Safaree was back home with the babies a couple days after Nicki slipped into a coma. It had been a week and a half and still no change in Nickis condition. Safaree kept himself busy with the babies, or they were keeping him busy. The girls were okay but Ethan seemed to be irritable every since the left the hospital. Safaree felt helpless. His mom and Nickis mom and everyone for the matter had been there to help him but no one could seem to keep Ethan happy.
"Mama Carol I'm going to head to the hospital to check on Nicki, do you need anything?"
"No go and make sure our girl is still doing good."
"Alright I'll call you if there are any changes." he walked over and kissed the girls and Ethan then left.
Safaree drove the all to familiar path to the hospital. If he never had to drive it again it wouldn't phase him. He wanted Nicki to be home with him and their kids. He pulled into a parking space, then hurried inside.
"Hey Mr. Samuels."
"Hey Jake, you keeping this place safe for my girl?" he asked the security guard, pushing the elevator button.
"You know it. Maybe today is the day sleeping beauty wakes up."
"Let's hope man. I'll catch you later." he hoped on the elevator to the 6th floor.
Getting off he went to his right and down the long hall. Nicki was located in the last room on the left. Safaree walked in and saw her laying in her bed with a nurse standing over her. From the back it didn't look like April nor Nacy he just figured it was a new girl.
"How is she doing today?" he asked. The nurse turned around and swiftly walked passed him and out the door, quickly stating she had been fine. He looked back, then just shook his head. "Strange people in this world." Walking towards Nicki he braced himself, it was still hard to look at her with the tube in her mouth.
Safaree felt her hands, they were sort of dry. He walked over to her bag and grabbed her lotion out of the side compartment. He started with her hands then worked his way up to her elbows massaging the lotion onto her skin. He knew if she woke up and felt her skin all dry she would yell at him for not taking care of her. He chuckled at the thought. He then moved to her feet, she was in need of a touch up on her pedicure but he didn't mind. Safaree began massaging her feet with the lotion. He thought back to the day he gave her a pedicure and the look on her face when he said he was going to paint her toes. Safaree let out a laugh then realized he had tears streaming down his face.
"Come on baby you have to pull through this. I need you, we need you. You are not done with this life yet, you have a million other things to accomplish Nic. You have so many dreams that haven't come true yet. Our kids need their mommy here for them." He got up moving to her side. Safaree was so confused and felt so alone. Rubbing her cheek, "I know you can hear me, I know you are trying your best to get back. I won't push you, I know you hate that." He kissed her forehead. "I have to go now. I left Mama with all three of the babies, so I need to get back. I think Ethan is moody because your not there, he is so cranky when it gets close to bed time, I wonder where he gets that from." he smiled. "See you later Nicki." With that he left.
Nicki heard every word.
Three days later Safaree got a phone call around five a.m. He was tired, aggravated, sad, and mildly depressed all balled up into one.
Groggily he picked up the phone, "Hello."
"Hello Mr. Samuels?"
"Yes this is him."
"This is Nancy from St. Josephs Hospital." his stomach dropped.
"Yes is Nicki okay?" he sat up in his bed.
"She's awake." That's all he heard be fore he hung up the phone. He raced to get his clothes on. Safaree ran into the room his mother was in.
"Mom...Mom wake up."
"What Safaree? Does one of the girls need changing? You know you are really going to have to get over the whole "they are girls thing, it's weird!" they are your children."
"What? No mom, Nicki woke up. I just got the call, I need you to listen for the babies. I'm going to take Mama M. with me."
"Praise God. Go go! I'll be alright. Call me and let me know what's going on."
"I will." He ran into Mrs. Maraj room and woke her up telling her the joyous news. She got up and put on her clothes and they were out the door heading for St. Josephs.
Safaree practically ran off the elevator and was heading for Nickis room when he was stopped by Nacy. He was ready to plow through her to get to Nicki.
"Wait Safaree there is something you need to know before you go in there."
"Well what is it? I need to see her." he was antsy.
"She has lost some of her memory." he looked her in her eyes.
"How much?" Mrs. Maraj asked.
