"So then she took the car and do you know what happen?" Safaree asked them.
"I can't believe you are telling them this story." Nicki said sitting back in the bed watching him.
"Hey don't interrupt their bedtime story." Safaree said to Nicki. She threw her hands up in the air. "Now were where we before i was SO rudely interrupted. Oh yea after she took the car your mommy so gracefully crashed the car. So don't ever let her yell at you if you crash one of her cars some day. You have my permission to throw it in her face." Nicki laughed at him.
"Are you done you buffoon?"
"Yes yes I am." he moved back to his pillow.
"You ain't shit, telling my kids bootlegged bedtime stories at two in the afternoon." She laughed.
"Hey that was a great story wasn't it coonetts?" Safaree asked Nicki stomach. All of a sudden a foot print appeared on Nickis belly. Both of there eyes grew big. It was the first time any of the babies kicked. It stayed there for a minute then disappeared.
"Safaree did you see that?" Nicki said grabbing her stomach.
"Hell yeah. I wonder if they will do it again."
"Come on mama's babies one of you kick again." They waited for a minute and nothing happened. Nicki frowned.
"Come on one of you kick for us." Safaree said. A couple minutes later a foot appeared again.
"Ow!" said Nicki. "Why wouldn't they kick for me but kick for you?" asked Nicki.
"I'm me and you you that's why." Safaree said standing up and sticking his chest out.
"Nigga deflate yo chest."
"Don't be mad."
"Shut up do it again so I can show the Barbs. I have to make up with them for not telling them right away. You should have seen the DM's I got from some of them. The highest Pisstivity I tell ya." Nick grabbed her phone and handed it to Safaree so he could take the pic.
"Let me get a foot one of you." He said to the babies. Sure enough one of them kicked. He snapped the picture and handed the phone back to Nicki. "You better tell them who's the master too." Safaree walked out the room.
"Whatever." she mumbled. She twitpict it with the message:
Look Barbs one of them kicked when Safaree was talking to them. They won't kick for me tho! :(
She pressed send and watched her Timeline go Nuts.
I do to Barb! :) RT @TeamMinajCaliii: @NICKIMINAJ Awww HB....I love them already.
@NICKIMINAJ I want them to do it for me NOT him.
Um you'll have to fight like *Counts* 4 ppl for it but go for it! RT @PINKMunyBARBIE: @NICKIMINAJ Can I b the God Mother to 1 of them PLZ?
He was telling them the story of when I crashed the car! *Punches SB* Barbs come save me! RT @SoPinkBarbie: @NICKIMINAJ What was SB saying to them?
I'll have to figure out a special way to tell you guys! I know 2, the other is being stubborn! RT @CandaceMinaj: @NICKIMINAJ Wat r u havin HB?
"What are you on there talking about?" Safaree came back into the room.
"Mind ya business, Thank you!" Nicki kept tweeting. Safaree hopped on his phone to see what was going on.
@NICKIMINAJ: *Rolls eyes* @SCAFFBEEZY needs to mind his business.
Beep Beep. Nickis phone notified her of an incoming text. She read it and rolled her eyes.
Oh okay. Next time you want something @ 2am I'll do that! RT @NICKIMINAJ: *Rolls eyes* @SCAFFBEEZY needs to mind his business.
Cookies. The babies wanted them Barb, shouldn't they have what they want? RT @TeamMinajVA: @NICKIMINAJ What did you send SB to get @ 2am HB?
"Get off Nicki. Comeback to real life." Safaree took her phone.
"What do you mean that is real life?" she laughed. "At least let me tweet them goodbye." He gave it back.
Well Barbs SOMEBODY told me to comeback to REAL life, whatever THAT means. Tweet ya later! Muah.
"Come here." Safaree motioned for her to come sit on the chase with him. She tried just getting up like she usually does but struggled so she had to put her hand behind her and push herself off the bed. She walked towards SB and sat to his right with her back against the cushion. He pulled her feet on his lap and began to massage them. "Do you want to do something today?"
