I had fun writing this. I promise the story will pick up soon. I don't want to rush them into anything. S/O to some of my big supporters @NickisCareBear a.k.a. STALKER, @TrebbleBarbie, @BrooklenBarbie, and @StilliRiseTM. I know I have more but I can't put ALL of yall up here! Mauh Love you guys.
It had been 3 weeks since King of Diamonds. Both were still on edge when it came to sex. But Nicki had mellowed out some and seemed okay. Safaree wondered why this was because one day she was cussing him out and then the next she was collected and happy.
It was three days before the VMAs and she still hadn’t found a great pants suit to wear since Safaree want her in one. She was going to have to break the news to him that she was wearing a dress.
“Safaree.” She yelled into their intercom. She knew he would hear her no matter where he was.
“Yes Nic?” she heard a couple seconds later.
“Can you come into the game room please I need to talk to you.” He wondered why she was in there. Then he thought they had had game night a couple days ago and she couldn’t beat him at the mortal combat game so she was probably practicing for next time. When he rounded the corner to the room he saw her sitting on the bar stool sure enough playing mortal combat vs. Dc.
“You rang.” He said sitting next to her.”
“Hold on let me finish.” She looked so sexy sitting there in her t-shirt and shorts biting her lip. She was very focused. Nicki looked over at him then back to the screen. “The hell are you looking at?” The both broke out into laughter. “Boom. How you like them apples bitch.” Nicki got up and did her victory dance after beating princess Katana. SB just laughed.
“You are too much Nicki. What did you wanna talk about crazy girl?” Safaree asked reaching for her hand and pulled her to his lap. Nicki wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Babe I know you said you didn’t want me to wear a dress to the awards but I’m going to have to.” Safaree huffed. “Baby I tried really hard but there was just none that would look right on me, I’m too short.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “Don’t be mad at me, I tried.”
“I’m not mad Onika.” Safaree said trying not to sound angry.
“Yes you are you are calling me by my first name. You only do that when you’re mad. I promise I’ll do anything to make it up to you.” This made Safaree raise his eyebrow.
“Anything?” SB asked. Nicki side eyed him.
“Anything not involving sex.” She said.
“Yeah yeah I know.”
“So what’s it going to be Faree?” Nicki said kissing his neck.
“I don’t know yet. But I will tell you when I think of something. And stop that if you are not going to finish what you start.” He shrugged her away.
“Ugh. I need sexy time with you dude I just don’t want to drop the Y from it.” She said pouting.
“Well you can’t have your cake and eat it too lil girl.” SB said laughing at her.
“Who ever made up that saying is stupid. What’s the point of having cake if you don’t get to eat it?” Nicki said grabbing the controller and continuing her game.
“I don’t know babe but just know you can’t have it. Now give me the controller so I can show you how it’s done dwarf.” He took the controller from her. She knew she would never get it back now.
Nicki was running around the room trying to make sure everything was in place. So when she did start to get ready she didn’t have to look for anything. Lauren was in the room helping her make sure she didn’t leave anything behind.
“Have you called Terrence and made up yet?” Lauren asked Nicki as she exited the bathroom.
“Umm no. He walked out on me.”
“Because you were being the Bitch of the century to him, and he did nothing.” She said. Nicki knew she
was wrong but her pride wouldn’t let her do it. Besides she had the wig she was wearing and it had been
styled by him and not wore since so she was good.
“UGH, Lauren he was like uber pissed and we haven’t talked since the argument. He hates me. And I’m
not about to put myself out there for rejection.” Nicki did miss him and all his crazy ways. Lauren handed her the phone.
“I’m sure he misses you like I know you miss him. Just call him.” Lauren left the room. Nicki dialed his number.
“Hello.” Terrence answered.
“Hi.” Nicki said in a low voice.
“Oh hi Nicki.” Terrence said. There was silence for a moment. “Is there something you wanted?” He
asked. Nicki was trying to fix her mouth to say something. She just blurted it out.
“I’m sorry Terrence. I should have never treated you that way. It wasn’t your fault and you didn’t
deserve that.” Nicki rambled it off. Terrence sighed.
“Baby girl I forgave you that day.” Terrence said.
“Then why haven’t you called me?” Nicki said.
“Because Bitch you put me out your house.” Terrence laughed. “You were going to apologize to me”
Nicki laughed to.
“I should’ve done this a long time ago. Especially since I need this wig touched up but there is always
next event. I love you Terrence.” Nicki said sincerely.
“I love you to Nicki.” Nicki hung up the phone. She walked to the door and opened it and to her surprise
Terrence was standing there with the goofiest smile on his face.
“Oh My God.” Nicki threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “How long have you been
“About an hour now. You never come out of this room on event days.” He said.
“So you were in my house making me apologize?” Nicki side eyed him.
“Hell yeah.” He laughed.
“I was set up.” She looked over at Lauren. Lauren looked away smiling.
“Girl now you know I was not about to let you walk anybodies event looking crazy so people would think
I let you come out looking a hot mess, oh no ma’am.” Terrence said.
