Ever since Nicki had put a stop to the pursuit of a relationship with Safaree things had been different. They didn’t joke around like they used to. If it wasn’t about business they hardly talked. Safaree didn’t know how to be around her and not want to touch her. He wanted to claim her as his and according to her it would never happen. Safaree had to move on. And Shante was the perfect solution. He had met her when he was shopping away his feelings. She worked at the Louis Vuitton store. He needed an opinion on a duffle bag he was considering buying.
“Um Ms.” He looked at her name tag. “Shante. Hi can you help me decide on which bag to get.” He asked. Shante looked at both bags.
“Well to be honest sir they look almost identical to me.” She said giggling.
“I know right.” He said looking at the bags again. That’s why he needed help.
“But this one is a really big seller.” She said pointing at the one on the right. He put that one down.
“Well then I don’t want something everyone else is rockin.” He said. She smiled.
“I like that. Everyone else I say that to will be like “Oh okay then let me get that because I have stay with what’s new.” I’m like why would you want what everybody else has?” She said giggling. Safaree liked her smile.
“I’m not like everyone else. I have to be rocking exclusive shit.” He said in a cocky voice. “So I’m getting this and these shades.” He handed her the stuff and his Credit Card.
“All right sir, I’ll get this put in bags for you.” Shante said. She got him all squared away. “I hope you enjoy your things and come back soon.” She smiled. Safaree looked at her. She was sexy. Brown skinned, Doe eyes, she was about 5’5, 125 pounds, body was in amazing shape, and her smile was pretty.
“You should give me your number.” Safaree said. He wasn’t one to beat around the bush.
“And why is that?” Shante asked.
“So I can take you out and we get to know each other. I like you. And I don’t usually like many people.” He said smiling at her. She gave him her number and every since then they have been inseparable.
When SB started messing with Shante he finally realized that a relationship with Nicki would never happen so he decided to get out of his feelings and move on. He began to gradually talk to Nicki how he used to. They joked around like old times. But he wasn’t really around as much as he used to be. This pissed Nicki off. This girl was stealing her best friend from her. But besides the fact she felt like she was losing SB she just got a bad vide from the girl. Nicki let it be known she didn’t like the relationship or Shante. Anytime SB brought Shante around Nicki would act as if she wasn’t there. Shante would say something and Nicki would cut her off. One day Shante confronted Nicki about it at a get together SB had. All their friends were there having a good time in the back yard. Shante said something and everyone laughed, Nicki mean mugged her.
“What is your problem Nicki?” Shante asked with an attitude.
“You’re my problem.” Nicki spat back. She had been waiting for the day she came at her. Nicki knew the girl didn’t do anything but she was territorial, and Shante had entered hers without permission. SB saw Nickis face and knew it could possibly go down.
“Hey both of you knock it off” SB said standing in front of Nicki. He gave her a pleading look. Nicki wasn’t tryin to hear that she wanted that Bitch gone.
“No, fuck her she came at me with an attitude.” Nicki said pointing at Shante.
“Bitch fuck you!” Shante yelled. Candice and Lauren walked closer to Nicki just in case something popped off. They weren’t going to stop it but Shante had friends there and if those bitches tried to jump Nicki it was going DOWN. But they knew Nicki could hold her own. SB closed his eyes quick hoping Nicki didn’t do what he thought she was going to do. Nicki moved around SB and jumped in Shantes face. “Damn.” He thought
“Who the fuck you callin a bitch?” Nicki yelled. It was fitting that today Nicki decided to put on her T-shirt shorts and sneakers for the BBQ.
“I’m talkin to you. I don’t give a fuck who you are.” Shante said putting her finger in Nickis face. Wrong move. Nicki punched her in her face. Shante dropped then scrambled to her feet tackling Nicki. Nicki rolled over on top of her and hit her in the face over and over again. SB pushed Nicki off of Shante.
“What the hell Nicki?” SB yelled at her pulling Shante off the ground. Shantes her friends grabbed her because Shante was still trying to fight Nicki and they didn’t want their friend to be embarrassed even more. They took her to the car. SB was walking behind them. Nicki was right behind him.
“No what the FUCK SB? How you gonna push & yell at me over something she started.” Nicki yelled at SB. SB stopped in the living room and turned to Nicki.
“Nicki you had no reason to hit her.” SB spat.
“She put her hands all in my face and I’m not supposed to do anything about it. Fuck you SB. Any other time you would be sitting back enjoying the fuckin show but since it’s that bitch its OH SO FUCKIN DIFFERENT?” Nicki was LIVID. He was taking up for Shante and not her. Who did he care about more? She thought.
“Nicki I’m not saying what she did was right but you know better. She is not the first person to get you mad. And because that’s my girlfriend I would have thought you would try to get along with her. I know you haven’t ever liked her and for what reason I don’t but whatever it is you need to get over it.” SB said. Nicki knew what he was sayin was true but right now was not the time to hear that.
“Whatever Safaree. Go run behind your little girlfriend. That chick done had you actin different ever since yall met.” She said. “The Safaree I know would never act like this over no pussy.” She walked away and went to her room. She didn’t want him to see her cry. She was losing her best friend and she didn’t know how to get him back. For the first time in a long time Nicki felt defeated. SB left even more pissed off. He had never seen Nicki act so jealous. “And she said I was acting different.”He mumbled slamming the front door. He had to check on Shante.VISUALS

Nickis outfit

Safarees Outfit
Lmfao @ Candi & Lauren, @ Her Friends Trying To Help Her Save Face, & @ SB's Shirt. Loved It. <3
ReplyDeleteDamn Nic.... I'ont kno bout this one :/ I mean, I c how u could b all territorial, but Shante hasn't dun u rng so jus let the girl b. Like, get over it! U act like she stole ya man! Which I recall he's nt bcuz u told'm u wanted 2 jus b frenz so lose the attitude. It's unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteOoo!! I take Wut I said bout Shante bak!! Lol, I meant Wut I said at the time, but nw I don't like her! U dnt put ya finger n Nic's face!!!! Nd u DON'T call her a bitch even if she WUZ actin like one! Thas nt ya place trick!! Nd poor SB :( Smh. He gotta deal wit two chix that want him!! Even tho he doesn't kno Nic wants him and Nic doesn't kno she wants him, they both want each other.... Make sense? O.o Lol, idk...
Btw, I comment as I read so thas y it may seem like I'm all over the place, hahaha
Perfect chapter Marty (yes, I jus cald u Marty :p) Nic sho did whip dat ass tho, Shante must b hella embarrassed! Lol
ReplyDeleteOMG Wow Nic really has the hots for SB and she don even know it! But poor Shante the dumb rich bitch came at Nicki instead of askin her nicely stupid bitch.
ReplyDeleteAnd SB shoulda grabbed Nicki kissed her again Nd fucked her!!!! He shlda bn done dat, even after Nicki said she just wan be frannns.
I LOVE it already! I can imagine NIC punching in real life!