They were both sweaty and tired but neither one wanted to be the one to give in and say no more. Safaree looked at Nicki and Smirked.
"You sure you want to go another round?" he said moving her hair out of her face also trying to catch his breath. She grabbed her scrunchy off her wrist and tied her hair up into a ponytail.
"Are you kidding? We've only went four rounds big boy, i'm just getting warmed up. You on the other hand already looked worked over sir. You tired? You need a break?" She asked smiling.
"Always talking shit. Let's go then." he said. They both picked two tokens out of their cups and placed them in the basketball machine.
"3, 2, 1, GO!" the machine said. All the basketballs rolled down the ramp. Safaree and Nicki grabbed at them trying to beat the other one to the first basket. Nicki had won one out the four games and was determined to get another win under her belt. She looked over at SBs score and frowned, she reached over and knocked the ball out of his hand, it bounced away.
"You play to much." SB said running after the ball. Nicki laughed and continued shooting. He came back and continued. She was trying her best to beat him this time around. Safaree was a pro at this game. She thought to herself she was gonna have to buy this game to put in the game room at home.
"Game Over." the balls stop rolling down. Nicki looked over at SB's score and sucked her teeth. Safaree stood there with a goofy smile on his face.
"You better wipe that dumb ass look off your face before I do it for you." Nicki said cracking a smile.
"That's what you get for cheating. Don't be mad." SB said.
"I'm not mad Faree. Let's go play a different game." Nicki took hold of Safarees hand and pulled him away. He grabbed their tokens quickly. She pulled him towards the Mortal Combat game. They had been at the arcade for three hours already and Nicki still hadn't told Safaree the news. He wanted to know but he knew he couldn't push Nicki she would tell him when she was ready.
"I don't want to play this Nic. Let's go order a Pizza i'm starving."
"You go order it and i'm going to play this for awhile. It takes a minute to make it anyway, plus they bring it to your table. So I will see it when it gets there." she said pointing to the table across the room that was theirs.
"Okay." Safaree walked off to go place the order. Nicki was so nervous. She was having such a good time and she didn't want to ruin it. When he came to pick her up she thought he was going to find out out then. She let him in house and she went upstairs to her bed room to grab her purse she was hit with a wave of nausea. She ran into the bathroom and slammed the door close. She barley made it to the toilet. The door slamming prompted Safaree to go see what was going on. When he got to the room he heard Nicki vomiting in the restroom. When he asked what was wrong she told him it might have been the food she ate the night before. She had tried a new Thai food restaurant last night which wasn't a lie she did. He thought no more about it which was a relief to Nicki. Now that they had been at the arcade for a minute she felt it was time to grow a pair and tell him. Safaree walked back over to her.
"I ordered pepperoni for you and Italian sausage for me." Nicki nodded her head as she was again defeated by Liu Kang in the game. She walked away from the game over to the ski ball machine. He followed behind her. She put her token in and the balls were released. He stood back and watched her.
"Safaree there is something I need to tell you. I don't want you to freak out okay?" Nicki said never breaking her concentration from her game.
"Okay. I'm listening." he said shifting his weight and folding his arms across his chest.
"Safaree i'm... The thing is i'm.....Well you see..." Nicki stumbled
"Nicki just say it." SB said.
"Well the thing is....I'm a little bit pregnant." She said. still playing the ski ball game. She didn't want to see his face for the initial reaction in case it wasn't what she wanted.
"Your what?" Safaree asked shocked.
"I'm pregnant." she said. She was about to toss another ball when Safaree caught her hand. He walked up behind her. Pelvis to butt and stuck his hand under her hoodie. His eyes lit up but Nicki couldn't see his face if she wanted too because she had closed her eyes upon his touch.
"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa! Your not a little bit pregnant, your A LOT BIT pregnant." he said removing his hand. "Wow. Your pregnant." he whispered to himself backing away. She still hadn't looked at him yet. She turned to see his face. It wasn't readable. "I don't want you to get offended or pissed but it is mine right?"
"Yes Safaree." She said rolling her eyes and turning back towards her game. She was getting irritated because it seemed like he wasn't happy, that was until she heard him screaming.
