"Nicki Wake up. Come on babe we gotta make the flight." Safaree said. He kissed her on the forehead and her eyes fluttered open. He knew she was tired they were up for half the night talking about everything they wanted to do on the trip.
"I'm sleepy Faree." Nicki said rubbing her eyes.
"I told you not to go to sleep until you got on the plane so you could sleep the entire flight."
"I know but my body didn't listen." Nicki said kissing him as she got up to go to the bathroom. "When will the car get here?"
"In about 10 minutes." Nicki looked back at him.
"Well I'm glad I took my shower before I fell asleep." She closed the door. Safaree made the bed and went around the room to make sure Nicki didn't leave anything because she was good for that. He grabbed her phone charger.
"Nicki which purse are you carrying on the plane?"
"The big black one on the chase." Safaree walked over and dropped the charger into it. He walked into the closet and noticed Nickis legging drawer open and most of them in there. He found it strange because that's all Nicki wore these days. Nicki came out of the bathroom.
"Babe, you know you didn't pack any of your leggings?" Safaree asked.
"Yea I know. I bought some new shorts. Its to hot in Jamaica in leggings." Nicki said. Safaree was happy. He hadn't seen her in shorts in awhile and he loved her legs.
"Oh okay." They heard the door bell. "That must be the driver. Lets go babe." Nicki grabbed her purse and they made their way down stairs. Safaree opened the door and Nicki went into the kitchen and grabbed some waters. "You ready Nicki?"
"Yes here I come." Nicki walked out the door and Safaree set the alarm and locked up the house. He hopped in the car and they were off to the airport. It took them about 45 minutes to get to the airport. They were taking a private jet. They boarded the jet. The jet was scheduled to take off at 5am.
"This is cute Faree." Nicki said sitting in one of the jumbo chairs and curling up.
"Yeah it is pretty nice." Safaree sat opposite of her. The plane took off ten minutes later.
"I'm hungry babe." Safaree got up and went to the back of the plane. He grabbed the plates out of the warmer that he had them make. He went and placed the plate in front of Nicki. She had her eyes closed and was half way sleep until the smell from the Blueberry pancakes, Bacon, Eggs w/ cheese entered her nostrils. Her eyes flew open. Safaree laughed at her.
"Oh so you woke now?" Safaree said sitting in the seat next to her.
"Yes." Nicki looked over at Safarees plate he had a big omelet with sausage on the side, with fried potatoes and onion." Safaree pulled his plate closer to him seeing Nicki eyeing his plate. She looked up and smiled. "I don't want your food stingy. The grabbed hands and blessed the food. Afterwards they dug in. "OMG Faree this is so good."
"I know what my baby likes." Safaree said chewing his food. She leaned over and kissed him with her syrupy lips. "Are you more open to the trip now than you were when I initially told you?" Safaree asked.
"Yes. I'm sorry for acting like a brat, I know you are just looking out for me." She looked over at him. "Thank you."
"No problem, your my little brat." he said. She smiled. They talked about random things while they finished their meal. After Nicki finished she went and laid in the bed that was towards the back of the plane. Safaree went and put in a movie and fell asleep in the chair. When he woke up Nicki was curled up in his lap. He had no clue when she got there. When he shifted Nickis eyes opened.
"I was wondering when you were going to wake up. You have been sleep forever." He just stared at her.
"You went to sleep before me dwarf." He tapped her legs and she stood up so he could stretch. "When did you end up in my lap?"
"About three hours ago. I woke up about the 2nd hour and waited for you to wake up." Nicki said sitting in the chair opposite of him. She reached over and grabbed her socks off the bed and put them back on.
"Nicki push that button on the TV and see how long we have until we land." Nicki did as she was told.
"We have about an hour and forty-five minutes babe."
"What do you want to do now?" SB asked.
"Let's play spades." Nicki said getting up and getting her cards. They moved back to the seats wit the tables.
"Your going to lose." Safaree said.
"You wish." They played until Nicki got tired of losing.
"I told you i was going to lose so don't pout." Safaree said wrapping his arms around Nicki.
"Shut up Safaree." Nicki said looking out the window.
"Aww poor baby." He turned her head toward him and kissed her. She melted into his arms. Their make out session lasted until they landed. When they pulled apart from each other they smiled at each other like they were teenagers.
The resort had a car waiting for them once they got off the plane. It took them about 20 minutes to pull up to the resort. Nicki fell in love with the place on sight. She couldn't wait to explore. Safaree got out the car and helped her out. They were greeted by two girls with a pretty drink in their hands. The girls gave them to Nicki and Safaree. The couple walked in and went to the service desk to check-in.
"Hi welcome to Wild Orchid Resort." The girl behind the counter said.
"Hi..." SB looked down at the girls name tag. "...Laurel. I'm Mr..." the girl cut him off.
"I know who you are sir. Here is your room key and a list of all of the things we offer here at the resort. I hope you and Ms. Min... I mean Mrs. Warner have a lovely stay." All three laughed at the girls slip up. Safaree had the reservation under a fake name so the press would not hassle them. They thanked her and went up to their room. It was gorgeous.
They were in the Preferred Club Presidential Suite. A Superior suite, this one bedroom space encompasses magnificent ocean front view, walk-in closet, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, living room that seats eight, bar, entertainment center including a 42" flat screen LCD TV and DVD, stereo system, office space with a desk, computer, and cordless telephone/fax, dinner table for eight, and a Jacuzzi for four.
"Safaree this is amazing babe. You did good with picking this place out." Safaree was cheesing. He liked when he made her happy and she was satisfied with his decisions.
"Thank you. I try to do what I can do when I can do it." Nicki rolled her eyes and kissed him.
"So what are we doing today?" Nicki asked sitting on the couch. Safaree sat next to her.
