The next morning Nicki woke up thinking about yesterday’s events. She reminded herself never to give Safaree power ever again. She had to admit he made that her most memorable award show to date. She rolled over to see Safaree still sleeping away. She went to take her shower. When she got out she wrapped her towel around her and went back into the bedroom. Safaree was still sleep. She wanted him to wake up. But she didn’t want to directly wake him up. She got out of the bed and opened the curtains. That didn’t help because it was raining outside. She bit her bottom lip and thought for a minute. She went over to the dresser and opened it and pulled out her bra and panties. She slammed it close, not even a stir from him. She went over to the bed and plopped down on it but since she was so small she really didn’t cause much movement. She was over him at this point. So she reached over and shook him.
“Safaree are you awake?” she asked already knowing the answer. He still didn’t move. She shoved him this time.
“What do you want girl?” He said groggily and turned over on his back.
“Wake up babe. I’m bored.”
“So because you are bored you disturb my sleep?” He said opening one eye. She smiled and said.
“If I don’t get no sleep NOBODY gets sleep nicca.” She said in her cocky voice.
“Is that so?” He said rolling over and pinning her to the bed as he nestled his face into her neck. Nicki wrapped one of her legs around his. Damn she smells good he thought. He wanted to lick and suck on her neck but he didn’t want to start something he knew she would never let him finish. Nicki stroked the back of his head.
“Babe I want to do something.”
“What do you want to do sweetheart?” She smiled. She liked when he called her that. It let her know that SB was so much more than the cocky dude he tried to be. In all actuality he was very timid. At least he was when it came to her.
“I don’t know Faree. Think of something.” He rolled off of her. She was sad she liked the position they were in. She loved his natural body sent. She liked when he was close. She scooted his way and snuggled closer to him.
“It’s raining babe. It’s not much we can do. Wait don’t you have your phone interviews today?”
“Oh shoot I forgot all about them. And they last all day too.”Nicki said disappointed. She looked at the clock it was eight in the morning. Her first interview was at Nine and her last one didn’t come till around two in the afternoon.
“It’s not all day Nicki. You are so dramatic.” SB chuckled at her still half way sleep. Nicki kneed him in his side slightly.
“Shut up and go to your room so I can get dressed and start my day loser.” Nicki said.
“Why I got to be all that?”
“Because you are.” She laughed. Safaree got up and left to go to his room. He was tired and could sleep for a couple more hours. Nicki got up and put on some clothes. Martin should be there any minute.
It was now two and Martin had left. (I didn’t want to bore you guys with all the dumb questions people ask Nicki. Lol) she sat in her bed playing with her iPod. She plugged it into the wall. It was a feature she had specially made for her and Safaree. When they wanted to play their music throughout the house they just plugged it into the jack and the music played in every room.
Nicki rarely used this feature of the house. So Safaree knew when she did use it she played songs to reflect her mood and how she felt. So when she played Lay Up Under Me by Beyonce he knew she was in a lovey dovey emotional mood. She then played T-shirt by Destiny’s child. He wanted to let her know how he felt as well. So he took control of the feature and he played No Diggity by Blackstreet.
“What the hell?” Nicki said sitting up in her bed. She had been relaxing and grooving. She listened to what the song was and smiled. Is this how he feels about me she asked herself? She went through her playlist and found Real Love by Mary J. Blige and she took control of the system. Safaree smiled and went to find 1+1 by Beyonce. That song described how he felt about Nicki to the T. The way Safaree expressed how he felt to Nicki turned her on. She loved it when a man knew what he wanted and laid it out for all to see. She played Sittin Up In my Room by Brandy. Just as Safaree was about to choose another song his phone rang. He looked down to see it was Martin. He picked up.
“What up BC Blank?” Safaree laughed by himself.
“Man whatever, Is Nicki with you?” Martin asked.
“Yeah she’s in her room. Why didn’t you just call her phone?”
“I did she’s not answering.”
“Well what you need nigga?” Safaree said wanting him to hurry up because he wanted to get back to what he and Nicki were doing. Her song was almost over.
“Well I kinda let it slip my mind that she has an appearance tonight before she heads to Waynes for the Young money party.” Martin said. Safaree knew Nicki was about to flip. She hated when stuff like this happened. She had her schedule or what she thought was her schedule and now it was ruined because he didn’t remind her earlier.
