Nicki was four hours into her flight and she had been crying the whole flight but luckily she was the only one in first class. The flight attendants looked at her funny but they never said anything. The occasionally brought her a box of tissues. She was so distraught. She knew Safaree would be mad at her but she never thought he would stop being her hype man which in her mind meant he didn't want to be her friend anymore. She cried harder every time she thought about him no longer being in her life. She felt even stupider because she knew this would happen, and it was the main reason she didn't want to get involved with him in the first place.
"I should have just stayed single." She mumbled to herself. "But no Onika had to go and fuck it up by not going with her gut instinct." she continued to rant. "Always go with your guts reaction Onika. Don't go expressing your feelings while he is in a relationship Onika." her mom told her. "One day I'm going to start listening to that woman." she said. She eventually drifted off to sleep only to be awaken by the flight attendant so she could get off the plane. Nicki had a car waiting on her when she got there, about an hour later they pulled up to her mothers house. The driver got her luggage out of the car while Nicki went and opened the door. It was about 2am. The driver put her luggage in the front room then left the house. She closed the door and walked into the living room. She jumped at the sight of her mother standing there clutching a bat like she was Cal Ripken J.r. with rollers in her hair.
"Ma you scared me. Nicki said clutching her chest.
"I scared you. What are you doing here? Why are you not still in Jamaica? Is Safaree here as well?" her mother asked. Nickis heart sank at the mention of Safarees name.
"Are you gonna let me answer or are you just going to keep asking more questions?"
"Don't get smart Onika. Now answer the questions." her mother said. Before she could speak she saw Micaiah appear from around the corner. Her mom still never took her eyes off Nicki. She could tell something was wrong. She looked at her eyes and knew she had been crying.
"Mom who are you talking to?" he said rubbing his eyes. When he looked up and his eyes focused he saw Nicki.
"Nicki!" he ran to her and hugged her tightly.
"Hi lambchop.
"Micaiah go back to bed." Mrs. Carol said.
"But i want to talk to Nicki." Micaiah wined.
"Do as I say boy."
"Yes ma'am. Night Nicki." he hugged her again.
"We will talk in the morning okay." he nodded his head as he walked back around the corner. Mrs. Carol walked closer to Nicki sitting the bat down she rubbed her daughters cheek.
"What's wrong with my baby girl?" Nicki immediately broke down crying. Her mother embraced her and pulled her towards the couch to sit. Nicki laid her head on her mothers shoulder and continue to cry. "Just let it out. We'll talk about it when your ready." she rubbed Nickis back until she calmed down 30 minutes later. She was now laying her head on her mothers thigh just staring off into space. "Are you ready to talk about it?" Mrs. Carol asked. Nicki closed her eyes and began to speak.
"I messed up mom. I messed up really bad this time."
"What happened Onika?"
"It's Safaree." tears began to roll down her face. "I broke up with him."
"What brought this on?" she asked stroking Nickis hair.
"I don't think I can love him like he loves me ma. I don't feel like i'm capable of ever giving that kind of love. Yes I love him, he's my best friend but the kind of love he is asking for I don't think I can give again." Nicki said. Her mom closed her eyes and winced when Nicki said again. Ms. Carol thought back to Javon.
"I want to love him like that. But I can't get hurt again. I don't think i'll be able to take it a second time."
"How did Safaree react to all this." Nicki got quiet as she replayed the scene over again in her head.
"NO, DON'T "PLEASE" ME! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE ONIKA. I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT YOU!" She shook her head to get rid of the image. "Nicki."
"He told me that he didn't want to see my face and he was no longer my hype man." she began to cry again. Ms.Carol waited till she calmed down again.
"Since you guys have been dating have you told him you loved him?" Mrs. Carol asked. Nicki grew silent. "Nicki."
"Yes." she confessed.
"Baby you shouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it. That boys head is probably all messed up right now."
"I did mean it mom. I DO mean it. I could never not love him."