"Yooooooooooooooo she's having my baby!!!" she whipped her head around to see Safaree going up to random people telling them about her pregnancy. She was cracking up. "Sir! Sir! Did you hear shes pregnant with my baby!" he said pointing to Nicki. He was cheesing from ear to ear.
"SAFAREE!" he turned around. Nicki motioned for him to come back to her. He walked quickly back over to her.
"This is crazy son. I'm having a baby. I can't believe it." Nicki giggled.
"There's more Safaree." He looked at her like what else could there be. "We're having triplets." she said. She didn't think his smile could get any bigger but she was wrong.
"YOOOOOOOOO I'm having TRIPLETS!! My soldiers is strong baby!!" he yelled out hitting his chest. Nicki dropped her head in embarrassment. She was turning red from all the attention they were getting now and the simple fact that she was laughing at his crazy ass. People start to clap for him. Men were walking up to him shaking his hand and congratulating him. When the small crowd went back to enjoying themselves he focused back on Nicki. "How many months are you?" he said looking at her in amazement and holding her by her waist.
"I'm about a month and some weeks now." she said. His smile started to faded away.
"You've known about about this for a whole month now and I'M just now finding out about this?" he said letting her waist go.
"Safaree don't be mad at me. I was unsure of how you would take it. I didn't know if you wanted this for your life. Especially with me since...well you know. And things haven't been good between us. I know I was wrong but please don't be mad." She said trying to hold back tears.
"I'm not mad at you okay. A little disappointed that I haven't been able to be there for you but i'm not mad." he said pulling her in for a hug.
"So your excited about the babies?" she asked.
"Hell yeah. I'm going to be a daddy to three little coons. I can't wait." he said.
"Don't go calling my babies coons Safaree." she said throwing the last ball she had in her hand up the ramp. The game had been over.
"Whoa don't be throwing stuff. I don't want you doing anything strenuous. Matter of fact why have you been playing basketball and shit knowing you are pregnant Nicki?" he said with a stern face.
"See I didn't even know you knew words like "Strenuous"." she did air quotes. And this is why I told you after i got all my fun out of the way and the fact that I was nervous. I talked to my doctor she said it was okay as long as I wasn't jumping around a lot, which I wasn't so calm down. Let's go and play that one game you sit in and shoot stuff." She started to walk away but SB stopped her.
"First off stop tryin to clown me dwarf. And no we are going home so you can get off your feet." Nicki laughed at him.
"Are you serious Safaree?" she asked.
"Dead." he started guiding her toward the front entrance. Nicki thought it was funny.
"But i'm not ready to go Safaree."
"Too bad you not bout to have my kids coming out wit 6 toes on each foot." She burst out laughing even harder.
"What about the pizza?" she said pointing to the table where the worker had just dropped them off.
"I'll go get them in to go boxes. Stay here." he said looking at her.
"Fine." he walked away and she did as well. She wanted to go play a game. When Safaree got back and didn't see Nicki he went looking for her. First he thought maybe she went and waited by the car. When he got out there and didn't see her he put the pizzas in the car and went back to find her. She was playing Big Bass. She had just spinned it again.
"Onika!" She looked over at him. Bells and whistles started going off she had hit the 1000 ticket mark. She started to jump up and down with excitement. "Let's go." he said.
"But I--"
"No let's go and leave the tickets you ain't gonna need them." She looked around and saw a little girl sitting down looking sad. She walked over to her and gave her the tickets.
"Here you go sweetie you can have these." The little girl jumped up happy.
"Thanks lady." she ran off.
"Now let's go with your hardheaded butt." Safaree said.
"Man I can't ever do nothing." she said in her George Lopez voice.
Back @ Nickis House
"I'm going up and taking a nap okay Safaree. Will you be here when I wake up?" Nicki asked.
"I'm bout to go to the store but i will be here when you wake up." SB said.
"Okay." she went to her room and closed the door. Safaree locked up the house and took off to the store.
30 Minutes Later
Nicki woke up and heard Safaree come back into the house, she laid back down she was exhausted. Safaree found a room and took all of the things he got out and made himself comfortable. About two hours later Nicki woke back up because her bladder was full. She went to the bathroom and relieved herself. She washed her hands then searched the big house for Safaree. She looked everywhere she thought he would be. She started to give up when she walked passed the study and saw him sitting on the floor with all kind of books laid out around him. He had a pencil behind his ear and a pen in his hand. There was sticky notes everywhere. Books were open with highlighter all through them. He was reading intently.