"I was thinking we would just go walk around the resort and look at what they have to offer. Since we are going to be here for two weeks we can plan out what we are going to do. We don't have to stick to it but just give us an idea of what we would want to do. Then later I'm going to ask this sexy ass girl I saw earlier if she would have dinner with me." Safaree said. Nicki raised her eyebrow.
"Oh yea what did she have on?" She asked.
"She had on these crazy ass leggings with a t-shirt on. And this black wig on. Baddest chick on the island."
"She sounds pretty bad." Safaree kissed Nicki on her neck.
"I just wish I could see her without the clothes on." Nicki busted out laughing.
"Hmm you just might get that wish. Anything is possible." Nicki got up. "I'm going to go take a shower and change clothes."
"Okay, I'll be here." He turned on the TV. 30 minutes later he heard Nicki come out of the bathroom. He walked in the room to see her standing in just her towel. "I'm bout to hop in okay?"
"Alright Faree." Safaree went in and turned on the shower. He walked back into the room because he forgot his body wash. He stopped in mid stride when he seen Nicki sliding on her thong. She didn't see him because her back was to him. When she turned around she smiled.
"OMG Safaree your such a peeping tom." She through her towel at him. He smirked and grabbed his Gucci body wash from his bag and went to take his shower. An hour later they were ready. They grabbed a map of the resort which they realized was huge so they rented a cart. They went all over the resort and picked up brochures for everything imaginable. Safaree found the jewelry shop and they were stuck there for an hour but Nicki didn't complain because she knows he gets bored in boutiques when she drags him there.
"SB I'm going outside and sit."
"Okay babe I promise I won't be to much longer."
"Take your time." She walked outside and sat down on a bench and people watched. She saw couples that ranged from early twenties to late seventies. The older couples were the cutest to her. She wondered if her and Safaree would make it that long.
"You ready Nic?" She looked up.
"Yeah I'm ready." They hopped back on the cart. They rode past the gaming room. They could hear slot machines and bells and whistles going off. They looked at each other like they were hitting that up later on in their trip. Some of her barbs recognized her. They could spot her anywhere. They stopped and took pictures with them. She told them they could not speak of seeing her until two weeks from now and they could not post the pictures either. They agreed and she trusted that they wouldn't post the pics. They made their way back to the room. Nicki was tired and didn't really want to do much. So the lounged around the room until it was time for dinner. They both got ready. Nicki wore a green maxi dress with sandals. They went over to the Blue Mountain restaurant. They were seated in a secluded part of the restaurant. Nicki ordered Curry chicken with rice and peas. Safaree ordered jerk chicken with rice.
"So what do you want to do tomorrow Faree?" Nicki said sipping her wine.
"I think I want to do laser tag, the beach, then sailing."
"Laser tag? Are you serious Safaree?"
"Fine we will go plat laser tag. Whatever makes you happy." Nicki said smiling. She liked seeing him happy. "You know I'm kick ya butt in it though?"
"Nic you can dream babe but it ain't ever gonna happen. Do u know who I am. King of laser tag right here. You betta ask about me." Nicki just shook her head, He was a mess. The waiter came back with their food. The said their grace and had casual conversation over dinner. When they were done Safaree pulled Nicki close and they walked along the boardwalk looking at the water. "I'm glad you are here with me." Safaree said.
"I'm glad I'm here with you as well Safaree."
"I'm glad you are my woman."
"I'm glad your my man. Are we going to go back and forth like this all night babe?" Nicki smiled. Safaree laughed. As they kept walking Nicki kept yawning.
"Alright sleepy head I can take a hint, let's get back to the room." They made their way towards their room. Well at least that's what they thought. They got lost the first time then they eventually found it. When they entered the room Nicki sat on the couch and took off her shoes while Safaree went to the restroom to relieve himself. He was in there all of three minutes when he cam out Nicki had fallen asleep. He picked her up and put her in the bed. He went and found one of his shirts and sat her up and tried to remove the dress and put the shirt on her without waking her. He was successful, Nicki could sleep through a hurricane if she was tired enough. He crawled in bed and snuggled close to her and dozed off.
Nicki stood at the foot of the bed completely dressed for the day. In her two piece black and orange polka dot bikini with a tank top over it. Her jean shorts on but they weren't fastened. Plus her sandals. Safaree was still in the bed and she wanted him up. It was only seven in the morning but she was up and bored.
"Safaree wake up." She nudged his leg.
"What time is it Nicki?" He said rolling over and pressing deeper into the bed. Nicki rolled her eyes.
"It's 7:10am."
"Come here Nicki." Nicki walked over and he snatched her back into the bed.
"No Safaree get up." Nicki said. SB nestled his head into her boobs. She stroked the back of his head in defeat. An hour later he woke up to Nicki still stroking his head and staring out the balcony doors.
"Morning babe." He said snapping Nicki out of her trance.
"Oh now you wanna wake up sleepy head." She said kissing the top of his head.
"You hungry babe?" SB asked.
"Yes my stomach has been growling for the past hour."
"I'm sorry I'll get up and make us something."Safaree said.
"No I'll make it, you always make breakfast." Nicki went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge and got everything out she wanted. By the time Safaree got out of the shower and got ready the food was done. He walked into the dining room and saw the spread.
"Yooo Nic this looks good." They sat down and ate. After Nicki finished hers she took Safarees plate. "I wasn't done with that you dwarf. Are you not wearing your wig today?" He said staring at her natural hair.
"No we are getting in the water. That hair is expensive, yeah i got money but we don't spend unnecessary money!" Nicki said laughing.
"Oh okay."
"No we are getting in the water. That hair is expensive, yeah i got money but we don't spend unnecessary money!" Nicki said laughing.
"Oh okay."