“Oh so you are really here for you?” They laughed. “It doesn’t matter I’m just glad you here.” Nicki said.
“Now come on girl grab ya wig and let’s get these irons fired up, I got work to do.” Nicki ran to her closet
and grabbed the wig.
An hour or so later Terrence was done with her wig. Nicki had showered and day had done her make-up.
She was now in the room with Lauren getting dressed. Once she was fully dressed. She put on her
Jewelry. As she was putting on her earrings Safaree walked in.
“Hey Lauren can you give us a minute?” Safaree asked.
“Sure no problem.” Lauren exited the room and closed the door behind her.
“Yes babe?” Nicki asked.
“I know what I want you to do for me.” Safaree said with a grin.
“Right now Safaree?” Nicki asked looking at him in disbelief. “Fine what is it.” She said. I Might as well
get it over with now she thought. She turned around to look for her shoes. While she was doin this he
pulled a pair of black thongs from his pocket and held them up smiling. When she turned back around
she looked from him to the black thongs.
“That’s it? You want me to wear that thong? Fine give them here Safaree.” Nicki said taking off the pink
pair she had on. While she was looking down trying to get out of them he pulled out a small remote.
When she looked up and reached her hand out for them she looked at his other hand.
“What the hell is that?’ Nicki asked. Safaree pressed the button and the crotch of the thong started to
vibrate. Nickis Jaw dropped. “You want me to wear those today and let you keep the remote?” Safaree
nodded his head yes. “No safaree.” She went to put her other thong back on.
“You said whatever I wanted as long as it didn’t involve sex.” He said. “Now put them on before we are
late Nicki” He said in a seductive voice.
Nicki rolled her eyes and shrugged. “What the hell.” She snatched the underwear and put them on
making sure they were on properly.
“Let’s test them out.” SB said.
“Safaree no you— she was cut off by the sudden vibrations against her clit. She had to steady herself on
the bed. She was in her heels and didn’t want to fall. When she started to moan Safaree cut them off.
“Wait no, how you just gonna cut them off it was getting fun.” Nicki whined.
“It’s not supposed to be enjoyable for you.” He said over his shoulder as he walked out the room. Nicki
could tell this was going to be a long night.
When they piled into the limo everyone engaged in small talk. Nicki sat by day and Terrence. Lauren and
Safaree sat further down. Martin sat on the opposite side of them.
“So Nicki are you excited about performing tonight?” Lauren asked her.
“Yeah I can’t wait. I— again she was cut off by the sensation between her thighs. She clamped her legs
and eyes shut. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Even Safaree so no one would catch on.
“Are you okay Nic?” Martin asked.
“Mmhmm.” Was all she could manage to get out. Safaree turned it off. She let out a sigh of relief
because in couple more seconds she would have climaxed in front of everyone. She opened her eyes to
find everyone staring at her; Safaree had a stupid smirk on his face. She glared at him. They pulled up to
the red carpet. Safaree got out first then helped Nicki out of the car. All the Barbs and Ken Barbs that
were out there went nuts. She waved then ran over there to hug a few before Dream pulled her away.
He always managed to pop up on some pimple shit. She went and posed for the cameras with Safaree
not too far behind her. She went over to E.T. for a quick interview.
“Hi Nicki.” The host said.
“Hi My darling.” Nicki said smiling into the camera.
“So how excited are to for the show tonight?”
“I’m extremely excited. I can’t wait to see all the performers and winners tonight.” Someone on the side
was telling him to wrap it up.
“One last question.”
“Go for it.” Nicki said.
“Is there anyone special in your life right now?” Nicki Blushed.
“Yes you could say that.” She locked eyes with Safaree. For the first time Both Nicki and SB realized they
had not told anybody they were together. Nicki was never one for PDA, so there was no kissing in public.
Yeah they held hands but they did that before they were together. They stared at each other for a quick
second trying not to tip off the reporter. Too late he saw it.
“Is it him over there?” The camera man zoomed in on Safaree.
“Ewwl no. I could never he is such a buffoon.” Nicki said Smiling. Oh really Safaree thought.
“He is — Safaree hit the button. Her legs gave a little the reporter caught her so she wouldn’t fall.
Safaree turned it off.
“Are you okay Nicki?”
“Yea I’m fine its shoes their new.” She tried to play it off. “Well I gotta go but it was fabulous
talking with you again.” Safaree grabbed Nickis arm to help her up the stairs into the venue. “You play
too much.” Nicki said lowly so no one could hear.
“Watch your mouth then. Don’t try and get cocky today.” Safaree said smiling. Nicki stuck her tongue
out at him.
Half way through the show Nicki was escorted back to her dressing room so she could get ready for her
performance. She shared the room with her dancers. She liked to talk to them and joke around before
they hit the stage. It calmed her nerves. Safaree stood outside the door.
“Candice don’t try and get cocky on that stage tonight.” Nicki laughed.
“Whatever Nicki. You just make sure you can keep up.” Candice said in a cocky way. Nicki laughed even
“You know what?”
