“The nerve of him.” Nicki said out loud to herself. She was in her bathtub soaking after her afternoon workout that SB had busted in on at the end. “He is such a freaking idiot.” She thought out loud. To say Nicki was mad would be the understatement of the century; she was to the highest PISSTIVITY. “As long as he has known me you would think he would know a little about my character.” This time Nicki stated it in a more hurt voice.
Nicki had never been that girl. The girl who slept with any and everybody who told her she was pretty. She already knew that. This wasn’t her being cocky but her mother had been saying that she was beautiful and intelligent since she was small. So for a guy to say this was nice but it was not a jaw dropping revelation. Nicki knew her worth and she was worth loving. With her knowing that she never let anyone treat her less. If a dude did not respect her and her beliefs she would drop with quickness. She wasn’t asking him to change but just respect how she felt. In a relationship she was never overly eager to jump in the bed with the guy. She believed that what she had was a gift and you had to put in work for it. Meaning you had to stimulate her mind before you could stimulate her body. She could never just sleep with some random ass basic Nigga. That’s why she was so pissed at Safaree, he knew all this. She sank deeper into the bubble bath to think more.
I’m going to pay for this big time, Safaree thought to his self as he sat at the kitchen bar with his head in his hands. He sat wondering how mad she really was. He knew he was going to have to apologize. “Why Can’t I just tell her how I feel?” he thought. “You’re afraid of her rejecting you!” He mumbled to himself. Nicki was the type of person that you had to pick how you said things to because if you didn’t chose your words wisely she would make you look stupid. He wanted to tell her that he has loved her since high school and that no matter where she looked and who she found they would never love her like he does. Every time he got the nerve to tell her she would look at him with those big pretty brown eyes and he would freeze and end up saying some the coonistic. She would roll her eyes and walk away from him. He didn’t want Nicki to think of him as a man who she couldn’t take seriously. He shook his head with frustration and went to the living room to watch some TV to take his mind off of the situation, at least until Nicki had the chance to calm down and talk to him.
Nicki had now gotten out of the tub and put on her lotion and smell goods and since she wasn’t going anywhere she put on her usual lounge clothes a T-shirt, bra, and thong. Her hair was on top of her head in a messy bun. She was hungry but she didn’t want to run into SB. She had calmed down some but was still hurt that he could think she would do something like that. She sat on her bed and turned on her Judge Judy dvd, she loved that woman. And was ecstatic when she opened a gift one of her Barbs brought her to a Meet & Greet and found it. Five minutes into the show her stomach made it very clear that it was in need of food. She groaned and rubbed her stomach and made her way downstairs. As soon as she opened the door she saw SB with his hand raised ready to knock on the door. “Just great!” she thought.
“I was coming up to see if you were hungry, because I made dinner.” he said hoping that this would make up a little for what he did.
Rolling her eyes she asked “Are you sure you don’t want to go check my closet to see if I have a man hidden in there?” Nicki said stepping to the side. She could be such a smart ass sometime. “Guess not.” SB thought.
“Nicki look I’m sorry for what I did earlier. I had no right to barge into your room like that. It will never happen again.” He stated.
Nicki cocked her head to the side and gave him a funky look. “Safaree if you think that’s what I’m upset about you must have lost touch with who I am.” She said in disbelief. She could care less if he came in her room unannounced, he’d been doing it for years. Hell she walked around in a T-shirt and thong all the time around him.
He was getting irritated now. Why won’t she just accept my apology and move on he thought. He didn’t know what else he did that was so bad. Then he thought, maybe because I cussed at her. “I’m sorry for cussing at you as well.”
“Safaree get out of my face.” She said pushing past him to go downstairs, she was starving.
Fuck it if she wants to be that way and act like a child then I could give a fuck. “Can I at least use your treadmill for awhile or can I not go in your room?” he yelled to her as she walked away.
She turned around and said “I don’t give a damn what you do Safaree.” She kept walking. When she reached the bottom of the stairs an aroma of smells entered her nostrils. Nicki sped walked to the kitchen. He had cooked lasagna, homemade garlic bread, and made a Caesar salad. She licked her lips in anticipation. She made a plate grabbed her some juice and sat at the table and devoured the food.
When she finished she put everything away because she saw SB had already ate before coming to get her. While washing the dishes she started hearing some suspicious noises coming from upstairs. She turned off the water and walked up the stairs. She listened at the door.
“I’ll be damn, it does sound like someone is having sex.” She stated dumbfounded. She must have been in deep thought because she didn’t hear the noises stop and the next thing she knew the door had swung open and she fell into SB sweaty chest and looked at him with a weird face. He caught her so she didn’t fall. He looked down at her and wondered why she was standing leaning on the door.
“Are you okay?” Safaree asked.
“Yea I’m fine.” She said steadying herself. Safaree moved pass her and continued walking down the hall to his room. He felt he was being watched so he looked back at Nicki to find her staring at him. “Do you need or want something?” He asked with a slight attitude figuring she was still mad at him so he was still annoyed with her.
Picking up on this Nicki gave him a stank look back and said “I don’t Want nor do I need anything from you Safaree.” She said as she slammed the door shut. She wanted to tell him that she understands how he thought what he thought but her pride stood in the way.

Nicki & Safarees home

Nickis Bathroom

Nickis Bedroom

Their Kitchen

Nickis outfit. Imagine the shirt is long enough to cover her butt! lol

SBs Outfit (Not workout shoes but I had too) lol
*OMG are these two EVER going to make up?? Maybe they will make up in like HOUR!!!!!! ß ß HINT HINT* J J J
ReplyDeleteEw! >,< Sweaty SB!! xp Idc who Nic fell into, like sweaty chests may b sexy 2 look at, but they're gross to feel!! Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd Safaree needs to open his eyes & c that Nic's mad at him for questioning her character! Like, she could give a fuck abt u cursing at her, she's mad cuz u thot she'd actually b in there wit sum dude. Um, hello? Mr. Samuels? IT'S NICKI!! She is NOT that woman u goof!
Oh, Nd btw... I find it kinda sexy that Nic walks around him in her thongs & tee, how could Safaree resist wanting her if he saw that everyday? Lol, jus sayin.
I like this :) *reads on*
Safaree sweeet heart....*smakes u silly* The hell is wrong with yu nigga!?!?
ReplyDeleteNicki is not even that type why would you ever think something like that??
Ha se ran up them stairs supa fast when she smelt the food!
*sigh* Nic your gonna learn soon enuff that walking around in a thong with a man in the house with eventually backfire.
Nicki's Bedroom pic doesn't work!!
ReplyDeleteCan they just fuck already? she walks around in her damn thong. how can he not get hard from that? lbs.
I Don't See How Safaree Can Stand Watching Nic Walk Around In Her Thong Without Wanting To Do Some Things To Her. Lol