"I'm sure you said in the context of a DEEPER type of love Onika. Don't play stupid with me." her mother said. Tears formed again because she knew her mother knew how she was.
"Ma what am I gonna do with out him?" Nicki asked. Nicki felt in her heart she played Safaree which hurt her. She was just so use to her old ways of dating. Before she became Nicki MINAJ she was just Nicki. The girl she knew the boys just wanted to be with because she was pretty. So if they played her she played them. "I guess i just fell back into my old ways subconsciously." she thought to herself.
"Live your life until he comes back around is all you can do. Hes still your friend, he is just angry right now. Give him some time to cool off."
"Mom i don't think he will ever forgive me for this."
"Yes he will. Just like you need him, he also needs you. All friendships go through a ruff patch and this is yours." Mrs. Carol said. "Now stop all this crying, it's not the end of your world. Lets get you up to your room so you can rest." Ms. Carol kissed her forehead. "Everything will work out. God always has a plan."
</3 </3 </3</3
Nick laced up her running shoes then began to stretch. Running had become a stress reliever for her. It had been two weeks and Safaree still hadn't called her. She was starting to give up hope. She took off down her block beginning with a jog but it didn't take her long to get into a full out sprint. About 5 minutes into her run she caught a cramp in her side and had to stop. She grabbed her lower abdomen.
"God this hurts." She said through gritted teeth. She began to walk back home but the pain had not gone away. She decided to call her doctor to make an appointment. When she got to the house she called the doctors office.
"Hello this is Doctor Reynolds office how may I help you?"
"Hi my name is Onika Maraj and I was calling to see if i could set up an appointment with Dr. Reynolds as soon as possible?"
"Hi Nicki this is April."
"Oh hi April I didn't catch your voice at first, how have you been?" Nicki asked. She really liked April because as long as she had been working there she was never once star struck by her.
"I've been doing good. We can get you in around 11:30 tomorrow, is that fine?"
"That's perfect. I'll see you then."
"Have a nice day Nic."
"You do the same." Nicki hung up the phone. Nicki ran her some bath water to see if it would help the pain go away. When she got in she sat and wondered what Safaree was doing.
Safaree walked back into the room to try and figure out what just happened. He sat on the bed in a trance for hours. Going over the reasons why Nicki just wouldn't love him. He felt something drop on his hand, when he looked down he saw water and wondered where it came from. He then felt another. He put his hand up to his face and realized he was crying. He wiped the reaming tears away.
"I'm not going to cry over her. If she don't want me then that's fine, i'll find someone that does." he put on some clothes and headed out the door. Nowhere in particular just out. He got to walking around the resort trying to clear his head but everything there reminded him of something Nicki did or said. He sat down on a bench and thought about what he was gonna do when he went back to the states. He would have to budget his money out and get an apartment because staying with Nicki was out of the question.
"Um excuse me sir." SB looked up. "Can you help me find out where the jazz club is?" the young lady asked.
"Yeah all you gotta do is keeping walking this way and you should run into it." Safaree said looking back down.
"Thank you sir." The girl went on her way. Safaree went back to thinking. 10 minutes later the same girl came back. "Excuse me sir i don't mean to keep bothering you but I walked a long ways down and I saw nothing are u sure it's that way?" she asked. Safaree looked up at her annoyed but she couldn't see it because of his shades.
"You should have just kept walking it's that way." he snapped at her.
"Oh okay i'm sorry to bother you." the girl turned around embarrassed. Safaree felt like crap snapping at her like that it wasn't her fault.
"Ms. I'm sorry. It's just been one of those days. If you would like I will take you down there?" the girl turned around and looked him up and down. Then she softened her facial expression.
"If it won't hold you up from anything i would be grateful if you did." she said.
"No I don't have anything to do." They began to walk the way she came from. "My name is Safaree by the way." he stuck his hand out. She met his hand with hers.
