"Wow that was amazing!" Nicki said. Both fall back onto the bed.
"Babe...Babe, what was that last move?" Safaree asked trying to catch his breath.
"I don't know. I just got a sudden burst of energy and ended upside down."
"Great we need to try that again." He looked over at the clock. "Babe your gonna be late." Nicki looked over at him funny.
"Late for what? I don't have anything planned."
"Oh yea i didn't get to tell you because of my early morning wake up." Safaree placed his had over her warm center. "But I got you a spa day planned then i got some other things planned for the day."
"You know you have made this one of the best vacations ever. I didn't have to plan a thing. Your such a great boyfriend." She leaned over and kissed him.
"You better stop that that's what started that last round." She giggled against his lips and kissed him a final time before she got out of the bed to get ready.
"What time is the appointment?" Nicki asked.
"At nine." Nicki looked over at the clock.
"Safaree its 8:45!"
"Hey I was trying to tell you but you are the one who started suckin on a niggas earlobes and shit. You know that's a coons weakness. You better hurry up." SB said turning over and snuggling into the bed further. Nicki laughed at him and went to take a quick shower. After she rushed and threw on a bikini.
"Hey babe i'm going down now." Nicki said in a half way sleep SB ear.
"Pauz. Ok i'll see u later." She smiled and kissed him on his forehead. She left the room and pressed the down button on the elevator. A girl walked up and stood next to her and waited as well on her cell phone.
"No Trebble, my dad is using me for his job. He got me out here to keep his future investors loser son entertained because he likes me." the girl said digging around in her bag. Nicki was listening because she is just plain nosy. "No Trebble, I can't tell you about what I've been doing until after my vacation because I promised a very special person I wouldn't say anything to anyone." The girl looked up and noticed Nicki and ceased all movement. "Ummm Trebb let me call you back." She hung up the phone. They looked at each other.
"I know you." Nicki said. Trying to place where she had seen the girl before.
"It's me, you know me by @It'sMarthaBitch on twitter." She said.
"OMG yes hi Barb. You also came to my sleepover." Nicki said hugging her. The elevator arrived and they got on. "What are you doing out here?"
"My dad dragged me out here and is making me hang with a future investors son all weekend but I took today to have to myself."
"What are you about now?" Nicki asked.
"I'm going to the spa. Daddy gave me his card so i'm punishing him." @IMB said smiling. Nicki shook her head.
"I'm headed there too. I have to tell Safaree that your here."
"Oh Safarees here?" She asked looking at Nicki. Nicki smiled.
"Yes Barb and if you tell a soul i will exile you." Nicki said trying to look serious.
"OoohhhhhKaayyyyy HB,SB being here is not that big of a surprise yall go everywhere together."
"Oh! Well whatever," They hopped off the elevator and walked into the spa.
"Hi Mrs. Warner, we've been expecting you." @IMB looked over at Nicki and laughed Nicki joined her. Another employee approached @IMB.
"Ms. Cambridge we are ready for you."
"Wait can we do our package together?" Nicki asked.
"If it's alright with Ms. Cambridge." Both looked her way. She put her finger to her chin and act like she was really thinking about it. Nicki put a hurt look on her face.
"I'm just playing Mrs. WARNER." @IMB said putting emphasis on her name and giggling.
"Well right this way ladies." They lady walked them to the back and they put their things in a room. They walked back out. "You will start off in the spa pool, then we will go from there." She nodded and walked off. The two women entered the pool and sat in the seats that were in the pool.
"So HB hows life?"
"Its fine Barb. Just trying to relax a little before I start the next album."
"Oooo do you know the direction you are going to go with it?" she asked.
"It's going to be full of Roman."
"That's what's up HB. You know we love us some Roman."
"Yes I kno." They sat there talking off and on laughing at random things and people for about 10 mins.
"Ladies this way to your facials." They looked up and got out of the pool and followed her. When they got to the room there where five other women in there. They sat side by side. Some of the women recognized who Nicki was and Stadrianne (My name!) could tell she was getting uncomfortable.
"What are yall lookin at? Yall ain't never been in the presence of Greatness? Put ya eyeballs back in ya head and gawk at something else." Stadrianne said. Nicki looked from her to the other women and broke out in laughter when they turned away quickly. "What's funny?' Stadrianne asked with a straight face.
"You are to much." Nicki said sitting back so the lady could start. From there they moved to the massage room to get aromatherapy massages.
"Barb." Nicki said.
"Hmm." Stadrianne replied half sleep. She never stayed awake during her massages.
"Which team are you?" Nicki asked. Stadrianne took the cucumber off her eye and peeked over at her.
"What you talkin bout Nic?" Stadrianne asked.
"You know what i'm talkin bout don't play dumb Barb." Nicki said. Stadrianne giggled.
