I have been posting a lot so I’m probably not going to post for awhile. I’ve been spoiling you guys. Lol Anyway Brittany…I hope you enjoy!!!
“Listen Safaree, I apologized to ya little girlfriend but tell her to stop playing on my phone.” Nicki told SB. They were not talking to each other but she felt bad for losing it on the girl like she did. Shante ended up getting six stitches in her lip and her face was pretty bruised up. Shante didn’t press charges because Safaree asked he not to and she didn’t want to lose him. She had her plans and Nicki was not about to screw them up for her.
“What are you talking about Nicki?” SB asked in annoyed voice. He was playing his game and she was interrupting it with yet another complaint.
“She keeps calling my phone and hanging up. And before you ask me how I know I called ATT and told them someone was prank calling me and they gave me the number and who it belonged to. So I would appreciate it if you got your groupie together.” Nicki said walking away. SB tried to figure out how she got Nickis number. His phone stayed with him, except when he took showers over her house. He got up and drove over to Shantes house. He knocked on the door and it took her a minute to open it.
“Hi babe. I wasn’t expecting you.” She said kissing him.
“Why are you playing on Nickis phone?” He asked flatly while going to sit on her couch.
“What do you mean Safaree? What lie is she telling now baby?” she asked sitting next to him.
“Don’t lie Shante she called her carrier and they gave her your name and number. Why are you being childish?” he asked getting irritated. He didn’t like for people to lie to him. Nicki would never he thought. Shante sat there trying to think of a good lie but was falling short. “I think we need a break.” SB said getting up to leave. Shante jumped up.
“Why because Nicki lied and said I was playing on her phone?” Shante yelled
“Nicki didn’t lie, you are. Nicki has never lied to me before so I don’t believe she would start now.” He said.
“Safaree please I’m sorry. Give me another chance. I will never call her again. Just don’t leave me.” Shante pleaded. SB sighed.
“Fine. But leave Nicki alone. She has gotten over what happened and you need to as well.” He said in a serious voice.
“Okay baby I will.” She said Kissing SB. She saw that he was losing patience with her so she decided to put her plan into motion now. She led him to her bedroom and undressed him fully. She went to get a condom out of her drawer. She had taken the condom out of the package and poked a small whole into it. When she turned around she threw the package on the floor as if she had just opened it. She placed the condom on him and they got busy. Luckily for SB he pulled out before he came and came on her back instead. For some reason he liked doing that. (LOL) “Damn it” Shante thought.
Why can the just see that something isn’t right with that girl Nicki thought. She was sitting and writing. She had been slacking and that’s wouldn’t she couldn’t afford to do. She hadn’t been able to focus, and her sleep was all off because she and Safaree were fighting. Safaree was just being such an ass. I had apologized but because I said she couldn’t come back to the house he’s all pissy. That’s like me inviting Drake over knowing Safaree hates him. But oh because it’s him he doesn’t understand.
She heard a car in the driveway she got up and looked out her window to make sure it was Safaree. It was him. She went into his room and waited for him.
Safaree entered the house. He saw Nickis light was on from outside. He needed to talk to her and clear the air between them. They had never argued for this long. He went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He headed towards his bedroom, he noticed his light was on. He looked over at his bed and there she was sitting Indian style in the middle of the bed fiddling with her night gown.
“Hey Nic.” SB said entering the room. He placed his cup in the nighstand. He walked to his dresser and pulled out some sleep clothes.
“Hi SB.” She said in small voice still not looking at him. He walked into the bathroom and changed and came back out.
“We need to talk.” They both said in unison. They smiled “You go first.” They did it again.
“Nicki I shouldn’t have shut you out like I did when the fight happened with Shante.” He said sitting on his side of the bed. “I know I made you feel like I was taking her side but I wasn’t. I just don’t understand why you hate her so much.” He said in a defeated voice.
“I’m sorry for my actions as well. I have been acting like a bitch towards you. It’s just that when she’s around you it’s like you forget about me. And yes I know she’s your girl but I’m not use to sharing your attention. But I will learn to deal. It seems like she is going to be around you for a while.” Nicki said rolling her eyes. “For you I will try to check my attitude when she is around. But I also want to tell you that when she’s around I get a bad vibe. Like she is not genuine.” Nicki said.
“There you go Nicki you can’t ever just let things be, you have to make more out of shit than there is. She is not plotting against me.” Safaree snapped. It made Nicki Jump. She hated when he yelled at her.
“Fine Safaree, I was just trying to help but if you say you got it under control then okay.” Nicki said giving a weak smile.
