Here you go you guys. I really hope you like it! :) Comment on here please!!
“Do you not hear me talking to you?” Drake yelled at her.
“The Fuck is…” She couldn’t finish her sentence because in a blink of an eye Safaree had Drake by his collar.
“Nigga if you ever put your hands on her like that again I will beat the breaks off of you!” Safaree said yelling.
“Fuck you Nigga! Get the fuck off me.” Drake yelled trying to get free but Safaree had a death grip on him. Nicki was trying to get Safaree off of him.
“Come on Safaree this is not the time nor the place let’s just go.” Nicki pleaded. Safaree looked at her then back at Drake and shoved him away. He grabbed Nickis hand and helped her into the car. Safaree was livid. He got in the car and pulled off. Nicki was holding her wrist.
“Are you okay?’ SB asked her.
“Yea I’m fine. Thanks for taking up for me back there.” Nicki said.
“Do you think I would ever let something like that happen to you and the person gets away with it? Your best friend and I love you. I would go to hell and back for you.” He told her. He was still yelling but not at her he was just pissed. Nicki thought to herself that the way he said I Love You sounded different then when he usually said it.
“No Safaree I know you have back.” She said rubbing his shoulder trying to calm him down. “Safaree I know your upset but you have to calm down. You can’t be this way in front of the Barbs.” She stated.
“I know but he just pisses me off. Nicki I don’t want you with him by yourself anymore. Do you understand me?” He commanded. She just looked at him. He’s just mad she thought and looked out the window.
“I SAID DID YOU HEAR ME ONIKA?” He shouted. She jumped.
“Okay Safaree damn.” She shouted back. “You act like you’re my damn man or something! I’m sick of being yelled at today.” she said. Safaree just kept driving. They pulled up to the hotel, parked and got out. Both still mad about something. Nicki because she has been screamed at and yanked around today. And Safaree because some Nigga done put his hands on Nicki and he didn’t get to do the damage he wanted to. They walked into the hotel and hopped on the elevator and rode it up to the top floor. But before they made it to the top Safaree hit the stop button.
“Listen Nicki I’m sorry I lost my temper and yelled at you in the car. That’s not what you needed then. You have to understand that when it comes to you I can’t see you hurt.” He said hugging her. “You mean so much to me.” She hugged him back.
“I know Safaree. Your pretty special ya freakin self. I shouldn’t have snapped at you either. You were pretty mad you called me by my government you jerk.” She said and they laughed then she looked up at him into his eyes. They stayed that way for a few minutes. Safaree went in for a kiss. But then the elevator started to move again throwing them off balance. Safaree tried to play it off but Nicki knew what he tried to do and she couldn’t say she was happy that he didn’t get to finish. They got off and instantly they heard all of the Barbs talking and laughing. They hadn’t seen them yet so they slipped around a different way and went into the room without being discovered. They did not address what happened in the elevator. Nicki went to freshen up and put on her pjs because it was a pajama party with the barbs. SBs clothes were in there as well so he just put on his pj bottoms and his wife beater. Nicki came out in her night shirt. She didn’t like pj bottoms.
“You ready Nic?” SB asked.
“Yes sir.” Nicki said. They walked out and when they rounded the corner all hell broke loose. The Barbs and Boy because Barin was there as well, rushed them! Nicki hid behind SB so he suffered the initial blow.
“Whoa Barbs calm down, we have all night to talk and hug.” She said peeking from around SB.
“Yeah why yall rushin a coon?” SB asked, and they all busted out laughing. They all backed up and Nicki went around and hugged all of them.
“Um HB is that all you have on?” @PastryOMGMinaj asked.
“What’s wrong with my pj’s missy?” Nicki asked in one of her weird voices.
“Nothing it’s just a little short. I don’t want SB and @_TB eyeing ya goodies.” She giggled.
“Why are you such a hater?” @_TB and SB asked together and laughed. Nicki rolled her eyes at them.