“Man I’ll go tell her to call you because I will not be the barer of this news. She is about to rip you a new one my friend.” With that SB hung up the phone and picked up the remote that went to the intercom. “Nicki.” He said loud. She reached for her remote and pressed the button to speak.
“What happened Faree I was enjoying the music and you just stopped?”
“I know sweetheart but Martin has been trying to call you and you haven’t been answering.” Nick knew her phone hadn’t rung. She picked up and saw the reason, it was dead. She always forgot to charge her phone.
“My phone is dead and I just noticed it. What did he say?” Nicki asked getting up to get her charger out of one of her bags, this was gonna take awhile.
“Um, he told me to tell you to call him right away it’s urgent.” Safaree told a little white lie but he didn’t want to be at the end of her wrath.
“Oh okay babe. I’ll call him as soon as I find my charger.” Nicki said digging through one of her many bags. Safaree chuckled “That girl can never keep up with any of her chargers.” He said to himself.
“Check your black Gucci bag babe.” Nicki looked at the intercom as if SB was standing there. “You don’t know?” She thought but she looked in there anyway. “I’ll be damn.” She thought as she pulled out her charger. She shook her head. He seemed to know everything about her and her every move. It scared her a little bit but not in a creepy way. In more of a “How do you know me better than myself?” type of way.
“Thanks babe.” She plugged in her charger and turned the phone back on. She called Martin. “Hey Martin Safaree said you were trying to call me.” She spoke into the phone. Safaree had cracked her door a bit to see how it all went down. He saw her make the call then go silent for a minute. Then all of a sudden all hell broke loose. “HOW IN THE HELL COULD YOU FORGET SOMETHING LIKE THAT MARTIN? WHY THE FUCK DO I KEEP YOU AROUND AND PAY YA ASS. ALL YOU DO IS FUCK UP.” Nicki was again to the highest pisstivity. She already didn’t like clubs but now she only had eight hours to get her glam squad assembled, pick out an outfit, and find a car service on a Friday night in LA. “MARTIN GET OFF MY PHONE. AND GET YA ASS BACK OVER HERE.” With that she hung up and let out a small scream. She closed her eyes and counted down from 10. Then she felt Safarees arms around her and she sank into his body and pulled him closer. Lately he seemed to calm her and put balance in her life. He would always let her know that everything even though to her it seems so bad in all reality it’s so minor and not that big of an issue. She loved that things didn’t really get to him. He was so laid back and chill most of the time if he didn’t have the Vaks around.
“It is all good baby you will get through this and be just fine.” Safaree said rubbing her back. Nicki sighed.
“Thanks Faree.”She released him and smiled. She went and called everyone to get them to her house ASAP so she would be ready and presentable by the time she needed to leave. It was going to take Terrence an hour to get to her. Day was going to need at least 45 minutes to get her things ready then another 30 to get to Nicki. Lauren was only 30 minutes away so they would start piecing together an outfit. Safaree found an acceptable car service place at the last minute. So he just sat down and watched Nicki run around like a chicken with its head cut off. She looked cute when she was in this mind state he thought. She always made things so much bigger than what it was. He caught her by the arm and pulled her close.
“Babe slow down. There is nothing you can do until they get here.” For the first time in almost a month Safaree placed a kiss on Nickis lips. It wasn’t the type of kiss she wanted but she settled for the slow lingering peck he gave her. When he broke the kiss Nickis eyes fluttered open.
“Is this all I had to do to get a kiss out of you?” Nicki said only half joking. Safaree laughed.
“I’m going to fix you something to eat. Until they arrive you will calm your nerves. Go take your shower so you will have that out of the way and when you hop out I will have made you something.” He turned her around and patted her on the butt. “Go.” He said walking in the opposite direction. She turned her head back around to watch him. He just didn’t know how much he turned her on when he took initiative like that. She licked her lips and went to do as she was told.
Seven and a half hours later Nicki put her heels on and was ready to go. When they arrived at the venue it was a straight Zoovie. They thought they were being slick when they went around back to enter the club but no there was three barbs standing by the door. When Safaree stepped out the SUV they went crazy. He waved and turned to help Nicki out.
“Hi barbs.” Nicki said waving at them.
