a little while walking towards Safaree and nudging him awake. "Babe it's time to get up.'
"I am up." he stated with his eyes still closed and body still wrapped tightly in the covers.
"No get out the bed. I'm not leaving you alone until you are standing in front of me." She poked him in his side, messed with his ears, and slapped him on the butt. Finally she went to the bottom of the bed and moved the comforter, exposing his feet. She began tickling his feet he moved them quickly.
"Well wake ya ass up then we have things to do today." Safaree slowly rose from the bed and walked toward Nicki stopping in front of her rubbing his eyes. "Aww my other baby." she poked her lips out for a kiss.
"No I haven't brushed my teeth yet."
"I don't care, gimme my lips boy." he shrugged then planted a kiss on her lips. "Now take your daughter and burp her while I go change and feed your son." She watched Safarees big frame cradle Daria and walk out the door. She made up the bed then headed towards Ethans room. Just like she had found the other two, he was wide eyed and quiet. "What is up with you three, yall don't make no type of alert sounds." she picked him up. "Hows mamas baby?" He tried lifting his head but failed. "Look at you, trying to be all strong but chile that head of yours is to big to be trying to lift." she changed him then sat in the lazy boy and propped her feet up on the foot rest. "So you hungry to? I know you are, here." she watched him feed. "So we have to think of a way to get Daddy to agree with taking you three with me. Any suggestions?" she looked at him but he was focused on eating. "Your absolutely no help sir, at least your sisters gave input." she kept staring at him. "Maybe I can make him a really great breakfast. And he'll be happy and full and I'll give him my cute and innocent face then ask him. You think that will work?" he grinned showing his small dimple then went back to eating. "We brainstorm good together sir, thats why your mamas little man." Nicki drifted off into her thoughts then she heard and felt Ethan throw up. "This is so not cool little one." she grabbed his cloth and cleaned both of them up. She laid him on the changing table taking off both her shirt and his onsie. "Your just gonna be around here like your daddy, in only your underwear." she sat him in his swing and sat with him until he fell back to sleep.
Nicki found a new shirt and headed down stairs to start breakfast while Safaree was in the shower. She looked around her kitchen and tried to figure out breakfast. She decided on making him a breakfast burrito with ham, sausage, bacon, eggs, cheese, and green peppers. With a side of fried potatoes, he would be in heaven since she never let him eat this way. She figured if she couldn't eat it then he needed to suffer with her!
Twenty minutes later Safaree came down stairs after checking on the babies, all which were still sleep. he sniffed the air and smiled.
"Pork." he said with a smile. He went into the kitchen and seen Nicki from behind trying to get his pants to stay over her hips. "Damn you look sexy, I love it when you wear my clothes."
She turned around, "You don't look bad yaself. Your son looks like you right now."
"I seen him. Got his little bird chest all exposed."
"What? My son got pecks." she stuck her chest out and flexed.
"Deflate your chest girl. What you cooking up?"
"Food. Go sit down. Do you want coffee, orange juice, or apple juice?"
"Apple." he sat down waiting on whatever she had cooked him. Nicki finished wrapping the burrito, it was huge, and sat it on a plate. Along side a English muffin and strawberries. She walked over and sat it in front of him.
"Enjoy and don't forget to say your grace."
"You're not joining me?"
"I ate as I cooked." She started to clean up the kitchen.
"This is good babe. You never cook like this anymore, not unless you wan--" he stopped then looked at her. She looked up at him. "What do you want Nicki?" She realized she was going to have to put in a little more work. She sauntered over to him and straddled his lap.
"Why do I have to want something to cook my man a good meal?' she picked up a strawberry and placed it between her teeth and leaned in for Safaree to take it, which he did. Resulting in a quick lip lock. "I just want you to be well fed for today because we both know from the last CD signing to day is going to be a hectic day." she picked up his burrito and put to his mouth for him to bite. "I felt you deserved a breath from all the healthy food, so I gave you the kinda of breakfast you love." she kissed him again.
"Okay, I believe you." he sipped his juice.
"Safaree." she kissed his cheek.
"Hmm?" he placed another strawberry in his mouth.
"I was thinking while you were sleeping." she kissed his neck while feeling up his body.
"Well I wanted to take the babies out with us today, since they haven't been anywhere besides the doctors since they came home from the hospital."
"Why not Faree?" she licked his ear lobe.
"Because they are not ready to be around a whole bunch of people. Especially since it's cold outside and there are so many viruses floating around. No, you will not subject my babies to that."
"Our babies." she sat up and pouted. "Nobody is going to touch them SB, I want people to see my...our kids. Pweaseeee?" she hugged his neck.
"Nicki no, so if this whole unhealthy breakfast was to get me to say yes, then it has been a big epic fail." he said smiling.
She refused to let him know that was the reason. "That's not why I made you the damn breakfast Safaree." She got off his lap. He took another bite of his burrito.
"Well thank you then, it was very thoughtful of you."
"Mhhm. Clean up this mess when your done." She left the kitchen sad her plan didn't work. She peeked in on Ethan she seen that Safaree had put on another onsie. She was going to bathe them but since they are not going anywhere anytime soon she would let auntie Lauren and auntie Candi have fun with that.
Nicki went to go get ready for Terrence and day to arrive. She would let them collaborate on which outfit she should wear, since Safaree was being a jerk. She took a caffeine pill then sipped her bottle of water. She laid in her bed and tried to get mentally prepared for the mayhem known as, Team Minaj.
*Hope it's going how you want it to go. If not, well...you'll be okay! lol Comment below. Tell me how you feel about her relationship with the babies. Do you think she is really growing a bond with the babies or do you think she is forcing herself to have one? What do you think she needs to ell Safaree?*
As weeks went by Nickis memory was coming back and she was slowly remembering things. Safaree was still uneasy about leaving her alone with the babies. He never felt she would hurt them but to the girls she just wasn't as attentive as she was with Ethan.
Nicki had been in the studio and shooting videos for a couple of songs nonstop since she got the clearance. She was getting her rest but it's still not enough. She had been taking caffeine pills to stay awake, she was sick of everyone asking her if she needed a break. She had something important to tell Safaree but didn't want him to freak out, and go over the top. She had so many things going through her head but the thing that was at the front of her mind was food at the moment.
"Terrence what's on the catering table?"
"They have everything. Your fav is over there, popeyes."
"Oooo is it the spicy kind?"
"It's mixed." Nicki slipped on her uggs and hopped up rushing to the table. She grabbed a plate and grabbed a leg and a thigh. She glanced to the left and caught a glimpse of the carrot cake. She grabbed a big slice of that and went back to the couch where Terrence and Day were sitting.
"Are you supposed to be eating that?" Day asked. Nicki remained silent.
"Silence means she know she not." she yawned then put another piece of chicken in her mouth.
"Do you need a break?" Terrence asked.
"No Terrence, I don't." she picked up her phone.
What ya doin Barbs? Terrence is making me eat Chicken and Carrot Cake. He knows I'm not supposed to eat this stuff.
"Why do you lie?" Terrence asked staring at his phone. Nicki laughed.
"Hey sexy." Nicki heard in her ear and smiled.
"I don't think my man would appreciate you being so close to me."
"Mmm then I guess we better not get caught then." Safaree kissed her neck.
"Y'all so nasty."
"Yeah get a room." Day said getting up and leaving to go clean her brushes. Terrence followed behind her.
Safaree sat next to Nicki pulling her into his lap, her feet were dangling.
"Gimme some." Nicki took a piece and put it in his mouth.
"What are the babies doing?"
"Sleeping. Your mother said Daria was a little fussy today."
"She probably wasn't holding her right. She is such a little picky ladybug."
"Like her mommy."
"I'm not picky sir." she sat her plate down. "So what do you wanna do when we get out of here?" she put her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest.
"It's going to be close to four, there is nothing we can do."
"I can think of a couple of things." Nicki sucked on his earlobe. They were towards the back of the establishment so they couldn't be seen. She kissed on his neck, trying to leave a passion mark.
"Nicki why are you doing this here." he put his hands on her waist. They hadn't had sex in nearly a year. Yeah they didn't it one time during the pregnancy but it wasn't how they usually get down, so neither counted that night.
"You haven't touched me since I've been home babe, is it because of my weight?"
"Nicki you are not big. You have been working out like crazy since you have been home, so stop. We both have been busy but as soon as we start our break, you betta believe this ass is mine." he bit the top of her breast.
"Ow Faree." she giggled. "That's going to leave a mark. Now Day is going to know what we were doing back here when I ask her to cover this up with make up."
"I'm sure the one on my neck is way worse than yours. Let me kiss it and make it feel better."
"NO! Get away from it." She tried getting up but he had a tight grip on her waist. She now had her back to his chest.
"Don't go. Stay until this goes down." She felt what 'This' was under her butt. She looked back at him with her eyes wide. "Don't give me that look, you did this on purpose."
"I'm sorry." she shifted.
"Don't move Nic, damn." his Manhood was now right in between her butt cheeks. She thought she would have a little fun with him.
"Don't do what? This?" she slid down a little in his lap. Safaree was doing his best not to rip her clothes from her and take her right where they sat. "Or this?" she glided her butt back towards him.
"Nicki go." he released her hips. he figured 'This' would go away quicker without her on top of it.
"No I'm comfy now." she giggled.
"No you think what you're doing is okay and it's not. Go talk to Day or something."
"Don't quote my shit against me Nigga." she got up and looked down at his erection. "Damn shame that's going to go to waist."
"Nicki we have to get your wig on, so come on and stop flirting with Safaree."