"My name is Melanie." she said smiling up at SB. "So where are you from Safaree?"
"I was born in New York but I live out in L.A. now." he told her. "You?"
"I'm from L.A. born and raised. So what brings you out here?" Safaree looked away. Melanie saw how uncomfortable he got. "Hey i'm sorry it's none of my business, i wasn't trying to pry." she looked forward and just kept walking. It was about 10 minutes of awkward silence then they arrived at the Jazz club. "Thank you Safaree. You have to let me repay you some how."
"Naw you good. It was just nice to have someone to walk with that actual wanted to be here." He said. She looked at him weird.
"I won't take no for an answer, you'll insult me if you do. You don't want to insult me Safaree do you because I don't think that's in your character?" Melanie said smiling.
"Well I wouldn't want to be rude." He said giving a half smile.
"See I knew you didn't have it in you. Let's met at the cabana around 8 ish, if that's okay with you?" she said.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll see you there." He watched her walk off towards the club entrance. She looked back at him and waved, he waved back. Once she was in he turned to go back to his room, when he saw it. The tree him and Nicki made love under. His heart ached for her but he refused to think about her because obviously she wasn't thinking about him.
Safaree waited for Melanie in front of the cabana. She showed up 15 minutes late but he had waited twice as long for Nicki so he was actually not perturbed by her lateness. They walked in and were escorted to their table. He pulled out the chair for her.
"Thank you Safaree." He sat down opposite of her.
"Can I get you anything to drink?"
"I'll have a the Bahama Mama."
"And for you sir?"
"I'll just have a Coke." The waiter nodded and backed away from the table.
"So how did you enjoy the jazz club?"
"It was amazing. The band there is really good. Have you been there?" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah you could say that." he said. She looked at him strangely but said nothing. What brings you to Montego Bay?"
"I've always wanted to come but never had anyone to come with but i tired of waiting for people to get their money right so I said to hell with it and came alone. Why are you here?" she asked. The waiter returned with their drinks. Safaree looked at her glass and remembered it was the same drink Nicki had ordered when they came together. "Safaree?" he broke out of his daze.
"I asked you why did you come here."
"I came on vacation with my girlfriend." he did air quotes.
"Wait and she let you come here with me?"
"No. She broke up with me earlier today and went back to the states."
"Anything you wanna talk about? I hear i'm a pretty good listener." she said staring at him.
"I bet you are but no i'm okay. I'll get over it in time." he enjoyed the rest of the night talking and laughing with Melanie.
"Hi i'm here to see Dr. Reynolds. My name is Onika Maraj." the nurse looked at her like "girl you really think I don't know who you are?" Nicki smiled at the girls expression.
"Ms. Maraj i'll tell Dr. Reynolds you here if you would like to have a seat."
"Thank you." Nicki sat down and picked up one of the latest magazines. Ten minutes later April appeared in the doorway.
"Nicki." she looked up at a grinning April which in turn made her smile. She put the magazine down and followed April back to the examination room. They waited to get inside the room and closed the door to embrace each other. "How have you been Ms. Superstar?" Nicki giggled.
"Why do you call me that? Because you sure don't treat me like that. If my Barbs knew how you treated me they would come looking for you." Nicki teased.
"Oh hunnie you get nice April." Nicki looked at her with one of her many faces.
"If I get nice April I would hate to see what irritated or mad April is."
"Keep it cute and you will never have to find out." April winked at Nicki and they both broke out into laughter. "Now lets get down to the routine." Nicki took off her sandals and April put a wax piece of paper down so her feet didn't have to touch the actual scale. The she took Nickis blood pressure and temperature. April then stepped out so Nicki could put on her gown. When Nicki put on her gown she hopped up on the table and swung her feet while she waited for the doctor to come in. She wished that SB was there with her. The door opened and a small older white lady entered the room.
"Onika my darlin how good to see you again." Dr. Reynolds said chewing her gum and speaking in her southern accent.