"And hurry up I'm ready to go and you are taking to long dude." He shook his head and grabbed his shades and they were out the door. They took a cart over to the laser tag building. They got there and the man said they had the place for an hour. Nicki put on her Nikes and put her sandals in her bag and put it in their locker they rented. Nicki wore the red vest and Safaree wore the blue one. Nicki ran in first and found her hiding place. Then Safaree entered. A man came on the intercom and gave them a countdown.
"3, 2, 1, GO!" Steve said. And the vests lite up. Nicki stalked around like she was in a movie, trying to figure out where Safaree was. Al of a sudden she heard footsteps behind her when she looked she didn't see anyone. She turned back around and kept going. Safaree saw Nicki crouching down like she was in the army or something. He had to control his laughter. He ran up behind her and shot her in the shoulder.
"Damn you Safaree." She ran after him and shot him in the back. "Ha, I got you." She ran back towards where she came from and hid. She Saw Safaree make his way around the room. She ran and jumped and bounced off the wall with her foot and jumped over a low wall and landed behind him. He turned and she shot him in the chest.
"Where the hell did you come from?" he yelled as she ran off laughing. She was having a blast. At the end of the session they came out and looked at the score board. Nicki had won by a land slide. Safarees ego was hurt a little bit, Nicki found it amusing.
"Aww don't be mad bae, it was just a game." Nicki chuckled as she put her sandals back on.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." He took her hand and they walked out and hopped back on the cart and headed towards the beach. "We still got a lot of time, I will get a rematch."
"Bring it Mr. Warner." They both laughed. When they got to the beach they gave their cart to one of the workers. They went a rented one of those big umbrellas. They were already tan they didn't need to get any darker.
"Are you getting in the water Nicki?" Safaree asked.
"Safaree you know I can't swim." Nicki said setting up the umbrella and sitting down on her towel.
"I'm not asking you to go swimming Nic, I just want you to get in the water." Safaree said sitting next to her. She looked at him with skepticism. "I will protect you Onika." He said staring at her.
"I know you will baby. And if you want me too I will get in the water with you." Nicki said. Safaree nodded his head, stood up and took off his shirt. "NOW?"
"Yes now. What is there to wait on?" Nicki tried to think of some reason but nothing came to mind. She sighed and stood up to take off her shorts.
"Well at least get my suntan lotion out so I wont burn to death." Sb bent down and looked through her bag to find it. She had so much crap in it but he eventually found it. He turned around and saw Nicki stepping out of her shorts. His eyes traveled up her legs to her thighs. He loved her thighs, he couldn't wait to have them wrapped around his shoulders again while he devoured her center. His eyes continued upward to her flat stomach, which looked like it was forming a couple of abs. He licked his lips once he found his way to her nice round breast, they were perfect to him. When he made it to her face he noticed her staring back at him. "What are you looking at Safaree?" She asked in a sexy voice.
"You." he said now standing up towering over her.
"Well don't. While your standing there ogling my goodies I'm getting burned sir." She took the lotion from him, he took it back.
"I'll do it." It was just excuse to touch her. After he finished applying the lotion they went towards the ocean.
"Safaree it looks cold." Safaree got in first.
"It's not cold. Get in or i will pull you in." She thought about it and decided he wouldn't be nice about it so she made her way into the water. "Its warm." she proclaimed. Safaree laughed.
"I told you it wasn't cold." Nicki walked up to Safaree and wrapped her arms around him. He started to move further out into the ocean. Nicki tensed up.
"Safaree no." She wrapped her legs around his body.
"You will be fine. I got you so relax." She didn't freak out but she didn't relax either. He moved her onto his back and he swam a little until he couldn't take both his and her body weight. When he go closer to the sand Nicki hopped off his back. Then she hit him. "What was that for?"
"For taking me that far out. We could have gotten eaten by a shark or something." She said crossing her arms. He laughed at her being over dramatic. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked when he pulled away. Nickis eyes fluttered open and she shook her head yes. "Good." he walked away. Nicki stayed and looked at the ocean and how pretty it was. "Nicki." Safaree yelled.
"What?" She turned around and was met with a bucket of water to the face. Safaree stood there laughing with a kid next to him. He handed the kid his bucket back, when Nicki came running out of the water. "Safaree I'm gonna kill you." he took off running down the beach with her right on his heels. "Damn, since when can she keep up?" Safaree thought. He broke left back into the water. She did too then stopped when he went to far. "You gotta come back sometime you freakin buffoon." she yelled and went back to sit under her umbrella. About an hour later Safaree came back and Nicki was sitting with this lady. She was about late thirties but he couldn't see her face because of her big sunglasses and big hat. Nicki looked up with a big smile on her face. "Babe look who I found. It's Janet." He looked harder sure enough it was Janet Jackson.
"Whoa. What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I'm on vacation just like you guys." She said smiling.
"You here by yourself?" He asked.
"No babe shes here with her boo." Safaree sat behind Nicki, she leaned back on him. "So Ms. Janet.." Janet cut her off.
"No it's just Janet. No need for formalities."
"Oh OK Janet, where is your booski?"
"In the health club he is a health and fitness freak." SB and Nicki both looked at her then to her abs. She saw this and read there mind."Uh uh I hate working out. He lives for it. I have my cheat days he never eats anything fatty." They all laughed. Janet's phone rang it was Nickis song Did It On Em'. Janet looked up embarrassed, while Nicki was smiling from ear to ear.
"I see you Janet." Safaree said. Reaching his fist out to Janet. She bumped fist with him Laughing and answered her phone.
"Hello. Oh okay, I'll be there soon." she hung up the phone. "Well you guys that was Wissam and he says he has a surprise for me, which I'm sure it's just that stupid laser tag place he wanted to go to earlier but someone had rented it out for an hour." Nicki and SB looked at each other and busted out laughing. "What's funny?" Janet asked.