"Safaree What is all of this."
"Shhhhhh." he said holding up one finger. She stuck her tongue out at him and sat on the floor. She looked over at the trash can and saw all of the Barns and Nobel bags. She picked up a book and read the cover, 73 Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep. She smiled and picked up another one, What to Expect the First Year. Nicki looked at him she got up and sat behind him on the couch with him in between her legs. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Thank you." she said into his ear.
"For what?"
"For caring." she kissed his cheek.
"There my kids too Nicki. I need to know this stuff. I know being a mom it just comes natural for you guys to know stuff. But I don't want to be one of those men that are clueless as to what to do when something is wrong with their child." he said then went back to reading.
"It doesn't always come natural Faree. Would you mind teaching me some stuff that you've learned so far?" she asked.
"Oh.... okay." he said. Nicki listened very intently to what he was saying. Somethings she already knew but other stuff she didn't. He came to life when talking about their kids and the future he wanted to give them.
"Your going to be a good father Safaree." Nicki said now laying on her back on the couch. She was stroking the side of his face while he talked.
"You really think so?" He asked turning to look at her.
"Yes sir. Look at how your acting already. I can only imagine what you will be like when that actually get here." she giggled. There was silence.
"Nicki can I ask you a question?" SB asked.
"You just did." Nicki laughed.
"I'm serious." he said. Nicki nodded her head. "Why were you nervous to tell me about the babies?" NIcki stared at him.
"With you having a new girlfriend and all i just really thought you wouldn't want them. I prayed you did but I just didn't know. With what I put you through emotionally, I didn't think you were ever going to be apart of my future." Nicki confessed.
"Well just know no matter what happens in OUR relationship I will be there for my kids Nicki. I'm not going to be no dead beat dad." SB said.
"I know you won't sweetie." she looked away from his face but he was still staring at her.
"I know your going to be a great mother. The way you act with Micaiah, I know you will love and cherish our children." He said rubbing her belly. "I love you for giving me them. I'm still in shock that i'm going to be a dad." Nicki smiled. His phone rang he looked down and saw it was Melanie, Nicki saw too.
"Handle your business I understand." She said. He got up and walked out into the hallway. All she could hear were muffled sounds. It was a quick conversation. Safaree walked back into the room.
"I gotta go Nic, Melanie got us tickets to the game tonight." Nicki looked away disappointed. "If you want me to stay I will." he said.
"No, you have a life outside of me now and I have to deal with it because I made it this way." She got up and hugged him around the neck. "Have a good time Safaree."
"I'll be back over tomorrow morning. Do you want me to bring you anything?" She shook her head no. She still hadn't let go of him yet. And he wouldn't rush her. She eventually let him go and he kissed her on the corner of her mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow. And leave these books, I have a system." he said smiling. He lifted her shirt and kissed her stomach.
"Okay." She walked to her room quickly because she didn't want to see him walk away from her.
<3 <3 <3 <3
3 Months Later
Safaree and Melanie are ordering their drinks at Water Grill when Nicki walked in with Lauren and Candi. They were all dolled up for their lunch date. Nicki even at 4 months was still wearing her heels. She looked cute. Today was the day she decided to go out in public and announce her pregnancy. She had been sheltered for the past three months only going out when necessary which wasn't often. Only to doctors appointments. Wayne and her Young Money family knew what was up now, she waited to tell them with Safaree. Everyone was excited for them. She looked over and saw Safaree and Melanie but they didn't see her.
"Hey you guys i'll met you at the table i'm going to go say hi to Safaree."
"Girl you just wanna mess wit that girl." Candi said.
"No i'm not i'm going to say hi to my bestie." Nicki sashayed off in their direction. She walked up to the table and tapped SB on the shoulder. He turned around.
"Hey Nicki." he said giving her a once over stopping at her shoes. She had on 6inch Jimmy Choo heels. He looked up at her and she knew why his face was all funky looking but before he could say any thing she spoke.
"Hey Melanie. I just wanna apologize about our first encounter with each other. Me and SB are good now and I don't want it to be weird." Nicki said giving her her best fake smile. She was only doing this because SB was her best friend and didn't want him in a weird position between his girl and her. She hadn't seen nor talked to Melanie since their first time meeting. Melanie looked at Nickis belly.