"Gotta go babe." she turned and left him. He sat with a pillow over his lower region for a good 15 minutes before he got up and went to watch Nicki on set.
40 minutes later they were waiting on the next set up, Nicki was laying with her head in Safarees lap napping. He was on twitter messing with the Barbs. Safaree looked up to see the Director signalling that they were ready for her.
"Nicki wake up." she stirred but didn't move. "Come on Nic wake up."
"What for Safaree, I'm tired." she mumbled.
"You have one more shot then i will take you home and put you to bed." she popped up quickly.
"Shit, how long was I sleep?"
"Only 20 minutes." she stretched.
"Can you hand me my purse and water." He grabbed both placing them beside her.
Nicki opened her pill case and grabbed a Caffeine pill and swallowed it with her water. Safaree had never seen that pill before today.
"Nicki what kind of pill is that?"
"It's just a vitamin babe." she kissed his lips. "Does my breath stink?"
"I love how you wait till after you kiss me to ask if you have dragon breath."
"Oh you love me shut up." she slipped her heels on her feet.
"That don't mean I want to smell your hot ass breath."
"My breath is not hot."
"Not right now." She flipped her hair and walked away with her hose turned up in the air. "Such a drama queen."
2.14.12 [4 a.m.]
Rise and shine Barbs. *Jumps on all your beds* Guess what today is? Guess, guess, GUESSSS?
She is literally standing in the bed tweeting y'all. It's to early for this Ish. *Pulls her back down under the covers*
Well I'm tucked back in Barbs, I'll tweet again when I get back up. MUAHHH!
"Can we wake up now?" Nicki whispered in Safarees ear.
"You can, what time is it?"
"Wake me up in a hour." He rolled over and threw the covers over his head.
Nicki got out of the bed and took her shower. She threw on some of Safarees sweats and his t-shirt then checked on the kids. She excepted that she had children and tried to make the best of the situation. Her full memory of the birth hadn't come back yet. She had always loved children so it wasn't hard for her to become attached to the children. They were getting bigger. She leaned over the girls Crib and seen that Zaria was up.
"Hey mama. How long have you been up?" she picked her up from out of the crib. "Why didn't you let someone know you were up, you could have kept mommy company?" Nicki kissed her cheek and Zaria cooed. "Baby girl you stink." Nicki laid her on the changing station and cleaned her up.
"There you go, all clean." Nicki sat in the glider. "Do you know what today is?" she stared at Zaria and Zaria stared back. "Well since you want to be a DIVA and not speak I'll tell you. Today is the release of mommies second album." Zaria smiled showing her gums. "I know, I'm excited too." Zaria reached for Nickis breast. "That's all you do is eat." she gave her access to her breast and she latched on. "Well back to my story. I'm going to try and talk daddy into bring you guys with us so the barbs can meet you. Who are the Barbs you ask? Hmmm.... They are a group of people who love mommy and daddy very much. They are kinda like my babies as well, they are very spoiled. Kinda how you are going to be." Zaria scrunched up her nose. "Don't wrinkle your nose at me missy, you are going to be spoiled. I can already tell your going to be a daddies girl. And he is a sucker for a pretty girl with long eyelashes. I should know don't you think?" they looked at each other again. "That's what I thought." Nicki saw movement in the crib. "Looks like sissy is up. Are done so she can eat too?" To Nicki it looked like Zaria rolled her eyes then shut them and continued eating. "You are so rude." She stood up and looked in the crib, Daria had her fist in her mouth. She just laid there quietly.
A couple of minutes later Zaria had been burped and put in her rocker. She picked up Daria and resumed her previous conversation.
"So what do you think mommy should wear today? Should It be something simple?" she looked and Daria kind of squinted her eye. "Yeah I know, nothing about mommy is simple. But what to wear D-Baby? Let's go raid my closet." she looked over at Zaria who was passed out. "You think She will be okay for a few minutes?...You don't care as long as your eating. Let's go check on your brudda, then we can have girl time." They checked in on a sleeping Ethan then went back into the bedroom. "Shh we can't wake up daddy. He still has 15 more minutes to sleep. You'll learn he likes to get every minute he can." In the closet the pair went through a couple dozen outfits, finally settling on two. They would get Safarees opinion when he woke up. Nicki looked back down at Daria. "Well when did you fall asleep on me? You can't hang just like your sister. Time to put you back down." she fixed herself then walked back out the closet, she looked over at the clock it read 7:11.
"Safaree babe." she said startling Daria. "Mommies sorry." she bounced her a little while walking towards Safaree and nudging him awake. "Babe it's time to get up.'
"I am up." he stated with his eyes still closed and body still wrapped tightly in the covers.
"No get out the bed. I'm not leaving you alone until you are standing in front of me." She poked him in his side, messed with his ears, and slapped him on the butt. Finally she went to the bottom of the bed and moved the comforter, exposing his feet. She began tickling his feet he moved them quickly.
"Well wake ya ass up then we have things to do today." Safaree slowly rose from the bed and walked toward Nicki stopping in front of her rubbing his eyes. "Aww my other baby." she poked her lips out for a kiss.
"No I haven't brushed my teeth yet."
"I don't care, gimme my lips boy." he shrugged then planted a kiss on her lips. "Now take your daughter and burp her while I go change and feed your son." She watched Safarees big frame cradle Daria and walk out the door. She made up the bed then headed towards Ethans room. Just like she had found the other two, he was wide eyed and quiet. "What is up with you three, yall don't make no type of alert sounds." she picked him up. "Hows mamas baby?" He tried lifting his head but failed. "Look at you, trying to be all strong but chile that head of yours is to big to be trying to lift." she changed him then sat in the lazy boy and propped her feet up on the foot rest. "So you hungry to? I know you are, here." she watched him feed. "So we have to think of a way to get Daddy to agree with taking you three with me. Any suggestions?" she looked at him but he was focused on eating. "Your absolutely no help sir, at least your sisters gave input." she kept staring at him. "Maybe I can make him a really great breakfast. And he'll be happy and full and I'll give him my cute and innocent face then ask him. You think that will work?" he grinned showing his small dimple then went back to eating. "We brainstorm good together sir, thats why your mamas little man." Nicki drifted off into her thoughts then she heard and felt Ethan throw up. "This is so not cool little one." she grabbed his cloth and cleaned both of them up. She laid him on the changing table taking off both her shirt and his onsie. "Your just gonna be around here like your daddy, in only your underwear." she sat him in his swing and sat with him until he fell back to sleep.
Nicki found a new shirt and headed down stairs to start breakfast while Safaree was in the shower. She looked around her kitchen and tried to figure out breakfast. She decided on making him a breakfast burrito with ham, sausage, bacon, eggs, cheese, and green peppers. With a side of fried potatoes, he would be in heaven since she never let him eat this way. She figured if she couldn't eat it then he needed to suffer with her!
Twenty minutes later Safaree came down stairs after checking on the babies, all which were still sleep. he sniffed the air and smiled.
"Pork." he said with a smile. He went into the kitchen and seen Nicki from behind trying to get his pants to stay over her hips. "Damn you look sexy, I love it when you wear my clothes."
She turned around, "You don't look bad yaself. Your son looks like you right now."
"I seen him. Got his little bird chest all exposed."
"What? My son got pecks." she stuck her chest out and flexed.
"Deflate your chest girl. What you cooking up?"
"Food. Go sit down. Do you want coffee, orange juice, or apple juice?"
"Apple." he sat down waiting on whatever she had cooked him. Nicki finished wrapping the burrito, it was huge, and sat it on a plate. Along side a English muffin and strawberries. She walked over and sat it in front of him.
"Enjoy and don't forget to say your grace."
"You're not joining me?"
"I ate as I cooked." She started to clean up the kitchen.
"This is good babe. You never cook like this anymore, not unless you wan--" he stopped then looked at her. She looked up at him. "What do you want Nicki?" She realized she was going to have to put in a little more work. She sauntered over to him and straddled his lap.
"Why do I have to want something to cook my man a good meal?' she picked up a strawberry and placed it between her teeth and leaned in for Safaree to take it, which he did. Resulting in a quick lip lock. "I just want you to be well fed for today because we both know from the last CD signing to day is going to be a hectic day." she picked up his burrito and put to his mouth for him to bite. "I felt you deserved a breath from all the healthy food, so I gave you the kinda of breakfast you love." she kissed him again.
"Okay, I believe you." he sipped his juice.
"Safaree." she kissed his cheek.
"Hmm?" he placed another strawberry in his mouth.
"I was thinking while you were sleeping." she kissed his neck while feeling up his body.
"Well I wanted to take the babies out with us today, since they haven't been anywhere besides the doctors since they came home from the hospital."
"Why not Faree?" she licked his ear lobe.
"Because they are not ready to be around a whole bunch of people. Especially since it's cold outside and there are so many viruses floating around. No, you will not subject my babies to that."
"Our babies." she sat up and pouted. "Nobody is going to touch them SB, I want people to see my...our kids. Pweaseeee?" she hugged his neck.
"Nicki no, so if this whole unhealthy breakfast was to get me to say yes, then it has been a big epic fail." he said smiling.
She refused to let him know that was the reason. "That's not why I made you the damn breakfast Safaree." She got off his lap. He took another bite of his burrito.
"Well thank you then, it was very thoughtful of you."
"Mhhm. Clean up this mess when your done." She left the kitchen sad her plan didn't work. She peeked in on Ethan she seen that Safaree had put on another onsie. She was going to bathe them but since they are not going anywhere anytime soon she would let auntie Lauren and auntie Candi have fun with that.