"That was us." Janet smiled.
"Wissam was pissed. I can't wait to tell him. Well my love I must leave you now. Hopefully we will get another chance to hang out. If not here then when we get back to the states." Nicki and Janet hugged. SB hugged her as well. And with that she was off.
"She was nice." Safaree said.
"Yes she was a doll. I'm going to get her abs." Safaree kept his thought to himself. "Lets get back in the water Faree." Nicki stood up and walked into the water. Safaree admired her backside. She turned around. "Come on babe." he hopped up. They played in the water for about another hour then it was time for them to go sailing. They walked over to the shower area and just rinsed themselves off. They rode in the cart down the boardwalk till they found the boats. They walked down to the boats and a man approached them.
"Mr. Warner?" he asked.
"Yes that's me." Safaree stuck his hand out to shake the mans hand.
"Hi my name is Andrew. This must be Mrs. Warner, she's beautiful." He said looking at Nicki and taking her hand. He kissed the back of it, she blushed. Safaree pulled Nicki closer to him.
"Which boat will we be on?" Safaree asked.
"This one right here." Andrew said. "I call her Nirvana"
"Ooo that's a sexy name." Nicki said stepping on to the boat with Safaree behind her.
"How long will you be gone?" Andrew asked. Nicki looked at him funny.
"Why are you asking like you are not coming?" Nicki looked back and forth between the two men.
"Because I'm not." Andrew said. Safaree turned on the boat. Nicki turned to Safaree.
"Nigga you don't know how to work a boat." She turned back to Andrew to plead with him but he had began to walk away. She turned back towards Safaree, he was now closer to her.
"You trust me?" SB asked.
"Yes, but..."
"No buts, Do you trust me?"
"Yes I trust you." Safaree nodded his head and went back to the wheel. He pulled off and Nicki sat down. She spotted a life jacket and reached over and grabbed it. Yes she trusted him but she was no fool, safety first. They rode out to sea for twenty minutes before SB slowed down and cut the engine. Nicki looked toward him to see what he was doing. He walked over to the little built in fridge and pulled out a fruit tray, sandwiches and water.
"Oh my goodness thank you. I'm starving over here." Nicki said reaching for a sandwich.
"I know this is around your normal feeding time." Nickis jaw dropped. "I'm just playin dwarf." he kissed the top of her head. "Eat." She bit into her sandwich. It was missing something.
"Babe do you have any chips?" she asked.
"Oh yeah I forgot." He went over and looked near the fridge and found the big bag of Lays potato chips. "Here ya go." Nicki took the bag and opened it. She removed the top piece of bread and place a hand full of chips on the sandwich and smashed the top piece back on to it. "Why do you do that?"
"Shut up." She took another bite and smiled. "Perfect." She said. They sat there and talked about their day. The sun was starting to set. They went to the front of the boat and laid out. Nicki fed Strawberries to Safaree as the continued to talk. Every once in a while they would lip lock.
"Babe its time to go back." Safaree said holding Nicki from behind.
"No Faree it's so pretty out here." Nicki said.
"Babe this is not our boat." He said kissing her shoulder.
"Okay fine but Ima buy us a boat so we can be on our own time." Nicki said.
"Okay Nic."
"Can I help you drive back?"
"Yeah come on. You can be my sexy captain." Safaree said. Nicki moved in between his arms and threw her butt back to him and smiled.
"Just tell me what I need to do." Nicki chuckled.
"What you need to do is stop that if you don't want nothing to happen." He tapped her on the ass. "And just hit this button to make it come on." Nicki did that. "And now keep the boat straight. If you see anything in your way move around it." Nicki did as instructed. "Your doing it babe. Ima go sit down and let you do ya thing."
"Wait are sure?"
"Yes Nicki you have to learn to trust. Trust me, yourself, and others. You got this." Safaree said. Nicki knew he was speaking the truth it was just hard to do with all the bullshit she has endured in the past. Ten minutes later Nicki saw the shore.
"Faree I think you should come and dock this boat, so i don't ruin the dock." Nicki said laughing. Safaree came over and took control. Nicki pulled her camera out and took some pictures of him sailing the boat. He docked it and they stepped off. "Thanks Andrew, we had a blast."
"No problem pretty lady." Andrew said kissing her hand again. And again Nicki blushed.
"You know you getting a little friendly there Andrew." Nicki said winking at him.
"Yeah real friendly." SB said taking Nickis hand out of Andrews.
"Stop it Safaree he is just being nice."
"Yes I'm just being nice." He said with a smile.
"Well go be nice with someone else." Safaree said. "We out." He said shaking Andrews hand.
"It was great meeting you guys. Enjoy the rest of your trip." When they got back to the boardwalk. Nicki wanted to go see the native people. They went back to their room to shower and change. Nicki wore a grey sundress. SB wore some shorts and a t-shirt. They received instructions on how to get to where they wanted to go, rented a car and were on their way. They stopped at Scotchies, a traditional Jamaican restaurant. Everyone recommended the Jerk chicken so that's what they got and were not disappointed. Nicki got a plate to go that's just how good it was. When finished they put her food in the car. They walked the streets and checked out the night life. There were shops open so Nicki went in a couple and bought some of the jewelry, some scarfs. Safaree saw a club he wanted to go in. Nicki didn't mind because this was not LA, or New York. No paparazzi. They went in and enjoyed the music and people. They had some drink that was "Pretty" as Nicki called it. It was potent whatever it was. Nicki had two and was feeling a little buzz. Some of the local girls got Nicki to get on the dance floor and dance. Nicki was winding her hips with the girls and laughing. Safaree was happy to see Nicki cut loose and have fun and not worry about who was watching. He looked up from his drink and Nicki was swaying side to side looking at him. She motioned for him to come to her. The hair that framed her face was slightly sticking to her face because of the heat. He walked up to her and put his arms around her waist, she threw hers around his neck. They danced for a while. Nicki whispered in Safarees ear.