"It's fine Nicki. Congratulations on your pregnancy."
"Oh i'm not pregnant I've just gained a little weight." Nicki said.
"Ha ha ha ha." Melanie laughed until she didn't hear Nicki laughing with her.
"What's funny?"
"Oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to offend you." Nicki busted out laughing.
"Girl I am pregnant." Nicki said rolling her eyes at her under her sunglasses. Safaree was laughing because he knew Nicki was being so fake!
"Oh." Melanie chuckled. "So who's the father?" she asked. Safaree choked on his water. Nicki looked at him and broke out laughing.
"I'ma let you handle that one best friend. It was nice seeing you again Melanie." with that Nicki turned and walked to her table.
"I ain't never seen a woman walk in 6 inch heels, be 4 months pregnant and strut the way she does. Now that's a bad bitch." Melanie said.
"Yes she is." Safaree said watching Nicki walk away. Melanie looked at him and cleared her throat. He broke from his trance.
"So what is it you were suppose to be handling?" she asked leaning forward placing her head on top of her hands and looking at him. Safarees hands started to sweat so he rubbed them against his pants.
"Well you remember Jamaica right?" She nodded her head. "Well you know it was Nicki I was with when I was there and well while we were there I helped make these things called triplets." he said. Melanies jaw dropped. By now Nicki was sitting in her round booth with the girls. She was in the middle of the two watching Safaree intently. She couldn't hear what was being said but from the looks of things he told her about him being the father.
"THREE." Melanie yelled. Nicki chuckled. "You are just now telling me that you have another girl pregnant BUT on top of that your having THREE of them with her." Melanie was heated. "I told you I couldn't compete with her. Even when she is pregnant she still looks stunning. I can't do this with you. I don't do baby mamas Safaree."
"Oop! She sound mad." Lauren said looking up from her menu. Nicki nodded her head in agreement but never taking her eyes off the scene in front of her. Nicki leaned over to Candi.
"On a scale of 1-10 how mad do you think she is at him?" Nicki asked. Just then Melanie got up from the table with tears falling down her face. Safaree got up to try to stop her and she drew back and slapped him hard. They heard it from where they were sitting. All you heard was "Oooooooo's" coming from all around the restaurant. Melanie stormed out.
"She's like an 11" Candi said. They all broke out laughing. Safaree walked over to them with his shoulders hunched over.
"Awwww best friend what happen to your little girl friend?" Nicki said playing like she knew nothing.
" Don't best friend me. First of all take off them damn heels, second of all you KNEW what you were doing when you walked over there. Standing up there being all fake." He chuckled. "Oh Melanie it was good seeing you again!" he said mocking Nicki.
"What I did nothing. I did not come over there with any plans. But your ass should have told her about the babies before now Safaree" Nicki said smiling innocently.
"Mmhhmmm. Lauren let me sit by Nicki."
"Naw these here my babies." she said rubbing Nickis belly.
"Damn right our babies." Nicki said co-signing Lauren.
"Lauren if you don't take your hands off my seeds." Safaree said.
"Oh so your super dad now." They all laughed and Lauren got up he sat down and kissed Nickis cheek and rubbed her belly.
"I said take them fuckin heels off now Nicki." She rolled her eyes and kicked them off.
"It felt good wearing heels again your such a party pooper." she said as Lauren handed her her Flats out of her bag.
"No your the party pooper." he said rubbing the side of his face.
"She was a really pretty girl best friend. You really know how to pick em." Nicki said cheesing.
"Whatever Nic. What you feeding my seeds?" Before she could answer the waiter brought out their food. He placed a steak in front of Candi, lobster in front of Lauren and Hot wings with extra hot sauce and ranch on the side. SBs eyes grew big.
"Nicki what the hell is this?"
"It's my food you silly boy." she said.
"You can not eat that. You will get heart burn and then i will have to be up all night with you. And you got extra hot sauce."
"No I won't i'll be fine." she said putting her napkin in her lap.
"Yes you will. And i'm pretty sure that that is not good for the babies. Order something else."
"No I don't want anything else." she said trying to pick up a wing but SB knocked it out of her hand.
"I said no Nicki. Order something else." she glared at him.