"Dr. Reynolds it's good to see you too." Nicki said excited. She loved Dr. Reynolds, to Nicki her accent was everything.
"So what brings ya in to see me so early?" she asked putting on her gloves. Nicki proceeded to tell her about her jog yesterday and how she got an unusually bad cramp that too hours to go away. "Well I want you to go ahead and lay your pretty little self on back and lets see what we can figure out." Nicki giggled and did as she was told. Doctor Reynolds gave Nicki her regular check up. Then had her go and pee in a cup. She left Nicki in the room by herself, she put back on her underwear but kept the gown on. Nicki was praying it was nothing serious. When Dr. Reynolds came back into the room she was smiling.
"What's the big goofy smile for?" Nicki asked. Dr. Reynolds sat on her stool and rolled over and took Nickis hand.
"Onika your gonna be a mommy." Nickis smile slowly began to fade away. And she just looked at her. "Onika you okay darlin?" Nicki just looked at her like she had three heads.
"Excuse me?" Nicki asked blinking her eyes blankly. "What do you mean pregnant? How could this happen? I was so...We were so careful?"
"You sure there was never a slip up sweetie in the past 3 weeks?" Nicki tried to think back to Jamaica. Her mind was going a mile a minute. She was racing over every memory she had in her head. Then it hit her around the 6th or 7th day there. She shut her eyes and remembered them in the boat house. Safaree had forgot his wallet in the room so they didn't have one. He was suppose to pull out.
"I'm not going to cry over her. If she don't want me then that's fine, i'll find someone that does." he put on some clothes and headed out the door. Nowhere in particular just out. He got to walking around the resort trying to clear his head but everything there reminded him of something Nicki did or said. He sat down on a bench and thought about what he was gonna do when he went back to the states. He would have to budget his money out and get an apartment because staying with Nicki was out of the question.
"Um excuse me sir." SB looked up. "Can you help me find out where the jazz club is?" the young lady asked.
"Yeah all you gotta do is keeping walking this way and you should run into it." Safaree said looking back down.
"Thank you sir." The girl went on her way. Safaree went back to thinking. 10 minutes later the same girl came back. "Excuse me sir i don't mean to keep bothering you but I walked a long ways down and I saw nothing are u sure it's that way?" she asked. Safaree looked up at her annoyed but she couldn't see it because of his shades.
"You should have just kept walking it's that way." he snapped at her.
"Oh okay i'm sorry to bother you." the girl turned around embarrassed. Safaree felt like crap snapping at her like that it wasn't her fault.
"Ms. I'm sorry. It's just been one of those days. If you would like I will take you down there?" the girl turned around and looked him up and down. Then she softened her facial expression.
"If it won't hold you up from anything i would be grateful if you did." she said.
"No I don't have anything to do." They began to walk the way she came from. "My name is Safaree by the way." he stuck his hand out. She met his hand with hers.
"My name is Melanie." she said smiling up at SB. "So where are you from Safaree?"
"I was born in New York but I live out in L.A. now." he told her. "You?"
"I'm from L.A. born and raised. So what brings you out here?" Safaree looked away. Melanie saw how uncomfortable he got. "Hey i'm sorry it's none of my business, i wasn't trying to pry." she looked forward and just kept walking. It was about 10 minutes of awkward silence then they arrived at the Jazz club. "Thank you Safaree. You have to let me repay you some how."
"Naw you good. It was just nice to have someone to walk with that actual wanted to be here." He said. She looked at him weird.
"I won't take no for an answer, you'll insult me if you do. You don't want to insult me Safaree do you because I don't think that's in your character?" Melanie said smiling.
"Well I wouldn't want to be rude." He said giving a half smile.
"See I knew you didn't have it in you. Let's met at the cabana around 8 ish, if that's okay with you?" she said.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll see you there." He watched her walk off towards the club entrance. She looked back at him and waved, he waved back. Once she was in he turned to go back to his room, when he saw it. The tree him and Nicki made love under. His heart ached for her but he refused to think about her because obviously she wasn't thinking about him.