“I do have it under control.” SB said softening his tone. “ I know you think your helping but it makes me think you just don’t want to see me happy.” SB said.
“That’s not how I mean to make you feel.” Nicki said leaning against Safarees chest. He put his arm around her. He missed this over the past month. Just being able to sit with her and talk.
“I know dwarf.” Safaree said laughing at Nicki punching him in the leg.
“Faree don’t call me that.” She said chuckling.
“Hand me my water from over there.”SB asked. Nicki lifted up and scooted over to the other side to grab the glass. She took a sip out of it. When she turned around to give it to SB (Pauz) she saw the biggest spider on his wall. She threw the cup and the ice cold water landed on Safaree. She screamed. “What in the hell are you doing?” Safaree jumped out his bed and hurriedly took off his shirt and pants because they were freezing. He was standing in front of Nicki in his boxers. She was instantly wet. “What in the hell?” Nicki said to herself aware of what happened in between her legs. She looked over his body. His stomach was perfect with his six pack, and she was already acquainted with his friend downstairs but it was even more than what she thought. Safaree was not paying her any attention he was now drying his self off. He turned around and she got a great view of his butt. She licked her lips and smiled. She caught herself and shook her head. “No I can’t look at him in that way he’s my friend and that’s how it had to stay. We can’t go down the road.” Nicki thought. SB changed his pants but didn’t put back on a shirt.
“I’m sorry Safaree but kill the spider.” She pointed towards the wall but it was no longer in the same spot. It was on the move which made Nicki scream louder. But what Nicki forgot is that Safaree didn’t do bugs as well, before she saw him he had jumped on the bed with her.
“You know I don’t do bugs girl stop playin.” Safaree said seriously. This made Nicki crack up.
“Yo big 6 foot something ass is still afraid of bugs?” Nicki was laughing hard in her exaggerated laugh.
“It’s not funny Nicki.” He said looking around for where the spider went. “I’m not getting off this bed.”
She stopped laughing and said “Well who is going to take me back to my room?” She asked serious.
“You betta walk your hobbit ass down walk ya damn self.” Safaree said getting under his covers. “Turn off the lamp when you leave.” He commanded.
“No Faree I can’t get down the spider is going to follow me.” Nicki said whining and being extra. Safaree waited for the next question. “Well can I stay in here then?” Nicki asked. SB grinned.
“Yes Nicki just go to sleep.” He answered. Nicki smiled and jumped under the covers. She was tired from lack of sleep any way so she drifted right to sleep. Safaree laid awake thinking.
“Why was she looking at me like that?”
*So tell me what yall think. Comment please. Yall know I couldn’t let my boy go out like that! I KNO IT GOT A LITTLE GRAPHIC BUT HEY….YOU’LL DEAL…. These two are getting on my nerves they just need to be together already…DANG!!*

NIckis PJs

Safarees Pj's
Yes They Really Do. #TiredOfWaiting <3
ReplyDeleteCute chapter.... Hopefully SB breaks up with tht bitch but anyways I love the stories
ReplyDeleteommgg my god nicki plsss get him back .... shante trifflin ass tryin to trap sb !!!! i hope sb catch her in the act
ReplyDeleteOoo, dat hoe thirsty!! Lol
ReplyDeletePlan? O.o NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! This bitch! Excuse mi lang, but u better nt cum Safaree!! She trine trap u! Shante playin u! SHE PLAYIN YOU!!
He pulled out! Thank the heavens! XD
Hahahaaa! Instantly wet?! Seee Nickiiii? *cheesy smile* I told u, u wanted him!
Hahahahahahaha!!!! Seriously tho Faree?! Ctfu!! Thas funny shit! Never woulda thot his grown 6'3" ass woulda been scared of a spider.
Yoooo?! O.O I JUST said that b4 I read it!!!!!!!!! Lmao, I'm spooked nw!
Aaah, he saw that? Damn.... Shante gotta bounce! I want OnikaFaree bak!! Or 2gether at least cuz they never really started, lol
This story never bore's me!! :)
ReplyDeleteHaha SB u fraid' of a liddle bug...hahah GET OVER IT!
Now all i need is for shante to not try and do this shit! If she woulda succeded me and u would have to have little...talk *reaches for acid*
OMG Hell No this Bitch did not!!!! Wtf trying to get pregnant for with SB's Baby???!!!! HELL TO THE FUCKIN NO!!! THANK GAWD SB PULLED OUT AND CAME ON HER BACK THO!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww how cute they had a moment & Nic got turned on woot woot! & SB noticed her givin him a look! Yay!