"And I said NO I don't want anything else." she tried picking up the wing again and again it was knocked out of her hand.
"I will not be up all night with your whiny ass. Eat a salad."
"No that's not what I want I need protein."
"Well you not eating these wings so i suggest you pick something else." he said taking the plate and eating one of the wings.
"And your just gonna sit there and eat them in frotn of em me you big greedy doof?" she elbowed him in his side.
"Eat a steak like Candi." She looked over at Candi devouring her food.
"Give me my plate back." She reached over and he popped her hand.
"Why don't you try the BBQ wings Nicki." SB said. She was pouting at this point watching them all eat. Her stomach growled. and they all heard it. She snatched the menu and scanned it. She stopped the waiter and ordered her some chicken fingers with honey mustard and fries. "See that wasn't so difficult now was it."
"Shut the hell up."
"I thought i was your best friend a couple minutes ago?" he teased.
"I'm bout to go find little miss thing and tell her to comeback and get yo ol ugly ass. Go sit somewhere else." Nicki said pissed about her wings he was tearin through.
"Aww I love you to best friend." He said kissing her cheek with his greasy lips.
"Ewwwlll Safaree that's disgusting. Go away." he laughed and kept eating. A couple minutes later they came back out with her order and sat it in front of her. She stared at it. They heard her start to sniffle and looked at her.
"What's wrong with you?" Lauren asked.
"This is not what I want." Nicki started to cry. Safaree looked at her in total disbelief.
"Onika Tanya Maraj you are not crying over these wings."
"Leave me alone Safaree. Your just being selfish, just because you don't want to be up at night I can't have my wings." Lauren and Candi chuckled at their friend because of how she was acting but she was pregnant so it was the hormones.
"Nicki here take the rest if it will get you to stop crying."
"You ate them all now I don't want them." Candi put her arm around Nicki and tried to calm her down.
"How bout we get you some to go and you can eat them later and you eat the chicken fingers now so you will have something on your stomach. How does that sound?" Candi asked. Nicki thought about it.
"Okay." he picked up a chicken finger and started to eat. SB texted Lauren.
Did that really just happen?-Safaree
Yes! She is emotional now Safaree you have to remember that. Any little thing can trigger her to start crying.-Lauren
He looked up and nodded at her to let her know that he understood. He looked over at Nickis plate and saw that half of the plate was empty.
"And you weren't hungry eh?"
"Now you tryin to call me greedy Safaree, fuck you." she said tearing up again. Lauren looked at him like "Didn't I just tell you she is sensitive." She shook her head.
"I'm sorry. That's not what I meant." He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "You ready to go Dwarf?" she shook her head yes. "Okay let me pay the check and then we can leave." he waved down the waiter and gave him his credit card. "Anything you wanna do today?" Nicki thought about it and shook her head no.
"I just want to chill at home."
"Alright then that's what we'll do." the waiter returned with his card and they all got up and left the restaurant.
"I just want to chill at home."
"Alright then that's what we'll do." the waiter returned with his card and they all got up and left the restaurant.
*I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Beautiful Mistake. She FINALLY told him so yall can stop yelling at me. Do yall think that's the last time yall will hear from Melanie??? Remember to COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT! And DON'T TALK ABOUT THE CHAPTER ON THE TL. DM me. I have to keep telling you guys because i'm getting new readers and they don't know. So until next time
What Nicki wore to the restaurant.

Some of the games they played.

What she wanted to play but SB wouldn't let her!

lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yo i died laughing! i loved this chapter. And lol yeah Nick knew what she was doing lol made melanie slap him and then her crying over hot wings too funny!