"No." she closed her eyes and enjoyed her foot massage.
"Nicki all you do is sit in the house. You need to go get some fresh air."
"I'll just go in the back yard then."
"No we are gonna go somewhere outside the perimeters of this house." Safaree said.
"But why?" she whined.
"We are and that's final. Go put on your shoes, we can go get some ice cream from that one place you like."
"It's not ice cream they are smoothies." she went into her closet and grabbed a pair of sneakers and struggled to put them on.
"Whatever and do you need help?"
"No, i got it." she squirmed her foot into the sneaker and lifted her foot to pull the back of the shoe up. She was out of breath. "Whew."
"Come on big mama."
"I'm coming." she walked out the closet.
"Is that perspiration on your forehead?" Safaree laughed. "You look like you really were in there doing something strenuous." Nicki rolled her eyes.
"Let's go Safaree before i kick yo ass!" she grabbed her purse and sunglasses and walked out the room. "I'm driving."
"Now this I gotta see." He wanted to see how she was going to reach the pedals because her belly had gotten big and she was going to have to scoot the seat back a ways so she could fit. He grabbed his video camera and started recording when she was walking down the stairs. "So what did you say you were gonna do Nicki?" she didn't know he was recording her.
"I said I'm driving. I think I'm going to drive your car." He stopped smiling.
"Who's car? I know you ain't talking about mine."
"Who else would I be talking to Safaree. Where are your keys?" she said looking at the key holder. They weren't there. He didn't remember where he put them. She walked into the kitchen and found them on the island counter. "Found em." She walked towards the front door.
"Nicki you are not driving my car." he was still recording but he was trying to get the keys from her. "Give them here girl."
"No move before you make me fall and I fuck you up." she cocked her fist back.
"Just take your car."
"No now move. And why do you have that?" She asked pointing at the camera while walking out the door. "Lock the door."
"Hold up Nic." he turned around and locked the house up. He heard his car unlock. When he turned around he saw Nicki opening the door. He ran down the stairs and hopped into the passenger seat. "You alright over there." she was adjusting her her seat. Her belly was touching the wheel. "Are you okay over there?"
"Yes Safaree and turn that damn thing off." She put her hand up blocking the lens.
"No move you wanna drive my car then I get to film it." She finally got situated and started the car. "Be careful with my baby Nicki."
"I know how to drive boy." She put on her sunglasses and backed out the driveway and headed towards Smoothie King.
"So Nicki tell the camera where we going." She pulled up to the light and looked over at Safaree.
"Really we're doing this?"
"Yes talk to my camera girl." the light turned green and she pulled off.
"We are going to Smoothie King to get me a Mango Smoothie." She turned and gave the camera a fake smile. " I hope I get to see that cute little Barb that works there again."
"Oh so you got peoples there?"
"Yes sir. I got people everywhere."
"Oh word? You think you somebody special?" Nicki turned to him and looked over her sunglasses.
"Google me Nigga." Safaree busted out laughing.
"Yooooooooo. Turn that up." Safaree start jumping around in his seat. "Who's song is that butterball?" Nicki smiled showing her dimples and stopped at another light.
"It's MINE." she shouted. "I just signed a couple deals I might break you off..." she rapped into the camera giving it all type of faces. They jammed out to that until Nicki whipped the car into the parking lot of Smoothie King. It was a couple people in there so they waited till the last one left. Safaree went around and helped Nicki out the car.
"Exactly why you shouldn't have driven MY car short stuff."
"You know what I'm getting tired of the small jokes." Nicki said walking away from him and into the shop.
"Hi HB." Shonda called out.
"Hey Shonda." In walked Safaree.
"Oh I see you brought company this time."
"Yeah I thought I would let him out today, he's been a good boy." Nicki said grabbing his chin and shaking his head. "Yes he has, yes he has." Safaree pushed her hand away.