"You look so sexy." Nicki said in a seductive tone. "I just wanna lick you everywhere." Nicki flicked her tongue against his ear.
"Nicki don't start anything you ain't goin to finish." SB said back.
"Who says I'm not going to finish." She looked up at him and smiled.
"Girl stop playing you are the biggest tease." Nicki looked at him like "Oh Really!" she shook her head and to Safaree it looked like she adjusted her dress. He took her hand and noticed it was something in it. He looked and noticed it was a condom.
"I'm ready Faree." She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him passionately. She grabbed his package to let him know she wasn't playing this time. "I'm yours if you want me." She looked up into his eyes.
"You ain't said nothing but a word baby girl. let's go." He took her hand went back to grab their stuff and headed back to the car. When in the car Nicki was all over Safaree. She was kissing on his neck, rubbing up and down his legs. At one point she was straddling in his lap. To say she was ready was an understatement. They almost crashed a couple times. When they got back to the resort they hopped out the car and raced to the elevators. Once inside them Safaree had Nicki pinned against the wall kissing down her body. Nicki kept giggling. He tried to put his head under her dress.
"Hey there sparky save that for the room." Nicki said pulling him up. The doors opened and they stepped out and power walked to their room. Safaree couldn't get the door open for the life of him. Nicki was getting irritated. "Faree hurry up." He finally got it and pushed Nicki into the room. She laughed at his eagerness. Safaree grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck, Nicki grabbed the back of his head so he didn't move from that spot. He pulled down her dress leaving her in her purple bra, thong and sandals.
"Damn you're sexy." He said giving her a once over. She fell back on the bed and struck a sexy pose.
"Come on daddy, show me what you got." He pulled her to him by her legs and ran his tongue over her breast. He reached under her to unclasp her bra and thew it to the side, next went her thong. He got up and pulled his clothes off. When he dropped his briefs Nicki got even wetter. "Oh how I've missed him."
Safaree looked down. "It's funny he looks like hes missed you too." Nicki moved to the edge of the bed and grabbed his nice rock hard 9 1/2 inches. She kissed the side of it. "Nicki you don't have to do that."
"Safaree this is a relationship both have to give. And your my man I want you satisfied in every way." she said kissing the other side of his dick.
"Nicki it's..," he was stopped at the sensation of Nicki slipping the head of his dick in her mouth.
"Thank god I thought you would never shut up." She went back to working him like he had never been worked before. He was loving it. She had him on edge already. He told her to stop because he didn't want to come that way. He made her get on all fours and he slipped his head under her and pulled her down on his face. He knew from previous conversations that Nicki loved this position. Nicki had been anticipating his tongue game for months now. She was ready to let him be GREAT. When he started in on her center Nicki had to grab the headboard. It felt like he was trying to commit her pussy to memory. She came hard against Safarees mouth. When she tightened her legs up Safaree had to pry them back open quick.
"Damn babe your thigh muscles have gotten stronger, ima need you to lighten up on the lunges and squats. You tryin to kill a coon."
"I'm sorry babe." Nicki said trying to catch her breath. But Safaree was having none of that he pulled her down on the bed. He reached for his pants to retrieve the condom that was in his pocket. He ripped the gold package open and slipped it on. He moved in between Nickis legs. He kissed her then entered her.
"Yes." Was all she could manage to say. Safaree started out slow giving her inch by inch of him, It was driving Nicki crazy. "Safaree please! Stop playing." Nicki said.
"Naw your gonna beg for this like I've been begging for months now. Tell me what you want." SB said pulling out.
"No please Faree don't." Nicki pleaded grabbing his butt and making him stay where he was. "I want you."
"Uh uh tell me WHAT you want." He said looking down at her face. Her forehead was glistening from the tropical heat. He bent over and kissed her. "Tell daddy what you want."
"I want the DICK, now give it to me." Safaree smiled and plunged into her.
"That's all you had to say." he went to town on her. He had her all over the bed. At one point half of her body was off the bed but she told him to keep going. "Damn you're a freak girl."
"You ain't know nicca?" Nicki laughed. He pulled her up and she got on top of him and rode him like he was a bronco. "Babe oh my goodness, I love this. I LOVE you." Safaree looked up at her.
"What did you say?"
"I love you." She looked down at him and slowed her pace.
"Nicki don't say it if you don't mean it. I understand you are caught in the moment." Safaree said.
"Babe I do love you and I've been wanting to say it for the longest but never had the courage for some reason. I would never say it if I didn't mean it." She kissed him and he rolled over on top of her.
"Say it again." Safaree said as he pushed inside her. Nicki arched her back.
"I love you. I love you. I love you Safaree." They made love to each other through out the night proclaiming and showing their love for one another. This was gonna be one hell of a vacation.
Nickis Wardrobe

Her outfit on the plane!

What he wore when they went on the town.

The sunset i envisioned!
"Bring it Mr. Warner." They both laughed. When they got to the beach they gave their cart to one of the workers. They went a rented one of those big umbrellas. They were already tan they didn't need to get any darker.
"Are you getting in the water Nicki?" Safaree asked.
"Safaree you know I can't swim." Nicki said setting up the umbrella and sitting down on her towel.
"I'm not asking you to go swimming Nic, I just want you to get in the water." Safaree said sitting next to her. She looked at him with skepticism. "I will protect you Onika." He said staring at her.
"I know you will baby. And if you want me too I will get in the water with you." Nicki said. Safaree nodded his head, stood up and took off his shirt. "NOW?"