“Yeah I know you love me.” Candice said in a matter of fact tone. She smiled at Nicki. Nicki went
and grabbed her outfit. She had an idea. She went into the bathroom and took off the thong. She put on
the outfit and went back out to sit in her chair and get prepped. Day and Terrence had this routine
around each other. They worked on her simultaneously and never got in each other’s way. She was the
only one that saw it though. To them they were just doing their job. Someone knocked on the door and
said 10 minutes. The dancers left out first, then Day and Terrence, then Lauren. Last was Nicki who was checking herself in the mirror. After she completed her Bad Bitch Check Nicki walked out the room only to be pushed back in by Safaree. He closed the door.
“What the hell.”
“Show me your underwear.” Safaree already knew her sneaky ass.
“What? Why?” Nicki said internally panicking.
“Show them to me Nicki.”
“No.” Nicki said trying to push by him. Safaree grabbed her waist and picked her up off the floor. “Safaree no.” She squealed. She was bent over his arm with her ass in the air. He moved her skirt up to see she was now wearing a yellow thong.
“Go put it back on. And you betta hurry up” He said.
“UGH!” She stomped back to the bathroom. Three minutes later she emerged. Safaree was staring at her. “What?” She shouted. He stood there. She rolled her eyes and pulled the front of her skirt up to prove she put them back on. “See.” He smiled. She walked out the room pissed she got caught. When she got to the side of the stage she was handed her mic. Before she walked on stage to take her opening position Safaree whispered in her ear.
“You look amazing. You’ll do fine so breathe baby.” He knew she still got nervous going on stage even thought she tried to play it off. She looked up at him.
“Thanks Faree.” He tapped her lightly on her butt and she proceeded on to the stage.
Her performance was going good Safaree thought from the side of the stage. She had made it through Where Them Girls At and her part in Till The World Ends. Now she was wrapping up Super Bass. She was on the Bridge of the song
“See I need you in my life wit me to stay.” Nicki felt that all too familiar sensation all of a sudden. She looked over at SB. He looked amused. She tried to concentrate on the song.
“Boy you go my heartbeat runnin away.”
“Don’t you hear that heartbeat comin your way?” All of a sudden the vibrations kicked up a notch. She fell to her knees. But she kept singing the song people just thought she was being her usually dramatic self. What no one knew was that she came all over that thong. Luckily for her the song picked back up so they didn’t hear her faint moans. She stood up as if nothing had happened and got back into the routine. She bowed and walked off the stage.
Martin had gathered all her things out of the dressing room and had them in the SUV that him, Day, and Terrence were sharing. It was dropping them off back to their houses. Nicki and Safaree hopped back in the limo. Safaree raised the window up so they would have some privacy from the driver.
“So Nic, Did you enjoy the show?” Safaree asked smirking at her. She took off the underwear.
“Does this give you a clue?” She asked placing the thing in his hands. The crotch was soaked.
“Damn babe looks like someone needs to get laid.” She chuckled.
“Fuck you Safaree.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to do to you but you keep protesting it.” He said running his hand up her thigh. She moved it off her.
“In due time sweetheart.” She said stroking the side of his face.
“I know. No pressure, I’m ready when you are.” He pulled her in for a hug and held her the rest of the ride home.

Nickis Dress. In the back it scoops to her right above her butt.
I would have had more pictures for you guys but blogger is being thee BIGGEST bitch today!
ReplyDeleteLMAO! ThaT was a good one Safaree!-FlawlessBarb
ReplyDeleteLmao while she's on stage tho Safaree?! That's just wrong!!! These little games between them are fun !! Haha
ReplyDelete“Anything?” SB asked. Nicki side eyed him.
ReplyDelete“Anything not involving sex.” She said." <~ Shut me dwn y don'tcha? -_-
Awwww T-baby and Nic made up!!! :)
*gasp* O_O Those thongs rite thur r sum kinda "special"!!! U shoulda saw how mi eyes lit up when i saw the word remote!! I wuz like, whoa... Lmao! *continues reading*
Eeeeeeekk!!!! This chapter gave me life.net!!! Hahahaha!!! I'm mad SB did that her on stage tho!! Funnnnnyyy!!! Yo, i knu this wuz gonna b good from the moment she slipped those thongs on!! Hahaha!
Safaree is such a fuckin tease man!! I woulda pounced on is ass in that limo!! Trust me!
I loved this chapter like chcocolate! (I freakin wanna marry that stuff!! :9) LOL! Mi goofy self is outtie, post soon Mart. I wanna c if Nic can hold on any longer. *re-reads*
ReplyDeletei knew the moment he showed her the remote it was about to go down!!!
Ha!!!! Nicki came all ova herself on stage!!! funny!!
this is my fav chapter so far!!
Nicki i say it yet again...GIVE HIM THE COOKIES!!!
OMG SB IS so mean!!! But I hv to give it to him for makin Nic wear tht vibrating underwear, and him catching her!!! OMG and when she was on stage! Lmao. She shoulda let SB play with her in the limo. I'm Tellin ya Nic let ya man hv some fun wit u. Stop being such a tease.