“Barb I have on shorts just for that reason.” She raised her shirt showing her shorts. They would come off when she went to sleep tho. She couldn’t sleep in them.
They sat down and talked. Nicki did roll call to make sure she knew all of them she called them by their twitter names.
“So we have: @TeamNickiNinja, @Brooklenbarbie, F1ColdFrontWife.” Nicki stopped and looked at Safaree and said “How many wives you got?” SB shrugged.
“The ladies love me.” He said and winked at F1CFW. She blushed. Nicki rolled her eyes and continued.
“@TeamMinajCaliii, PastryOMGMinaj, @TrebbleBarbie, @_TheBarin and last but certainly not least @ITTTSSMARTHAAABITCHHHHHHHH.” She said the last name like she did in her video. The girl giggled. “So since we all know each other let’s eat because I’m starving.”
“Wait Martin said you were coming from a lunch date.” @TeamNickiNinja stated. Nicki looked at her and tried to figure out an answer.
“Well nosey if u must know that meeting got cut short so I didn’t get a chance to eat.” Nicki said rolling her neck. The girl dropped her head into her hands she was embarrassed. “I was just kidding Barb.” Nicki walked over to her and hugged her.
“Yeah well this coon is hungry so excuse Me.” he said busting in between them. (Pauz) Nicki pushed him.
“I saw that BK bag in ya backseat you shouldn’t be hungry fatty.”
“Hey I’m a man I need hearty meals.” He said laughing. He went and got the room service book and placed his order as did everyone else. When the food arrived all you heard was smacking. Then Nickis laughter. They all looked up.
“Yo yall should see ya selves. You guys are devouring that food. Look at @TeamMinajCaliii she got BBQ sauce all over her chin.” Nicki said dieing of laughter. @TMC wiped her face laughing.
“Umm HB before you laugh at her look at your face.” @ItsMarthaBitch said handing her a compact mirror from her purse. Nicki took it and laughed harder. She had hot wing sauce all over from the chicken she was eating. As she looked up Martin snapped a picture of her. Her laughter stopped.
“Martin you freaking spook, what are you doing?” she said swatting at him.
“You said take pictures so that’s what I’m doing.” He said moving around the room. He took a picture of @IMB and @BB that they posed for. Nicki glared at him then said cute picture.
“Thank you.” The girls said in unison.
“Okay let’s put on some music and yall can teach me how to dance. Yall know I’m a little challenged.” Nicki said. They all busted out laughing. “What’s funny?” Nicki asked with a serious face. They danced until they dropped. Nicki had got video footage of it all and pictures. She was going to put a cute little gift bag together and send it to them later. They sat around talking a laughing until they all started to fall asleep. Nicki stayed up talking to them until the last one was asleep. Martin went to the second bedroom to sleep. Then her and Safaree went into the bedroom and talked.Visuals

Nickis Pajamas

SBs Pajamas
Pajama cute I can picture it next time invite me tho
ReplyDeleteawwwwww i was in this chapter that chpter was reallly cute i loved it!
ReplyDeleteAwwww. Givin TeamMinaj They ShoutOuts. If Nicki Did That. OohWee! <3
ReplyDeleteEeep!! XD A PJ Party!!! That's so fun!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Nic & the barbz + Barin had a wonderful time with all the food and dancin nd stuffs!!
Nic's pj's r cute and don't think I'm lettin wut Safaree tried 2 do in the elevator slide. They needs 2 talk abt that! Lol
This wuz a happy chap I enjoyed lots! Wish i wuz there! :)
ReplyDeleteNext time i wanna be in it!
Awww Barin prolly went in the back of the restaurant
and spazzed lol i would! *reads next post*
Awww I couldn't stop laughing and aweing at the slumber party with the Barbz so dang sweet! Next Time u may wanna invite *cough Brittanyminajmn cough cough* a tall lanky barb that can't really dance lol.