"Yes now. What is there to wait on?" Nicki tried to think of some reason but nothing came to mind. She sighed and stood up to take off her shorts.
"Well at least get my suntan lotion out so I wont burn to death." Sb bent down and looked through her bag to find it. She had so much crap in it but he eventually found it. He turned around and saw Nicki stepping out of her shorts. His eyes traveled up her legs to her thighs. He loved her thighs, he couldn't wait to have them wrapped around his shoulders again while he devoured her center. His eyes continued upward to her flat stomach, which looked like it was forming a couple of abs. He licked his lips once he found his way to her nice round breast, they were perfect to him. When he made it to her face he noticed her staring back at him. "What are you looking at Safaree?" She asked in a sexy voice.
"You." he said now standing up towering over her.
"Well don't. While your standing there ogling my goodies I'm getting burned sir." She took the lotion from him, he took it back.
"I'll do it." It was just excuse to touch her. After he finished applying the lotion they went towards the ocean.
"Safaree it looks cold." Safaree got in first.
"It's not cold. Get in or i will pull you in." She thought about it and decided he wouldn't be nice about it so she made her way into the water. "Its warm." she proclaimed. Safaree laughed.
"I told you it wasn't cold." Nicki walked up to Safaree and wrapped her arms around him. He started to move further out into the ocean. Nicki tensed up.
"Safaree no." She wrapped her legs around his body.
"You will be fine. I got you so relax." She didn't freak out but she didn't relax either. He moved her onto his back and he swam a little until he couldn't take both his and her body weight. When he go closer to the sand Nicki hopped off his back. Then she hit him. "What was that for?"
"For taking me that far out. We could have gotten eaten by a shark or something." She said crossing her arms. He laughed at her being over dramatic. He put his arms around her waist and kissed her.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked when he pulled away. Nickis eyes fluttered open and she shook her head yes. "Good." he walked away. Nicki stayed and looked at the ocean and how pretty it was. "Nicki." Safaree yelled.
"What?" She turned around and was met with a bucket of water to the face. Safaree stood there laughing with a kid next to him. He handed the kid his bucket back, when Nicki came running out of the water. "Safaree I'm gonna kill you." he took off running down the beach with her right on his heels. "Damn, since when can she keep up?" Safaree thought. He broke left back into the water. She did too then stopped when he went to far. "You gotta come back sometime you freakin buffoon." she yelled and went back to sit under her umbrella. About an hour later Safaree came back and Nicki was sitting with this lady. She was about late thirties but he couldn't see her face because of her big sunglasses and big hat. Nicki looked up with a big smile on her face. "Babe look who I found. It's Janet." He looked harder sure enough it was Janet Jackson.
"Whoa. What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I'm on vacation just like you guys." She said smiling.
"You here by yourself?" He asked.
"No babe shes here with her boo." Safaree sat behind Nicki, she leaned back on him. "So Ms. Janet.." Janet cut her off.
"No it's just Janet. No need for formalities."
"Oh OK Janet, where is your booski?"
"In the health club he is a health and fitness freak." SB and Nicki both looked at her then to her abs. She saw this and read there mind."Uh uh I hate working out. He lives for it. I have my cheat days he never eats anything fatty." They all laughed. Janet's phone rang it was Nickis song Did It On Em'. Janet looked up embarrassed, while Nicki was smiling from ear to ear.
"I see you Janet." Safaree said. Reaching his fist out to Janet. She bumped fist with him Laughing and answered her phone.
"Hello. Oh okay, I'll be there soon." she hung up the phone. "Well you guys that was Wissam and he says he has a surprise for me, which I'm sure it's just that stupid laser tag place he wanted to go to earlier but someone had rented it out for an hour." Nicki and SB looked at each other and busted out laughing. "What's funny?" Janet asked.
"That was us." Janet smiled.
"Wissam was pissed. I can't wait to tell him. Well my love I must leave you now. Hopefully we will get another chance to hang out. If not here then when we get back to the states." Nicki and Janet hugged. SB hugged her as well. And with that she was off.
"She was nice." Safaree said.
"Yes she was a doll. I'm going to get her abs." Safaree kept his thought to himself. "Lets get back in the water Faree." Nicki stood up and walked into the water. Safaree admired her backside. She turned around. "Come on babe." he hopped up. They played in the water for about another hour then it was time for them to go sailing. They walked over to the shower area and just rinsed themselves off. They rode in the cart down the boardwalk till they found the boats. They walked down to the boats and a man approached them.
"Mr. Warner?" he asked.
"Yes that's me." Safaree stuck his hand out to shake the mans hand.
"Hi my name is Andrew. This must be Mrs. Warner, she's beautiful." He said looking at Nicki and taking her hand. He kissed the back of it, she blushed. Safaree pulled Nicki closer to him.
"Which boat will we be on?" Safaree asked.
"This one right here." Andrew said. "I call her Nirvana"
"Ooo that's a sexy name." Nicki said stepping on to the boat with Safaree behind her.
"How long will you be gone?" Andrew asked. Nicki looked at him funny.
"Why are you asking like you are not coming?" Nicki looked back and forth between the two men.
"Because I'm not." Andrew said. Safaree turned on the boat. Nicki turned to Safaree.
"Nigga you don't know how to work a boat." She turned back to Andrew to plead with him but he had began to walk away. She turned back towards Safaree, he was now closer to her.
"You trust me?" SB asked.
"Yes, but..."
"No buts, Do you trust me?"
"Yes I trust you." Safaree nodded his head and went back to the wheel. He pulled off and Nicki sat down. She spotted a life jacket and reached over and grabbed it. Yes she trusted him but she was no fool, safety first. They rode out to sea for twenty minutes before SB slowed down and cut the engine. Nicki looked toward him to see what he was doing. He walked over to the little built in fridge and pulled out a fruit tray, sandwiches and water.