“Hi Nicki.” They said in unison.
“You look so pretty HB.” One of them said smiling hard.
“Aw thank you. You look beautiful yourself.” Nicki told her now standing in front of them.
“Omg she called me beautiful.” The girl said jumping up and down with her friend. Nicki giggled.
“What’s your name pretty lady?”
“Tangie.” The girl said.
“Ooooo can I call you Tangerine?” Nicki asked. She loved giving people crazy nick names.
“Sure HB. I love it.”
“What’s your name on twitter if you have one.”
“@NickiDazzled” the girl said shaking. She was so excited.
“Well if I’m not following you already I will make sure to do so because I freaking love your energy." Nicki said taking out her marker and signing the girls boob. When she was done she realized the girl did not ask her to do it but it was a habit. The girl didn’t complain so Whatevs.
Nicki looked over at the other two girls and noticed one of them was crying. “Why are you crying barb?” Nicki asked taking her hand into hers.
“I love you so much Nicki and I’m just so happy to finally meet you. You don’t know how much you mean to me.” The girl said fighting back more tears. Nicki hated it when they cried.
“Please don’t cry Barb, you know I’m a big of a cry baby.” Nicki said noticing genuine tears forming in the corners of her eyes. “If you make me mess up my makeup ima hurt you.” That made the girl laugh a little.
“I’m sorry HB. Ima get it together.”
“What’s your name? And do I follow you on twitter?” Nicki asked blotting her eyes with the tissue SB handed her.
“Lauren. And no you don’t follow me.” The girl said composing herself.
“OMG one of my BFFs names is Lauren. Ima call you L-Boogie. What’s your twitter name?”
“I know she is so pretty. I love it. And it’s @DeJaunnaxD.”
“Okay.” She signed her boobs as well w/o permission again. “Okay and last but not least you.”
“Yes me.” The girl hugged Nicki. Nicki giggled and hugged her back. “Hi Onika.”
“Oh snap she pulled out the Government on you.” Safaree said laughing.
“Shut up Safaree.” Both the girl and Nicki said at the same time. They both busted out laughing; Safaree didn’t find it so funny.
“Barb what is your name I like you?” Nicki asked.
“Patricia and my twitter name is @MinajJ_Twah.” Nicki side eyed her.
“I didn’t ask you your twitter.”
“You were going to ask me eventually in this conversation Onika.” She smiled.
“You and this usage of my government name.” Nicki laughed. “I’m going to call you Patty Cake.” The girl put her finger to her chin acting like she had to think about the name.
“Yeah I like that it has a special ring to it.” Nicki laughed at her using her line.
“You are crazy.” Nicki said signing her boobs. “Barbs are you old enough to get in here?” Nicki asked.
“Yes.” They all said in unison.
“Well then come with me to VIP.” She turned and walked up the stairs with Dream right behind her. The girls jumped up and down.
“Ladies.” Safaree said letting them go ahead of him.” Nicki saw this and smiled. He’s such a gentleman she thought.
She partied with the barbs for about an hour in the VIP. Then she said her goodbyes. She got back in the car. This time dream was in the front seat and Safaree and Lauren were in the back and Nicki was in the back back of the car changing. The driver noticed a lot of movement in the back.
“Keep your eyes on the damn road.” Dream said in a calm but demanding voice. The driver looked terrified and did as he was told. Lauren helped Nicki change into her next outfit. And Safaree kind of blocked her just in case the driver got brave.
About 20 minutes later they pulled up to Waynes house and got out. Nicki walked in first giving Safaree a great view of her body in the form fitting halter top jumper she had on. He wanted to take her into one of these rooms and— his thoughts were disrupted by Nicki calling his name.
“Huh?” he said. Nicki laughed because she had an idea of what he was thinking.
“I said can you go put my clutch in Waynes room so I don’t have to hold it the whole time?”
“Yeah sure.” He took it and disappeared down the hallway.
When she walked into the room where everyone was she was greeted with a loud “NICKI” she looked at all them and shook her head.
“Yall are crazy. Hi everybody.” Nicki made her rounds hugging everyone. Then she heard.
“Is that my baby Mama?” Nicki turned and looked to find Lauren (London) standing with her hands on her hips.
“You sho nuff right it is. Come give me a hug babe.” Nicki said meeting her half way and hugging her tight. “I haven’t seen you in forever. How have you been?”