ReplyDeleteThats right cry bitch cry and after that just fall off the side of a cliff. She dont do baby mamas bitch fuck you theres the door leave, ain't nobody begging your ass to stay. Nic was being straight messy and thats y I Oh shit she slapped the fucking taste of that water outta mouth if the entire resturaunt heard it. If it was me I woulda slapped that hoe. Nic,candi, and lauren know they ain't right for laughing. Damn shame got nic crying over some same hot wings and ranch dressing. All in all great chapter, I'm very satisfied with how it played out. My guard is not all the way down just yet because I know thats not the last time this bitch is gonna pop up. That would be too much like for martha ass :)
ReplyDeleteThat should be: That would be too much like right for marthas ass at the end of my comment
ReplyDeleteLmao!!! I freakin Love dis chapter!!! Nic crying ova some damn hot wings Lol my poor hunny bunch :( SB was xtra hype! running around da damn place tellin random ppl Lol Daaaaaammmmmmmmmmnnnnn Coon got da shit slapped outta him -_____- Melanie u petty cus u knew he was on vacation w/ Nic in Jamaica so did u not think they had sex? what? u thought they was sittin around reading books or countin sand particles? I dnt get it -___- Anyway BYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE Bitch! u won't be missed. However I dnt think this is da last time I'ma see yo ass *Side eyes Martha*. Nic Lauren & Candi kno they aint right 4 laughin haaahaa let me shut up cus my ass wlda been dying Lol Great Chapter, I loved it!
ReplyDeleteOMGGGGGGGG! This was soooo good Martha!!! I love how sb was sooo happy about the babies!!! Telling everyone @ the arcade, reading books, kissing her belly! This is just to sweet! Nicki is about to be so emotional, I hope Safaree is ready for her hormones to take over! I'm so happy for them!!! ...and FINALLY that bitch is GOOOOOOONNNNNEEEE! and she better NOT come back! -_- I mean it! :p Great Chapter!!!
ReplyDeleteWOAH #TeanMELMEL HOL ON BITCH I WAS ON YOUR SIDE, BUT YOU SLAPPED MY MAN LIKE HE A BITCH! GWORL WE NEED TO TAWK CAUSE IM ABOUT TO FUCK YOU UP! [cawl Lauren Nicki & candi] Why yawl ain't go after that hoe for slapping my man... And Nicki -__- I'm still #TeamMELMEL !! SAFAREE SPANK NIC!
ReplyDeleteI love how u always start it off wit scenes like that, makin us think they sexin when they not, smh. Way to get our attention, lol.
ReplyDeleteOooo!!! Thas a sexy ass movd Safaree jus did! *fans self* I'm happy she finally told'm!
Wait... -,- Htf he jus gon ask her dat??? Who the hell else she been fucking like crazy Safaree?! Oh wait.... YOU DUMBASS!!!
*screams with him* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD He happy af!!! You got me cheesin on this damn bus Marty!! Lmao!!! I cn't stop smilin!!! I wanna laugh so bad rite nw! I prolly look crazier holdin it in than letting it out!! Haa!!!
Up!! G2g Marty, at mi destination. Post the rest & read the rest later.
Awwwww! SB Is so cute! Superdaddy! Bieng the warden to Nic. Lol. U think Melanies gonna bleach Safarees clothes or something he betteR go get them!
ReplyDeleteThat chapter was EVAREETHING!!! Its cute how Safaree is being SuperDad, and being strict with Nicki! So I know SB been tryin to get over Nic..well its not happening and it shall stay that way. Him and Nic need to get back together and kick Melanie to the curb..PUNT!! Beautiful Mistake was funny and sweet at the same time! Loved it!!!! Xoxo *waits for next chapter* P.S. idt that was the last of Melanie though, personally something tells me she's up to no good. *goes into deep thought*..... @VogueBarbieTN_ :p
ReplyDeletefirstly, your background is fucking beautiful :).
ReplyDeletewhy did I think they were talking about something else? -_- I need to catch up on theses chapters man!
You tired? You need a break?" >>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!
Order something else." < SHOUT OUT to S.B though! I see you bro!!
awww she wanted her hot wings! give it to her dammit! -_-.
Nicki looked so sexy <3.
I FREAKING love it (; like LOVED!
Ok, im bizzac Mart!! Jus got home!! (that wuz like 9hrs ago -_-) *picks up where I left off*
ReplyDeleteYES!!! FUCK YEA!!! He ain't mad!!!!!! I wuz nervous af! I thot nigga wuz bout tuh get extremely angry!!!! Oh God I'm so damn happy rite now Marty!!!! I fuckin love you!!!!!! LOL!!!
Lmfaooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* I can hear him sayin that! Udk how funny that is!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DIIIIIIIEEEEEEESSSSSSS again then comes back to life and DIIIIIEEEESSSS ETERNALLY!!!!!* Mutated babies ain't wus poppin! Lmao!!! I think im goin to hell!! Hahahahahaaa!!!