"Oh my goodness thank you. I'm starving over here." Nicki said reaching for a sandwich.
"I know this is around your normal feeding time." Nickis jaw dropped. "I'm just playin dwarf." he kissed the top of her head. "Eat." She bit into her sandwich. It was missing something.
"Babe do you have any chips?" she asked.
"Oh yeah I forgot." He went over and looked near the fridge and found the big bag of Lays potato chips. "Here ya go." Nicki took the bag and opened it. She removed the top piece of bread and place a hand full of chips on the sandwich and smashed the top piece back on to it. "Why do you do that?"
"Shut up." She took another bite and smiled. "Perfect." She said. They sat there and talked about their day. The sun was starting to set. They went to the front of the boat and laid out. Nicki fed Strawberries to Safaree as the continued to talk. Every once in a while they would lip lock.
"Babe its time to go back." Safaree said holding Nicki from behind.
"No Faree it's so pretty out here." Nicki said.
"Babe this is not our boat." He said kissing her shoulder.
"Okay fine but Ima buy us a boat so we can be on our own time." Nicki said.
"Okay Nic."
"Can I help you drive back?"
"Yeah come on. You can be my sexy captain." Safaree said. Nicki moved in between his arms and threw her butt back to him and smiled.
"Just tell me what I need to do." Nicki chuckled.
"What you need to do is stop that if you don't want nothing to happen." He tapped her on the ass. "And just hit this button to make it come on." Nicki did that. "And now keep the boat straight. If you see anything in your way move around it." Nicki did as instructed. "Your doing it babe. Ima go sit down and let you do ya thing."
"Wait are sure?"
"Yes Nicki you have to learn to trust. Trust me, yourself, and others. You got this." Safaree said. Nicki knew he was speaking the truth it was just hard to do with all the bullshit she has endured in the past. Ten minutes later Nicki saw the shore.
"Faree I think you should come and dock this boat, so i don't ruin the dock." Nicki said laughing. Safaree came over and took control. Nicki pulled her camera out and took some pictures of him sailing the boat. He docked it and they stepped off. "Thanks Andrew, we had a blast."
"No problem pretty lady." Andrew said kissing her hand again. And again Nicki blushed.
"You know you getting a little friendly there Andrew." Nicki said winking at him.
"Yeah real friendly." SB said taking Nickis hand out of Andrews.
"Stop it Safaree he is just being nice."
"Yes I'm just being nice." He said with a smile.
"Well go be nice with someone else." Safaree said. "We out." He said shaking Andrews hand.
"It was great meeting you guys. Enjoy the rest of your trip." When they got back to the boardwalk. Nicki wanted to go see the native people. They went back to their room to shower and change. Nicki wore a grey sundress. SB wore some shorts and a t-shirt. They received instructions on how to get to where they wanted to go, rented a car and were on their way. They stopped at Scotchies, a traditional Jamaican restaurant. Everyone recommended the Jerk chicken so that's what they got and were not disappointed. Nicki got a plate to go that's just how good it was. When finished they put her food in the car. They walked the streets and checked out the night life. There were shops open so Nicki went in a couple and bought some of the jewelry, some scarfs. Safaree saw a club he wanted to go in. Nicki didn't mind because this was not LA, or New York. No paparazzi. They went in and enjoyed the music and people. They had some drink that was "Pretty" as Nicki called it. It was potent whatever it was. Nicki had two and was feeling a little buzz. Some of the local girls got Nicki to get on the dance floor and dance. Nicki was winding her hips with the girls and laughing. Safaree was happy to see Nicki cut loose and have fun and not worry about who was watching. He looked up from his drink and Nicki was swaying side to side looking at him. She motioned for him to come to her. The hair that framed her face was slightly sticking to her face because of the heat. He walked up to her and put his arms around her waist, she threw hers around his neck. They danced for a while. Nicki whispered in Safarees ear.
"You look so sexy." Nicki said in a seductive tone. "I just wanna lick you everywhere." Nicki flicked her tongue against his ear.
"Nicki don't start anything you ain't goin to finish." SB said back.
"Who says I'm not going to finish." She looked up at him and smiled.
"Girl stop playing you are the biggest tease." Nicki looked at him like "Oh Really!" she shook her head and to Safaree it looked like she adjusted her dress. He took her hand and noticed it was something in it. He looked and noticed it was a condom.
"I'm ready Faree." She pulled his head down to hers and kissed him passionately. She grabbed his package to let him know she wasn't playing this time. "I'm yours if you want me." She looked up into his eyes.
"You ain't said nothing but a word baby girl. let's go." He took her hand went back to grab their stuff and headed back to the car. When in the car Nicki was all over Safaree. She was kissing on his neck, rubbing up and down his legs. At one point she was straddling in his lap. To say she was ready was an understatement. They almost crashed a couple times. When they got back to the resort they hopped out the car and raced to the elevators. Once inside them Safaree had Nicki pinned against the wall kissing down her body. Nicki kept giggling. He tried to put his head under her dress.
"Hey there sparky save that for the room." Nicki said pulling him up. The doors opened and they stepped out and power walked to their room. Safaree couldn't get the door open for the life of him. Nicki was getting irritated. "Faree hurry up." He finally got it and pushed Nicki into the room. She laughed at his eagerness. Safaree grabbed her from behind and kissed her neck, Nicki grabbed the back of his head so he didn't move from that spot. He pulled down her dress leaving her in her purple bra, thong and sandals.
"Damn you're sexy." He said giving her a once over. She fell back on the bed and struck a sexy pose.