Nicki went to go get ready for Terrence and day to arrive. She would let them collaborate on which outfit she should wear, since Safaree was being a jerk. She took a caffeine pill then sipped her bottle of water. She laid in her bed and tried to get mentally prepared for the mayhem known as, Team Minaj.
*Hope it's going how you want it to go. If not, well...you'll be okay! lol Comment below. Tell me how you feel about her relationship with the babies. Do you think she is really growing a bond with the babies or do you think she is forcing herself to have one? What do you think she needs to ell Safaree?*
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Road to Recovery...
*Enjoy everyone.*
Safaree was back home with the babies a couple days after Nicki slipped into a coma. It had been a week and a half and still no change in Nickis condition. Safaree kept himself busy with the babies, or they were keeping him busy. The girls were okay but Ethan seemed to be irritable every since the left the hospital. Safaree felt helpless. His mom and Nickis mom and everyone for the matter had been there to help him but no one could seem to keep Ethan happy.
"Mama Carol I'm going to head to the hospital to check on Nicki, do you need anything?"
"No go and make sure our girl is still doing good."
"Alright I'll call you if there are any changes." he walked over and kissed the girls and Ethan then left.
Safaree drove the all to familiar path to the hospital. If he never had to drive it again it wouldn't phase him. He wanted Nicki to be home with him and their kids. He pulled into a parking space, then hurried inside.
"Hey Mr. Samuels."
"Hey Jake, you keeping this place safe for my girl?" he asked the security guard, pushing the elevator button.
"You know it. Maybe today is the day sleeping beauty wakes up."
"Let's hope man. I'll catch you later." he hoped on the elevator to the 6th floor.
Getting off he went to his right and down the long hall. Nicki was located in the last room on the left. Safaree walked in and saw her laying in her bed with a nurse standing over her. From the back it didn't look like April nor Nacy he just figured it was a new girl.
"How is she doing today?" he asked. The nurse turned around and swiftly walked passed him and out the door, quickly stating she had been fine. He looked back, then just shook his head. "Strange people in this world." Walking towards Nicki he braced himself, it was still hard to look at her with the tube in her mouth.
Safaree felt her hands, they were sort of dry. He walked over to her bag and grabbed her lotion out of the side compartment. He started with her hands then worked his way up to her elbows massaging the lotion onto her skin. He knew if she woke up and felt her skin all dry she would yell at him for not taking care of her. He chuckled at the thought. He then moved to her feet, she was in need of a touch up on her pedicure but he didn't mind. Safaree began massaging her feet with the lotion. He thought back to the day he gave her a pedicure and the look on her face when he said he was going to paint her toes. Safaree let out a laugh then realized he had tears streaming down his face.
"Come on baby you have to pull through this. I need you, we need you. You are not done with this life yet, you have a million other things to accomplish Nic. You have so many dreams that haven't come true yet. Our kids need their mommy here for them." He got up moving to her side. Safaree was so confused and felt so alone. Rubbing her cheek, "I know you can hear me, I know you are trying your best to get back. I won't push you, I know you hate that." He kissed her forehead. "I have to go now. I left Mama with all three of the babies, so I need to get back. I think Ethan is moody because your not there, he is so cranky when it gets close to bed time, I wonder where he gets that from." he smiled. "See you later Nicki." With that he left.
Nicki heard every word.
Three days later Safaree got a phone call around five a.m. He was tired, aggravated, sad, and mildly depressed all balled up into one.
Groggily he picked up the phone, "Hello."
"Hello Mr. Samuels?"
"Yes this is him."
"This is Nancy from St. Josephs Hospital." his stomach dropped.
"Yes is Nicki okay?" he sat up in his bed.
"She's awake." That's all he heard be fore he hung up the phone. He raced to get his clothes on. Safaree ran into the room his mother was in.
"Mom...Mom wake up."
"What Safaree? Does one of the girls need changing? You know you are really going to have to get over the whole "they are girls thing, it's weird!" they are your children."
"What? No mom, Nicki woke up. I just got the call, I need you to listen for the babies. I'm going to take Mama M. with me."
"Praise God. Go go! I'll be alright. Call me and let me know what's going on."
"I will." He ran into Mrs. Maraj room and woke her up telling her the joyous news. She got up and put on her clothes and they were out the door heading for St. Josephs.
Safaree practically ran off the elevator and was heading for Nickis room when he was stopped by Nacy. He was ready to plow through her to get to Nicki.
"Wait Safaree there is something you need to know before you go in there."
"Well what is it? I need to see her." he was antsy.
"She has lost some of her memory." he looked her in her eyes.
"How much?" Mrs. Maraj asked.
"She remembers up until the kidnapping but she doesn't remember being pregnant during it though. When I tried to tell her about the babies she got all hostile and yelled "BITCH IF I HAD KIDS I THINK I WOULD REMEMBER THEM!" then asked for you and kicked me out." Nancy explained.
Safaree closed his eyes and prepared himself for this talk with Nicki, he knew it wouldn't be an easy one.
"Thanks for the heads up Nacy, we have it from here." He took Mama M. by the hand and walked towards Nickis room. Safaree stopped right in front of it trying to get himself together.
"It will be fine SB. We just have to help her remember." Mrs. Carol reassured him. He took a deep breath and pushed through the door. Nickis eyes lit up.
"Safaree!" she held out her arms for him. He rushed right in to them. Nicki seen her mother once Safaree hugged her. "Mommy." She started to tear up. "What happen to me you guys?" she pulled away from Safaree and he wiped her tears away then looked back at her mom.
Mama Carol walked to the other side of Nickis bed and sat beside her. Taking Nickis hand in hers she started to explain.
"Nicki I need for you to pay close attention to what we tell you okay baby. We would never lie to you, do you understand me." She said in a gentle voice.
"Yes ma'am."
Her mom went on explaining what had happen over the past couple of weeks, with Safaree filling in as they went. When they were done Nickis cheeks were drenched with tears.
"Why can't I remember my children Safaree?" he hugged her.
"It's okay baby, we'll help you remember. I won't stop reminding you until you remember everything." he kissed her cheek. "I've missed you so much Nicki, I thought I had lost you. I know one little person that is going to be ecstatic to see you."
"Who?" she asked.
"Ethan, he is already a mamas boy. He has been missing you crazy."
"Ethan? That's our sons name, right?"
"Yeah Nic."
"And Zaria and Daria are the girls names."
"Yes. Do you want me to get them here so you can see them?"
"No, I want to get better first. They shouldn't have to see me like this, all messed up in the head. When I woke up and talked to the doctor they said I can get out in a couple of days after the monitor me and make sure i'm okay to be at home. I hope everything is okay because I need to get back in the studio. OMG my Barbs, they must be going crazy."
"They are okay. I've been tweeting them regularly letting them know your progress. But I do think you should tweet them and let them know you are awake. That tweet will make them happy." he rubbed her hair.
"Don't you think you should worry about your family first Nicki before you hop into recording?" he mom asked.
"Mom I need to work."
"MOM! I need to write, I need to put out music and get back to the Nicki I was before all this BS happened."
"Fine Onika, do what you want." She got up. "Safaree can you take me back to the house. I'm glad your awake Onika."
"Mom don't leave, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell."
"No, I need to get back and help with the babies. Get some rest." Mrs. Carol kissed her on the forehead and left out the room.
"Tell her I said I'm sorry. Are you coming back tonight?" Nicki held his hand.
"Yeah I'll be back as soon as I make sure the kids are okay and have everything they need." Nicki sighed. She wanted to care more than she did about the babies. She figured she would just have to put forth more effort.
"Give them a kiss for me."
"I will. Do you want some food?"
"Yeah I want you to cook that chicken pasta stuff you always make."
"With the sausage?"
"Yeah, that with the bread sticks."
"Damn you making a coon cook for real. I was hoping you would want Burger King or something."
"No I want a good meal."
"If that's what you want then I'll make it for but that means I won't be back for awhile."
"If that's the price I have to pay for a good meal, I guess i'll just have to deal."
Laughing, "Still the same Nicki. We just have to get you back on course a little."
"Do you think I'll ever remember Faree?"
"Yeah you'll remember because I won't give up. By the time I'm done you are going to have crystal clear memory."
Nicki pulled him into a deep kiss. She loved him so much and was sad she couldn't be there for him for the past couple weeks. Safaree was a crazy coon but she knew the man deep within and he was caring and at times sensitive.
Safaree had missed being able to hold her in his arms and let her know that he will always be there. He pulled away from her.
"Stop you know we can't do anything for another couple of weeks. So stop the temptation now." Safaree stood up from the bed.
"Can't blame a girl for trying. Hurry back with my food."
"Okay I should be back around noon. Make sure you get some sleep, and tweet the Barbs when you wake up so they will stop hounding me."
"Okay." He walked towards the door. "Safaree." he turned around. "Take a picture of them for me."
"I will." Safaree left out. He didn't feel like he thought he would, seeing her awake and all. It hurt him that she didn't remember the three things that were once so important to her.
"Wayne what do you mean?" Nicki was getting more and more pissed by the minute.
"I'm saying I don't think it will be healthy nor a good business venture for you to try and rush an album out by Valentines Day."
"So you're saying you don't believe in me?"
"Nicki you know that's not what I'm saying, so stop. You just came out of a coma not five hours ago and your already talking business. In the last hour that me, Birdman, and Slim been here I haven't once heard you say anything about your kids. Don't you think that's something you should be concerned with?"
"I am concerned, but they are not here right now and I need to get back to work, so can you just give me clearance to start production on the next album."