-__________________________- that bitch........ Jus when everything's going asstackulously, she cums into the picture.... Hoe ass....
D: Oh mi Goood :(((( He's leaving :(((( I woulda cried mi silly ass off while huggin him like that. I would NOT have been able to let go of him :(((( Not at all... *sad sigh* Matta fact, I woulda held onto that nigga & told'm he couldn't leave. I wouldn'ta cared who wuz in the wrong. All I woulda known wuz that I wuz sorry & told'm that I wanted him back ASAP!! Lol, the outcome mite not have worked in mi favor, but it's always worth a try... Nic shoulda cried... maybe he woulda stayed & things woulda turned out differently, lol.
3months later nd mutt face Melanie is still in the picture frame? -_- No bueno... Me no gusta la perra...
No Nic, take them shits off. U ain't s'posed to be wearin heels honey boo. U kno betta
Hmph... *folds arms* Thanx 4 stating thee obvious Melanie, we kno Nic's bad! Lol, lemme stop. That wuz nice of her to say :) But now I feel bad cuz i STILL dislike the bitch. Plz try to keep Melanie's compliments nd nice words to a minimum so i dn't feel guilty for hating her, thank you Marty.
HAHAAHA!!!!! U needa make this fic into a fuckin MOVIE!!!! I'm so damn, damn serious!! I love this ENTIIIIRE part rite here ~>
"Well you remember Jamaica right?"
(not gon copy nd paste the entire thing, u wrote it, u kno it, lol)
"Awwww best friend what happen to your little girl friend?" Nicki said playing like she knew nothing." <~ I jus wanna eat it!!!! Lmao, that makes no sense what so ever, but thas how im feelin. LIFE has thrust itself upon me yet again!!! XD I'm glad she gone tho, good ridence!! (however u spell dat)
*Nicki screech/laugh* Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaa!!!!!! Lauren funny!!!! Me like she!! OH MY GOD!!!!! LIIIIIIFFFEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Nicki is a hot ass MESS!!!! Her nd Candi dem sum instigators!!! I love it tho!!!! Lmaoooo!!!!! I'm too threw with the Nicster!!!! She is fucking hilarious!!!!! *DIIIIEEEESSS*
Ooo! You tell'a Faree! Take off them damn heels!! Haha, he's even sexier when he's demanding ;) Raaannnrrr////
Ard now, chill wit dat wing smackin shit. You goin too far now boy. U dn't smack food out nobody's hand. Thas a crime. Dead ass.
ReplyDelete*sux teeth* Htf he jus gon take her food like that???? I'm boutta cry!! Lmao! I wish a nigga would!!!
Ooo! That was difficult as fuck -_- Why he do dat? I'm mad nigga eatin her food rite in front of her! I woulda fought his ass over that plate, lol.
LMFAOOOO!!!!!! Yo?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Nic is ACTUALLY crying!!! Hahahahaaaa!!!!!! Oh wow. I'm surprised, but yet im not cuz hormones or no hormones, I woulda did the same thing.
Awww, hormonal Nicki is too cute! She's like a liddle baby!! XD
Yaaaay!!! I loved this chapter Marty!!!! This is mi favorite one now!!! Lol, mi other fave wuz the one wit da vibratin thongs, but now it's number 2! This one is now number one on the top of mi list! Lol, it wuz perfect!!! idk if i ever said this, but u funny as hell!! Lol, i loved everything about this chapter! EXCEPT the fact Safaree took her food, that almost made me shed tears, lol.
Post soon girl. U're very good at wutchu do! ;)
for some reason i dont believe that will be the last we will hear of ms melanie smh but awww she finally told himm :DDD and tha twas too cutteeee wen she sat with him inbetween her legss ;) stroking his cheek pauz. i believe she told him how she really felt and he didn't wanna get back together but now what needs to happen is they need some intiminate alone time like a quite night cuddled in front of the tv where she needs to restate her true feelings and he tells how he really feels and they well kiss.....
ReplyDeleteLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! This chapter was REALLY funny
ReplyDeleteAwww...I'm happy he was so excited. Melanie you upset? LOL, bitch bye! Awww...Nicki cryin over some wings. That's funny and cute. And look at SB tryna be "super dad" forreal. Lmao. Loved it!<3