"Onikafaree till the death." Nicki smiled and laid back. "Why?" she asked.
"No reason." Nicki shrugged.
"HB don't be tryin to spill T on the sly." Stadrianne said.
"Why whatever do you mean Barb?"
"Mhhhmmm. Whatevs. What we doin after this massage?"
"We are going to do the full body polish then I have to get back to my room Barb."
"Oh okay Nicki." She said sad her time with her Queen was going to be over. Nicki looked up.
"Don't be sad, you know how I get when yall get emotional."
"I'm not gonna cry. I KNOW I will see you again. If not on this trip then def sometime in the future." She said. Nicki smiled and reached over and squeezed her hand. They finished up there spa day and headed opposite directions. Nicki back to Safaree and Stadrianne to meet her dad.
"Safaree I'm back." Nicki said looking around the suit for him but he was nowhere to be found. She laid on the bed and waited for Safaree to get back. Five minutes later he walked in the door. "Hi babe. Where have you been i've missed you." She said walking up and kissing him.
"I was just out enjoying the resort. Did you have a nice time at the spa. Yes I enjoyed it a lot." She said sitting on the couch.
"I'm glad. You look like your glowing." he said taking his clothes off and getting a towel.
"I got this full body polish at the end." she said stopping the tv on Judge Judy.
"Why do you watch her?" SB said walking into the bathroom.
"Because shes a boss bitch. She don't take shit from nobody." She said in her cocky voice.
"Hey you betta tone that down before I come out there and handle your little ass." He said peeping out the bathroom looking at her.
"Well come handle it." she gave him a seductive look. He licked his lips and just smiled at her.
"You are truly a freak. No i'm taking my shower then we are out of here so get dressed. Have you taken a shower since you came from the spa?" SB asked.
"I took one right after my polish at the spa. They had my swim suit washed and dried when I got done."
"Oh okay then I'll be out in a few." he went in and closed the door and she went to find a outfit.
"Safaree how should I dress?" She yelled so he could her.
"Put on some shorts a t-shirt and some sneakers." He yelled back. She went through her suitcases and pulled out a white t-shirt, scarf, shorts, sneakers, bracelets, and her Diamond studs.
Safaree came out the bathroom with his chest still glistening with water and a towel around his waist.
"Why you gotta come out the bathroom lookin all good shit like you cute?" Nicki asked.
"Um, because I am cute baby. Don't act you don't like it." Safaree said striking a pose. Nicki doubled over in laughter.
"You are a true lunatic. Get dressed fool." He walked into the closet doing his sexy walk, Nicki just shook her head. 20 minutes later he was ready. "Oh I forgot to tell you who I ran into at the elevator."
"Who?" he asked.
"@ItsMarthaBitch from twitter. Remember she came to the sleepover?"
"Oh yeah. How is she doing?" he asked.
"She seemed to be doing fine. Her dad made her come down here for business so she is punishing him by trying to max out his card." Nicki said laughing
"That girl is a trip. But I've always liked her. She good people."
"Yeah she really is. Where we going?"
"I'll never tell." SB said.
"Fine you jerk." she punched him in the arm. He swooped her up and pinned her against the wall in the air.
"What I tell you about hitting me dwarf?"
"OK!OK!OK! I'm sorry put me down Safaree." Nicki squealed.
"Say you'll never do it again."
"I'll never do it again, just please don't drop me." She said kicking her legs with panic.
"Tell me you love me."
"I love you." Nicki said laughing.
"Say I'm ya daddy." Nicki stopped all movement and looked at him seriously.
"Nigga you must done lost yo everlasting mind. Put me down before I kick you in the bawls." He laughed and put her down. They made their way down stairs and out the doors. They walked over to the gaming center. When they walked in Nicki eyed a giant pink penguin behind the prize counter. "Faree I want that."
"Then that's what my baby will get." he said walking over to the token machine and getting $200 worth of them. Him and Nicki played for hours. Nicki killed the ski-ball machine. Safaree worked the Basketball game. Nicki hit the 6000 ticket spot on the Big Mouth Bass game. Safaree played Deal or No Deal and won 3000 tickets. When they got done they had 13,000 tickets, way more tickets then they needed so when Nicki got her Pink Penguine and some suckers. Safaree got a super-soaker gun, they found a kid and handed them the rest and left. They walked over to the go kart course.
"I'm bout to murder you on this course Nic." Safaree said looking at her through his shades. She looked back at him through hers.
"Nigga I been driving since before I had a licence. You betta ask about me." Nicki told him.
"Yeah I did ask and they said your ass also had a car accident." Nicki gave him the SB face.