"Barbie, you need to get better first." Birdman stepped up.
"I AM better. Stop babying me please, it's making me sick."
"We are not babying you, it's called we care. You are not just an artist to us Onika, you're family." slim said. She got quiet. "Listen I'm going to talk to the doctor and If she says it is okay for you to start back then we will TALK about it, but if she says no then the idea is out the window. We all know your work ethic Nicki, you go some days on just two ours of sleep. If we let you back into the studio for this album you have to promise to take better care of yourself."
"I will slim if you want me to put it in writing I will. I just need to be back where things are familiar, and the booth is what I know will keep me sane right now."
"Like he said we will see what the doctor says." Wayne said. He really did like that idea either but it was her career and life so he'd meet her halfway on this. "We got some things to handle, you get your rest and try and start remembering. We'll talk later."
"Bye." When they opened the door Martin was there. He had waited until they finished talking. "Hey Martin."
"What's up Nicki!" more of a greeting then an actual question. "I have all the things you asked for: Mac, your account book, and iPod. Anything else?" he asked.
"Why does it seem like you're in such a rush, you have another job you need to be at?" she eyed him.
"Well Safaree needs me to go get something for the babies." she rolled her eyes. If she heard one more thing about those damn babies she was going to scream.
"Fine goodbye Martin. I'll call you if I need anything." he left quickly. Nigga ain't never moved that fast for me she thought.
Nicki went over her account book making sure everything was being payed and checks where going to the right places. There were no bills due in the time that she was in a coma, so everything was how she left it. She had an accountant but she was no fool, she was the only one allowed to sign off on checks. Her dad in her later teen years, taught her to always know what's going on with your business that way you can't get screwed over.
Nicki was flipping through the book one last time, when a couple of pictures fell out. It was of her and the babies the day they were delivered. She studied her face, she looked so happy. She moved to another picture, it was of Daria. She had Nickis nose and fingers. Nicki held the picture of Zaria side by side with her sister and smiled.
"Their beautiful." she said out loud. She pulled Ethans photo out of the book and ran her hand across it. He looked so much like his daddy. "He definitely has Safarees head." she chuckled then put the photos back. "Why can't I remember them?" she held herself. She would never deny they were hers but she just felt nothing when it came to them.
Two Days Later
Nicki was back home and doing well in her eyes. She still had no contact with her children, the doctor said it was best not to force them on her until she was ready. If they did it wouldn't be good for her or the babies. She did pump her breast so they could eat, she had heard that Simalac had killed two infants in December and didn't want that for the triplets.
Right Now Ethan was screaming at the top of his longs, while Nicki was trying to write and it was pissing her off. He had been crying off and on since she got home.
"SAFAREE can't you keep him quiet?" Safaree entered the room with Ethan on his shoulder, scowling at Nicki.
"Don't you think if I could I would?" just then Ethan got louder.
"Just give him here." she threw down her pen and pad.
"Not if that's going to be your attitude with him."
"He's my son Safaree now give him here."
"Now your all of a sudden claiming him after you said what you said yesterday?"
"I said I didn't mean it Safaree. I was just tired. Now hand him here please."
"Nicki I don't kn--"
"I would never hurt my son." She had a look of hurt on her face. Safaree looked at Ethan then back to Nicki.
"Be careful okay." He walked over and handed him to her. She cradled him in her arms, she felt his face and it felt hot but she figured it was from him crying so long.
"Calm down little one." he began to calm himself. "See there is no need for all that fussing your doing." he placed his hand on her breast and she seen him stick his small tongue out. "Your hungry?" she pulled her breast from her bra and he latched on immediately. Just then Nicki had a flashback. it was of her and Ethan In the hospital and she was breast feeding him for the first time.
"You're so beautiful Ethan and I love you and your sisters so much. I'm gonna try my best to be the greatest mommy to you three. I know I'll make mistakes along the way but I'm learning. I'm going to give you a good life. Just remember that mommy will always love you no matter what, okay?" he just laid there in her arms staring back then grinned.
"Oh my God Ethan." she looked at his little body. "Mommy so sorry." he looked up at her with his eyes wide.
"What's the matter Nicki?" Safaree asked.
"Nothing, it's just I had a vision or flashback of me and Ethan sometime in the hospital." he put her hand over her mouth. "I'm such a bad mother, for not remembering him."
"Don't say that Nicki, It's not your fault. I'm not going to let you blame yourself, this is just something that happened." He looked to see Ethan was dozing off. "He's ready to be burped and put to sleep." he rubbed his arm.
"I'll do it." Safaree placed the cloth over her shoulder and watched as she burped their son. He went and got his camera and snapped some photos of her and him. Ethan spit up a little then fell asleep.
"I'll take him to his room." Safaree put the camera down.
"You finished his room?" She handed him over.
"You remember that his room wasn't done?"
"I guess I do." she smiled. "I'm remembering Safaree."
"I told you it was nothing to worry about." he left the room.
I'm remembering a little more each day Barbs. I'll be back to normal in no time. But don't forget Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded 2.14.12.
NEVA! RT @SHADEnika My HB is a BAWSE. Jus had TRIPLETS,Jus came out of a COMA, & she puttin out a ALBUM in less than a month. Urs cud NEVA!
"Safaree I'm bout to go down to the studio."
"No you're not you have another customer." He put Zaria in her arms. Nicki sighed.
"Yep, welcome to it." She put her pen and pad back in her dresser, she knew she wasn't getting any work done anytime soon.
*Hope you liked it. Tell me your predictions on where you think the story is going.*
Ethans Room
Safaree was back home with the babies a couple days after Nicki slipped into a coma. It had been a week and a half and still no change in Nickis condition. Safaree kept himself busy with the babies, or they were keeping him busy. The girls were okay but Ethan seemed to be irritable every since the left the hospital. Safaree felt helpless. His mom and Nickis mom and everyone for the matter had been there to help him but no one could seem to keep Ethan happy.
"Mama Carol I'm going to head to the hospital to check on Nicki, do you need anything?"
"No go and make sure our girl is still doing good."
"Alright I'll call you if there are any changes." he walked over and kissed the girls and Ethan then left.
Safaree drove the all to familiar path to the hospital. If he never had to drive it again it wouldn't phase him. He wanted Nicki to be home with him and their kids. He pulled into a parking space, then hurried inside.
"Hey Mr. Samuels."
"Hey Jake, you keeping this place safe for my girl?" he asked the security guard, pushing the elevator button.
"You know it. Maybe today is the day sleeping beauty wakes up."
"Let's hope man. I'll catch you later." he hoped on the elevator to the 6th floor.
Getting off he went to his right and down the long hall. Nicki was located in the last room on the left. Safaree walked in and saw her laying in her bed with a nurse standing over her. From the back it didn't look like April nor Nacy he just figured it was a new girl.
"How is she doing today?" he asked. The nurse turned around and swiftly walked passed him and out the door, quickly stating she had been fine. He looked back, then just shook his head. "Strange people in this world." Walking towards Nicki he braced himself, it was still hard to look at her with the tube in her mouth.
Safaree felt her hands, they were sort of dry. He walked over to her bag and grabbed her lotion out of the side compartment. He started with her hands then worked his way up to her elbows massaging the lotion onto her skin. He knew if she woke up and felt her skin all dry she would yell at him for not taking care of her. He chuckled at the thought. He then moved to her feet, she was in need of a touch up on her pedicure but he didn't mind. Safaree began massaging her feet with the lotion. He thought back to the day he gave her a pedicure and the look on her face when he said he was going to paint her toes. Safaree let out a laugh then realized he had tears streaming down his face.
"Come on baby you have to pull through this. I need you, we need you. You are not done with this life yet, you have a million other things to accomplish Nic. You have so many dreams that haven't come true yet. Our kids need their mommy here for them." He got up moving to her side. Safaree was so confused and felt so alone. Rubbing her cheek, "I know you can hear me, I know you are trying your best to get back. I won't push you, I know you hate that." He kissed her forehead. "I have to go now. I left Mama with all three of the babies, so I need to get back. I think Ethan is moody because your not there, he is so cranky when it gets close to bed time, I wonder where he gets that from." he smiled. "See you later Nicki." With that he left.
Nicki heard every word.
Three days later Safaree got a phone call around five a.m. He was tired, aggravated, sad, and mildly depressed all balled up into one.
Groggily he picked up the phone, "Hello."
"Hello Mr. Samuels?"
"Yes this is him."
"This is Nancy from St. Josephs Hospital." his stomach dropped.
"Yes is Nicki okay?" he sat up in his bed.
"She's awake." That's all he heard be fore he hung up the phone. He raced to get his clothes on. Safaree ran into the room his mother was in.
"Mom...Mom wake up."
"What Safaree? Does one of the girls need changing? You know you are really going to have to get over the whole "they are girls thing, it's weird!" they are your children."
"What? No mom, Nicki woke up. I just got the call, I need you to listen for the babies. I'm going to take Mama M. with me."
"Praise God. Go go! I'll be alright. Call me and let me know what's going on."
"I will." He ran into Mrs. Maraj room and woke her up telling her the joyous news. She got up and put on her clothes and they were out the door heading for St. Josephs.
Safaree practically ran off the elevator and was heading for Nickis room when he was stopped by Nacy. He was ready to plow through her to get to Nicki.
"Wait Safaree there is something you need to know before you go in there."
"Well what is it? I need to see her." he was antsy.
"She has lost some of her memory." he looked her in her eyes.
"How much?" Mrs. Maraj asked.