"Stop touching me woman. So this your people?" He said nodding towards Shondas way.
"Yes it is this is @NickisCareBear aka Shonda aka Stalker according to @ItsMarthaBitch, but she won't tell me why though. You wanna tell me Shonda." Nicki said giving her best smile.
"If I do she will kill me."
"Okay Shonda well I don't want you to die so I won't hound you about it even though I really really really wanna know."
"Shonda don't let her guilt you into telling her. She too dang on nosy."
"Hey nobody hit your buzzer. Just stand there." He didn't find that to funny. "Yeah."
"Oop." Shonda said laughing. "HB your getting huge...I mean the babies are getting so big." She said trying not to make Nicki feel fat.
"It's okay Barb I know I'm getting big. Your the first one too see me in person since the pregnancy."
"Can I touch your belly?"
"NO!" Both SB and Nicki said in unison. She looked so shut down. They broke out laughing. Nicki in her annoying laugh."I'm just kidding Barb maybe they will kick for you." Shonda let out a breath because she really felt shut down.
"I thought y'all were so serious. And yes I've been reading my timeline I heard they are not kicking for you." She walked around the counter and placed her hand on her tummy. Her eyes lit up. "Wow HB you are like really pregnant." Safaree was still recording.
"I know right. Did you ever think Barb?"
"Why you say like that? What you trying to say?"
"No I didn't mean it like that... What I meant was..."
"I'm just joking girl."
"Nicki stop doing that to me." they all laughed.
"Okay let me order my smoothie. Can I have a large Mango smoothie. What are you getting SB?"
"I want a Strawberry one. Large. That one you made last time was good."
"This is what the fuck I do, of course it was good." Shonda said. Nicki turned and looked at Safaree.
"You know what I'm not gonna say nothing because you making my drink."
"I'm just playing Safaree, geesh." Shonda rang their order up and went to go make the drinks. Safaree and Nicki hung back and played around in the camera a bit while the waited. "Here you go." She handed them their drinks.
"Alright Barb well we gotta go but it was amazing seeing you again and I'm sure it won't be the last time. Give me a hug." Shonda came around the counter and hugged her.
"See you later coon." Sb said.
"Bye guys." She said as they left out the store.
"So what are we doing next Safaree."
"Let's go to the movies."
"Safaree we wouldn't be able to enjoy the movie if people knew i was there."
"Who said they had to know you were there? I say we go get you a big sweat shirt and a snapback. You'll go in first then I'll come in there with my disguise on too."
"And what is your disguise?"
"I'm just gonna take off my jewelry. They will never guess it's me." he said so seriously. Nicki looked at him blankly.
"Do you realize the shit you say sometimes?"
"I know right genius shit."
"No. Don't ever think that's what you are. " But I do wanna see Kevin Harts new movie in the actual theater. Okay let's go." Nicki whipped the car into traffic and headed to a little strip she knew that carried sports gear. Safaree went in and bought her a 3x Mets hoodie and a Mets snapback. "Why did you get the Mets?"
"Your supposed to be incognegro remember?"
"You mean incognito SB."
"Yeah that's what I said. Let's go." She rolled her eyes and pulled off headed towards the movies. Once there she got out the car and went to pay for her ticket. She went in bought her some nachos and got a pink lemonade. Safaree followed and met her in the theater. "See I told you my plan would work."
"Yes you did." She said. They had gotten there a little late so when SB sat down the lights were dimming. By the middle of the movie Safaree had sank so far in his seat so that nobody could see him. He was so embarrassed. Nicki had been doing her annoying laugh since the movie started. He wanted to move down a row but knew that would not end well. "Did you hear what he said? He...He..He...He said PINEAPPLES." Nicki broke out into a loud laugh. People kept turning around and looking at them. He was happy when it went off. "That was a good movie. Did you like it?" Nicki asked.