"Whatever." was all Nicki could say. When the man came up to them Safaree paid for them and they hopped into their cars. The guy started the cars up and ran back to the controls. They both watched the colors change and when it turned green they both peeled out. Nicki was ahead of him for most the race then Safaree slipped past her on the last go-round and won.
"You cheated." she yelled as Safaree got out his car and threw his hands up in victory. "Let's go again."
"Fine with me." Safaree went over to pay the guy but he put his hand up and signaled for them to just get back in the cars. They watched the lights and peeled off again. The outcome was still the same only this time it was Safaree by a land slide. Nicki got out her car pouting. "Don't be a sore loser and be mad." He said throwing his arms around her.
"I'm not mad." She said still pouting and put on her shades.
"Then give me a kiss." Safaree said poking out his lips. She pecked him on the lips but he caught her bottom jaw and pulled her back in for a deeper kiss. She put her arms around his waist and kissed him back. He pulled away and she smiled.
"Told you I wasn't mad."
"Mhhmm. Lets go back to the room and get changed we are doing a early dinner." Safaree said.
"Whatever you say babe." They picked up their prizes and went back to the room to freshen up.
The walk over to the restaurant was long so they rode on a cart. The restaurant was outside over looking a pool and the ocean. It was a beautiful view. They were seated and handed their menus. They ordered their drinks.
"What are you going to get sweetheart?" Safaree asked Nicki.
"I think i'm going to get a shrimp salad. I'm not to hungry. You?"
"I'm going to get steak and a baked potato." the waiter came back just as they were closing their menus. They placed their order.
"You look handsome tonight Safaree." Nick told him grabbing his hand.
"Thank you. And you look beautiful like always. I like you in purple." Nicki blushed.
"Thanks. So are you going to tell me why we are doing an early dinner?" Safaree gave her a look. "I guess that's a negative."
"You guessed right." He looked her in her eyes, she tried to ignore it.
"What?" She asked.
"I love you."
"I love you too." The waiter returned with their food. They said grace and then enjoyed their meal. Nicki smashed her salad. She thought the shrimp was seasoned to perfection and they were a pretty nice size.
"I thought you said you weren't that hungry?" Safaree said looking a very clean plate from Nicki.
"I thought I wasn't but you didn't taste that shrimp. It was so good."
"I know I barely got to taste my food the way you were digging all around my plate."
"I'm sorry babe." Nicki said wiping her mouth.
"You always say that after you eat both our plates. You being sorry does not help that my stomach is still half empty." Safaree called the waiter over and paid the bill. He helped Nicki out of her seat and then they left.
"You mad at me?" Nicki said holding onto his arm while walking.
"No. I expected you to do it." He walked her over to the casino.
"Oh yeah I forgot about the casino." Nicki said big eyed. She couldn't wait to play.
"Yeah lets go get some chips." They got their chips and walked over to the black jack table. "Your good at this game Nic."
"Yeah." They stayed at the Black Jack table awhile. While she played he ordered some hot wings. Nicki played extremely well. She left the table a big winner.
"Let's go over to the craps table." Safaree said.
"Safaree you weren't good at that game when we were in Queens playing on the stoop. What makes you think things have changed?" Nicki asked.
"I got this." Nicki shrugged and let him play. When they walked away from the table he had lost all but two 500 dollar chips.
"It's okay babe, you can have some of my chips if you want." He smiled at her trying to comfort him.
"Naw it's okay baby. You keep yours. But we do need to get out of here, so let's go cash in your chips." They went over to the cash-In counter and got her winnings. She got all cash of course. Safaree ran it back to the room and came back down. He had left his suit jacket up upstairs. They walked towards the beach. The sun was setting. "You trust me Nicki?"
"Yes." she said looking up at him.
"Close your eyes." he looked at her thinking she was going to put up a fight but she immediately closed her eyes and stuck her hand out for him to guide her. He took her hand and lead her down the board walk. When he approached the sand he stopped and pulled off her heels. They walked onto the cool sand. Nicki heard a loud stomping sound.
"Safaree." Nicki said nervously.
"Trust me." He walked closer to his surprise. "Open your eyes." She opened her eyes and her jaw dropped. There before her were two of the most beautiful horses she had ever seen. One was white and one was black.
"Oh my God Safaree they are gorgeous." She said walking up to pet them.
"Meet Dark Knight and Misty."
"Do we get to ride them?" She asked the man standing holding both reigns.
"Yes ma'am. Which one would you like to ride." he asked.
"I want Black Knight." She took the reign from him and he helped her up on to him. Safaree got on Misty. "You ready Faree?"
"If you are." he said. She kicked the side of B.K. and he started walking down the beach. Safaree followed her lead. "Your not nerves baby?"
"No. He wouldn't hurt me." She said rubbing B.K. She looked over at Safaree. "Thanks for making this a very memorable two weeks. I have done things I never imagined i would be able to do again."
