Okay this chapter was originally like 8 pages long in Microsoft Word so I had to cut it in 2 b/c I didn’t think you guys would care that long!! It’s still a bit long but hey…u will deal! Lmao I have my own personal feeling about this part! I hope u enjoy pt. 2 will b better in my opinion! COMMENT @ the end!!! Plz! J
Nicki awakened to the sunlight beaming through her window. She sat up in her bed and stretched and looked around. She glanced at the clock and it read 6am. She didn’t remember when she fell asleep. She got out of the bed and showered and got dressed. She was wearing a pair of form fitting black jeans, a cute t-shirt w/ a black jackets and a pair of black red bottoms. She was rocking her black long bob today w/ minimum make-up! She headed down stairs to grab something to eat before her day got hectic.
Safaree had been up since 5am. He got up and got ready then went to make breakfast for him and Nicki. He was putting the last of the food on the table when Nicki entered the kitchen. He thought she looked beautiful.
“Gooding morning sleepy head.” SB teased. She smiled.
“When did I fall asleep?” she asked sitting at the table.
“When I started playing my again you passed out on my lap 10 minutes later.” He told her while getting out the juice for them. He sat at the other end of the table.
“Oh yeah I was in your room last night.” She said eyeing the food.
“Yeah well let’s bless the food.” SB said. They both bowed their heads and Safaree said the blessing. “Amen.” He finished up.
“Amen.” Nicki said. They began fixing their plates. Safaree had made turkey bacon, eggs w/ cheese, pancakes, fried potatoes for him, and he made Nicki a fresh fruit bowl. While they ate they went over the things planned for today.
“So at 9 o’ clock you have a meeting with Baby and Wayne to discuss the direction of the new album. At 10:30 you have your nail appointment. I rented it out for an hr and ½ so you are not disturbed.”
“Aww, thanks Safaree.” Nicki said smiling. She loved her friend so much. He was always looking out for her. She had been saying for a couple of days now she needed to go do that but it always slipped her mind. He looked up from his plate.
“No problem.” He went back to eating and running down her schedule. “Then at 12 you have your fitting for the photo shoot. And then you have your late lunch with Drake at 2.” Safaree said rolling his eyes. He didn’t too much care for Drake, not because they had exchanged words or anything but he was always flirting with Nicki.
Nicki seen him roll his eyes and wondered what that was all about but she didn’t say anything. Safaree continued, “Then at 4 you have your event with Team Minaj at the Hyyat Hotel. You have the penthouse suite. And I contacted all of them and they all confirmed they will be attending. They should start arriving around 3:30; Martin will be there to get them situated. And that’s all that is scheduled for the day.” Nicki got excited she loved spending time with her fans. And the best thing about this time was she didn’t have to rush it and no one but the people in her camp and the Barbs and KB’z she asked to come knew about it. She had all night with them if she wanted. She had some fun things in mind to do with her Barbs. They finished up breakfast and headed out to get the day started.
In the car Nicki tweeted “Busy day Barbs come rescue me and take me back to Pinkslam!!!” She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes. That food was starting to slowly put her in a temporary coma. But before she could get into a good sleep Safaree was nudging her awake to get out the car. She grabbed his hand and they entered the building hopping on the elevator headed to the top floor. Once they hopped off they walked into the restaurant Baby & Wayne were having breakfast at. Nicki looked at the floor and noticed it was moving. She looked out the window and noticed that slowly but surely they were moving in a circle getting a great view of the city.
“There she is.” Baby said standing up to give Nicki a hug. “Hey Barbie.”
“Hi Baby, Hi Wayne.” She greeted them moving to hug Wayne. Then she sat. Safaree waited on a bench close to the elevators while she discussed her business.
“What up Nic?” Wayne said asked as he continued eating his food.
“Nothing much just out here bringing this money home.” She laughed.
“That’s what’s up.” He smiled and nodded.
“Are you hungry?” Baby asked.
“No I ate before I left the house. Safaree cooked.” She stated.
“Oh okay then well let’s get down to business I know you have things to do today.” Wayne said.
“Alright guys what do you want know?” Nicki asked. They sat talking for about hour about her new album. The men seemed confident that she knew what she was doing. And approved of what she envisioned for her album. They left the restaurant and went back downstairs, said their goodbyes and Nicki and SB hopped back in their Range Rover and headed to the nail shop.