"Yeah. Let's get out of here before anybody recognizes us." He grabbed her hand and walked fast to get out of the theater.
"Slow down Babe before I fall." Nicki said trying to get her little legs to keep up with him.
"Sorry babe." he slowed down. "Put your shades back on."
"I gotta pee." he sighed and walked towards the restrooms. Nicki rushed in and found a empty stall. She put the paper cover down while hopping from one foot from the other. Safaree went to bring the car around and then he went back through the door he came out of and was met by a large crowd.
"Aww shit." He pushed his way through the crowed and made his way into the women's restroom. Nicki was trying to make her way out but was being bombarded by fans. "Hey move away from her can't you see she is uncomfortable?" Safaree put Nicki in front of him and tried to move back through the crowd but he couldn't do it alone. The theater staff climbed their way through and helped them get out to their car. Safaree put Nicki in the car jumped in himself and sped off.
"They'll never recognize you Nicki. Last time I listen to you."
"Hey you would have never been spotted if you wouldn't have went to the bathroom."
"Well excuse me for carrying your big Gigantor babies who like to sit on my bladder." Nicki rolled her eyes.
"Don't be talking about my babies." he said rubbing her belly. "Mommy didn't mean it you guys. Tell em you sorry."
"What? Boy you better move around." Nicki knocked his hand off her stomach.
"Tell em you sorry or I will never do the thing again." Nickis head snapped his way. She sucked her teeth.
"Fine. I'm sorry girls and whatever you are. You happy now?"
"Yes I am." he smiled.
Next Day
"Hello Nicki it's Dr. Reynolds."
"I know who it is I have your number saved silly."
"Oh well I hope I'm not interrupting your dinner darlin."
"No ma'am your not. Is there something wrong?"
"Well not anything that can't be prevented. Is Safaree with you?"
"Yes ma'am he is. Can you please tell me what's going on your scaring me. Are my babies okay?" she put the phone on speakerphone.
"Yes they are fine Nicki calm down. But Nicki here's the thing because you are so small you cannot carry these babies full term."
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm saying when you hit seven months we are going to have to take the babies." Dr. Reynolds explained. "You are to small to support the weight of three healthy sized babies.
"Please Dr. Reynolds I'll be okay I don't want anything happening to my babies. I don't want them to be premature" Nicki was bawling by now.
"Listen to me Onika your skin is not going to stretch as much as you need it to for triplets. Your not big enough." All Dr. Reynolds could hear was Nickis sobs. "Safaree take the phone and walk away from Onika."
"Yes ma'am." He took the phone and left Nicki on the couch. He walked into the kitchen. "Okay I'm alone."
"Listen You have got to calm her down okay. Her blood pressure is going to sky rocket if she doesn't. And also you are going to have to talk her into having the babies at seven months. I can't legally force her unless she is having complications around that time. It would be best for her and the babies. Her life will also be at stake if she doesn't have them then. Can I count on you to do this?" Dr. Reynolds asked.
"Yes i can do that." he said.
"All right i will let you get back to her. Have her call me tomorrow I would like to set up an extra appointment."
"Okay I will. Bye and thank you for calling."
"No problem. Just get her to settle down." Safaree hung up the phone. He sat down at the counter and put his head in his hands. He was trying to come to grips with the news he just got. He could hear Nicki crying but he needed a moment to himself to gather his thoughts.
"Lord I know your listening. I know we don't speak often but I'm coming to you as humble as i know how. Please keep my babies and Nicki wrapped in your arms. Let my kids come into this world healthy and unharmed. Let Nicki get through this with out complications. If they need to come out at seven months then so be it but please let them be okay. I won't be able to handle it if i lose any of them. In Jesus name I pray Amen." He lifted his head and wiped his tears away. Safaree got himself together and went to go calm Nicki down.
*So what did you think about this chapter. I REALLY would love your feedback on this*
What they saw when the babies were kicking!