“I’ve been great Nic. And you?”
“I can’t complain. Has my boy been treating you well?”
“He has his days but they are not often.” She said as they looked over at Wayne talking to Gudda. He looked over at them.
“Aww shit, don’t be over there talking about me.” Wayne yelled across the room.
“Shut up ain’t nobody thinking about you!” Lauren said. “Let’s go get a drink Nic.”
“Girl you know I don’t drink like that so go easy on the alcohol.” Nicki said.
“Mmhmm.” Was all Lauren said.
“I’m serious.” Nicki said.
Safaree came back into the room and made his rounds saying hello to everyone. Then he made his way to Nicki. He saw her with a cup of something in her hand. “Aww shit.” He mumbled under his breath. He knew he was going to have to watch her because he did not need a repeat of a couple weeks ago. He liked his sleep and hated being woke from it. Nicki saw him walking towards her and whispered something to Lauren. They giggled.
“What yall over here giggling about?” Safaree asked placing his hands on Nickis waist. Lauren saw this but didn’t say anything but she did want to know why he was touching on Nicki the way he was. She would get the info from Nicki when it was just the two of them.
“Safaree can you go give this to Wayne?” Lauren said handing him a cup with some type of Liquid in it.
“Sure.” And with that he left.
“So what’s up with that?” Lauren asked.
“What’s up with what?” Nicki asked taking another fly girl sip of her drink. (lol I had to go there! J)
“Safaree grabbing you by your waist and looking at you like you were something tasty.” Lauren said. Nicki just looked at her and took another sip and looked away smiling. “OH MY GOD! YOU AND SAFAREE?” She practically yelled.
“Shhhh… No one knows. I want to find the right time to tell everyone.” Nicki said peeking into the front room to see if anyone had heard her.
“Well now seems like a good time to me.”
“NO Lauren.” But Nicki was to late Lauren had made a bee line to the front room and turned the music down.
“Hey everyone Nicki has an announcement to make.” Lauren shouted. She knew if it was up to Nicki she would take forever to tell them. She just needed a boost. Everyone turned to look at Nicki. She wanted to run but she might as well get it over with she thought.
“Safaree come here.” He crossed the room and took her hand and looked at her with a confused face. “I wanted to let you guys know that umm…that ummm….” She kept looking from face to face trying to get the words out. “Me and Safaree are now dating.” She blurted out. The room was silent. Everyone looked at each other in disbelief except Lauren she always knew Safaree liked Nicki but never knew when he would make a move. Gudda was the first to say something.
“For how long?”
“Almost two months now.” Nicki said looking at Safaree for reassurance. He nodded his head.
“Twin how you not going to tell me. I haven’t background checked this nigga yet or nothing.” He said walking up to Safaree looking him up and down like he was short even though he towered over him. Gudda busted out laughing right along with everyone else and dapped Safaree up. “Naw I’m just bullshittin I know you in good hands lil mama.” He hugged Nicki. Everyone joined in on the congratulations. Lauren walked over to her.
“I’m going to kill you Lauren.” She laughed and hugged her. “Thanks for the boost. Now I need a drink.” They laughed and went back into the kitchen.
Two hours into the party Nicki had had about three cups of whatever Lauren had concocted and was feeling Nice. When this reggae song came on Nicki found Safaree in a secluded corner and began to slow wind on him. She leaned her head back on him and looked up at him seductively. He felt his dick get hard and so did she.
“Mmmm feels like someone likes the show.” She said as she bent over and continued to tease him with his for the most part private show. No one was really paying attention to them.
“Shit Nicki you play too much. You know what you do to me.” He said.
“No I don’t tell me what I do to you.” She said licking her lips. “Better yet you should show me Faree.” He pulled her close.
“Don’t tempt me Nicki. I will take your little ass in one of these rooms and give you the business.” He said now licking his lips.
She pulled his head down to her and whispered in his ear. “I dare you.” She then licked his ear. He took her by her hand and searched for an empty room. He finally found one in the back of the house. He pulled her in and closed and locked the door. She went and fell back on the bed. He walked over to her and pulled her by her legs and slid her to him. He pulled her up so she was sitting.