"She remembers up until the kidnapping but she doesn't remember being pregnant during it though. When I tried to tell her about the babies she got all hostile and yelled "BITCH IF I HAD KIDS I THINK I WOULD REMEMBER THEM!" then asked for you and kicked me out." Nancy explained.
Safaree closed his eyes and prepared himself for this talk with Nicki, he knew it wouldn't be an easy one.
"Thanks for the heads up Nacy, we have it from here." He took Mama M. by the hand and walked towards Nickis room. Safaree stopped right in front of it trying to get himself together.
"It will be fine SB. We just have to help her remember." Mrs. Carol reassured him. He took a deep breath and pushed through the door. Nickis eyes lit up.
"Safaree!" she held out her arms for him. He rushed right in to them. Nicki seen her mother once Safaree hugged her. "Mommy." She started to tear up. "What happen to me you guys?" she pulled away from Safaree and he wiped her tears away then looked back at her mom.
Mama Carol walked to the other side of Nickis bed and sat beside her. Taking Nickis hand in hers she started to explain.
"Nicki I need for you to pay close attention to what we tell you okay baby. We would never lie to you, do you understand me." She said in a gentle voice.
"Yes ma'am."
Her mom went on explaining what had happen over the past couple of weeks, with Safaree filling in as they went. When they were done Nickis cheeks were drenched with tears.
"Why can't I remember my children Safaree?" he hugged her.
"It's okay baby, we'll help you remember. I won't stop reminding you until you remember everything." he kissed her cheek. "I've missed you so much Nicki, I thought I had lost you. I know one little person that is going to be ecstatic to see you."
"Who?" she asked.
"Ethan, he is already a mamas boy. He has been missing you crazy."
"Ethan? That's our sons name, right?"
"Yeah Nic."
"And Zaria and Daria are the girls names."
"Yes. Do you want me to get them here so you can see them?"
"No, I want to get better first. They shouldn't have to see me like this, all messed up in the head. When I woke up and talked to the doctor they said I can get out in a couple of days after the monitor me and make sure i'm okay to be at home. I hope everything is okay because I need to get back in the studio. OMG my Barbs, they must be going crazy."
"They are okay. I've been tweeting them regularly letting them know your progress. But I do think you should tweet them and let them know you are awake. That tweet will make them happy." he rubbed her hair.
"Don't you think you should worry about your family first Nicki before you hop into recording?" he mom asked.
"Mom I need to work."
"MOM! I need to write, I need to put out music and get back to the Nicki I was before all this BS happened."
"Fine Onika, do what you want." She got up. "Safaree can you take me back to the house. I'm glad your awake Onika."
"Mom don't leave, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell."
"No, I need to get back and help with the babies. Get some rest." Mrs. Carol kissed her on the forehead and left out the room.
"Tell her I said I'm sorry. Are you coming back tonight?" Nicki held his hand.
"Yeah I'll be back as soon as I make sure the kids are okay and have everything they need." Nicki sighed. She wanted to care more than she did about the babies. She figured she would just have to put forth more effort.
"Give them a kiss for me."
"I will. Do you want some food?"
"Yeah I want you to cook that chicken pasta stuff you always make."
"With the sausage?"
"Yeah, that with the bread sticks."
"Damn you making a coon cook for real. I was hoping you would want Burger King or something."
"No I want a good meal."
"If that's what you want then I'll make it for but that means I won't be back for awhile."
"If that's the price I have to pay for a good meal, I guess i'll just have to deal."
Laughing, "Still the same Nicki. We just have to get you back on course a little."
"Do you think I'll ever remember Faree?"
"Yeah you'll remember because I won't give up. By the time I'm done you are going to have crystal clear memory."
Nicki pulled him into a deep kiss. She loved him so much and was sad she couldn't be there for him for the past couple weeks. Safaree was a crazy coon but she knew the man deep within and he was caring and at times sensitive.
Safaree had missed being able to hold her in his arms and let her know that he will always be there. He pulled away from her.
"Stop you know we can't do anything for another couple of weeks. So stop the temptation now." Safaree stood up from the bed.
"Can't blame a girl for trying. Hurry back with my food."
"Okay I should be back around noon. Make sure you get some sleep, and tweet the Barbs when you wake up so they will stop hounding me."
"Okay." He walked towards the door. "Safaree." he turned around. "Take a picture of them for me."
"I will." Safaree left out. He didn't feel like he thought he would, seeing her awake and all. It hurt him that she didn't remember the three things that were once so important to her.
"Wayne what do you mean?" Nicki was getting more and more pissed by the minute.
"I'm saying I don't think it will be healthy nor a good business venture for you to try and rush an album out by Valentines Day."
"So you're saying you don't believe in me?"
"Nicki you know that's not what I'm saying, so stop. You just came out of a coma not five hours ago and your already talking business. In the last hour that me, Birdman, and Slim been here I haven't once heard you say anything about your kids. Don't you think that's something you should be concerned with?"
"I am concerned, but they are not here right now and I need to get back to work, so can you just give me clearance to start production on the next album."
"Barbie, you need to get better first." Birdman stepped up.
"I AM better. Stop babying me please, it's making me sick."
"We are not babying you, it's called we care. You are not just an artist to us Onika, you're family." slim said. She got quiet. "Listen I'm going to talk to the doctor and If she says it is okay for you to start back then we will TALK about it, but if she says no then the idea is out the window. We all know your work ethic Nicki, you go some days on just two ours of sleep. If we let you back into the studio for this album you have to promise to take better care of yourself."
"I will slim if you want me to put it in writing I will. I just need to be back where things are familiar, and the booth is what I know will keep me sane right now."
"Like he said we will see what the doctor says." Wayne said. He really did like that idea either but it was her career and life so he'd meet her halfway on this. "We got some things to handle, you get your rest and try and start remembering. We'll talk later."
"Bye." When they opened the door Martin was there. He had waited until they finished talking. "Hey Martin."
"What's up Nicki!" more of a greeting then an actual question. "I have all the things you asked for: Mac, your account book, and iPod. Anything else?" he asked.
"Why does it seem like you're in such a rush, you have another job you need to be at?" she eyed him.
"Well Safaree needs me to go get something for the babies." she rolled her eyes. If she heard one more thing about those damn babies she was going to scream.
"Fine goodbye Martin. I'll call you if I need anything." he left quickly. Nigga ain't never moved that fast for me she thought.
Nicki went over her account book making sure everything was being payed and checks where going to the right places. There were no bills due in the time that she was in a coma, so everything was how she left it. She had an accountant but she was no fool, she was the only one allowed to sign off on checks. Her dad in her later teen years, taught her to always know what's going on with your business that way you can't get screwed over.
Nicki was flipping through the book one last time, when a couple of pictures fell out. It was of her and the babies the day they were delivered. She studied her face, she looked so happy. She moved to another picture, it was of Daria. She had Nickis nose and fingers. Nicki held the picture of Zaria side by side with her sister and smiled.
"Their beautiful." she said out loud. She pulled Ethans photo out of the book and ran her hand across it. He looked so much like his daddy. "He definitely has Safarees head." she chuckled then put the photos back. "Why can't I remember them?" she held herself. She would never deny they were hers but she just felt nothing when it came to them.
Two Days Later
Nicki was back home and doing well in her eyes. She still had no contact with her children, the doctor said it was best not to force them on her until she was ready. If they did it wouldn't be good for her or the babies. She did pump her breast so they could eat, she had heard that Simalac had killed two infants in December and didn't want that for the triplets.
Right Now Ethan was screaming at the top of his longs, while Nicki was trying to write and it was pissing her off. He had been crying off and on since she got home.
"SAFAREE can't you keep him quiet?" Safaree entered the room with Ethan on his shoulder, scowling at Nicki.
"Don't you think if I could I would?" just then Ethan got louder.
"Just give him here." she threw down her pen and pad.
"Not if that's going to be your attitude with him."
"He's my son Safaree now give him here."
"Now your all of a sudden claiming him after you said what you said yesterday?"
"I said I didn't mean it Safaree. I was just tired. Now hand him here please."
"Nicki I don't kn--"
"I would never hurt my son." She had a look of hurt on her face. Safaree looked at Ethan then back to Nicki.
"Be careful okay." He walked over and handed him to her. She cradled him in her arms, she felt his face and it felt hot but she figured it was from him crying so long.
"Calm down little one." he began to calm himself. "See there is no need for all that fussing your doing." he placed his hand on her breast and she seen him stick his small tongue out. "Your hungry?" she pulled her breast from her bra and he latched on immediately. Just then Nicki had a flashback. it was of her and Ethan In the hospital and she was breast feeding him for the first time.
"You're so beautiful Ethan and I love you and your sisters so much. I'm gonna try my best to be the greatest mommy to you three. I know I'll make mistakes along the way but I'm learning. I'm going to give you a good life. Just remember that mommy will always love you no matter what, okay?" he just laid there in her arms staring back then grinned.
"Oh my God Ethan." she looked at his little body. "Mommy so sorry." he looked up at her with his eyes wide.
"What's the matter Nicki?" Safaree asked.
"Nothing, it's just I had a vision or flashback of me and Ethan sometime in the hospital." he put her hand over her mouth. "I'm such a bad mother, for not remembering him."
"Don't say that Nicki, It's not your fault. I'm not going to let you blame yourself, this is just something that happened." He looked to see Ethan was dozing off. "He's ready to be burped and put to sleep." he rubbed his arm.
"I'll do it." Safaree placed the cloth over her shoulder and watched as she burped their son. He went and got his camera and snapped some photos of her and him. Ethan spit up a little then fell asleep.
"I'll take him to his room." Safaree put the camera down.