"She remembers up until the kidnapping but she doesn't remember being pregnant during it though. When I tried to tell her about the babies she got all hostile and yelled "BITCH IF I HAD KIDS I THINK I WOULD REMEMBER THEM!" then asked for you and kicked me out." Nancy explained.
Safaree closed his eyes and prepared himself for this talk with Nicki, he knew it wouldn't be an easy one.
"Thanks for the heads up Nacy, we have it from here." He took Mama M. by the hand and walked towards Nickis room. Safaree stopped right in front of it trying to get himself together.
"It will be fine SB. We just have to help her remember." Mrs. Carol reassured him. He took a deep breath and pushed through the door. Nickis eyes lit up.
"Safaree!" she held out her arms for him. He rushed right in to them. Nicki seen her mother once Safaree hugged her. "Mommy." She started to tear up. "What happen to me you guys?" she pulled away from Safaree and he wiped her tears away then looked back at her mom.
Mama Carol walked to the other side of Nickis bed and sat beside her. Taking Nickis hand in hers she started to explain.
"Nicki I need for you to pay close attention to what we tell you okay baby. We would never lie to you, do you understand me." She said in a gentle voice.
"Yes ma'am."
Her mom went on explaining what had happen over the past couple of weeks, with Safaree filling in as they went. When they were done Nickis cheeks were drenched with tears.
"Why can't I remember my children Safaree?" he hugged her.
"It's okay baby, we'll help you remember. I won't stop reminding you until you remember everything." he kissed her cheek. "I've missed you so much Nicki, I thought I had lost you. I know one little person that is going to be ecstatic to see you."
"Who?" she asked.
"Ethan, he is already a mamas boy. He has been missing you crazy."
"Ethan? That's our sons name, right?"
"Yeah Nic."
"And Zaria and Daria are the girls names."
"Yes. Do you want me to get them here so you can see them?"
"No, I want to get better first. They shouldn't have to see me like this, all messed up in the head. When I woke up and talked to the doctor they said I can get out in a couple of days after the monitor me and make sure i'm okay to be at home. I hope everything is okay because I need to get back in the studio. OMG my Barbs, they must be going crazy."
"They are okay. I've been tweeting them regularly letting them know your progress. But I do think you should tweet them and let them know you are awake. That tweet will make them happy." he rubbed her hair.
"Don't you think you should worry about your family first Nicki before you hop into recording?" he mom asked.
"Mom I need to work."
"MOM! I need to write, I need to put out music and get back to the Nicki I was before all this BS happened."
"Fine Onika, do what you want." She got up. "Safaree can you take me back to the house. I'm glad your awake Onika."
"Mom don't leave, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell."
"No, I need to get back and help with the babies. Get some rest." Mrs. Carol kissed her on the forehead and left out the room.
"Tell her I said I'm sorry. Are you coming back tonight?" Nicki held his hand.
"Yeah I'll be back as soon as I make sure the kids are okay and have everything they need." Nicki sighed. She wanted to care more than she did about the babies. She figured she would just have to put forth more effort.
"Give them a kiss for me."
"I will. Do you want some food?"
"Yeah I want you to cook that chicken pasta stuff you always make."
"With the sausage?"
"Yeah, that with the bread sticks."
"Damn you making a coon cook for real. I was hoping you would want Burger King or something."
"No I want a good meal."
"If that's what you want then I'll make it for but that means I won't be back for awhile."
"If that's the price I have to pay for a good meal, I guess i'll just have to deal."
Laughing, "Still the same Nicki. We just have to get you back on course a little."
"Do you think I'll ever remember Faree?"
"Yeah you'll remember because I won't give up. By the time I'm done you are going to have crystal clear memory."
Nicki pulled him into a deep kiss. She loved him so much and was sad she couldn't be there for him for the past couple weeks. Safaree was a crazy coon but she knew the man deep within and he was caring and at times sensitive.
Safaree had missed being able to hold her in his arms and let her know that he will always be there. He pulled away from her.
"Stop you know we can't do anything for another couple of weeks. So stop the temptation now." Safaree stood up from the bed.
"Can't blame a girl for trying. Hurry back with my food."