Safaree waited for Melanie in front of the cabana. She showed up 15 minutes late but he had waited twice as long for Nicki so he was actually not perturbed by her lateness. They walked in and were escorted to their table. He pulled out the chair for her.
"Thank you Safaree." He sat down opposite of her.
"Can I get you anything to drink?"
"I'll have a the Bahama Mama."
"And for you sir?"
"I'll just have a Coke." The waiter nodded and backed away from the table.
"So how did you enjoy the jazz club?"
"It was amazing. The band there is really good. Have you been there?" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah you could say that." he said. She looked at him strangely but said nothing. What brings you to Montego Bay?"
"I've always wanted to come but never had anyone to come with but i tired of waiting for people to get their money right so I said to hell with it and came alone. Why are you here?" she asked. The waiter returned with their drinks. Safaree looked at her glass and remembered it was the same drink Nicki had ordered when they came together. "Safaree?" he broke out of his daze.
"I asked you why did you come here."
"I came on vacation with my girlfriend." he did air quotes.
"Wait and she let you come here with me?"
"No. She broke up with me earlier today and went back to the states."
"Anything you wanna talk about? I hear i'm a pretty good listener." she said staring at him.
"I bet you are but no i'm okay. I'll get over it in time." he enjoyed the rest of the night talking and laughing with Melanie.
"Hi i'm here to see Dr. Reynolds. My name is Onika Maraj." the nurse looked at her like "girl you really think I don't know who you are?" Nicki smiled at the girls expression.
"Ms. Maraj i'll tell Dr. Reynolds you here if you would like to have a seat."
"Thank you." Nicki sat down and picked up one of the latest magazines. Ten minutes later April appeared in the doorway.
"Nicki." she looked up at a grinning April which in turn made her smile. She put the magazine down and followed April back to the examination room. They waited to get inside the room and closed the door to embrace each other. "How have you been Ms. Superstar?" Nicki giggled.
"Why do you call me that? Because you sure don't treat me like that. If my Barbs knew how you treated me they would come looking for you." Nicki teased.
"Oh hunnie you get nice April." Nicki looked at her with one of her many faces.
"If I get nice April I would hate to see what irritated or mad April is."
"Keep it cute and you will never have to find out." April winked at Nicki and they both broke out into laughter. "Now lets get down to the routine." Nicki took off her sandals and April put a wax piece of paper down so her feet didn't have to touch the actual scale. The she took Nickis blood pressure and temperature. April then stepped out so Nicki could put on her gown. When Nicki put on her gown she hopped up on the table and swung her feet while she waited for the doctor to come in. She wished that SB was there with her. The door opened and a small older white lady entered the room.
"Onika my darlin how good to see you again." Dr. Reynolds said chewing her gum and speaking in her southern accent.
"Dr. Reynolds it's good to see you too." Nicki said excited. She loved Dr. Reynolds, to Nicki her accent was everything.
"So what brings ya in to see me so early?" she asked putting on her gloves. Nicki proceeded to tell her about her jog yesterday and how she got an unusually bad cramp that too hours to go away. "Well I want you to go ahead and lay your pretty little self on back and lets see what we can figure out." Nicki giggled and did as she was told. Doctor Reynolds gave Nicki her regular check up. Then had her go and pee in a cup. She left Nicki in the room by herself, she put back on her underwear but kept the gown on. Nicki was praying it was nothing serious. When Dr. Reynolds came back into the room she was smiling.
"What's the big goofy smile for?" Nicki asked. Dr. Reynolds sat on her stool and rolled over and took Nickis hand.
"Onika your gonna be a mommy." Nickis smile slowly began to fade away. And she just looked at her. "Onika you okay darlin?" Nicki just looked at her like she had three heads.
"Excuse me?" Nicki asked blinking her eyes blankly. "What do you mean pregnant? How could this happen? I was so...We were so careful?"