"You finished his room?" She handed him over.
"You remember that his room wasn't done?"
"I guess I do." she smiled. "I'm remembering Safaree."
"I told you it was nothing to worry about." he left the room.
I'm remembering a little more each day Barbs. I'll be back to normal in no time. But don't forget Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded 2.14.12.
NEVA! RT @SHADEnika My HB is a BAWSE. Jus had TRIPLETS,Jus came out of a COMA, & she puttin out a ALBUM in less than a month. Urs cud NEVA!
"Safaree I'm bout to go down to the studio."
"No you're not you have another customer." He put Zaria in her arms. Nicki sighed.
"Yep, welcome to it." She put her pen and pad back in her dresser, she knew she wasn't getting any work done anytime soon.
*Hope you liked it. Tell me your predictions on where you think the story is going.*
Ethans Room

Thursday, December 15, 2011
INTER fuckin LUDE 2
*Here and when I say interlude I MEAN interlude*
Safaree was sitting in the Nursery with the babies. He was paying close attention to Daria, they had gotten her temperature down a bit but she was still warmer than she should be. He was super nervous about Nicki, they had been in the O.R. for over an hour and no one had come to tell him anything. He had been talking to God since they rushed her in the room. He didn't know what else he could say to the man upstairs, Safaree had spilled his guts to him. He just decided to leave it in his hands and tried to stop worrying about it, but he knew he was going to keep thinking about her until he seen her. That was the love of his life in there on the operating table. He was really kicking himself because he kept replaying over what the last thing he said to her. "NICKI JUST GO!" Now she might be gone forever and that's the last thing she heard come from him, not I love you Nicki. He held his head in his hands, he couldn't sit here and do nothing.
"Mama." he nudged her a little. She had fallen asleep in the chair next to him.
"I'm going to go see if I can gets some answers about Nicki. Will you watch Daria and make sure she's okay?"
"Sure baby, go." She sat up and stretched.
"Alright." he got up and went to the desk out front.
When Safaree walked up to the front desk there was no one there. He looked around and saw no one in sight. He was getting pissed off, the one time he did need the nurse she was nowhere around. He walked toward the way they took Nicki. Safaree walked up to the door and seen Nickis face through the small window. He seen the tube down her mouth and panicked. He went through the first set of heavy metal double doors. He was about to enter the second set then realized it was a sterile room. Safaree had seen enough episodes of Grey's Anatomy, thanks to Nicki, so he retrieved the soap they used to sterilize their hands. He washed up to his elbow. He then put on the robe then the gloves. Safaree smiled at him getting ready all by himself. He pushed the doors with his back and entered the room.
Safaree seen Dr. Reynolds taking off her gloves and surgical mask. The nurses were getting all the instruments together. He looked at Nicki and saw April covering up her body.
"April what are you doing?" she looked up at him with a tear rolling down her face.
"Safaree you're not supposed to be in here."
"FUCK were I'm supposed to be April, what's wrong with Nicki?" he already knew the answer but didn't want to accept the reality. "She's just under heavy anesthesia right?" he had tears on his cheeks. "She'll wake up in a couple of hours, right?" he looked at her. "Dr. Reynolds? You fixed the bleeding right?" he looked to her in the corner.
"I'm sorry Safaree. I stopped the bleeding but something else went wrong and we couldn't figure it out. She's gone."
"No. She can't be. Come on Nicki baby get up." he pulled her limp body from the table and into his arms. "NICKI WAKE UP. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME." he was bawling his eyes out.
"Safaree she's gone."
"No you shut up. Get out. GET OUT NOW." he clutched her body against his.
"Come on everyone, out." Dr. Reynolds instructed. "I tried everything I could Safaree." she walked out after everyone.
Safaree ran his hand over her cheek, it was becoming cold to the touch. He pushed her hair off her face and buried his face in her neck crying.
"Baby please come back to me. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I need you Onika, please." he leaned her back staring at the face he loved do much. Safaree laid her back down on the table and kissed her lips one final time. He backed up to the wall and slid down to the floor just staring at her lifeless body. Tears uncontrollably fell from his eyes still, it was to the point he couldn't see through them. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
"Safaree...Safaree." His mother nudged him. "Safaree." she popped him on the arm. He jolted up from the rocking chair he was sleeping in to his feet. "Boy what's wrong with you?"
"Nicki, where is she? I have to check on her."
"Nicki is fine now. You've been sleep for about two hours, they figured out that once they stopped the bleeding she had a blood clot travel through to her lung. They did emergency surgery and removed it."
"Thank God. I need to go talk to her."
"Wait Safaree, there's one more thing."
"Please don't tell me she died, I can't handle that." he said.
"What? No, stop being dramatic. She is in a coma, and they are not sure for how long. They don't know How she slipped but she did. She is on a breathing machine now, I wanted to let you know before you walked in there. Go ahead and go see her now, they say she can hear us so don't go in there and freak her out."
"Yes ma'am."
"Now I'm about to go on home and get some rest. I'll come by tomorrow." She left out towards the elevators and he went the opposite towards Nickis room. Safaree took a deep breath and prepared himself before he walked through her door.
He went in and walked to the side of her bed and looked at her. She looked like regular Nicki to him, "thank God." he said to him self. She looked like she was getting some rest, rest that she deserved. He just hated that she had to get it under these circumstances.
"Nicki if you can hear me know that I love you okay. Come back to us, we need you." he didn't want to say to much, so he just sat by her bed holding her hand in his.
*Well now you know she is kinda okay, do I get credit for that? 0__0 So tell me your reactions to the beginning scene? I think I forgot to put Italics so you guys would know it was a dream....My bad! I seriously don't know when the next chapter will be up, so don't hound me. It will be up when it's freaking UP! Smooches*
Safaree was sitting in the Nursery with the babies. He was paying close attention to Daria, they had gotten her temperature down a bit but she was still warmer than she should be. He was super nervous about Nicki, they had been in the O.R. for over an hour and no one had come to tell him anything. He had been talking to God since they rushed her in the room. He didn't know what else he could say to the man upstairs, Safaree had spilled his guts to him. He just decided to leave it in his hands and tried to stop worrying about it, but he knew he was going to keep thinking about her until he seen her. That was the love of his life in there on the operating table. He was really kicking himself because he kept replaying over what the last thing he said to her. "NICKI JUST GO!" Now she might be gone forever and that's the last thing she heard come from him, not I love you Nicki. He held his head in his hands, he couldn't sit here and do nothing.
"Mama." he nudged her a little. She had fallen asleep in the chair next to him.
"I'm going to go see if I can gets some answers about Nicki. Will you watch Daria and make sure she's okay?"
"Sure baby, go." She sat up and stretched.
"Alright." he got up and went to the desk out front.
When Safaree walked up to the front desk there was no one there. He looked around and saw no one in sight. He was getting pissed off, the one time he did need the nurse she was nowhere around. He walked toward the way they took Nicki. Safaree walked up to the door and seen Nickis face through the small window. He seen the tube down her mouth and panicked. He went through the first set of heavy metal double doors. He was about to enter the second set then realized it was a sterile room. Safaree had seen enough episodes of Grey's Anatomy, thanks to Nicki, so he retrieved the soap they used to sterilize their hands. He washed up to his elbow. He then put on the robe then the gloves. Safaree smiled at him getting ready all by himself. He pushed the doors with his back and entered the room.
Safaree seen Dr. Reynolds taking off her gloves and surgical mask. The nurses were getting all the instruments together. He looked at Nicki and saw April covering up her body.
"April what are you doing?" she looked up at him with a tear rolling down her face.
"Safaree you're not supposed to be in here."
"FUCK were I'm supposed to be April, what's wrong with Nicki?" he already knew the answer but didn't want to accept the reality. "She's just under heavy anesthesia right?" he had tears on his cheeks. "She'll wake up in a couple of hours, right?" he looked at her. "Dr. Reynolds? You fixed the bleeding right?" he looked to her in the corner.
"I'm sorry Safaree. I stopped the bleeding but something else went wrong and we couldn't figure it out. She's gone."
"No. She can't be. Come on Nicki baby get up." he pulled her limp body from the table and into his arms. "NICKI WAKE UP. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME." he was bawling his eyes out.
"Safaree she's gone."
"No you shut up. Get out. GET OUT NOW." he clutched her body against his.
"Come on everyone, out." Dr. Reynolds instructed. "I tried everything I could Safaree." she walked out after everyone.
Safaree ran his hand over her cheek, it was becoming cold to the touch. He pushed her hair off her face and buried his face in her neck crying.
"Baby please come back to me. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I need you Onika, please." he leaned her back staring at the face he loved do much. Safaree laid her back down on the table and kissed her lips one final time. He backed up to the wall and slid down to the floor just staring at her lifeless body. Tears uncontrollably fell from his eyes still, it was to the point he couldn't see through them. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
"Safaree...Safaree." His mother nudged him. "Safaree." she popped him on the arm. He jolted up from the rocking chair he was sleeping in to his feet. "Boy what's wrong with you?"
"Nicki, where is she? I have to check on her."
"Nicki is fine now. You've been sleep for about two hours, they figured out that once they stopped the bleeding she had a blood clot travel through to her lung. They did emergency surgery and removed it."
"Thank God. I need to go talk to her."
"Wait Safaree, there's one more thing."
"Please don't tell me she died, I can't handle that." he said.
"What? No, stop being dramatic. She is in a coma, and they are not sure for how long. They don't know How she slipped but she did. She is on a breathing machine now, I wanted to let you know before you walked in there. Go ahead and go see her now, they say she can hear us so don't go in there and freak her out."