"Okay I should be back around noon. Make sure you get some sleep, and tweet the Barbs when you wake up so they will stop hounding me."
"Okay." He walked towards the door. "Safaree." he turned around. "Take a picture of them for me."
"I will." Safaree left out. He didn't feel like he thought he would, seeing her awake and all. It hurt him that she didn't remember the three things that were once so important to her.
"Wayne what do you mean?" Nicki was getting more and more pissed by the minute.
"I'm saying I don't think it will be healthy nor a good business venture for you to try and rush an album out by Valentines Day."
"So you're saying you don't believe in me?"
"Nicki you know that's not what I'm saying, so stop. You just came out of a coma not five hours ago and your already talking business. In the last hour that me, Birdman, and Slim been here I haven't once heard you say anything about your kids. Don't you think that's something you should be concerned with?"
"I am concerned, but they are not here right now and I need to get back to work, so can you just give me clearance to start production on the next album."
"Barbie, you need to get better first." Birdman stepped up.
"I AM better. Stop babying me please, it's making me sick."
"We are not babying you, it's called we care. You are not just an artist to us Onika, you're family." slim said. She got quiet. "Listen I'm going to talk to the doctor and If she says it is okay for you to start back then we will TALK about it, but if she says no then the idea is out the window. We all know your work ethic Nicki, you go some days on just two ours of sleep. If we let you back into the studio for this album you have to promise to take better care of yourself."
"I will slim if you want me to put it in writing I will. I just need to be back where things are familiar, and the booth is what I know will keep me sane right now."
"Like he said we will see what the doctor says." Wayne said. He really did like that idea either but it was her career and life so he'd meet her halfway on this. "We got some things to handle, you get your rest and try and start remembering. We'll talk later."
"Bye." When they opened the door Martin was there. He had waited until they finished talking. "Hey Martin."
"What's up Nicki!" more of a greeting then an actual question. "I have all the things you asked for: Mac, your account book, and iPod. Anything else?" he asked.
"Why does it seem like you're in such a rush, you have another job you need to be at?" she eyed him.
"Well Safaree needs me to go get something for the babies." she rolled her eyes. If she heard one more thing about those damn babies she was going to scream.
"Fine goodbye Martin. I'll call you if I need anything." he left quickly. Nigga ain't never moved that fast for me she thought.
Nicki went over her account book making sure everything was being payed and checks where going to the right places. There were no bills due in the time that she was in a coma, so everything was how she left it. She had an accountant but she was no fool, she was the only one allowed to sign off on checks. Her dad in her later teen years, taught her to always know what's going on with your business that way you can't get screwed over.
Nicki was flipping through the book one last time, when a couple of pictures fell out. It was of her and the babies the day they were delivered. She studied her face, she looked so happy. She moved to another picture, it was of Daria. She had Nickis nose and fingers. Nicki held the picture of Zaria side by side with her sister and smiled.
"Their beautiful." she said out loud. She pulled Ethans photo out of the book and ran her hand across it. He looked so much like his daddy. "He definitely has Safarees head." she chuckled then put the photos back. "Why can't I remember them?" she held herself. She would never deny they were hers but she just felt nothing when it came to them.
Two Days Later
Nicki was back home and doing well in her eyes. She still had no contact with her children, the doctor said it was best not to force them on her until she was ready. If they did it wouldn't be good for her or the babies. She did pump her breast so they could eat, she had heard that Simalac had killed two infants in December and didn't want that for the triplets.
Right Now Ethan was screaming at the top of his longs, while Nicki was trying to write and it was pissing her off. He had been crying off and on since she got home.
"SAFAREE can't you keep him quiet?" Safaree entered the room with Ethan on his shoulder, scowling at Nicki.
"Don't you think if I could I would?" just then Ethan got louder.
"Just give him here." she threw down her pen and pad.
"Not if that's going to be your attitude with him."
"He's my son Safaree now give him here."
"Now your all of a sudden claiming him after you said what you said yesterday?"
"I said I didn't mean it Safaree. I was just tired. Now hand him here please."
"Nicki I don't kn--"
"I would never hurt my son." She had a look of hurt on her face. Safaree looked at Ethan then back to Nicki.