"You sure there was never a slip up sweetie in the past 3 weeks?" Nicki tried to think back to Jamaica. Her mind was going a mile a minute. She was racing over every memory she had in her head. Then it hit her around the 6th or 7th day there. She shut her eyes and remembered them in the boat house. Safaree had forgot his wallet in the room so they didn't have one. He was suppose to pull out.
"Shit!" Nicki said. "Are sure your not mistaken?"
"I mean we can do an ultra sound if you would like but hun i'm pretty sure your pregnant."
"Pretty sure is not 100% so let's do the ultra sound." Nicki said biting her bottom lip.
"If that's what you want that's what you'll get." she patted her knee. "I'll send in April to do it and then i'll be back to check on you. Nicki laid back and tried not to think about it. April walked in the room.
"You okay Nic?" April said in a small voice.
"Do I look okay April?" Nicki asked with attitude. April looked away and began getting out the probe and gel. She pulled the machine in from the hall way and hooked it up. She lifted Nickis gown up.
"This is going to be cold Ms. Maraj." Nicki looked down at April and could tell she was pissed by her facial expression and the fact that she called her by her last name. Nicki nodded. April put the gel on her stomach and Nicki inhaled deeply from the coldness. April smirked at her, Nicki side eyed her. April placed the probe against Nickis stomach and moved it around. Something caught her eye. She thought maybe she had moved it to fast. She put the probe on one spot, then she moved it again, and then once more after that. She looked back at Nicki with a blank stare then back at the screen, she then repeated her steps with the probe. She put it down. "I'll be back don't move." April left the room and closed the door then dashed to go find Dr. Reynolds. When she finally found her she was in a room with another patient explaining to them that she couldn't keep running there at every little slight thing they think is wrong. April walked over in the middle of her speech and whispered something in the doctors ear. Doctor Reynolds looked at April wide eyed and hopped up from the chair and left.
"Karen tell the patient in 101 that she just has gas and to go get some Beano and she should be fine." Dr. Reynolds yelled to one of the other nurses. Nicki was worried as hell when they entered the room.
"Where the hell did you go April? I've been in hear nervous as shit."
"Sorry Nic just calm down right now."
Dr. Reynolds put on her gloves and squirted more gel onto Nickis stomach and moved the probe around in the same pattern April did. She looked up at Nicki then back at the screen.
"If yall don't stop fuckin lookin at me like i'm the lunatic in the room I swear i'm hurt somebody." Nicki shouted.
"Well darlin I don't really know how to tell you this but...there's three." Nicki looked from one to the other.
"EXCUSE me? Three of what?" Nicki asked confused.
"Three babies. As in your having triplets. As in there is three lives growing inside of you right now. As in.."
"I GET IT." Nicki yelled. "I don't need your humor right now Sheryl." Nicki looked at the ceiling. "What did I ever do to you to make you do this to me?" Both April and Dr. Reynolds looked up to see who she was talking to.
"So serious not only am I pregnant but its three of them?" Dr. Reynolds shook her head yes. Nicki just shook her head in disbelief. April cleaned the gel off Nickis stomach.
"Well we will leave you to put your clothes and you can leave after that." April left the room but Dr. Reynolds shut the door but was still in the room. "Onika." Nicki looked up from her daze. "You will be okay. You can do this darlin. And i will be hear for you every step of the way. But you have to know that when it comes to triplets its a high risks pregnancy and especially since your so small." Nicki spaced off again. "Onika!" she shouted.
"Huh?" she jumped.
"Did you hear me?" Nicki nodded. "You have got to take care of yourself darlin. And call a friend or someone because I don't think you should drive yourself."
"Okay." When the doctor left she got up and put her clothes back on and she called Candi and told her to get Lauren and come and get her from the doctors.