"Come on daddy, show me what you got." He pulled her to him by her legs and ran his tongue over her breast. He reached under her to unclasp her bra and thew it to the side, next went her thong. He got up and pulled his clothes off. When he dropped his briefs Nicki got even wetter. "Oh how I've missed him."
Safaree looked down. "It's funny he looks like hes missed you too." Nicki moved to the edge of the bed and grabbed his nice rock hard 9 1/2 inches. She kissed the side of it. "Nicki you don't have to do that."
"Safaree this is a relationship both have to give. And your my man I want you satisfied in every way." she said kissing the other side of his dick.
"Nicki it's..," he was stopped at the sensation of Nicki slipping the head of his dick in her mouth.
"Thank god I thought you would never shut up." She went back to working him like he had never been worked before. He was loving it. She had him on edge already. He told her to stop because he didn't want to come that way. He made her get on all fours and he slipped his head under her and pulled her down on his face. He knew from previous conversations that Nicki loved this position. Nicki had been anticipating his tongue game for months now. She was ready to let him be GREAT. When he started in on her center Nicki had to grab the headboard. It felt like he was trying to commit her pussy to memory. She came hard against Safarees mouth. When she tightened her legs up Safaree had to pry them back open quick.
"Damn babe your thigh muscles have gotten stronger, ima need you to lighten up on the lunges and squats. You tryin to kill a coon."
"I'm sorry babe." Nicki said trying to catch her breath. But Safaree was having none of that he pulled her down on the bed. He reached for his pants to retrieve the condom that was in his pocket. He ripped the gold package open and slipped it on. He moved in between Nickis legs. He kissed her then entered her.
"Yes." Was all she could manage to say. Safaree started out slow giving her inch by inch of him, It was driving Nicki crazy. "Safaree please! Stop playing." Nicki said.
"Naw your gonna beg for this like I've been begging for months now. Tell me what you want." SB said pulling out.
"No please Faree don't." Nicki pleaded grabbing his butt and making him stay where he was. "I want you."
"Uh uh tell me WHAT you want." He said looking down at her face. Her forehead was glistening from the tropical heat. He bent over and kissed her. "Tell daddy what you want."
"I want the DICK, now give it to me." Safaree smiled and plunged into her.
"That's all you had to say." he went to town on her. He had her all over the bed. At one point half of her body was off the bed but she told him to keep going. "Damn you're a freak girl."
"You ain't know nicca?" Nicki laughed. He pulled her up and she got on top of him and rode him like he was a bronco. "Babe oh my goodness, I love this. I LOVE you." Safaree looked up at her.
"What did you say?"
"I love you." She looked down at him and slowed her pace.
"Nicki don't say it if you don't mean it. I understand you are caught in the moment." Safaree said.
"Babe I do love you and I've been wanting to say it for the longest but never had the courage for some reason. I would never say it if I didn't mean it." She kissed him and he rolled over on top of her.
"Say it again." Safaree said as he pushed inside her. Nicki arched her back.
"I love you. I love you. I love you Safaree." They made love to each other through out the night proclaiming and showing their love for one another. This was gonna be one hell of a vacation.
Nickis Wardrobe

Her outfit on the plane!

Her first outfit when they were walking around the first day.
What she wore to dinner.
What she wore to the beach!
What she wore out on the town!
Safarees Wardrobe
What he wore on the plane!

What he wore to dinner.
What he wore to the beach!

What he wore when they went on the town.
The Resort
They room!
Laser Tag!
The boat!
The sunset i envisioned!
The drink they were drinking!
*So I hope you enjoyed this. It will be a couple more chapters of them on Vacay! Some might not like the fact that i made Nicki give Safaree "Jaw" lol (If u don't know where i got that term from step ya Nicki research up) but it's a relationship and if they were regular ppl you wud expect the female to do it, so if you got a problem with it build a bridge and get OVER it!! *giggles* COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT, I like reading them! MUAH
Nice...i loved the fact that chu put ms.jackson in there cant wait for the rest of the vacay...loved it
ReplyDeletelmfao this shit was poppin martha lolz!!!!!! she said "i want the dick now give it to me" im still cryin laughin lolz! she a straight freak!!! *off to go finish my story oop*
ReplyDeleteI love this! LMAOO Especially them playing laser tag they cute & meeting Janet [PRICELESS] ! Then her having a condom..... LAWD Nic the FREAK! =]
ReplyDeleteI really loved this chapter!!! The vacation is beautiful so far. I can't wait to see what else they do on the trip!!! Again, I Loved it!
ReplyDeleteOMGSSSHHHHHH I love it barb!!! Nicki is the freak of the century hahahahaha she almost made Safaree crash when she want it she will get it whenever she wants hahaha!! I loved it and this vaca I unbelievable!!!!
ReplyDeleteHa lmaooooo >> "I want the DICK, now give it to me." *falls to the floor nd laughs some more*
ReplyDeleteNic a damn freak... Loved It Martha!!
Post Soon :)
OMG!!! Janet had the DIOem ring tone! Lol. Nick hiding condoms in her dress now? Lol! Loved it!-FlawlessBarb
ReplyDeleteLMAO! NinjaNika! I jus really imagined her bouncin off that wall and runnin away with her fists in the air laughing like a maniac!! Lol
ReplyDeleteHeeeeey!!! :D I eat mi sammiches wit chips too!! Sometimes... But only the cheddar kind tho, I'm a cheese-a-holic! X)
Woo!!!! Steamy.com!!!!! Me love!!! Lol
Great chapter Marty!!!! I woulda read it sooner, but I'm havin sum personal issues atm, nothin serious tho. Sorry 4 the wait... Haha! :p
ReplyDeleteBruh...if i wasnt so tired right now i would type this long ass review but im exausted!! so ill review in the morning but GREAT CHAPTER!