"Be careful okay." He walked over and handed him to her. She cradled him in her arms, she felt his face and it felt hot but she figured it was from him crying so long.
"Calm down little one." he began to calm himself. "See there is no need for all that fussing your doing." he placed his hand on her breast and she seen him stick his small tongue out. "Your hungry?" she pulled her breast from her bra and he latched on immediately. Just then Nicki had a flashback. it was of her and Ethan In the hospital and she was breast feeding him for the first time.
"You're so beautiful Ethan and I love you and your sisters so much. I'm gonna try my best to be the greatest mommy to you three. I know I'll make mistakes along the way but I'm learning. I'm going to give you a good life. Just remember that mommy will always love you no matter what, okay?" he just laid there in her arms staring back then grinned.
"Oh my God Ethan." she looked at his little body. "Mommy so sorry." he looked up at her with his eyes wide.
"What's the matter Nicki?" Safaree asked.
"Nothing, it's just I had a vision or flashback of me and Ethan sometime in the hospital." he put her hand over her mouth. "I'm such a bad mother, for not remembering him."
"Don't say that Nicki, It's not your fault. I'm not going to let you blame yourself, this is just something that happened." He looked to see Ethan was dozing off. "He's ready to be burped and put to sleep." he rubbed his arm.
"I'll do it." Safaree placed the cloth over her shoulder and watched as she burped their son. He went and got his camera and snapped some photos of her and him. Ethan spit up a little then fell asleep.
"I'll take him to his room." Safaree put the camera down.
"You finished his room?" She handed him over.
"You remember that his room wasn't done?"
"I guess I do." she smiled. "I'm remembering Safaree."
"I told you it was nothing to worry about." he left the room.
I'm remembering a little more each day Barbs. I'll be back to normal in no time. But don't forget Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded 2.14.12.
NEVA! RT @SHADEnika My HB is a BAWSE. Jus had TRIPLETS,Jus came out of a COMA, & she puttin out a ALBUM in less than a month. Urs cud NEVA!
"Safaree I'm bout to go down to the studio."
"No you're not you have another customer." He put Zaria in her arms. Nicki sighed.
"Yep, welcome to it." She put her pen and pad back in her dresser, she knew she wasn't getting any work done anytime soon.
*Hope you liked it. Tell me your predictions on where you think the story is going.*
Ethans Room

I'm Sooooooooo happy she finally woke up!! It made me sad when she couldnt remember things but she is getting better at it . Cabt wait until the next chapter :)
Awwww man I thought she wasn't going to remember for a long time. I'm glad she woke up and is remembering little by little. I feel like she still is gonna try to work to hard and she's gonna make herself sick and then all this other stuff is gonna happen from her getting mad at people trying to help her and yeah. But good chapter!
ReplyDeleteOmg I've got to admit, this is the best chapter you've written so far. It's absolutely amazing!! I can't wait to see Nicki's recovery continue and for her & SB to finally get it on again after ALMOST a year! Geesh! Anyway, keep it up boo. It's wonderful and I can't wait to read more. Xo :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glade she's okay. I hope all her memory comes back.
ReplyDeleteSo damn Glad she's out of that Coma, I can't wait till she remembers More. Great Chapter post soon Barb!!