"Nicki I want to do so much more for you. And if you give me the chance I will." She nodded her head and turned away trying to hide the tears from him. She wiped them away quickly and got herself together.
"I'll race you." She said.
"I'll race you." With that she kicked B.K. and he took off down the beach.
"You little rascal. You cheated." He kicked Misty and she took off after them. They rode the horses for an hour and had to give them back.
"Thank you Knight for a very nice ride." She said to the horse. He looked at her and next thing she knew the man owner made a motion and B.K. bowed. "Omg Faree did you see that?" she said jumping up and down.
"Yeah I saw it. Thanks Rick for letting us borrow these two. "
"No problem. Glad you enjoyed them." Rick took off with the horses down the beach.
"That was fun babe. Let's walk the beach a little." Nicki grabbed her heels and they continued down the beach. Nicki looked off to her left and saw that same girl taking pictures of them again. "Babe look there's that girl again." Nicki said getting mad. He looked.
"Just ignore her babe. She is going to keep taking them so don't get upset about it." Safaree said.
"Fine." Nicki said trying to forget about her. They continued down the beach playing in the water. When they came across this random tree on the beach and stood under it. Safaree wrapped his arms around Nicki from behind. "It's so pretty out here at night." She heard soft jazz playing she looked up and noticed that they were by the club at the resort. She looked up at Safaree and he looked down at her, she kissed him. Not the deep kiss they shared at the go karts. No this was i'm ready to get it poppin right now kind of kiss.
"Babe why you kissing me like that and yo know we are a ways away from the room. you play to much." Safarfee said adjusting himself in his pants.
"Who's playing?" Nicki said untucking his shirt from his pants.
"You serious?" SB asked.
"As a heart attack." She unbuckled his pants.
"With all these people around that could catch us?"
"Mmhhmm." she moaned while kissing him again. She searched his pocket for his wallet to get the condom she knew he kept.
"Your such a freak." he said turning her so that she was against the tree. "You better keep quiet, i'm not trying to go to jail." She ran her fingers across her lips as if she was zipping them then she locked em and threw away the key. He knew that she would make noise. She was a screamer.

What she Wore to the spa.

What she wore bowling and go karting!

What she wore to dinner and the Casino and Horseback riding!

The Spa.

Where they ate!

What they ate.
*Yes I put myself in it! So what A girl can dream can't she?? S/o to @MalaMinj for the Go kart idea. Also S/o to @PinkMunyBarbie and @NickisCarebear for the support! They are the reason yall got this chapter when yall did because I really was not going to write until next week! So go thank them! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT*
Omg! Riding horses on the beach... That's so romantic! Great chapter!! Shoutout to u being in this post! Lol loved it!
ReplyDeleteLMAO off that's a good chapter. Side-eyes you outside under a tree though, that was too funny smdh, she really is a freak I cannot wait to see how this all turns out.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good chapter hopefully they dont get caught!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Roxybarbiie, I hope they don't get caught.
Lmfaooo!! Remind me to never drink soda while readin ya fic!!! I almost choked on the 3rd line!! Soda woulda been everywhere! Smh, Nic is a trip.
ReplyDeleteYo? Im mad u put yself in this fic Marty! Lmao!! I figured that wuz u when i saw Trebble name! I bet u the one takin them pics to, huh? I c u...
"What are yall lookin at? Yall ain't never been in the presence of Greatness? Put ya eyeballs back in ya head and gawk at something else." <~ DEEEAADDD!!!!! LMFAOOO!!!
"Well come handle it." Nic too much!! Lol
No this nigga did NOT jus strike a mothafuckin pose!! Lmaoooooo!!!! *DIIIEESS!!!!* Thas funny af!! I can c that tho! LOL!!
"Say I'm ya daddy." Nicki stopped all movement and looked at him seriously. "Nigga you must done lost yo everlasting mind. Put me down before I kick you in the bawls." <~~ CTFUUUU!!!!! Marty?! You are KILLING me!! Prepare mi coffin & make sure u pik out a pretty pink bow!!! *DIES* LMAOO!!
NickiOnE! ;)
*GASP* O_O Outside?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? THERE R PEEEEPPPPUULLL THERE!!! Oh my damn!! *reads on* *MEGA GAAASP* How dare you Marty?!?!? *folds arms & pouts* You suk stubbly ballsaks!! LMAOOOO!!!! DAmn u chica!! I wuz gon go 2 bed after this, but now i HAF 2 read Vacay 4!!! Thanks 4 the cliffhanger dude! -_-
Amazing chap btw! U're good at wut u do!! Loved it.
@TripleT TWIIIIIINN!!!!! XD S/O 2 u for keepin up!! Lol, u're hilarious, love you!! Muuuaah!!