"Yes ma'am."
"Now I'm about to go on home and get some rest. I'll come by tomorrow." She left out towards the elevators and he went the opposite towards Nickis room. Safaree took a deep breath and prepared himself before he walked through her door.
He went in and walked to the side of her bed and looked at her. She looked like regular Nicki to him, "thank God." he said to him self. She looked like she was getting some rest, rest that she deserved. He just hated that she had to get it under these circumstances.
"Nicki if you can hear me know that I love you okay. Come back to us, we need you." he didn't want to say to much, so he just sat by her bed holding her hand in his.
*Well now you know she is kinda okay, do I get credit for that? 0__0 So tell me your reactions to the beginning scene? I think I forgot to put Italics so you guys would know it was a dream....My bad! I seriously don't know when the next chapter will be up, so don't hound me. It will be up when it's freaking UP! Smooches*
Prayers Go Up...
*I left some things unanswered from previous chapters so I chose to start addressing them. And I know I said this would be done Mid December but things came up and I wasn't able to write as much as I needed to for that to happen so IDK when this is ending but hopefully before February starts! *
When Safaree arrived at the hospital both grandmothers were there fussing over the babies. Ms. Samules had Ethan and Mrs. Maraj had Daria, Zaria lay in her crib sleep.
"Yo this coon is always sleeping." He picked up Zaria. She opened one eye and looked at her daddy then shut it back. "Hey ma, hi Mrs. Carol." he put her close to his chest.
"Hi Safaree." both said.
"Hows Nicki? I didn't plan on being gone that long."
"She is in the room with her brothers." Mrs. Carol said sitting in the rocking chair.
"So Makiah got to see the babies?"
"Yeah, he said Ethan had your head." his mom laughed at the comment.
"The kid gets no love." he kissed Zaria and put her back in her crib then went to go see Nicki.
When he walked in the room the three siblings were playing the card game Bullshit on Nickis tray table. She was smiling hard so he figured Jelani was letting her win. She turned to see who came in the room.
"well well, look what the cat done drug in. What happen to I'll be back in a hour baby?" she mocked his voice.
"Yeah yeah shut up." he leaned over and kissed her.
"I'm just playin, did you rest well?" she turned and reshuffled the cards.
"It was good. What up Jelani?" he nodded towards him.
"I'm good. Congratulations on the rugrats."
"Thank you."
"Don't call them that." Nicki interjected.
"I heard you were talking bout my head man." he put Makiah in a head lock.
"All lies." he burst out laughing.
"Naw I think you said it."
"Hey you two calm down." Nicki said.
Just then two men walked in the room in suits. They flashed their badges to let them know they were cops. Nicki sat up in the bed and Safaree stood next to her.
"Can we help you?" SB asked.
"Yes I'm detective Baxter and this is my partner detective Kepler. We are here to speak with Ms. Maraj."
"That's me." Nicki spoke up. "What's going on."
"Well we need to speak with you on two matters: one being a Mr. Aubrey Graham and the other a Melanie Trotter."
"Jelanie can you take lambchop out to mommy please."
"Yeah sure, lets go Makiah.' they both got up and exited the room.
"What's going on with Melanie?"
"It seems she has escaped the Sunny Rise Psych facility she was in." Nickis stomach dropped. Safaree reached over and grabbed her hand.
"How did this happen?" she asked.
"It seems it was the doing of a careless worker." Mr. Kepler stated.
"I told you you should have had the bitch put in jail." Nicki snatched her hand away from him.
"Excuse me for thinking of someone else mental stability, she needed help Safaree." NIcki rolled her eyes.
"Well a lot of good that did."
"Where is she know?" Nicki ignored his last statement.
"We are still looking for her ma'am. There have been no sightings of her around her but we needed to let you know just in case she popped up."
"I appreciate the warning."
"We are going to have surveillance on your house round the clock, until we believe she is no longer a threat to you. Now on to Mr. Graham, we need to know his involvement in this whole matter."
Nicki got quiet which pissed Safaree off. He knew what she was about to say which was starting to make his blood pressure rise. Nicki noticed his leg starting to shake and looked away.
"Ms. Maraj can we get your statement?" Mr. Baxter asked.
"Yeah Onika give them your statement." Safaree looked over his shoulder at her. She rolled her eyes looking back at the detectives.
"Mr. Graham had nothing to do with the situation you are speaking of." Safaree got off the bed and left the room.
"So your telling us that he at no time showed up to the location you were being held hostage at?" Mr. Kepler asked trying to clarify.
"Yes that is exactly what I am saying." Nicki turned and looked out the window.
"Well if that's your story then we have no further questions. Congratulations on your new editions."
"Thank you." The two men left the room.
Safaree went back into the nursery to calm his nerves. He just didn't understand her actions. He was furious with her at a time when they should be the happiest.
"What happened baby?" his mom asked standing beside Ethans crib. He was starting to get fussy all of a sudden.
"She won't press charges against Drake. After what he put her through, us through and she still wants to protect him."
"Safaree you know when Nicki makes big decisions she never does it hastily, so she has to have some reason behind it."
"What explanation mom? He had her kidnapped and she finds it okay. He put her children in danger and in the presence of a psychopath and she finds it okay." his mother remained quiet letting him vent out his frustrations. Him and Nicki had talked about what she was going to do months back and she was unsure then but he never thought she would fix her lips to actually keep him out of jail. He deserved to do time for what he did, he needed to take responsibility.
"Is that really what you think Safaree? That I think it was okay?" Nicki walked into the nursery where they were standing. She picked up the crying Ethan placing him on her shoulder, all his crying ceased.
"That's what it seems like to me Onika." he wouldn't even look at her.
"I'm going to leave you two alone and go find Carol. Remember this is a hospital, don't get to acting crazy and getting loud in here." she walked out.
"Listen I'm not asking for you to agree with my decision but I am asking you not to crucify me for it." She put Ethan back down. "This is supposed to be a happy time in our lives, please don't let this ruin it." She intertwined her fingers with his.
"I'm not crucifying you Nicki but I don't agree with what you just did in that room and I won't hide the way I feel." he pulled his hand away from her and walked over and stood by Darias crib. He ran his hand over her cheek and noticed it was unusually warm. "She's hot." he walked to go get a nurse and came back into the nursery. Daria began crying when the nurse tried taking her temperature. A nurse by the name of Nancy entered, noticing Nicki holding her abdomen.
"Nicki didn't we tell you to stay in the bed as much as possible?" Safaree looked back at them.
"Why can't she be up?" he looked back at them confused, then back at Daria. Nancy looked at Nickis gown and seen a red stain.
"This reason right here. She keeps bleeding. Come on we have to get you cleaned up and back in the bed until thd doctor can look at you."
"I'm not going anywhere until I know my baby is okay." Ethan began crying.
"Nicki just go, you being here is not making anything better." he rushed over to pick up Ethan to try and sooth him. Daria was still screaming at the top of her lungs.
"I'm not--"
"NICKI JUST GO!" he yelled. She gave him the dirtiest look but she eventually left. He sat in the rocking chair with Ethan."Hey little man you gotta stop crying. You gotta be tough for your sisters." he held Ethan in the span from his hands to his elbows. Ethan wasn't trying to hear any of that, he continued to cry. Safaree sat there rocking him but it seemed not to have much of an effect on him. Nancy rushed back into the Nursery and grabbed one of the male nurses and in a hushed tone said something in his ear. They both rushed out the room. He heard voices in the hall way and wen to see what it was. That's when he saw Nicki passed out on the floor with a puddle of blood between her legs.
"What is wrong with her? What happened?" he said in a panicked voice. Ethan was crying even louder.
"She is losing to much blood we need to get her to the O.R." they brought a gurney around and lifted her onto it."
"Ethan You gotta stop crying for daddy, please." he pulled him closer to him. He walked back into the nursery because he was being pulled in his heart to go follow Nicki but he realized she was no longer his main focus anymore. He had three children now and they needed him. He could comfort them but he was no help to Nicki at this point. He sat back in the chair and prayed that both her and the babies would be able to leave the hospital soon and be healthy. "Ethan what's the matter little man? You must know something is wrong with mommy huh? She'll be okay, she wouldn't want you all worked up like this. Calm your little nerves." Safaree put his finger in Ethans tiny hand. "Everything is going to be all right son." Ethan squeezed his finger and slowly calmed down. Safaree wiped Ethans tears away, then wiped his own. He was really worried about Nicki, he didn't know what he was going to do if she didn't pull through this.
Mrs. Carol, the boys, and Ms. Samules walked back into the room, Mrs. Carol felt that something was wrong.
"Safaree what happened?"
"I don't know, she was fine one minute then she was laid out on the floor out there."
"Nicki? Where is she now?" Jelani asked.
"They rushed her to the O.R. I need her to pull through this, I can't do this by myself."
"Stop thinking like that." His mom said. "Nicki is a fighter, she is going to pull through this Safaree. We just have to pray for her, and keep the negativity away. This is when she needs you the most, you have to stay strong for her."
"There was just so much blood."
"BLOOD?" Makiah shouted.
"Hush." Mrs. Carol said. "Let's just pray, that's the best thing we can do for her until we know what's going on." They all gathered in a circle and Mrs. Carol began to pray.
In the O.R.
"I can't figure out what's going on down here?" Dr. Reynolds worked fast to stop the bleeding but then something happened and Nicki stopped breathing.
"Come on Nicki you can make it through this." she said under her breath. Nicki currently had a tubes connected everywhere on her. She currently had a endotracheal tube down her throat helping her to breath.