ReplyDeleteWas the nurse at the beginning Melanie's bitch ass? Glad Nicki woke up!! Sooooo glad she's starting to remember her babies!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!! :'D This chapter just gave me su much joy..I dont care she was in that coma cuz I know she'll remember little by little..and Safaree was so strong he didn't break down or lost faith...It broke my heart when Ethan's crying seemed to bother her so much but then..she had the flashback and Awwww!! As for where the story is going I have no clue :/ I just hope you keep it more sick Nicki plzz!! OH! maybe that trick Melanie is coming back..I dont want tho..but it just seems like something you would do *rolls eyes*...Anyway everytime I try to post a proper long comment it deletes -___- so bye GREAT JOB!!! xox
ReplyDeleteYaye I'm mad happy ahhhhhh this was ah-may-zing yayyye :'} - Shonda
ReplyDeleteOkay first off damn she had short-term memory loss. Wait who the hell was that supposedly weird ass nurse in the room looking at her like she was a popsicle on a hot summer day? Lmaoooooooooooooooo at her snapping on everybody. Awwwwwwwwwww she remembered her and ethan's moment they shared. Okay martha not my typical comment length, but hey something is better than nothing right? Dnt worry I gotchu next time
ReplyDeleteFINALLY SHE IS OKAY, i thought for a minute u would end the story in an evil way, but im happy she its up..and i predict that Melanie is goin to come around slickly trying to ruin shit and maybe kidnap the babies... i hope not but thats jus my feelin u Martha are always havin these scares.. anyways great chapter..short but it was good
ReplyDelete*sigh of relief* she finally woke up! im sad that she can't remember though...i wanna cry for her. :( thats my Nicki, ready to go to the damn studio after just waking up from a coma. LIKE whaaaaaaaaaaat? l0l she needs to focus on her family. the barbz will deal. :) yes, we will deal. awwwwwwww my baby Ethan wanted his mommy, thats all. he remember her holding him and thats who he wanted! hahaha yaaaaay she started remembering liddle things. im gonna need for them to get to a happy place. they done been through enough. k. :)))
ReplyDeleteYaaaaay Nicki woke up, but she didn't remember her babies at 1st :/ She's such a busy body..always workin hard..she needs a break :/
ReplyDeleteAwww all baby Ethan wanted was his mommy! I loved this part of the chapter when she had the flashback....I got teary eyed...yea..k :')
U think u slick gworl...was that Melanie in that room w/ Nic??..mmmhmmm....i bet it was..smh!
Nic was tryin to get some lovin grom her man, too! Liddle lady just don't stop does she? 1st while pregnant, now after labor and being in a coma, LOL!!
Great chapter!!!
*Packs bags to come help Safaree w/ the babies*
The grannies can go home now, I'm comin to help out!!! ^_^
Awwwww this is so cute I'm so happy that she remembers because I was straight crying lol... And that nurse better not had been Melanie's bitch ass I don't need her messing stuff up right now aww at that flashback she remembers her liddle bugs :)
ReplyDeleteawwwwww she didn't "feel" anything fir them THAR was sad idk wat she said yesterday & i DON't wanna kno! but i'm glad she's remembering cuz i was about to cry about her not caring fa them GREAT CHAPTER!
ReplyDeleteOmfg i was bout to cry.. Nic didnt feel nun for the babies =''( So glad she starting to remember
ReplyDeleteGreat chapter
Oh noooooooo she can't remember the babies :'(
ReplyDeleteI hope she gets her memory back SOON I can't have her treating her children like CF and she birthed them *sighs*
Um who the fuck is that nurse, bitch acting all suspect and whatnot. I got my eyes on that hoe *side eyes her* HMPH.
SMFH she just got outta coma, can't remember her kids but she damn sure remember that studio. If Nicki don't sit her ass down somewhere lol.
Oh Martha.. You slay me with every chapter. You are the shit. Thank you :)
Sad that she's still in a coma. But it's so sweet how Safaree talks to her & lotions her up. Poor Ethan misses his mommy. I can already tell he's gonna be a momma's boy!
ReplyDeleteOMGGGGGGGGGG! She's awake!Thank Goodness!
:( She lost some of her memory. It's so sad that she doesn't remember her babies. That breaks my heart.
I agree with Wayne & Baby...she's needs to get better first. Her health & children are more important.
OMG she feels nothing for the babies. :( But at least she saw the pics of them...Hopefully she'll remember everything soon...
Awwwwwwwwwwww the flashback!!!! She's finally remembering! :)
Her tweet to the Barbz>> S/O to my hoe being RT'd ;p
Motherhood! I Loved this chapter Martha!!!!!!!! SO glad things are slowly starting to be the way they should be! :)
ReplyDeleteAwww I'm so sad she don't remember havin her 3 but I'm glad she is remembering them day by day yaaayyy Nic...@preezybaybe
ReplyDeleteMELANIE ALERT! That psycho bitch was in the room with Nic! Ughhhhhhhhhh Make her disappear Martha!
ReplyDeleteGreat Chapter!!!!!