Nicki got in her car and headed towards Safarees moms house on the other side of Manhattan. He wasn't answering his phone and she needed to tell him about the babies. On the way over there she tried to figure out how to tell him. But once she pulled up she still had nothing. She turned the car off and sat and looked at the house. His mom came out side on the front porch and waved to her to come inside. She got out the car and walked up to his mom.
"Hi Ms. Samuels."
"Hello Nicki." she pulled Nicki in for a hug. Nicki tried to keep her stomach from touching hers. "Come on in."
"How have yo been Ms. Samuels?"
"I can't complian. And yourself?"
"I've been better but it's nothing a little prayer won't fix."
"That's what i like to hear." It got quiet so Nicki just decided to get it over with.
"Ms. Samuels can you ask Safaree to come here please I have something really important to tell him." Ms. Samuels looked at her strange.
"Wait a minute Nicki why are you not still in Jamaica. That's where Safaree is." It was now Nickis turn to be confused. "He said he decided to stay a couple more weeks and i just assumed that you would still be there as well."
"I left Jamaica two weeks ago."
"Then who was that girl in the background?" Ms. Samuels said with a confused face trying to piece it together.
"Wha...What? Girl in the background." Nickis heart was racing.
"Yeah he said he was in his room about to order dinner. And i kept hearing a girls voice in the background. Then he kept laughing and I assumed it was you because I know how you too goof around all the time."
"I..In his room." Nicki started to breath irregularly.
"Yes. So if it wasn't you then...." Ms. Samuels stopped mid sentence when she realized what was going on. Her eyes met Nickis. NIcki looked away embarrassed.
"Um Ms. Samuels I forgot I have somewhere to be. It was nice seeing you again." Nicki got out of the house as quickly as possible. She got in her car and sped off down the street. Her blood was boiling. she drove a couple of blocks but pulled over into a park because her eyes were blurry from all the tears. She got out her phone and dialed Safarees number. It rang six times.
Ooooo what's gonna happen next??? lol COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT! You can do it on here, or DM me your thoughts!!! DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE STORY ON THE TL! YOU COULD POSSIBLY RUIN IT FOR OTHERS WHO HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO READ IT YET! SO remember on here or DMs! @ItsMarthaBitch
Jogging out fit!

Outfit she wore to the Doctors.


The new additions! :)
:0000000!!!! Baby Nicki's!-FlawlessBarb1
ReplyDeleteFirst off oh my fucking gosh triplets. I can't fucking believe it. Bump this melanie chick he hanging with and he better not answer the phone acting ass before she tells him. Back to you martha how the hell you leave this big ass cliffy, oh I get it to keep us coming back, but shit I'm on the edge of my seat here martha. I just about came through this damn touchscreen, like forreal though. SMDH POST SOON AND I MEAN SOON
ReplyDeleteI wanted to be a triplet but I guess I just settle for being and twin.:(
ReplyDeleteAnyway this CHPTER FREAKIN blew my mind Nicki knows she loves Safaree and Safaree is tripping in Jamaica with Melanie. And message to Melanie back the fuck up bitch that's all good story barb but it kinda pissed me off which is good!
What the??????? Triplets? Omg! This is a little much to grasp.... I mean with all the drama and hurt that just happened, she finds out that she's pregnant? With 3 babies? Woowwwwwwwwww! I just don't know how this is gonna go... How Safaree is gonna handle the news? Omg 3 babies? I hope SB isn't trying to get serious with Melanie. I hope he is just trying to have a good time to feel better about what happened. He should've left Jamaica, I wanted him to be there so Nicki could go ahead and tell him the news. Her belly is gonna be huge af! I can't wait for the next post!!!!! Great chapter!!!
ReplyDeleteOh My God!!! You just freakin blew my mond with this I can't even swallow it..its just too much to take in -Pauz- TRIPLETS!! and the cliffy -_- u left me hangin like a testi...GREAT CHAPTER. POST SOON :D
ReplyDeleteAwww :( I dn't like when Nic cries :/
ReplyDelete:D Mama C!!!! She always know's EXACTLY wut 2 say!!!!!! Love'a!