“Are you sure you want this Nicki?” He said. He bit her lip and nodded her head. “No I need to hear you say you want me.” He said in a seductive way. Nickis center heated up even more.
“Yes I want you Safaree.” She said in almost a pleading tone. He placed his hands on the sides of her face and kissed her like it was his oxygen and if he let go he would surely die. She wrapped her hands around his waist. He moved from her lips to her neck sucking and biting it. She loved it. She un-tucked his shirt and had it off of him in record time. He unclasped her halter and it fell exposing her perfectly rounded breasts. He ran his thumb over one of her nipples. Nicki gasped at the sensation she hadn’t flt in a long time. She unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Just then they heard someone fiddle with the handle of the door, it stopped so they kept going. Nicki pulled down Safarees Jeans and rubbed his erection through his briefs. There was a knock on the door.
“Hey Nicki are you in there?” It was Martin. Fuck they both said in unison.
“Yeah what do you want?” Nicki asked. Safaree continued to fondle Nicki. She tried pulling her halter back up but SB would knock it back down. “Stop it babe.” Nicki whispered.
“Umm everyone is leaving and I was just letting you know.”
“Thanks Martin.” They waited till his footsteps faded and opened the door. Nicki went to walk out and SB pulled her by the waist into him.
“You are so lucky I was about to kill that pussy.” He said in her ear. She giggled. He held her close as they walked back to the front. She was stumbling and he didn’t want her to fall. She was a little tipsy. When they made it to the front of the house Lauren and Wayne were staring at them.
“You freaks.” Lauren said.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Nicki said hugging her and taking her clutch from her and walking out the door.
On the way home Nicki fell asleep in the car. Safaree knew there would be no loving tonight. He carried her into the house and laid her on her bed. He went to go lock the door and when he came back she was gone. He then heard her shower turn on. So he went to his room to take a shower of his own, a cold one that is. When he got out he heard Janet Jacksons Would You Mind playing through the speakers in his room. He found his iPod and searched and found Ne-yo Addicted and played it.
Nicki giggled at the fact that they had picked up right where they left off at earlier. She listened to his song for a minute till she found what she was looking for. She played Warmth by Janet Jackson. That woman was a freak to the core. Nicki loved that song it was about giving your man head in a car on the side of the road. Safaree raised is eyebrow to that one. He then played Seems Like you ready by R. Kelly. Nicki sighed she knew she wanted Safaree but she wasn’t going to rush into it just because she was horny. She wanted it to be right when they made love again. So she played Let’s wait awhile by Janet Jackson. Safaree got the message. He would wait for her. Nicki texted him.
Babe I’m sleepy. Come and cuddle with me.-Nicki
Naw babe the way I’m feeling I won’t be able to control myself if I’m near you.-Safaree
L okay then babe I’ll see you in the morning. Muah.-Nicki
All right sweetheart. Sweet dreams.-Safaree
I’ll be dreaming of You. *wink*-Nicki
He shook his head. That girl is a trip he thought. Both settled in and went to bed.
*Okay you guys School starts tomorrow for me so my posting days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. I probably won’t post this Tuesday. I hope you liked the chapter.*

Nickis Young Money party outfit
*Martin Lawrence voice* Damn, damn, daayuuum!!!!!! Martin always fuckin up shit!!!!! >,< I've said it once, and I'll say it again... Fire his ass Nicki!! Lol
ReplyDeleteI LOVED how they had a song battle!! Lol, now ima YouTube ALL those songs jus so I can listen 2 them!!! Hahaha!
Amazing chapter Marty!! Can't wait til ya nex post!! B good in skool! I wanna c straight A's on that report card ma'am! Lol
This was a great chapter I loved their song battle it was so cute I'm gonna play all the songs so I can see WAT they were feeling at that moment lik I said before I loved it!!!!
ReplyDeleteGosh dang Martinn!!! Damn now everytime Nic gets tipsy it seem like she horny. Lol awesome chapter!!!!
ReplyDeleteooo Jesus i know im SUPER late but i had lots on my ind! but im back!
ReplyDeleteMartin you mother fuckin useless mother fucker to society. YOu fuck everything up! DAMN!!
*donald trump voice* Yuur fired!
Ooooo I forgot she didnt tell no one!!!
Oop! Yall gots BUSTED!!!
BTW i loved the song battle! it was cute!