Nicki walked in and greeted the lady at the counter. She told her she wanted a fill and a spa pedicure. She hopped it went smoother this time since she was at the nail shop and not at her house. Last time the lady was being extra and putting dish washing liquid in her water. Nicki giggled at the memory. The lady escorted her back to the spa chair and began running the water. She put that blue sand (LOL) in the water. She sat back and relaxed while being pampered. Before she knew it she was all done and about to head out the door. “Oh shit!” Nicki said.
“What’s wrong?” SB stopped and asked.
“I didn’t bring my flip flops and I can’t put my heels back on heels right now. And I refuse to walk on the ground bare foot.” She said.
“Well it’s a good thing I grabbed them before we left the house.” He said before walking out to the car to get them and brought them back so she could slip them on.
“Thanks Faree, what would I do without ya?”
“Be lost.” He said straight faced.
“Shut up and let’s go boy.” Nicki said laughing. Now they were headed to Providence for her late lunch with Drake. She was looking forward to it because she loved Drake. But as a Brother but he never could grasp that. When they pulled up Safaree got out and escorted Nicki into the restaurant. He told her he would be back at 3:30 to get her. She nodded and he left. He hated leaving her there with Drake but unless he could man up and let his feelings be known he was going to have to suck it up and deal.
Drake spotted Nicki and Safaree when they walked in the restaurant. He saw SB whisper something to Nicki. He hated that he could never be as close to Nicki as him. This made Drake annoyed with Safaree. Before Nicki spotted Drake he locked eyes with SB and they had a stare down like two idiots until Safaree smirked because he knew at the end of the day Nicki was coming home with him. He turned and left. Drake wondered what that was all about but quickly dismissed it when Nicki came into view with her 1000 watt smile.
“Hi gorgeous.” Drake greeted her with a smile and embraced her in hug.
“Hello Drake.” Nicki greeted him back. She waited for him to let go of her which took a little too long for her so she pushed him a tad. He got the hint and let go. “So how have you been Onika?” Drake asked pulling out her chair for her to sit.
“I have been great Aubrey. How have you been?” Nicki said putting emphasis on his name since he threw her government out there. He sat across from her.
“I’ve been good, I’m better now that I see you beautiful face.” He said whit a cheesy smile. Nicki blushed and looked at her menu.
“Hi my name is Barin and I’ll be your waiter today what can I start off with to drink?” The boy said looking down at his pad. Nicki looked up at him and looked at him weird.
“Haven’t I met you before?” Nicki asked trying to figure out where. The boy looked up to see who he was talking to and he dropped his pad and pen on the table and smiled huge. Nicki looked at him and smiled back.
“OMG Nicki hi. Yes u met me in your New Orleans Meet & Greet. I can’t believe you remember me.” He said excitedly.
“Yea u was the one that was like something something… Cheap….Areopostal.” Nicki giggled she loved that line. Drake just sat there annoyed because this fan was cutting in on his time.
“Yes that was me. You remembered.” He said.
“Of course you are unforgettable Barin.” Nicki said making him feel special.
“Then why you have to ask if you knew me?” Barin said Side eyeing her.
“I uhhhhhhhh.” Nicki couldn’t think of a good comeback so she just laughed. “Well you got me on that one babe, but listen to make it up to you I want you to come to this little thing I’m having later on but you can’t tell a soul.” Nicki gave him the details and he wrote it down.
“Thanks Nicki, this is why I love you. You are just amazing.” He told her. “Now let me order yall drinks and go put it in and I’ll be back to get your food order, so what would you like?” he asked.
“Um I’ll have….” Nicki thought about what she wanted.
“I can have the bartender make you a Red Passion Colada if you want?” Barin said. Nickis eyes got big.
“Yes Barin do that for me babe.” She said smiling.
“And for you?” he said now turning towards Drake.
“Oh now you see me?” Drake said in a sarcastic way. Both Barin and Nicki looked at him like he had two heads. Drake shook his head and ordered a Merlot. Barin went to go put in the orders.
“What’s wrong with you Drake?” Nicki asked.
“I mean I invite you out and you spend half of our time talking to a fan. You didn’t even introduce me.” Drake said giving Nicki a stank look. Nicki looked shocked then annoyed.