"About 5 minutes into her run she caught a cramp in her side and had to stop. She grabbed her lower abdomen." <~ Oh my God... PLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEE dn't tell me she pregnant! Plz, plz plz pplzp zlplz plzp lzp lpl plzp lzp plz plz plz plz plzp lz PLZ PLZ PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEEEE!!!! Dn't. tell me. Nika pregnant, mi heart is crying Marty!! Lol *reads on*
*squints at u* this "girl" betta jus b a lost tourist... i mean it...
WAIT!! O_O Wut if Melanie wuz the chic takin pictures of him & Nika?!?! She evil! I can smell it!!
Ooo! U kno wut? This quote ~> "She showed up 15 minutes late but he had waited twice as long for Nicki so he was actually not perturbed by her lateness." <~ Could actually b taken 2 ways. 1. Nic has a tardy issue so she is always fashionably late & 2. Faree has loved Nic all his life and has waited so long for her 2 realize how he felt; eventually giving them a chance :)
O_________O *GAAAAAAASP* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jfjfid2g58e4d2g5jo7u4 5f585r2 fg5f5d5d5d5g4gd4g4ds4e5te4te4d 144fr44hy4hs5hs5h *scratches face off* MARTY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You WOULD b the person to break them up and then get her pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn yoooouuuuuu!!!!!!!!!! Oh my GOOOD!! :((((((((((((((( Bitter Sweet moment Mart... Bitter Sweet -_-
THREE?!?!?! *faints* How the hell Nicki tiny ass gon pop all them out Marty?!?!?! *catches self* THHHHRRRREEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! Maybe they're jus bubbles... u kno? Nicki could have gas like Dr. Reynold's other patient... Or maybe kidney stones?! LMAOOO, idk, but three??!?!? THIS SHOULD BE INTERESTIN!!! Oh mi Gee!! Wut if she has all girls?! Or all boyz?! Or 2 girls, 1 boy?! 1 girl, 2 boyz?!?! Now, im excited!!! LOL, i feel bipolar, smh...
Old ppl tlk 2 much -_- BUT Nic did needa kno, i guess. :( *sad sigh* How could he b laughin tho? Stay sad Safaree!! That way- Hm... :/ I actually dk wut im tryna say here, lmao. Um, fix them!!!
Btw, i'ont like how u jus cut us off like that. Not cool. Nd as always, i loved this chapter, 4get the wrench, u threw the whole damn toolbox into this chapter! Lol, unexpected. Completely UNexpected!
Post soon babe!
OHEMGEE!!!!!! This chapter was everything but lets get down to it. Melanie...get rid of her ASAP! Nic & SB Need to work things out. I. Was hoping she would move on after she told him directons..smh. NICKI IS PREGNANT!!!!? I knew it, as soon as she wanted to call the dr! But triplets, didn't see that comin. Nic will be a great mommy I know it! Martha..the cliff though!? I was on the edge..."Hello" TBC...gkxrggxar!&*$#..Oh and the Title Life x3 makes sense now!! CLEVER Post Soon--- >@VogueBarbieTN_ on Twitter!
ReplyDeleteSmart me made a "smart" typo...*when he gave her directions* is what I meant...not when she gave him directions....-___- Anyway GREAT CHAPTER! Get rid of HER NOW!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWHAT IN THE SHERLOCK HOLMES IS GOING ON?!?! THRRREEEEEEEEEEE BABIES?!?!?! THREEEEEE!!!!! How in the ufing world is ONIKA MARAJ gonna have THREE babies inside her little ass at one time?!?! DAAAAAMMMMEEEEEE!!! LAWD JESUS HELP LIDDLE OL' ONIKA! She gon need it! *Ceily voice* Melanie is cute..... but she needs to go away! I don't like her. She's in the way. I like her but i don't.