*Oh you guys know how I love my drama. Well what do you think my next move is? Huh? Can ya guess? I don't think you can! HA! Well go rack your brain over what's going to happen next. Comment please, I really do enjoy reading them. The babies are below, and yes I know they don't look like them but YOU TRY FINDING A BUNCH OF BLACK TRIPLETS, IT AIN'T EASY! *gains composure* Now where was I...oh yeah. I hope you enjoyed, until next time ITSMARTHABITCHHHHHHHH*
The Babies
If that was Safarees son he would have his daddies head! lmao
When Safaree arrived at the hospital both grandmothers were there fussing over the babies. Ms. Samules had Ethan and Mrs. Maraj had Daria, Zaria lay in her crib sleep.
"Yo this coon is always sleeping." He picked up Zaria. She opened one eye and looked at her daddy then shut it back. "Hey ma, hi Mrs. Carol." he put her close to his chest.
"Hi Safaree." both said.
"Hows Nicki? I didn't plan on being gone that long."
"She is in the room with her brothers." Mrs. Carol said sitting in the rocking chair.
"So Makiah got to see the babies?"
"Yeah, he said Ethan had your head." his mom laughed at the comment.
"The kid gets no love." he kissed Zaria and put her back in her crib then went to go see Nicki.
When he walked in the room the three siblings were playing the card game Bullshit on Nickis tray table. She was smiling hard so he figured Jelani was letting her win. She turned to see who came in the room.
"well well, look what the cat done drug in. What happen to I'll be back in a hour baby?" she mocked his voice.
"Yeah yeah shut up." he leaned over and kissed her.
"I'm just playin, did you rest well?" she turned and reshuffled the cards.
"It was good. What up Jelani?" he nodded towards him.
"I'm good. Congratulations on the rugrats."
"Thank you."
"Don't call them that." Nicki interjected.
"I heard you were talking bout my head man." he put Makiah in a head lock.
"All lies." he burst out laughing.
"Naw I think you said it."
"Hey you two calm down." Nicki said.
Just then two men walked in the room in suits. They flashed their badges to let them know they were cops. Nicki sat up in the bed and Safaree stood next to her.
"Can we help you?" SB asked.
"Yes I'm detective Baxter and this is my partner detective Kepler. We are here to speak with Ms. Maraj."
"That's me." Nicki spoke up. "What's going on."
"Well we need to speak with you on two matters: one being a Mr. Aubrey Graham and the other a Melanie Trotter."
"Jelanie can you take lambchop out to mommy please."
"Yeah sure, lets go Makiah.' they both got up and exited the room.
"What's going on with Melanie?"
"It seems she has escaped the Sunny Rise Psych facility she was in." Nickis stomach dropped. Safaree reached over and grabbed her hand.
"How did this happen?" she asked.
"It seems it was the doing of a careless worker." Mr. Kepler stated.
"I told you you should have had the bitch put in jail." Nicki snatched her hand away from him.
"Excuse me for thinking of someone else mental stability, she needed help Safaree." NIcki rolled her eyes.
"Well a lot of good that did."
"Where is she know?" Nicki ignored his last statement.
"We are still looking for her ma'am. There have been no sightings of her around her but we needed to let you know just in case she popped up."
"I appreciate the warning."
"We are going to have surveillance on your house round the clock, until we believe she is no longer a threat to you. Now on to Mr. Graham, we need to know his involvement in this whole matter."
Nicki got quiet which pissed Safaree off. He knew what she was about to say which was starting to make his blood pressure rise. Nicki noticed his leg starting to shake and looked away.
"Ms. Maraj can we get your statement?" Mr. Baxter asked.
"Yeah Onika give them your statement." Safaree looked over his shoulder at her. She rolled her eyes looking back at the detectives.
"Mr. Graham had nothing to do with the situation you are speaking of." Safaree got off the bed and left the room.
"So your telling us that he at no time showed up to the location you were being held hostage at?" Mr. Kepler asked trying to clarify.
"Yes that is exactly what I am saying." Nicki turned and looked out the window.
"Well if that's your story then we have no further questions. Congratulations on your new editions."
"Thank you." The two men left the room.
Safaree went back into the nursery to calm his nerves. He just didn't understand her actions. He was furious with her at a time when they should be the happiest.
"What happened baby?" his mom asked standing beside Ethans crib. He was starting to get fussy all of a sudden.
"She won't press charges against Drake. After what he put her through, us through and she still wants to protect him."
"Safaree you know when Nicki makes big decisions she never does it hastily, so she has to have some reason behind it."
"What explanation mom? He had her kidnapped and she finds it okay. He put her children in danger and in the presence of a psychopath and she finds it okay." his mother remained quiet letting him vent out his frustrations. Him and Nicki had talked about what she was going to do months back and she was unsure then but he never thought she would fix her lips to actually keep him out of jail. He deserved to do time for what he did, he needed to take responsibility.
"Is that really what you think Safaree? That I think it was okay?" Nicki walked into the nursery where they were standing. She picked up the crying Ethan placing him on her shoulder, all his crying ceased.
"That's what it seems like to me Onika." he wouldn't even look at her.
"I'm going to leave you two alone and go find Carol. Remember this is a hospital, don't get to acting crazy and getting loud in here." she walked out.
"Listen I'm not asking for you to agree with my decision but I am asking you not to crucify me for it." She put Ethan back down. "This is supposed to be a happy time in our lives, please don't let this ruin it." She intertwined her fingers with his.
"I'm not crucifying you Nicki but I don't agree with what you just did in that room and I won't hide the way I feel." he pulled his hand away from her and walked over and stood by Darias crib. He ran his hand over her cheek and noticed it was unusually warm. "She's hot." he walked to go get a nurse and came back into the nursery. Daria began crying when the nurse tried taking her temperature. A nurse by the name of Nancy entered, noticing Nicki holding her abdomen.
"Nicki didn't we tell you to stay in the bed as much as possible?" Safaree looked back at them.
"Why can't she be up?" he looked back at them confused, then back at Daria. Nancy looked at Nickis gown and seen a red stain.
"This reason right here. She keeps bleeding. Come on we have to get you cleaned up and back in the bed until thd doctor can look at you."
"I'm not going anywhere until I know my baby is okay." Ethan began crying.
"Nicki just go, you being here is not making anything better." he rushed over to pick up Ethan to try and sooth him. Daria was still screaming at the top of her lungs.
"I'm not--"
"NICKI JUST GO!" he yelled. She gave him the dirtiest look but she eventually left. He sat in the rocking chair with Ethan."Hey little man you gotta stop crying. You gotta be tough for your sisters." he held Ethan in the span from his hands to his elbows. Ethan wasn't trying to hear any of that, he continued to cry. Safaree sat there rocking him but it seemed not to have much of an effect on him. Nancy rushed back into the Nursery and grabbed one of the male nurses and in a hushed tone said something in his ear. They both rushed out the room. He heard voices in the hall way and wen to see what it was. That's when he saw Nicki passed out on the floor with a puddle of blood between her legs.
"What is wrong with her? What happened?" he said in a panicked voice. Ethan was crying even louder.
"She is losing to much blood we need to get her to the O.R." they brought a gurney around and lifted her onto it."
"Ethan You gotta stop crying for daddy, please." he pulled him closer to him. He walked back into the nursery because he was being pulled in his heart to go follow Nicki but he realized she was no longer his main focus anymore. He had three children now and they needed him. He could comfort them but he was no help to Nicki at this point. He sat back in the chair and prayed that both her and the babies would be able to leave the hospital soon and be healthy. "Ethan what's the matter little man? You must know something is wrong with mommy huh? She'll be okay, she wouldn't want you all worked up like this. Calm your little nerves." Safaree put his finger in Ethans tiny hand. "Everything is going to be all right son." Ethan squeezed his finger and slowly calmed down. Safaree wiped Ethans tears away, then wiped his own. He was really worried about Nicki, he didn't know what he was going to do if she didn't pull through this.
Mrs. Carol, the boys, and Ms. Samules walked back into the room, Mrs. Carol felt that something was wrong.
"Safaree what happened?"
"I don't know, she was fine one minute then she was laid out on the floor out there."
"Nicki? Where is she now?" Jelani asked.
"They rushed her to the O.R. I need her to pull through this, I can't do this by myself."
"Stop thinking like that." His mom said. "Nicki is a fighter, she is going to pull through this Safaree. We just have to pray for her, and keep the negativity away. This is when she needs you the most, you have to stay strong for her."
"There was just so much blood."
"BLOOD?" Makiah shouted.
"Hush." Mrs. Carol said. "Let's just pray, that's the best thing we can do for her until we know what's going on." They all gathered in a circle and Mrs. Carol began to pray.
In the O.R.
"I can't figure out what's going on down here?" Dr. Reynolds worked fast to stop the bleeding but then something happened and Nicki stopped breathing.
"Come on Nicki you can make it through this." she said under her breath. Nicki currently had a tubes connected everywhere on her. She currently had a endotracheal tube down her throat helping her to breath.
*Oh you guys know how I love my drama. Well what do you think my next move is? Huh? Can ya guess? I don't think you can! HA! Well go rack your brain over what's going to happen next. Comment please, I really do enjoy reading them. The babies are below, and yes I know they don't look like them but YOU TRY FINDING A BUNCH OF BLACK TRIPLETS, IT AIN'T EASY! *gains composure* Now where was I...oh yeah. I hope you enjoyed, until next time ITSMARTHABITCHHHHHHHH*
The Babies
If that was Safarees son he would have his daddies head! lmao
Endotracheal tube
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