“First of all it will not hurt you that I took what all of seven minutes to talk to someone that supports me and what I’m trying to do. Second of all what the hell is you problem you have been acting this way the last couple of times we have met together?” Nicki said getting mad. She didn’t like when he acted this way like she was his girl or something. Barin returned with their drinks.
“Here you go.” He said sitting the drinks in front of them. Nicki took a sip from hers.
“Omg yes Barin thank you for this.” She said taking another sip.
“Yea thanks Barin.” Drake said in a nasty way. Barin just looked back at Nicki and asked her what she wanted to eat.
“Nothing I’m about to go.” Nicki said pulling out her phone to call Safaree. “How much is this?”
“Wait why are you leaving?” Drake asked. “Look I’m sorry for getting upset, just don’t leave.” He pleaded. But Nicki was over him right now. She got up threw a fifty on the table and turned to leave. Then she stopped walked back to the table. This made Drake smile but it soon faded when she walked up to Barin and gave him a hug. She told him to make sure he had his butt at the hotel. She turned and left
Safaree POV
I hate leaving Nicki with that guy. He thought to himself. He was in the car headed to get him something to eat. He just wanted something quick so when Nicki called he could go. He decided on Burger King because he hadn’t had it in awhile. As he ate he thought about Nicki and the life he wished he had with her. “I need to tell her.” He said out loud. He made up his mind that he couldn’t be afraid anymore. But then he thought, it couldn’t be tonight because he didn’t want her stressing over anything why she was with her fans. “I’ll tell her after the banquet tomorrow night.” He said. He was in deep thought when his phone started to ring.
“Hello.” He said.
“Come back and get me.” Nicki spoke into the phone.
“I just left the restaurant 15 minute ago. You finished already?” he asked heading back to get her.
“Safaree just hurry up I’m not in the mood.” And with that she hung up the phone.
<3 <3 <3
Safaree pulled up in front of the restaurant and hopped out. It had taken him about 30 mins to get back because of traffic. When he pulled up Drake was standing next Nicki talking to her but she had her eyes on Safaree.
“Nicki did you hear me?” Drake asked her. Nicki paid him no mind.
“What took you so long Safaree?” Nicki asked reaching out for his hand. The next thing she knew Drake snatched her arm and yanked her around.

Nickis Outfit
SBs Outfit
*OMG wats gonna happen???? IDK yet...*GIGGLE**
Hold The FLLLUCK UP *Nicki Voice* Who Does he Think He Is? Unh-Unh. No. Hell No.
ReplyDeleteCliffhanger?! U got us!! Lol
ReplyDeleteI'm happy Safaree is the chef! Lol, thas a hood look.
LMAO!!! I remember that whole Blue Sand thing too! I nick named that lady Dawn since she wanted 2 b usin dish liquid! Smh.
*sux teeth* Drake? ........Dn't b an ass dude -_-
Draaake?! Omg, nooooo!!!! He's being a total ass!! Lol, wutever, I'll deal...
Yo.. Drake's pissin me off, like..... Dude? Chill. I really hope Drake isn't in the rest of this OnikaFaree cuz he is makin me mad! Lol, Nicki shoulda left!! & Barin is so sweeet! :D I'm happy Nic invited him 2 the TM thing.
NIGGA?!?! Who tf is u?!?! I may like u in real life, but not in this fic I don't!! How dare u put ya hands on Nicki!! Negro, I will beat the black side outta u!! U don't b grabbing her up like that!! >:(
*calms self* Cool chap. *straightens tie* I hope SB whips his ASS!!! *reads nex chap*
....scews me *reads post again* did i read this correctly? DID THAT LIGHT BRITE HALF NEGRO PUT HIM HANDS ON NICKI?????
ReplyDeleteOk to keep my self from projecting my computer throught the window i had to tear up one of my drake posters...thx a lot -_-
Ha! Faree can throw down and make a good meal!
Faree do me a quick favor and.....WHOOP LIGHT BRIGHT ASS! #thatisall
*reads next post super fast*
Oh Hell nawww!!! How dare Drake out his hands on my mama! I hope SB beat him or better yet Nicki. Great story so far! And Barin's So cuttee!!!
ReplyDeleteOoo no. That is unacceptable. do i need to put these paws on Drake? Lol